Movie Master

Chapter 858

Motion capture technology is not that simple. It includes multiple branches such as mechanical, acoustic, electromagnetic, and optical. The difference in each capture technology will lead to different effects, different accuracy, and of course different costs.

Changes in film shooting technology are often turning points that promote the progress of the film industry. The maturity of computer special effects technology has made the "Titanic" box office myth at the end of the century; the development and improvement of 3D technology has promoted the global frenzy of "Avatar"; the progress of motion capture technology has become the "Lord of the Rings" series, "King Kong" ", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and other works of success guarantee. If there is no guarantee of corresponding technology, these works will not be able to reach the height expected by people.

In the "Hulk Hulk" and "The Incredible Hulk" of the previous life, no motion capture technology was used. The Hulk after transformation was completely completed by computer special effects. make.

Of course, in terms of the current computer special effects technology, it is already possible to achieve the realm of false ones. The Hulk will not be separated from the screen. From the perspective of realism, there is no big problem. This is the first time Universal Pictures , The reason for bringing the "Hulk Hulk" to the screen again-they also realized the importance of the technical level. The current technology finally allows them to break through all the imagination of the Hulk in previous TV and movies, and create a A more shocking image.

But the biggest problem with this approach is that it has no soul.

A very simple comparison, Pixar, as a leader in the computer special effects animation industry, their animations can create real-world scenes, and "Finding Nemo" caused a sensation in the entire industry because of the realistic picture effects in the movie. However, no matter how realistic the cartoon is, the characters still lack the subtle changes in expression and the emotions conveyed by the eyes, and it is entirely necessary to rely on the voice actors to give the characters vitality.

Therefore, whether it is "Hulk Hulk" or "Invincible Hulk", after Bruce Banner transformed into the Hulk, the lack of performance has become a huge shortcoming. "Invincible Hulk" is better, because there is almost no excavation of Hulk in the script, and the lack is missing; but it is fatal to "Hulk Hulk", Lee/Ann can only pass Hulk The contrast between his back and the environment highlights the loneliness of the Hulk, which leads to a loophole in the character of the script creation, and the entire succession and transformation are incomplete.

At this time, it is necessary to make up for the motion capture technology. Because of the essence of motion capture technology, actors are still performing. Take "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" as an example. In the movie, Andy Serkis almost completely presents the inner emotional changes of the orangutan king Caesar, from facial expressions to eye details to body movements, which will be hidden in the "orangutan "The soul beneath the surface comes to life in a real and vivid way.

Motion capture technology, which will be necessary for the success of Lance's version of "The Incredible Hulk."

Film technology has always been a shortcoming for Lance. He lacks relevant experience, so when he mentioned technical problems, he couldn't help but start to have a headache again. Lance does not have enough understanding of the development status of motion capture technology, but if he remembers correctly, in the "King Kong" released in 2004, King Kong in it was completed by Andy Serkis through motion capture technology. In the work, although King Kong's expression is still not up to the height of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", it is undeniable that the sadness and loneliness in King Kong's eyes have been vividly expressed.

Does this mean that the current motion capture technology is sufficient to meet Lance's requirements?

However, even if the technical level is no longer a problem, the performance is still a huge problem. Performing with motion capture technology is a very difficult thing, and it is not at the same level as performing in front of a green screen. This technology has been developed for more than ten years, and there are not a few actors with experience in motion capture technology performances, but the real achievement Successful, only one person, Andy - Serkis.

After the breakthrough of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" in 2010, Andy opened his own studio, the first company in the world to cultivate motion capture performances. Many people have studied Andy's performance. He was born as a semi-orthodox British actor. He took drama as his second major in college, but he was not a professional acting school; he then entered the field of stage play for more than fifteen years. The theater actor career, but his main area of ​​activity is in Manchester, rather than London's West End. It can be said that he has the brand of academic school on him, but also has the innovation of Ye Luzi, which has become the basis of his performance.

If Lance wants to use motion capture technology to complete the performance of the Hulk, does that mean that Andy will become the hero of "Invincible Hulk"?

Lance dismissed the idea. Although Andy is well-deserved as the number one person in North America in motion capture performances, he has few bright spots in live performances. From this, we can also see that live performances and motion capture performances are still different. In addition, Andy will play the superhero Hulk. His image is not convincing and does not have box office appeal. For fans of the original comics, this is not good news.

The casting of superhero movies cannot be taken lightly. Not everyone is suitable to play a hero-not the kind with righteousness, but the kind that is suitable for the role. To put it simply, choosing a superhero actor does not require superb acting skills, but more image fit. It's very rare for an actor with Christian-Bale's outstanding acting skills to play the role of Batman Bruce Wayne.

Of course, it doesn't mean that actors with acting skills can't act, it's just that they are overqualified. However, Lance's idea is one step closer. If you choose an actor who fits the image and has both acting skills, it's like Jack Nicholson's version of the clown, Heath Ledger's clown, Christian Bale's version The Batman, which is destined to go down in history.

Lance hopes to make "The Incredible Hulk" an epic.

This also means that Andy is bound to be out. Even if Andy is chosen to star in "Invincible Hulk", he will only be responsible for the Hulk part.

In the process of writing the script, Lance even considered playing the Hulk himself. Because this is indeed a deep, thick, and interesting character-Lance intends to refer to Mark Ruffalo's version of the Hulk, endowing this character with some ignorant qualities, and only focus on Scientific research, some technical nerds have an ignorant temperament, and the sex/sensitivity exuded by this bookish atmosphere forms a huge contrast in front of Betty's strength, which in turn gives the movie a light and interesting color.

But then Lance himself vetoed this proposal. For one thing, the Hulk, like Iron Man, needs to appear in at least a trilogy once he starred in it. It's on top of this-if the character is not popular, it means that the movie fails; if the character is too popular, it means that you can't get out of it in a short time, which is not what Lance wants to see; secondly, because of "Iron Man" Starting at the same time as the two works of "Invincible Hulk", Lance's work is already heavy enough, and he doesn't want to make trouble for himself.

So, Mark Ruffalo to play the Hulk? Follow the follow-up trajectory of the previous life?

But Lance was a little hesitant. During the filming of "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", it can be seen that Mark is still too young, with the vigor and impulsiveness of a young man. It will be in 2010 that Mark's acting skills can be truly polished. It can be seen in works such as "The Children Are All Well" and "Shutter Island". The precipitation and experience of the years have gradually calmed him down, and his acting temperament has taken on a new look. This kind of temperament can only be given by time, and it is difficult to achieve it with Lance's training alone-even if it can be done, Lance does not want to repeat the process of Tom Cruise again, this is just a commercial popcorn movie , not "borrowing a knife to kill".

This is a very interesting thing. Thinking about the script, conceiving the details, and considering the casting, Lance found that in the process of writing the script, he had unconsciously developed a tendency. Originally, he was still thinking about which work should be directed by "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk", but now, the answer is ready.

Choosing "Iron Man" is a choice that will not fail, because this work has already achieved great success in the previous life, and you only need to follow the track to achieve success. Of course, Lance can also break the shackles and choose to shoot an "Iron Man" in his own style, but why bother? Just leave "Iron Man" to Jon-Favreau, and there's no need to worry about the whole thing.

Choosing "The Incredible Hulk" is undoubtedly a challenging and risky choice, but it also means that Lance can recreate a Hulk work according to his own ideas. This will undoubtedly be the first time that Lance has completely left behind the influence of the memories of his previous life, and created a work based on his own ideas, ideas, and ideas. This is not just a challenge, It is an attempt, an attempt to step out of one's own artistic path.

This is like painting, choose to copy or original. In the copied picture album, even if you jump out of the frame to paint, you are still bound by the copied lines in the final analysis, and you will never be able to find your own style; but on a piece of white paper, there is no reference, you can only rely on For myself, start from the first point and the first line to create a work that is truly my own.

This is not a choice that requires deep thought. All considerations and doubts were naturally answered during the script creation process. The hardships and difficulties of the creation made Lance's blood boil and he couldn't wait. So, who should be chosen to perform this unique "Invincible Hulk"?

After turning his thoughts around, Lance thought of Edward Norton - he was the actor of Bruce Banner in "The Incredible Hulk" in his previous life, but Lance almost used all the content of his previous life to write the script. They were all overthrown, so that I didn't think of it at the first time.

Edward, seems like a good choice.

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