My Italy

Chapter 306 There are French people everywhere

Italy's attitude of insisting that it only wants Borneo was made known to the top leaders of Britain and the Netherlands with the two ambassadors.

In London, Gladstone, who was serving as prime minister for the fourth time, was extremely embarrassed by the failure of the second Irish Home Rule Act during his tenure. However, this idealistic prime minister still paid attention to the dispute between Italy and the Netherlands. (As for Irish self-government, I can’t explain it in a few words. I can only say one thing: Ireland has been resisting British rule. The two cannot piss in the same pot.)

“How much impact does Italy’s attempt to seize Dutch Borneo have on us this time?”

In the Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister Gladstone, who had reached the end of his political life, asked his Foreign Secretary Rosebery.

Archibald Philip Primrose, the fifth Earl of Rosebery, who served as Foreign Secretary, was much younger than the aging Prime Minister. I saw him opening his mouth to answer.

"It is impossible to say that there is no influence. Roxas, the governor of Malaya, sent me a telegram complaining that Italy was becoming more and more prominent in Southeast Asia and that they had squeezed out too many British businessmen's interests. Those who were pushed to the Ming Dynasty by them The Chinese above are wandering around Southeast Asia, competing with Chinese businessmen."

As the Foreign Secretary finished speaking, Prime Minister Gladstone said next. "In that case, let Roxas come up with a solution so that we can talk to the Italians accordingly."

Yes, it is very normal for the British to use this Italian-Dutch conflict to benefit themselves.

The UK is not a living country, and it also needs to consider the issues of gain and loss when doing things. Italy did not threaten the core colonies of the Netherlands. Although Borneo was not small, it had a subordinate status among the Dutch colonies. Why did the British Empire rush to catch up?

Besides, the Dutch are not the younger brothers of the British Empire. It is good enough that the British Empire can help them stop losses. And small countries must have the consciousness of small countries. Don’t think about what the British Empire can do for you, think more about what you can do for the British Empire. We will provide as much help as possible. If you don’t even know this, then stop playing politics.

The Dutch had some guesses about the British's intentions, but as the saying goes, it's hard to give up good money, and the Dutch didn't want to give up until the last moment.

A royal meeting is being held in the palace, and the Dutch are also discussing how to deal with Italy.

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, who is only 13 years old and looks like a lolita, is trying her best to maintain the demeanor of a queen. Behind her sits the regent Queen Mother Emma.

In front of them, two ministers were arguing fiercely, among which the bald Foreign Minister Marco was particularly loud.

"Your Excellency West, I understand your concern for the colonies, but at present our country cannot compete with Italy at all. Although our country has the support of the British, the support of the British is limited. They will not take chestnuts from the fire for us. I think the military Fang should be well aware of this, so I hope you can adopt an attitude of solving the problem instead of messing around. "

General West, the head of the military, who was accused by Foreign Minister Marco, is struggling to defend himself. "What Mr. Marco said completely ignored the facts. Our military is not called messing around. It is justified and justified."

Facing Admiral West's excuse, Marco was furious. He slammed the table, stood up and said.

"You are not calling it nonsense. You are sending 30,000 troops from the mainland to defend Borneo. Have you ever thought about how much it will cost and how to solve the security problem? In addition, the possibility of the transportation line being intercepted is too high. Relying on friendly forces is too risky to be a reliable plan."

Faced with the accusation from the Foreign Secretary, Admiral West looked at his pocket watch and said with a disdainful expression. "Sir Marco, you have never been a soldier, so you don't know how the army operates. No combat plan has a 100% chance of success. We can only try to maximize its success rate. So please rest assured, This is the best way for us to mobilize our best efforts, and it’s definitely not what you think.”

Facing Admiral West's expression that he didn't understand military matters, Marco became even more angry, but at this time he pulled him back to his seat with a hand.

The person who pulled him back to his seat was Dutch Prime Minister Hesbet. This non-party prime minister came to power to balance liberals and Christians, and his prestige in the Netherlands is still very good.

I saw him speaking after appeasing the Foreign Minister. "General, I have also seen the military's plan. It is very exciting, but I only have one question. I think the military has enough funds to deploy so many troops in Borneo."

Obviously, what Prime Minister Haysbet said means that the government does not intend to pay for this money. What to do if you don’t have money, especially transporting more than 30,000 people and equipment halfway around the world.

No, after hearing the Prime Minister's words, Admiral West jumped immediately. "This is to protect the kingdom's territory, and the cost should be borne by the government."

Facing Admiral West's words, Prime Minister Haysbet spread his hands. "But the government currently has no money."

"How can I have no money?"

"Then listen carefully, the total fiscal expenditure this year is..."

The Prime Minister disclosed the expenditures one by one. As a soldier, Admiral West was qualified, but what did he know about the government's financial expenditures? So the Admiral was surprised to find that there was no extra funds in the government.

"Then we can borrow money. I think with the kingdom's reputation, borrowing money won't be a big problem."

"Your Excellency is right, it is indeed not big. But borrowing money takes time. The more urgent we are, the higher the bank's requirements. I think your Excellency the General should know this. In addition, Italy only gave us seven days to reply. , It’s already the third day. Is there any way you can transport the troops there within four days? Even if we delay, it won’t take too long.”

The Prime Minister's words were unanimously nodded by the government, but Admiral West, as the head of the military, became furious and slammed the table.

"You are betraying the country and should be shot in the army."

With Admiral West's actions, the scene fell into a tense atmosphere. As the queen, Wilhelmina looked at the prime minister and the general nervously, fearing that they would fight over this.

It's just that the young queen didn't notice that most of the people present didn't show any nervous expressions, even if they were both furious and like a bull.

Because they are not worried at all that the two of them will conflict, they are both insiders.

Yes, this conflict between military and political governors is actually a play, and it is not just a play written for the young queen. Believe it or not, the contents of this meeting will be leaked before evening.

The reason is very simple. The senior military and political officials of the Netherlands do not know the gap between themselves and Italy. They know very well how big the gap is. But sometimes knowing is one thing and how to do it is another.

As a small country, Dutch politicians have their own way of doing things.

For example, if you encounter a problem as overwhelming as Italy's, then this requires the joint cooperation of senior military and political officials.

First, the military needs to take a tough stance and show that the Dutch will never surrender. Then the government pointed out the actual difficulties and said that this war could not be fought. In the end, with the government's emotional and rational attitude, the military had no choice but to accept the reality.

Of course, this kind of situation where the military benefits and the government suffers is not common, and the military will also make certain concessions to the government afterwards, which can be regarded as a model of tacit military-civilian cooperation. Although senior Dutch military and political officials did not use this cooperation in the right way, it was of great benefit to the stability of the Netherlands.

Moreover, the senior military and political officials present knew that the Netherlands would suffer in the end, but at least the uninformed people should know that the senior military and political officials also worked hard to stop it.

Therefore, this scene is necessary, and the imperial meeting does not end until the lights come on.

The senior military and political officials at the meeting left the palace in their own carriages. As the protagonist of this scene, the 69-year-old Prime Minister Haysbet was naturally very tired.

However, although he was very tired, he was not done yet. As soon as he got home, the housekeeper came to report the visit of French Ambassador Juleka.

"How long has Ambassador Eureka been here?"

Before entering the house, Prime Minister Haysbet asked about the situation.

"The ambassador has been here for a while. He is here for a visit."

The housekeeper is also an intimate person. He knows what the Prime Minister wants to ask and tells him what he knows.

A man came to visit, and Prime Minister Haysbet grasped the key information, and he knew it well.

"Ambassador Yuleka, welcome, welcome, what kind of wind brings you here."

As soon as he entered the door, Prime Minister Haysbet put on a warm smile and greeted the French Ambassador in the living room.

"Prime Minister Haysbet, this intrusion is really inappropriate, but on behalf of France, I would like to express my sincere concern about your country's current difficulties."

Ambassador Yuleka eagerly expressed France's concern as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Prime Minister Haysbet's heart sink, and he said without changing his expression. "Thank you for your country's concern. The whole Netherlands is very grateful for this."

Faced with Prime Minister Haysbet's calm words, Ambassador Yuleka had no time to waste. Because he has his own channels and knows the attitude of the Dutch, he cannot talk slowly like the prime minister in front of him.

"Prime Minister Haysbet, our country is very indignant about Italy's oppression of your country in Borneo. We believe that your country needs help, and our country is willing to provide certain help. For this reason, our government is willing to sell a batch of Arms that can be used to defend your country's interests."

Facing the list handed over by the French ambassador, Prime Minister Haysbet took it and looked at it. "Actually, your ambassador can submit this matter through normal channels. There is no need to go directly to my home."

Although Prime Minister Haysbet did not take a closer look, a cursory glance showed that France's weapons list was of great benefit, but was the Netherlands short of weapons?

Ambassador Yuleka also knew what it meant and immediately asked a question. "Our country also wants to help your country militarily, but does your country dare to accept it?"

Well, apart from the military help of weapons, that means sending troops to support. Prime Minister Haysbet really didn't dare to accept this.

Because the Netherlands does not dare to accept such help from France, the reason is simple, it runs counter to Dutch foreign policy.

The Netherlands relied on a neutral attitude in favor of Germany in its homeland. After all, the powerful Germany was on its side, and Belgium was separated from France. The Netherlands did not dare to get too close to France. In the colonies, it was Britain that relied on it. France's current relationship with Britain and Germany is not very good. Accepting help from France will do more harm than good, and the gain outweighs the loss. Even though the Netherlands suffered a loss on the Borneo issue, the vast Spice Islands are still in its hands.

Moreover, the Netherlands doesn't know what France's intention is to help them. Isn't it just adding trouble to Italy?

For this reason, Prime Minister Haysbet could only talk about him left and right. "Our country is grateful to France for its selfless help. I need to look at your ambassador's list in detail before I can give a reply."

Faced with Prime Minister Hesbet's somewhat excommunicative answer, the visiting Ambassador Juleka knew that the Dutch were a little afraid to accept France's kindness.

In fact, this visit to Prime Minister Haysbet was not his original intention, but the order from Paris must be carried out, so he could only go once, and the result was as expected. The timid Dutch do not dare to express a tough attitude on the Borneo issue.

"Well, I'll wait for your reply and then take my leave."

After the French ambassador left, Prime Minister Haysbet looked a little serious. It seems that the Netherlands cannot delay the issue of Borneo and must resolve it as soon as possible.

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