My Little Spirit Kitty

Chapter 9 - 09 – First lesson of magic

Seeing the box in Linoa's hand, which its color turns to turquoise, Sakura almost split out blood…

"Fuc*.. Did they really try to kill me?» Thought Sakura while watching at both Hiroki and Linoa since both of them never stop to surprised her.

"Sigh.. There is one reason why we didn't gave you these white box yet, and also why Yuuki who is older than you also didn't got one before." Try to explain calmly Sakura

"As you all learn already few years ago with the spirit beast of Hiroki and Linoa it's that they can hide their original form into a basic and normal animal, specially when they are still young, until they got enough strong and m.a.t.u.r.e for being able to evolve and transform as they wish to their natural form" Remind Sakura to them

In fact, they had to tell to Yuuki, Phoebe and Yumiko why they can't have their own animals like Hiroki and Linoa had. This make them a little sad and upset but they become happier when their parents promise them to help them to find their own spirit beast when they will be older after they saw their pity face.

Making them to avoid the problem for a future date, but in same time they was also hoped that Linoa or Hiroki could help them got their own spirit beast with the help of Frosty and Hikari.

"To be simple, for magicians it's almost the same situation. We called it the 'Awaken day'. Most of the time it happened during their birthday day, but it can also happened in some other rare occasion too" Revealed Sakura to them

"Eh!! That mean we have to wait until December before become a real magician" Shout Phoebe and Yumiko while Yuuki was sighing silently since his next birthday was even longer to wait since he was born in February…

"So that mean I may be able to open my own box soon?" Asked Linoa with sparkle in her eyes, which her own birthday was almost a week after Hiroki's birthday.

"Hey!! That's true.. Why I not yet had my awaken day since I am older than Hiroki and Linoa?? Is this meant that I am not a magician?" Asked Yuuki frightened

"No, not worry Yuuki! It's just that both Hiroki and Linoa are..well.. a little more special." Trying to find words to comfort him

"In general, normal kids awaken day happened around their 10th birthday, but some kids happened a little earlier like your parents. Your mother was seven years old when it happened to her while your father was height" Did she tell him while looking at him

"How about you mom?" Asked Yumiko

"Me? Well.. I was six years and a half. I didn't be awakened the day of my birthday but during an other event of my life, it even make people calling me a genius due to my young awakened age" Did she reply to her daughter

"Wow!! Our mom is the best in the world" Said proudly Phoebe and Yumiko

But she thought to herself that there was an even more rare genius front of her, while looking at Hiroki while his spirit beast Hikari was sleeping on his legs.

"Can I ask a question?" Asked suddenly Linoa

"Sure! What is it?"

"Why the color of my box is different from the one of Hiroki?" Did she asked

Making the other kids realize it as well and start to become curious at their turn

"Sigh.. It will be a long morning.." Thought Sakura while seeing all the kids waiting for her answer..

"Ok kids, please be careful! This will be your first lesson about magic.." Said Sakura starting to become suddenly serious

She slowly starts to tell them that until recently, most magicians believed that there was only one kind of magic called today as 'Pure magic' by most of the ancient magicians.

This magic mostly consist of creating and chanting a magic spell which can help the magician to concentrate his magic inside his body for then being able to alter or modify an object or even a person around them.

As for showing an example, she took her own wand inside her ring, which look like had also space storage.

Her wand was the same color of Linoa's box and create a little chill to the kids while they look at it. The handle of her wand was decorate with beautiful snow flakes on it, giving them a feeling of a strong snow storm will soon coming out from it while the top was as pure as a ice crystal, releasing some cold breeze.

< Levitate! > Chanted Sakura while pointing her wand to the kid's chairs and making them floating in the room while they was gripping tightly their chair making them having sparkle on their eyes and a big smile on their face.

"Theoretically, a magician can do almost everything. But in reality, it is not that easy. It will lot depend about his own capacity and mostly his understanding about nature law and relativity, and few lot else things that you will learn one day at the magic school." Did she continue while moving her wand and making the kids flying inside the room more and more fast without precutting each other's.

After making them flying around each other's for a while, she slowly put them back on the ground to continue her lesson.

"Of course, there is also lot else things you will learn like potion, herbology, magical creature and lot else several subject, but you will learn about it few by few when you will enter a magical school..."

"But for now, let's talk about the other kind of magic… The elemental magic!" Getting all the attention from the kids after she said it.

"The four main magic attribute of the elemental magic are 'Wind – Fire – Earth – Water' with their respective affinity and their attribute color are 'Green – Red – Brown – Blue'."

"Well.. It's not really a new magic, but mostly an ancient magic forgotten by most of the magicians, until something happened 50 years ago making it coming back popular again."

"You may ask why the magicians forgot about this old magic? In fact, why they need it when they just need a magical wand and a spell to use magic.. But that was the mistake that most of the magicians did make in the past, only to be focus on 'forcing' the magic to operate than 'cooperate' with it and that is main the reason why they forgot about it.."

"And that is the also the reason that why some magicians was unable to successfully chant some magic spell, while some was in opposite very good at. Mostly because their main affinity was the opposite one that the spell was need to be activate."

"For example you can't make or control a tree if you have a pure fire affinity, it will more transform into ashes haha"

"Unfortunately, since it's a lost magic, most of the books or notes related about it disappear long time ago, making magicians to rediscover it few by few past years."

Taking a small rest after her long explanation. Sakura realize that the kids was still lot focus and was really interesting about it than sleeping or even playing with their toys.

Seeing this make her be lot proud to have such nice students and continue her explanation..

"These four elements are the base of all the life on this planet, but what mostly people forgot or didn't knew was that there was one more element which regroup the four element together and which without it, the life was impossible to be created.."

"This magic element is 'Lightning' which it's attribute color is 'Purple', and one the rarest magic among the magicians and the 'lucky' magician having it at his main affinity can even control the four others elements as well"

Making all the kids turning their small head to Hiroki with big eyes, especially Phoebe and Yumiko who was really happy to know him and to be with him so often.

"But both of our wand and box are turquoise... What that mean?" Asked suddenly Linoa

"Well, except this little brat with us today, in general a magician only have one main element as his affinity when he or she born."

"But some rare person, like you and me born with two main element, making us having our own specific affinity attribute which is 'Ice', a combination of Water and Wind elements."

To show them what it's mean, she first create a ball of pure water in front of them while a gentle but cold wind taking slowly a particular shape and starting to sculpt an ice block.

"As you can see, by manipulating the water element with the wind element, I can create ice easily and modify it as I wish without need any spell" Said Sakura while suddenly an ice statue of herself appear in front of them

"Today, we know four unique dual element affinity which are 'Metal – Wood – Ice – Illusion' while their corresponding attribute color are 'Silver – Orange – Turquoise –Yellow'."

"So how do we know our main affinity then?" Did asked Phoebe who was still looking at her white box..

"The easiest way will be when a new students will have to buy their first wand when they will have to start their first year at the magical school during their 11th birthday's year." Reply Sakura while taking out a blue and a turquoise box from her ring and put on the table front of them

"The students will have the choice between single or dual prepaid affinity boxes, which is already been set up with their respective attribute color"

"But since to have a dual affinity it's something quiet rare, 1 of 10,000 people, most of the students mostly buy a box who have only a single affinity between the four elements, which is also cheaper than the dual affinity boxes" Said Sakura while touching her boxes to open them and revealing a simple blue wand inside the blue box while the turquoise box was empty of course.

"But that mean that some of the new students may have a dual affinity as well without knowing about it" Said Yuuki while looking at the two boxes.

"Yes, unfortunately you are correct, but it's also their first wand and it mostly enough to start learn magic with it."

"Specially that there is still also some old wood wands that some people still prefer to use than those news special new wands but it also can't tell them which is their affinity, but which can also provide some nice benefit as well if we put the right price for it."

"But why our boxes are all white then?" Did asked Yumiko

Making all the other kids a few confuse as well while they take a look at the three white box left on the table

"Ehh.. That's true.." Said the kids

"Well, that mostly because of your crazy father!" Reply Sakura while smiling.

"During the past five years, he kept searching and collecting very rare raw materials to create this five special boxes just for you!" Said Sakura looking specially at Hiroki who was the main reason about it

"And most importantly, you also can thanks a lot your grandfather who also help him in creating those wands. Even if he is very a busy man, when he heard that it was also a gift for his two cute grand daughters, he was a lot happy to help with it." Said Sakura while looking at her daughters

"So all of you, please don't forgot to also thanks him too the next time you see him.." Said Sakura making an end of today's lesson.

"Sigh.. I wonder who is really this weird old man.. All I know it's that he is weird and scary at his daughter" Did I thought when suddenly I heard Sakura shouting from the stairs after she left few second ago..


"Sigh.. They will never give up.." Thought Phoebe and Yumiko knowing their mom and Hiroki attitude

Seeing that both of them were looking at me with helplessly face, the only thing I was able to do for make them to forgive me was to wink at them while smiling.

Seeing them chuckle after looking at me make everyone to relax a few after this long lesson..

Meanwhile inside a big building situate on an specific Island, surround by some other islands around it, you can see an old man in his 60-70's sitting behind a huge desk with a lot of doc.u.ments on it.

He was actually looking at the files of the future new students who may soon start their first year and may soon arrive when suddenly..

"ATCHOOO.. Hmm there must be a little brat thinking badly about me.." Thought the old man while looking at the windows

On his desk you can see a nameplate in where we can read:

< Shinsai Magical School >

- School Director -

'Professor Seijino Teppei'

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