My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 190: Xun Xi enters

Among all the special commissioners at the headquarters, the witch's ability is the most accessible to the people in terms of appearance. There was once a commissioner who questioned the witch, thinking how the world could give birth to such absurd supernatural beings. As a result, the witch replied to her, "Because the heart that believes in is your magic".

Almost didn't **** off the commissioner.

All in all, although the witch is a genuine special commissioner, there is always a subtle funny feeling when her abilities are used.

After all, although the audience is very wide for the anime.

But in reality, there are still people who can't accept it.

However, what made many commissioners speechless was that it was the witch who was outrageous during this battle, and her combat power was among the best in the headquarters.

Although the code name witch.

But many commissioners will add a two-word prefix when addressing him.

---- Iron Fist Witch.


In the darkness, the witch was walking briskly and vigorously, her body was full of colorful light, a flower-shaped hairpin was added to her long black hair, her hands were wearing black ball gloves, and her ten slender fingers were pinched together. Both fists mercilessly hit Ghost Shadow.


A lantern ghost was beaten to the ground by the witch on the spot, but just when the witch wanted to pick up the lantern it had let go, the fire suddenly went out.

And as soon as the fire disappeared, so did the lantern.

"It's useless."

Not far away, the rover said loudly: "I also tried to knock it down, but these monsters will disappear after they are knocked down, but there are too many to count."

"It's ok."

"Then... Knock them all down!"

I saw the witch walking around at will, punching one after another, and kicking fiercely under her flying skirt. Although she is an extraordinary person, the witch has obviously learned serious fighting techniques. She is not only fast and accurate, but also specializes in three-way fights, and she has brought down several lantern ghosts in a blink of an eye.

And at the same time.

With the witch's action, a melodious music and singing echoed around him, and every time he punched, he stepped on the node of the music.

This is the kingdom of witches.

This is a song.

But to be correct, this is the theme song at the end of the animation "Magic Girl Little Flower Fairy", which was once a popular national-level sub-forum, "Flowers Return to the Dust".

"The sadness in my heart flows into a river, and my heart has long been broken."

"If I didn't fall in love with you in the first place, maybe nothing would change."

"Where should I go if I get lost, let me say goodbye to my ignorance."

"After all, it's just wishful thinking, in the end, it's just self-indulgent."

"But what you gave me, I will never forget."

"Even if you can only be open for a moment, you must show your best self.

There is a little sadness in the clear singing. From the singing, it seems that you can see a flower fairy who wept silently, but finally got back on her feet.

---- Exactly.

Although "Magic Girl Xiaohuaxian" is a national-level sub-supply animation, it actually has a love line and even various CPs.

And this ending theme song.

It depicts the little flower fairy who represents the "ephemeral" in the animation.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

In short, during the duration of this song, which totals three minutes and twenty-two seconds, the witch will get a buff called "Transformation Invincible Time". The witch's supernatural resistance will also be at its fullest at this moment, and she is basically immune to almost all supernatural effects.

This is the kingdom of witches.

However, compared to other people's kingdoms, the witch's kingdom is rather special. Generally, after one release, it must be cooled for at least an hour before reuse.

This is the price.

Swap one hour for three minutes.

However, even though the witch killed several lantern ghosts with three or two punches, what made him awe-inspiring was that he had already opened the kingdom and was in his own bgm. However, the loss of memory and emotions continued, albeit very slowly, but the impact was still there.


Is it because the firelight can be superimposed between the ghosts of the plural lanterns? This is the first time a witch has encountered a supernatural being that she is not completely immune to.

(...If you go on like this, you won't be able to win.)

After reaching this conclusion, the witch immediately backed away, came to the rover with a vigorous body and said in a low voice, "Let's go out together first."

"Can't get out..."

The wanderer smiled miserably: "It copied my supernatural power, and even if it escapes, it will catch up again like just now, how many minutes do you have left?"

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"Two points and thirty... Twenty-nine..."

The witch listened to the bgm around her, and immediately judged the time based on the lyrics. After all, he had heard it many times: "Time is running out, if there is really no way, then we will leave here and return to the headquarters directly. I don't believe he dares to chase after him."

Rover can shuttle.

The witch has invincible time.

If the two join forces, few supernatural powers can stop them. This is also the reason why witches and rovers have a good relationship and often cooperate.


Time is pressing, his "transformation time" is passing, and every minute and every second is wasting his life. So the witch didn't think long before making a decision. And the rover quickly adjusted the mentality of being crushed by the ghost of the lantern before, and held the hand of the witch tightly.

Then the rover took a step forward.

I saw that his trousers were slightly lifted, revealing a pair of bluish-white calves covered with corpse spots, which were not the legs of a living person at all, but that of a dead person.

The supernatural power of the wanderer is all on these legs.

He was originally a disabled man, and he got up again with these legs. Although the combat power of these legs is not high, their abilities are rare in the world.

After all, being able to travel freely in magical places often means safety.

This time, however, the legs failed.

"What a joke.... can't get out!"

"It's my supernatural, it is using my supernatural power to stop me!" The wanderer looked at the lantern ghost with an ugly look. These ghosts didn't attack, and they didn't even fight back when they were beaten by the witch. They just held on to the lantern and stood there silently, giving people a deadly terror.

"Tigers don't show their power when I'm a sick cat..."

Seeing this, the witch also bit her teeth, and once again stretched her hand to the heart lock necklace on her neck. She also has a trump card, and she can only fight for it now.

However, at this time-----


Suddenly, a loud noise rang out in the fog and darkness, and immediately after that, the crimson factory where the witch and the wanderer were located suddenly cracked open. I saw that the wall was directly smashed by a strong force, and then, a clear voice echoed in the fog.

"Si Nian."

Before he finished speaking, scarlet rays of light streamed in from the crack, as if a flood had burst a bank, competing with the flames of the ghostly lanterns for their respective fields.

The kingdom of lanterns and ghosts is really incomprehensible.

But that is only within the kingdom.

The witch and the wanderer were actually pulled into the kingdom by the ghost of the lantern when they saw it. That's why they face the dilemma of either choosing the firelight and becoming a puppet, or choosing the fog and being swallowed to death. In the end, he almost couldn't even escape.

But Xun Xi was different.

Xun Xi is outside the kingdom. That's why he was able to fight against the lantern ghost through Si Nianlai, and even forcibly suppress the fog created by the lantern ghost.

Supernatural rules, power must have a price.

No superhuman is absolutely invincible. The strength of Lantern Ghost Shadow lies in its incomprehension internally, and it is relatively weak externally.

Although it is red like blood.

But at this moment, in the eyes of the witch and the wanderer, the hope brought by this red light is not inferior to the sun at the moment of dawn.

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