My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 189: The scary ghost of the lantern

"Work! Work! Work!"

"I love factories, and the factory is my home."

"In this nightmare city, I don't know how many people don't even have a job. They can only do nothing every day. But we are different, we have jobs!"

Excited voices echoed in the corridor, full of enthusiasm. One of the special commissioners of the headquarters, the witch saw through the window that the people inside were in front of the assembly lines, constantly assembling something. They all looked weird, with young faces but very old arms.

Assembled things are even weirder.

It was actually a corpse, and it was a scattered corpse. It was said that it was assembled, but it would fall apart after a few moments of assembly, and it was completely useless.

This is the second ward.

Crimson Factory.

In the hospital, the higher the number of wards corresponds to the stronger patients, and in order to limit these patients, the hospital's constraints are stronger. No. 4 is Xingfu Community and No. 3 is Yugui Middle School. Relatively speaking, the rules are relatively loose. But Ward Two was different.

The Crimson Factory, also known as the Flesh Factory.

All the patients are just screws in the factory, and it was the place where the hospital used to reform through labor for those patients who were disobedient and did not cooperate with the treatment.

But that was before.

And after the new dean came to power, it became clear that the factory was out of control. It began to expand its meaningless work, recruiting new employees on a large scale.

The witch is in it.

"Why don't you go to work!"

Before walking a few steps, a bloated, undressed monster with a grim look came across his body: "It's working time, you should be working in a factory! Don't you want a better life?"


In response to the monster, it was the witch's succinct punch. In the next second, the monster's head turned 180 degrees and finally fell to the ground.

However, this is not the first time the witch has made a move.

In fact, he has been hanging around here for a long time.

"can not go out...."

The Crimson Factory is not allowed to enter, even if the witch opens the door and wants to leave, what she sees is not the outside world, but another busy factory workshop.

"If only the rovers were here."

"A play within a play."

The witch sighed, and then took out a black book. This is his supernatural item, and the ability is the rule for forcing retrieval of supernatural places. But it needs to be in contact with the supernatural for a period of time before it can be activated. It used to be a rover who was in charge of this part, but now he's gone.

However, at this time...


Suddenly, the witch looked at the play within the play in her hand, but saw a sudden bulge on the page inside, and finally showed a silhouette.

That's a face.

Nose, eyes, mouth, everything.

I saw that face in the book was sitting in the action of filial piety, and then it actually crossed the page and rushed out of the witch's book!

But facing this scene, the witch did not panic.

He just frowned and said in a low voice, "Rover.... What's the matter, what happened to you? You actually used the avatar I gave you?"

Before entering here, he gave everyone a rag doll.

Xun Xi also has one in his hand. (See Chapter 148 for details)

And that ragdoll is connected to the Witch's play in the play. After encountering danger, it is activated, and the user can escape the danger through his play in the play.


What came out of the book was the wanderer who had encountered great danger on the road before. I saw him kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, with a heart-wrenching expression on his face: "Crazy, crazy Come on...Chen Xiang, let's go! That ghost hasn't let me go!"

Wanderers and witches are acquaintances.

The two still became superhumans in the same supernatural event, and at this moment anxious, the wanderer even directly called out the witch's real name.


"Crack!" The light bulb exploded.

Before the rover could finish speaking, the Crimson Factory, which was still in full swing at work, suddenly froze, the lights in the workshop suddenly dimmed, and the excited voice fell silent in an instant, and after a while, he continued: "Well. ... I'm on vacation today, let's all go back to sleep."

Is the factory on holiday?

When the witch heard the words, her expression suddenly became solemn. Of course, this was not the factory's sudden conscience discovery. Rather, something more terrifying is approaching the factory!

And seeing this scene, the rover's face is even more ugly.

"It's my shuttle... as expected!"


From the words of the rover, the witch caught the bad news: "Your shuttle, don't tell me your ability was taken away by him."

"Not captured."

"That's good."

"It was copied."


Before the witch could speak, a fire suddenly lit up in the dim space. However, the fire was in the darkness, and it was obviously a symbol of light, but in the place where the fire could not shine, a pale mist appeared, as if to Swallow witches and wanderers directly into it!


The rover immediately whispered: "The fire is a two-way ghost. The place where the fire shines is safe, but it will burn memory."

"And not into the place where the fire shines."

"Go to the fog, and it will be swallowed directly by the fog."

"And it can't be stopped at all! It's a mortal supernatural being! I was swallowed by the fog and finally managed to escape with your doll."

"It now seems that even the ability will be copied after being swallowed."

"This ghost..." Speaking of which, the roamer was also a heartbreaker. These were all information he had only acquired with his life.

And the phantom of the lantern was completely incomprehensible to him. As long as it is illuminated by the lantern, or in safety, all positive emotions will be burned by the flames and become his puppet. Either give up safety, walk out of the fire, and be swallowed by the fog, and die in vain.

"This is a country."

Looking at the ghostly shadow of the lantern in front of, the witch pinched her temples lightly, she could feel her emotions, and her happy memories were disappearing.

And even more terrifying.

There is more than one such monster.


The sound of swaying flames sounded in the darkness, followed by footsteps one after another. The lit fire was like a strange eye opening in the darkness. Although the speed of a fire burning memory was not obvious, dozens of Daoguang's words are completely different.

In a critical moment, the witch can't care too much.

"My heart, unlock."

I saw the witch directly holding the heart lock necklace on her neck. The next second the lock was released, and cheerful music sounded in the dimly lit space.

There are two types of witches.

One is that the magical girl transformation stick in Xun Xi's hand brings the "Little Flower Fairy" supernatural. The other is the heart lock on the witch's neck.

Heart lock usually has this usage of drama in drama.

But if necessary, it also has another usage. That is unblocking, and the witch will enter the familiar transformation time of magical girls.

And known.

The transformation of a magical girl has an invincible time.

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