Movie Master

Chapter 849 Special Friend

Lance's departure didn't make any noise, but everyone was shocked immediately. No one can ignore Lance's strong presence, and their eyes can't help projecting towards Lance's back, but the taste on the tip of the tongue is very Mixed, can not tell in the end is lucky or lost.

Raising her gaze inadvertently, she subconsciously landed on Lance. Emma saw the back of Lance turning away for the first time, and she couldn't help but slightly raised her head to look over. Generally, Lance refuses any form of interruption during work, which has become the consensus of the crew, but why did Lance leave halfway through the work?

All the lights of the studio are concentrated on the background board, and the half near the gate is completely dark, only a ray of light in the shape of the gate penetrates in, which sets off the darkness all over the sky, and the compressed light beam seems to be powerless at all Resistance is like the only way to heaven in the darkness of endless hell.

In the lonely beam of light, Lance's figure gradually approached the end of the light. His slender and thin shadow was projected on the ground, stretched to a length, and finally shrunk into a spot of light. All the shadows were covered by the brilliant light outside the door The sun swallowed, leaving only a blurred figure.

Then, Emma saw the person Lance met, Scarlett Johansson.

A black shirt is paired with a navy blue pleated skirt, and a blue-gray suit jacket outlines the proud figure. The royal blue shoes with black high heels collide with the fiery red on the soft lips, exuding a glamorous and arrogant temperament. The deadly sex/sensuality, the lightly twitching style at the end of the eyes makes time stand still for an instant.

Then, it suddenly bloomed! Scarlett's eyes fell on Lance's eyes, and Lance bent down to impress a deep kiss on the rose-like lips, and the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed like this, as if waiting for the whole long flowering season The epiphyllum, in the middle of the night, when everything is quiet, releases all the youth.

Lance gently hugged Scarlett's waist, and the two walked to the dark blue coupe behind them, opened the passenger seat, and Lance sat in, Scarlett walked around the front of the car on high heels, looking heroic Sitting in the driver's seat sassyly, the roar of the engine pierced through the gate and echoed in the studio, leaving only a faint assembly line, and the car disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

The frozen air in the studio was suddenly broken by loud discussions, like boiling water. At this time, people noticed that everyone had fallen into a strange tranquility just now, and now the excitement finally burst out. The soul of gossip flickering in the eyes is burning—so, the rumor that Lance and Scarlett are dating, is it true?

Emma's bright eyes couldn't help but dim, and the mixed bitterness was lightly recollected on the tip of her tongue. Her emotions seemed to fall from a high altitude in an instant, and the sudden weightlessness made her lose control. Emma took a deep breath to calm the boiling thoughts in her brain, and then took a deep breath again, her chaotic heartbeat regained some rhythm a little bit, she...she should have known it a long time ago, didn't she? Being close to that man means danger and injury.

But... why?

A thought suddenly flashed in Emma's mind-why did Lance suddenly show affection with Scarlett in public?

Lance doesn't like reporters prying into his private life, even at the expense of tearing his face. Even during the movie promotion period, Lance refused to answer too personal topics. So far, the media only knows about Lance's personal situation. feather. As for the Jessica Alba and Keira Knightley rumors, the only reason Lance is willing to respond is to hype and cooperate with publicity, including when Emma accompanied Lance to the premiere of "Sin City" exception.

So why is today different? Is it for the "Fury Road" publicity, or something else?

The chaotic emotions in Emma's mind gradually settled down, and she fell into deep thought. Suddenly, Emma clenched her lower lip, her eyes glowed with excitement again, and she looked towards the studio door full of expectations, even though Lance was no longer there.

"Hey... Hey!" Robert quickly ran towards the gate, but then stopped in despair, standing there in a daze, "Lance, then... what should I do?" Robert was a little at a loss What to do, today was sure to be able to contain Lance - he had been waiting here for four days at the Burbank studio just to create this chance encounter, but now, Lance left suddenly again, Robert Bai I can't figure out what's going on.

Turning his head to look at the camera crew that was back in the shooting, Robert thought about it seriously, his high shoulders drooped, and finally turned around and walked towards the camera crew with dejected steps—in any case, he participated in this viral video shooting. In the middle, it is always beneficial and harmless.

Scarlett stepped on the accelerator to the extreme, and the raging wind rushed into the car. The thrill of speed made the adrenaline burst out. She glanced at Lance from the corner of her eyes, but found that Lance's eyes fell outside the window. The woman's sixth Gan told Scarlet that Lance was a little absent-minded.

Release the accelerator, apply an emergency brake, the sports car stopped in time before the traffic light, but the violent inertia caused Scarlett and Lance to rush forward, Scarlett looked at Lance's side face playfully, He asked full of inquiry, "So, I didn't see the paparazzi. It seems that you don't want to use me to hype the news. So what is bothering you?"

Lance didn't look back, the corners of his mouth slightly pursed, and a hint of joke leaked out, "Traffic tickets, and the fear of a car accident."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "Then you can choose to get out of the car." Lance sneered, and Scarlett glanced at the indifferent Lance speechlessly. He seemed to have regained his usual calmness, but seemed a little It's different, Scarlett couldn't tell, "Man, you sent me a text message asking me to find you in Burbank immediately, but I rescued you, but you didn't say a word, not even a word of thanks, You must be fucking kidding me."

Lance turned his head to look at Scarlett, raised his eyebrows slightly, "You can choose not to come."

After being turned against the general, Scarlett was not angry, but nodded seriously, "This is the truth. So, how are you going to pay me?"

Lance couldn't help showing a smile, "I don't think a Chanel evening dress is the correct answer." The playful tone made Scarlett turn her head, and she saw the flickering light in Lance's blue eyes. In the flickering light, Scarlet shrugged slightly, "Men always think too complicated about women." After speaking, Scarlet released the brakes, and the car sped away like an arrow leaving the string. .

In a blink of an eye, Scarlett drove completely into the underground parking lot of a nearby shopping mall, and found a quiet parking space in the corner of the second underground floor.

After turning off the engine, Scarlett unfastened her seat belt, turned over and sat on Lance's body, and pressed Lance firmly on the back of the chair, "I don't know why you called me, But I came here specially to Burbank, not to play tricks on you." Scarlett's breathing became hot, and the nails of her hands slowly moved down Lance's shoulders and chest, and she could clearly see Feeling the strong and well-proportioned muscles under the fabric, Scarlett's eyes lit up, and a smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth, "Wow, it seems that I haven't seen you in a few months, and there seems to be a surprise waiting for me. So, this is Is that why you called today? There is a big gift bag waiting for me to unwrap it?"

Lance wrapped his hands around Scarlett's waist, moved towards his abdomen, straightened his waist and put it close to Scarlett's ear, and said in a hoarse voice, "You're still talking." All the chaotic thoughts in his mind were swept away And Kong raised his eyes, and he saw that Scarlett's flaming red lips changed into different shapes under the white teeth, and finally evolved into a graceful arc, like a poppy flower, stabbed fiercely by her deadly charm. into Lance's chest.

Scarlett raised her hands again, pressed Lance's shoulders and pushed back hard, her whole body was pressed up, the surge in her chest squeezed out all the air in her lungs, the soft and hot The touch directly ignited the sparks permeating the oxygen, completely detonating it.

Scarlett held Lance's face with both hands, lowered her head/kissed/on the thin lips, biting gently with her teeth, hot breaths entangled together, she bit the sex/ The sensitive lower lip was slowly pulled back little by little, the pupils showed an excited smile, and vague words came out from between the teeth, "As you wish." A simple sentence , but because of the busy teeth, the saliva flowed out involuntarily, and the thick warm current stirred up thousands of waves in an instant.

Lance hugged Scarlett's buttocks with both hands, and the hard and soft collided together. Scarlet couldn't help but a low moan overflowed from the depths of Lance's throat. Under Lance's absolute Under the force, it was torn to pieces and scattered down in pieces; Lance pressed his upper body forward, evacuating the last gap between the two of them, and the already extremely thin oxygen disappeared without a trace. In the state of suffocation, he could even feel the hot sweat slowly sliding down his back. He groped with his left hand to find the handle of the seat, and when he pressed it hard, the back of the chair fell flat. He stood up and hugged Scarlett. In the arms, the whole person turned over forcefully, from the bottom to the top, and regained control of the initiative.

There was a low panting sound in the carriage, and it suddenly swept over like a gust of wind and rain. The streamlined car was like a canoe bumping in a tsunami, and it seemed that it was in danger of being destroyed every second. Wave after wave, fierce and intense, the whole world began to shake.

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