Movie Master

Chapter 850

Scarlett's feet stepped on the ground, and the tweed on the surface of the carpet tied the soles of her feet, making her skin extremely sensitive, as if she could feel the coolness of the moonlight in the air, and a thin layer of goose bumps emerged. She walked all the way to the sofa, found the underwear and underwear scattered on the coffee table, and put them on neatly.

"An appointment in a while?" A lazy and magnetic voice came over. Turning around, through the moonlight in the room, you can see Lance sitting on the head of the bed, covered by the messy and casual white sheets. The important parts were touched, and the watery blue moonlight fell on the streamlined muscles, forming a beautiful picture.

Scarlett put on the skirt, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I thought you would say, be careful of the paparazzi."

Lance raised his eyebrows slightly, "I believe you are not that careless."

"I thought you weren't that caring." Scarlett's counterattack seemed intriguing, she paused slightly, her eyes stayed on Lance's face, trying to find out the man's true emotions between the light and shadow, but it was only for a moment, Scarlett lowered her eyes and gave up this thought, "No, I don't have a date, if you're curious." Then, Scarlett raised her chin slightly and continued in a condescending tone, "I just I think I should leave, you need some private space, obviously you have something on your mind today." The words seemed meaningful, Scarlett formed a playful smile on Lance's face for a moment, Then he turned around and rummaged through his shirt on the sofa.

His brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of irritability in his eyes, but it was fleeting. "Are you complaining about my poor performance today?" Lance's provocative voice made Scarlet chuckle He raised his voice and responded briskly, "If it's called poor performance three times in one afternoon, then Jared Leto and Benicio Del Toro really have to think about it. I called the doctor to make an appointment." Scarlett's teasing made Lance laugh, and her slightly hoarse, dull laughter rippled in the moonlight.

Scarlett managed to find the jacket, turned around again, and slowly buttoned it up, "I thought you liked your own private space, and that's why our friendship has always been maintained, isn't it?" The sharp cynicism had the upper hand in front of the always strong Lance, Scarlett pursed her lips, and her tone suddenly slowed down, "Or, you want me to stay, let's hug and be gentle, Share the latest thoughts?"

The blade hidden in the words was revealed in an instant, and the atmosphere in the room froze for a moment, but before Lance could react, Scarlett's laughter broke the solemnity, and became relaxed again, as if the taunt just now It's just a joke, "I haven't eaten since the afternoon, I need to add some energy."

After leaving the parking lot, the two of them came to the hotel and haven't left the room until now. In a blink of an eye, it was already midnight.

The corner of Lance's mouth slightly tugged down, deliberately ignoring another guess that came to mind, but looked at Scarlett with raised eyebrows, chuckled with interest, and then said aloud, " Sorry, my mistake. You stay, I leave, you can call room service, and then rest here." While talking, Lance sat up straight, he thought Scarlett was complaining, complaining that she must leave.

Scarlett found her earrings with both hands, but the action of getting ready to put them on stopped because of Lance's words, and her smile slowly retracted, "You really think I'm complaining about this?"

Lance sat on the edge of the bed, and paused for a moment before getting up. Thoughts were raging in his mind, and a few guesses flashed quickly. Then he stood up, walked to the sofa in a few steps, and began to look for his clothes. "I'm sorry, Scarlett, I thought there was a tacit understanding between us." Lance's words gradually faded, and became alienated again.

If Scarlett is not complaining that she has to leave, it means that Scarlett also wants to ask for more. Maybe she is not satisfied with the status of more than friends but not full of lovers, maybe she is not willing to give up again. To continue to maintain such a pure sexual relationship, maybe she wants to confirm the relationship between her boyfriend and girlfriend... No matter what the possibility is, this is a promise that Lance cannot give.

Scarlett could clearly feel that Lance's sense of distance was increasing, and the sense of distance that was invisible, intangible, and indescribable in words was slowly being pulled away with incomparable clarity. Scarlett was not angry, but resumed the action of wearing earrings, and said with a slight smile in her words, "Lance, has anyone told you to your face that you are really a self-righteous bastard. Although I know You have the capital of narcissism, but the earth does not revolve around you."

Lance could hear the ridicule in Scarlett's words, which was relaxed and happy, not the sourness and bitterness of complaining, but Lance couldn't tell the real reason for a while, which made him a little confused. Tonight, he seemed to have lost that sensitivity, unable to hear the deep meaning in the words, and unable to discern the changes in the situation. This strangeness made his irritability more and more obvious.

"You are not my boyfriend, I am not your girlfriend. This is our consensus, isn't it?" Scarlett said with a smile, raised her head to look at Lance, Lance turned his back to the window sill, and the moonlight was falling Down, the facial expressions were completely hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly. Scarlett took two steps, bringing the distance between the two of them closer, and her right index finger slowly slid down along the ups and downs of Lance's chest muscles, " If I wanted a committed relationship, you would not be my choice, just as I would not be your choice. We are not right for each other."

They're both too strong to hurt each other; they're both too similar and too different to repel each other; they're both too smart and sensible to be moths for love type of fire.

Lance frowned slightly. He knew that Scarlett was hinting at other things, but... what was it?

Scarlett couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw the confusion flashing across Lance's eyes. Today's Lance is too abnormal. It can be clearly felt that he has something on his mind, not absent-minded, but emotional distress. This makes Lance a little impetuous, and his usual calmness and coolness have unknowingly shown flaws. Normally, it would be impossible for Lance to behave like this, without even revealing the slightest bit of confusion, but today is obviously different.

Scarlett thought this was a very interesting thing. This kind of Lance overturned her fixed idea. For the first time, she knew that this man was not omnipotent. Scarlett was a little curious, what was bothering Lance? However, Scarlett does not intend to inquire, curiosity will not only kill the cat, but also many things; at the same time, Scarlett does not intend to remind that she is not Lance's girlfriend, not even a friend, she did not extend The plan to help.

It should be a treat to watch Lance suffer.

Scarlett gloated a little, "I should leave." Scarlett didn't give Lance time to react, and bent down to lift her high heels, "You can stay, and you can also order room service." In the same words, Scarlett I gave it back to Lance, "I still decided to buy two pizzas at an Italian restaurant and eat them on the street. This way is more suitable for me. As for the paparazzi, don't worry, I'm not that careless." After finishing speaking, Scarlett Li tiptoed, walking briskly towards the door.

Opening the door of the room, Scarlett still didn't hear Lance's answer. Turning around, she found that Lance was still standing there, with the shirt draped over his shoulders lazily, and the buttons were unbuttoned without time to button them. This kind of opportunity is really too rare. Scarlett strongly doubts that if she misses tonight, she will never meet again in the future. She really wants to stay and continue watching the show, but...leaving is the only way to go. Wise choice.

"Lance." Scarlett said, the pair of deep eyes in the darkness shone with a dangerous light, but they lacked some sharpness, and the arc of Scarlett's mouth was brilliantly outlined, "such a You look more human." After speaking, Scarlett ignored Lance's reaction, walked out of the room, closed the door, and then trotted into the elevator. After the elevator door closed, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stopped, laughed triumphantly, and whistled.

Irritated, Lance only felt a burst of irritability, without a clear thought, nor an accurate emotion, but he just fell to the ground and couldn't find a place to stay. This kind of irritability even made him unable to calm down and think, so he didn't know what happened, what Scarlett was implying, or even where this irritability came from.

This kind of self is really too strange.

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath again, Lance forced himself to suppress this irritability, refusing to think about the specific reason, but it was too difficult, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis deep in his heart, as if the real reason was like a Pandora's box , even though the answer is hidden inside and you can know it when you open it, Lance decided to put all his thoughts aside.

The whole person fell down on the sofa, found a post-it note from the hotel, and tried to start the script creation of "Iron Man" or "The Incredible Hulk", or the framework of the Marvel Universe was perfected, but... my mind was blank, Not being able to think of anything, this feeling is really terrible.

In desperation, Lance could only record all the details that flashed through his mind, forcing himself to divert his attention.

"Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr.?"

"Hulk, re-watch the Lee/Ann version..." After thinking about it carefully, he crossed out this item again, "Re-read the comics."

"The timeline of Iron Man and Hulk, looking for coincidence points."


Under the cold moonlight, messy thoughts were surging, it seemed like a sleepless night.

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