Movie Master

Chapter 856 Overthrow and rebuild

Hulk Bruce Banner is a character worth digging and focusing on. Whether it is the 1980s or the 21st century, when Marvel Entertainment conceived the big screen strategy of the movie, the Hulk was the first echelon of consideration. , and can even be said to be the first choice, superior to Spider-Man and Fantastic Four.

But everyone is puzzled why all the Hulk movies have failed, without exception. Until Lance's rebirth, Hollywood did not find out an accurate answer, and the restart plan of the Hulk solo movie was always in the "discussion" stage and was not put on the agenda.

Now, Lance has to face this "unknown mystery" that has not been solved for twenty years.

In Lance's view, it's actually a problem with the script, one is the script framework, and the other is the main line of the script.

From the perspective of the script framework, commercial movies follow a certain routine, set up a main line, one to two branch lines, and structure according to a three-stage framework, with two to three turning points, two small climaxes/climaxes plus a big one. For the climax/climax, the duration of the script should be controlled within one hundred to one hundred and thirty minutes. This is true of nearly every genre screenplay that has achieved success.

The reason why Lee/Ann's version of "The Incredible Hulk" failed miserably is because it broke away from this framework and wrote in a new way from the perspective of the tragic stories of ancient Greek epic heroes, creating the most unique superhero in movie history , but the desperate attempt suffered an avalanche failure during the summer vacation.

From the perspective of the main line of the script, superhero movies also have a certain pattern, gaining abilities, opening horizons, encountering evil, awakening, punishing evil and promoting good, and the ultimate showdown. There is still a sense of justice throughout, but it is expressed in a slightly different way. "Iron Man", "Captain America 2", "Avengers" and other works that have achieved a win-win situation at the box office and word of mouth all follow this main line.

Louis Leterrier's version of "Invincible Hulk" follows the framework of a genre movie, but the main line of the script is blurred. It not only loses the soul that makes the audience excited, but also makes Bruce Banner, a character full of depth. It is completely incomprehensible.

Both "Hulk" and "The Incredible Hulk" failed, but it is undeniable that both works have their own advantages.

Lee/Ann's exploration of the Hulk's role, from childhood shadows to nightmares, from disasters to tragedies, revolves around the fateful entanglement between Banner and his son, presenting a tragedy of fate, although the movie failed , but it has achieved the most unique superhero image of the Hulk; Louis's directing experience is not rich, but he has filmed the "Desperate Express" series. The whimsy has left a lot of impressions, especially creating an atmosphere where the Hulk fights against the world alone, which can be said to be an essential element in genre movies.

If the advantages of the two works of the previous life can be mixed together, it will definitely create an excellent work, and may even surpass "Batman: The Dark Knight" and become the most outstanding superhero movie in history. However, if the adaptation is really that easy, the Hulk project will not be silent for so long.

Now, Lance has the opportunity to create the "Invincible Hulk" work according to his ideas.

In the last life, the script for "The Incredible Hulk" was written by Zak-Penn. If you simply browse Zach's resume, many people will be surprised that "X-Men 2", "X-Men 3", and "Avengers" are all his works, so why did he write "The Incredible Hulk"? "What about such a paste-like script? Misfired? What is the reason?

But looking through Zach's collection of works carefully, it is not difficult to find that "X-Men 2" and "Avengers" are two works with excellent reputation and outstanding box office. He is responsible for writing the outline of the story; 3" This is the lowest point of the series and has suffered countless bad reviews. He is responsible for writing the script dialogue-"Invincible Hulk" belongs to the latter.

In other words, Zach's ability in conceiving stories and thinking about the main line is worthy of recognition; but in terms of specific implementation, he has serious shortcomings. "The Incredible Hulk" is a typical representative.

"Invincible Hulk" tells the story of Bruce Banner after he has been transformed. In order to avoid hurting his lover Betty and avoid being captured by the military, he escaped to Brazil and hid. On the one hand, he was looking for ways to control his emotions. On the one hand, he is looking for a way to scientifically eliminate Hulk from his body. But things backfired and he was found anyway. The U.S. military hopes to copy the Hulk's genes and manufacture war machines in batches. Bruce doesn't want to see war, let alone science fulfilling some people's ambitions, so he can only keep running away.

The main line of the story is very vague. In the first half, Bruce tried to kill the Hulk in his body to get his life back on track; in the second half, Bruce decided to use the Hulk to fight against the villain War Madman. There is a lack of connection and transformation between the two main lines, and the plot becomes weak and empty, which not only lacks persuasiveness, but also makes it difficult for the audience to understand.

For example, at the beginning, Bruce and Betty's father, the general, fought in full swing, and then the two suddenly cooperated to try to eliminate the villains, and even the military who fought to death stood behind the Hulk.

For another example, there is almost no description of the villain of War Madman, but only outlines his persistence and madness. In the absence of foreshadowing, he suddenly wants to gain more power to destroy the world, so that the second half of the main line seems inexplicable.

For another example, Bruce has been trying to eliminate the Hulk, but finally decided to accept it. Without the basis of the plot, the audience watching was confused.

Not to mention the heroine Betty, logically speaking, in the story, she should be the only reason why the Hulk can calm down, but first, the love between the two people lacks a foundation, and they suddenly become the only ones they rely on. Second, Betty hardly played any role in promoting the plot, but kept shouting "Bruce", completely reduced to a vase, and did not help the transformation of the plot.

In a brief summary, when Zach conceived the story, his idea was undoubtedly good, but he got into big trouble in the execution stage, and couldn't sort out his ideas at all, which caused the story to become a mess. After the audience watched the movie, they didn't know What is the core idea that the movie wants to express, even the hero of the Hulk is only a vague shadow, and in the end only the bombardment of the climax/climax is left-honestly, this bombardment is nothing compared to Michael Bay was wonderful, and director Louis was too petty in the conception of the battle scene, without the spirit of pioneering and innovation, which made the visual effects brought by the climax/climax unsatisfactory. The failure of the movie is predictable.

Lance decided to completely overthrow and rebuild the entire script of "Invincible Hulk", but the story frame can be used for reference.

The core idea should be the awakening of Bruce Banner. From the very beginning, Bruce decided to kill Hulk, heal himself completely, and regain his normal life; but Betty believed that Bruce could control Hulk instead of killing Hulk. , because when Bruce turned into the Hulk, "I can feel your presence"; in the final battle, the incarnation became a hated war madman and began to destroy New York City. With Betty's encouragement, Bruce took the initiative to turn into the Hulk , trying to regain sanity, fight against hatred, and save the world.

This is the main line of the whole movie, which is similar to "Iron Man". Around this main line, all plots will be reset.

A climax is set at the beginning. Bruce Banner made a mistake during the experiment. He transformed into the Hulk for the first time, destroyed the laboratory, and almost killed his girlfriend Betty. On the one hand, "The Incredible Hulk" cannot be strictly regarded as a sequel to "The Incredible Hulk". Lance hopes to use a short space to explain the ins and outs, which can be regarded as a condensed work of Lee/Ann; , to attract the audience with a climax, let everyone enter the state as soon as possible, and at the same time maximize the characteristics of popcorn; of course, the most important part is to plant the foreshadowing, highlighting the fetters between Bruce and Betty. The couple went through a life-or-death crisis, and the chemistry was sparked as quickly as possible.

After entering the Brazilian part, the rhythm can be slowed down, and the extreme chaos at the beginning can be contrasted with extreme calm. Then there is the debut of the war madman.

In this part, Betty's father, General Ross, and Brodsky, who later turned into hatred, will be the top priority. First, the triangular relationship between Betty, Ross and Bruce, Lance thinks it is easy to deal with, removes the abrupt transformation of Ross in the previous "Invincible Hulk", and truly builds Ross into a cold-blooded and ruthless war machine, even family affection It can be sacrificed, and the pathos of this fate can even be extended to the sequels, making Rose the ultimate villain behind the scenes. For example, he tried to create more Hulks and conducted many experiments. Even if the human body exploded, he was unwilling to give up. , and later even at Brodsky's initiative, he used Brodsky as a test subject and tried again. In this way, the drama of the plot can be increased, and Betty's role will be more three-dimensional. Most importantly, in this work, the main line will become clear.

Second, Brodsky must increase the role of the scene. In the process of Brodsky's constant hunting of Bruce, he can increase his memory flashbacks. There is no need to write too much, just need to emphasize his enthusiasm for killing. He actively participated in every war, constantly seeking excitement, seeking opponents, and eager to kill; it can be set that he has just left the Iraqi battlefield, transformed into a mercenary, and performed all killer tasks. Therefore, seeing the powerful power of the Hulk, Brodsky had a desire, desperately wishing to have this power, and grasped all possibilities regardless, and finally became a test product of General Ross, incarnate into hatred.

The frenzy of war and the introspection of human nature will become the core content of this part, which is why Bruce is finally willing to try to control the Hulk in his body, not only to save New York City, but also to regain peace.

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