My Italy

Chapter 305 Diplomatic Protest

"Your Excellency Bacona, I represent the Dutch government this time to protest against your country's gross interference in the Dutch colonies. Dutch Borneo is the sacred and inviolable territory of the Netherlands. With the actions of your colonial government, we have reason to doubt whether your country wants to become a Southeast Asian country." The destroyer.”

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, the Dutch Ambassador to Rome Frank Ferrico was expressing his protest to Foreign Minister Bacona.

What makes the Dutch ambassador so courageous? The British ambassador accompanying him can explain the problem very well.

Faced with the protests of the Dutch, Bacona, who is the foreign minister, said immediately. "Why are you protesting to me? I still want to protest to your country. If your colonial government had not been binding, it would not have caused losses of tens of millions of liras to our merchants in Dutch Borneo. And your colonial government The refusal to compensate has obviously angered our country’s Borneo government, which is why it has to express its attitude through drastic actions.”

Anyway, according to Foreign Minister Bacona, this situation was all the fault of the Dutch colonial government. It was their atrocities against Italian businessmen that led to the current situation.

Although the people present were all experts in diplomacy, Dutch Ambassador Ferric was still a little angry when faced with Bacona's shameless words. "Your Excellency, don't you mean that our country should not suppress the rebellion?"

"No, I just said that your country did not restrain the colonial army, which caused losses to our businessmen."

It seemed that Bacona was about to give in, but then his words changed. "Of course, if your country insists on thinking this way, then there is nothing we can do about it."

Yes, Bacona's words completely represent Italy's bullying. Although Italy is not as good as other powers, it is not something that the little Dutch can resist.

Although the Dutch are richer than those in Italy, the population gap between the two is nearly ten times, which is the gap in national strength. Like the Chinese dynasties of later generations, although it is not ranked high in terms of per capita income, it has great strength due to its large number of people, so it is one of the world's most powerful countries. Although Italy cannot reach that level, it is still considered a great power in front of the Dutch.

Bacona's attitude made the British Ambassador Holly Mandison who came with him a little dissatisfied.

"Your Excellency Bacona, your country's attitude is not conducive to solving the problem. Although the Dutch were rough in handling the rebellion, this does not become a condition for your country to intimidate."

Facing the British ambassador who stood up and clearly favored the Dutch, Bacona looked at him and asked. "Is this what you mean, or what London means?"

The meaning of Bacona's words was obviously asking the ambassador in front of him whether he represented the official opinion. Personal opinions and official opinions differ greatly on some levels.

As a senior diplomat, Holly Mandison naturally understood what Bacona said.

"Sorry, this is my personal opinion. Although I cannot represent London, this is also the opinion of the majority of my colleagues in our country."

Bacona naturally knew the meaning of Ambassador Mandison's words, although it had not yet reached the government level to express its position. But if the situation continues to deteriorate, this does not mean that London will not end up personally.

In fact, within London, there is also uncertainty about the troubles caused by Italy in Southeast Asia. Although the British Empire was dissatisfied with the trouble-making Italy in Southeast Asia, the two countries were in a cooperative relationship in many places. For example, Italy needed to be used to contain Russia and restrict France.

Although this kind of cooperation coupled with confrontation is the norm for various countries, the attitude of the other party must also be considered. The most important thing is not to stalemate the relationship between the two countries. It is precisely because of this that Ambassador Mandison said it was his own opinion.

"Our country still respects your country's opinions, but I also hope that I and most of my colleagues can also listen to Italy's opinions. Our country is very concerned about the businessmen who have suffered losses in Dutch Borneo. This is not only the intention of the Borneo government. , which is also the will of all Italian people.”

Bacona's words made it clear that Italy was only interested in Dutch Borneo and would not endanger other Dutch colonies. In addition to Borneo, Italy is also unhelpful in expanding its sphere of influence in Southeast Asia.

Although Bacona said this, everyone is playing diplomacy, and they are very good at doing one thing in front of others and behind the scenes, so Ambassador Mandison said later. "Your Excellency Bacona, this time we are here to protest against your country. Naturally, other people will pay attention to your country's purpose. Of course, our country does not want conflicts or wars in Southeast Asia. I hope that you can understand our country's posture."

After Ambassador Mandison finished speaking, he glanced at Dutch Ambassador Ferrico. "I think this is also Ambassador Ferrico's opinion."

Faced with the invitation to help Ambassador Mandyson, how could Ferrico refute? This is the time to show the strong and friendly relations between Britain and the Netherlands.

"Ambassador Mandison's words are also our country's attitude. There should be no conflicts and wars in Southeast Asia."

Facing the words of the British and Dutch ambassadors, Bacona nodded slightly to indicate that he understood. "I already know what the two ambassadors mean, but I have a question here, that is, how should the losses suffered by our country be calculated?"

Having said this, Bacona looked at the Dutch ambassador. "Your Excellency Ferrico, although our country is also unwilling to see conflicts and wars in Borneo, there is a prerequisite for this, and that is that your country will compensate for this loss. This is the prerequisite for your two countries to sit down and negotiate calmly. I hope your government will cherish this premise."

Faced with Bacona's insistence on compensation, Ferrico, the Dutch ambassador, was about to speak, when Mandison spoke first. "I think your country's request also needs to be discussed, so please wait patiently."

"There is no problem with this. Our country does not want to use force against a European country, so seven days should be enough. Our country will ask the colonial government to wait for seven days."

Faced with the seven days given by Bacona, the two ambassadors knew that this was the initial achievement of their goal. After looking at each other, they said immediately. "Please wait for our good news."

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

After seeing off the two ambassadors, Bacona picked up the phone and dialed. "Prime Minister, it's me, Bacona... The Dutch and British ambassadors just came to visit me... Yes... Through conversations with them, our previous judgment was correct. The British will not stand up for the Dutch. Especially us It's just that the British are hesitant when it comes to pursuing interests in Borneo...Okay...I know what to do."

After Bacona hung up the phone, Depretis put down a document in his hand and then said to himself. "It seems like the British really won't come forward to help the Dutch."

The help Depretis talks about is to intervene in Italy's actions with military force, and it does not necessarily and cannot be directly sending troops. This is clearly understood by Italian senior officials. Because the British are not currently focusing on Italy, the Russians who are breaking through are their main targets, followed by the French, who have the second largest navy. To put it bluntly, Austria-Hungary has a higher priority than Italy. This is actually due to Italy’s national strength. Of course, this also has a lot to do with Italy’s way of doing things. Except for its own territories and colonies, Italy rarely participates in international disputes and stays contentedly in its own one-third of an acre. Although this It makes Italy less conspicuous, but the advantage is also to let the major powers know that Italy does not want to compete with them for their interests.

Of course, it is unknown whether this view will remain the same after next year. But the views of various countries have not changed yet, right?

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