Movie Master

Chapter 857 Unknown Puzzle

As a scientist, Bruce's scientific research has become a weapon of the military, which Bruce has never wanted to see.

Therefore, after Bruce learned of the existence of the Hulk, his first thought was to destroy the Hulk. He desperately searched for all ways to strangle the Hulk and prevent the catastrophe of war; at the end of the story, he became the hated Bross But Ki tried to destroy everything. He was a complete war machine, and the general Ross standing behind him made Bruce suffer a lot. In order to regain peace, he had to accept Hulk and learn to control Hulk. Hate can be eliminated.

The main story line of "Invincible Hulk" - Bruce Banner's awakening - driven by the core of the war, will increase the depth and thickness of the entire story, and at the same time make the role of Bruce more three-dimensional and full.

In the final stage of the decisive battle, the plot can be set to be more dramatic.

At first Bruce was unwilling to transform into the Hulk, because he was worried that after the transformation, he would lose his mind and join forces with hatred to destroy New York City; or he could not subdue the hatred and become another research object of Ross. Such hesitation made the hatred prestige, destroyed half of New York, and even captured Betty.

In order to seize the hatred, Ross frantically ordered to fire despite Betty was still in the hands of the hatred, sacrificing all his strength to imprison the hatred and develop more war machines. Under such circumstances, Bruce chose to transform into Hulk, trying to save Betty, and even trying to kill hatred.

Here, a kind of loneliness and magnificence of Bruce against the whole world can be created. The whole world shoots at him collectively, but he stands in front of Betty. The whole world has betrayed him, and only Betty is on his side. This kind of epic and tragic sense of fate will undoubtedly push the climax to the extreme.

In fact, Lance is still thinking about incorporating this feeling of loneliness into the movie. At the small climax of the second part of the middle, before Brodsky turned into hate, Brodsky and Ross teamed up to try to subdue Hulk. Betty noticed that Rose wanted to fire rockets at the Hulk. She repeatedly stopped her father to no avail, so she broke free and ran towards the Hulk, blocking him, but the army still opened fire. As a result, guns were fired from all directions, Hulk held Betty in his arms, blocked all attacks by himself, and the whole world became a sea of ​​flames.

This bond between Hulk and Betty will become an important driving force for Bruce to control Hulk.

Going back to the finale, Hulk finally defeated the hatred after going through untold hardships, but before he killed the hatred, Rose began to try to attack the Hulk-he needed the hatred to stay, and he also wanted to keep the Hulk. down. Looking at Betty, Hulk had no way to attack Ross, so he hugged Betty and left. Ross gave up his plan to continue chasing in order to control his hatred. However, Bruce then feels his hold on the Hulk begin to slip again, and after Betty places a kiss on his forehead, the Hulk disappears and flees again.

The movie ends.

The whole script is clearly divided into three parts, the beginning, the process, and the ending. Each part creates its own small climax. For example, in the opening chapter, apart from the destruction of the laboratory, when Bruce was discovered in Brazil, Lance thought that he could use parkour to shoot and chase in the streets. This kind of shooting method is still very fresh ten years later, not to mention the present in 2006. This can not only increase the freshness, but also use fast editing to create a more powerful visual effect than "The Bourne".

Under the main line of "Bruce Banner's Awakening", two or three branch lines are wrapped around to enrich the plot and increase the depth of the work. The entanglement of fate unfolded, and then awakened the tragic fate between Bruce and his father, pushing the Hulk's loneliness that was not accepted by the world to the extreme.

In fact, even in the "Avengers", the Hulk is an uncertain time bomb, and everyone needs to guard against him more or less. This sense of loneliness will accompany the Hulk forever. He has no way to become the darling of the people like Iron Man or Captain America, and he is destined to live in isolation forever. At the same time, the Hulk's emotional life is also doomed to be bumpy.

However, these are the content of the sequel, returning to the "Invincible Hulk".

In addition to the overall framework, Lance believes that many details can be added to complete the script. For example, after the opening chapter, Bruce lived alone in Brazil. In the last life, Zach joined the role of a local Brazilian girl, but the existence of this character Doesn't make any sense, just to bring out a bunch of punks and speed up Bruce's transformation into the Hulk. Instead of using such a meaningless plot, it is better to increase the flashback memories of Bruce and Betty. This will become the motivation for Bruce to learn to control his emotions, and it will also convince the audience that this relationship and this love are convincing.

In addition, in terms of filming, Lance also believes that a change of attitude is needed. Whether it is "The Incredible Hulk" or "The Incredible Hulk", in order to highlight the tragic color of the Hulk, the whole light is dimmed, and even the costumes of the characters in the movie are dark tones. This kind of psychological depression is very important for literature and art. It is necessary for movies, but for commercial popcorn, it makes it difficult for audiences to enter and hit him. Even in "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight", the clown's coquettish fluorescent green hair and purple suit have become a bright color.

Compared with the light itself, the director's attitude needs to be adjusted in essence. Hulk is indeed a tragedy, but there is hope in this tragedy, and even Bruce himself always has a mocking self-deprecating attitude, just like the attitude towards half a glass of water, is it "only half a glass of water"? "It's over", or "There's still half a glass of water", the difference in attitude will determine the tone of the movie.

If the script of "Invincible Hulk" can be filmed according to Lance's concept, then this work can even surpass "The Dark Knight" and become a truly pinnacle work that combines philosophical thinking and superheroes, creating a difficult Milestones surpassed. However, this is only if, and it is really easy to talk about it on paper.

What kind of work "Invincible Hulk" will become is still an unknown mystery.

The process of writing the "Invincible Hulk" script is undoubtedly very difficult, more difficult than any of Lance's current works, but Lance gradually found himself enjoying it, and even kept recording various ideas, Then overthrow and rewrite the parts that have been completed, and then delete and fill them in. The fun is really hard to describe.

Lance began to conceive in his mind, if he were to shoot, how the camera would work, how the light would be composed, and how the performance would be presented-this made Lance think of an important question: who would play the role of Hulk? to play it?

In the script written by Lance, the Hulk is undoubtedly a character with depth and height. It is not enough to stand up and put on a show like Iron Man or Captain America. This role will be divided into two parts: one is Bruce - Class One part is the Hulk part, his mentality change will become the main line of the whole movie; the other part is the Hulk Hulk part, the loneliness and loneliness after the transformation, and the changes after Bruce gradually mastered the control, which will become the part that wins the audience. The key to resonance. does the Hulk play?

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Hulk's works have always failed-other superheroes still maintain the human form, so there is no problem in performing; but the Hulk must be completed by computer technology, which is undoubtedly a huge test. On the one hand Whether the computer special effects are realistic and whether it can convince the audience; on the other hand, the detailed changes in facial expressions must be considered, and the performance is unimaginably difficult.

Motion capture technology, Lance immediately thought of this advanced film shooting technology. This technology can be said to be a milestone in the history of film development. It truly enables virtual characters to interpret the delicate emotional changes of human beings. Andy-Serkis (Andy-Serkis) is undoubtedly the top actor in motion capture technology. In 2010 , in the work "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", he used motion capture technology to complete the performance of Caesar, the King of the Orangutans, and was praised as "worthy of an Oscar nomination", completely breaking the barrier between computer special effects and actor performance.

This technology entered the mainstream after the "Lord of the Rings" series. The role of Gollum was completed by Andy Serkis through motion capture technology, but it was James Cameron who really triggered the revolutionary progress "Avatar", this work has set off a frenzy at the box office worldwide, giving people a new understanding of computer visual effects, which has also made this technology popular in major Hollywood film companies.

The promoters behind the motion capture technology must not ignore the name of Robert Zemeckis, the director who directed "Back to the Future", "Forrest Gump" and "The Rest of the Deserted Island". Afterwards, it seems to have disappeared without a trace, and it was not until 2012 that it returned to the public's attention with the two works of "Flight" and "Walking in the Clouds". In fact, in the past ten years, Robert has been concentrating on the research of motion capture technology, and successively shot three works, "The Polar Express", "Beowulf" and "Christmas Carol", all of which were completed using motion capture technology. However, these three works are not satisfactory, making people unable to see the need to use motion capture technology, which once caused the technology to fall into controversy-many people in the industry believe that this technology is not necessary, or use real actors, Either use CGI, that's enough.

But without motion capture technology, a work like "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" would not have reached its later heights, and similarly, a work like "The Incredible Hulk" would not have met Lance's requirements. Motion capture technology is undoubtedly Lance's first choice, and it is a necessary choice.

The problem now is that, in 2006, the development of the technology does not seem to have reached the heights of four years later. The future prospect of "Invincible Hulk" is becoming more and more confusing.

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