My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 157 156 Cicada, mantis, and oriole (6)

Chapter 157 156. Cicada, mantis, and oriole (6)

He calls Lin Fenglong sir, because Lin Fenglong was expelled from the family many years ago, although there is still a photo of him in the manor, and he will tell young children that it is someone's last photo.

But this is actually just a show for outsiders. Lin Fenglong is too important to the family, and the family knows very well that he will never die easily. The pursuit of him has never stopped for hundreds of years. Until Lin Fenglong, in order to make a living, sold subway cards on the hunter website, and gradually entered the hunter's field of vision, this guy who had been hiding for many years finally couldn't help but surfaced.

Lin Fenglong was stunned for a moment by this title that he had not heard for a long time. Once upon a time, this name was also a dazzling existence, and it once occupied an important position in the secret party.

He subconsciously wanted to put his hand into his sleeve, trying to grab the dagger hidden inside. Although Yanling was not suitable for fighting, every member of the secret party who came from that era was like this, even when sleeping. Under the pillow lay a knife and a gun. He felt empty, and there was nothing under the wide-sleeved shirt. Over the years, he had become a complete BJ uncle. He would drink bean juice and carry a birdcage out for a walk in the morning, saying hello to the neighbors. , that kind of life is far away from him.

"Give me some time." Lin Fenglong whispered. He leaned on the chair and looked up at the old ceiling. A flood of thoughts came from the inner lake that had been silent for many years. The gate used to seal the memory was in The curse of Friedrich von Loon was completely revealed.

When he looked at Fingel again, the old quail's eyes had changed. Although there was still the turbidity unique to the old man, what emanated from his eyes was absolute loyalty and perseverance, as if it could pierce the dark clouds and let the sun shine again. now. Fingel couldn't help but feel that if he held a gun to Lin Fenglong's head now, this old man who was so afraid of death just a few minutes ago would never say another useful word to him.

That was the look of a soldier. In the summer more than 100 years ago, Lin Fenglong had already set foot on Chinese soil for the first time. But at that time, he was an invader and a member of the German infantry division. He had committed countless atrocities. Those who have experienced it personally.

"If the other shopkeepers here knew that you had a share of credit for the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, they would rush over and skin you, right?" Fingel joked.

"That's not entirely true. I was already a member of the secret party at that time. I joined that army just so that I could more conveniently take a warship to reach China. While my comrades were sitting on the dragon throne and taking pictures, I was busy looking for and I spent a lot of money to carry relics related to the Dragon Clan civilization onto merchant ships traveling to Germany." Lin Fenglong said, "This was a task given to me by the secret party at that time. At that time, China was still under the decadent rule of the late Qing Dynasty, and the royal family knew a little bit about it. There are things about dragons, but they don't think they are alien creatures. Since ancient times, there has been a saying about the true dragon emperor, which leads them to think that they are the relics of the ancient true dragons. They need to take away the antiquities of the dragon civilization from these pedantic guys. It’s really not easy, the army is a good cover, and when you put the gun on the table, those high-sounding late Qing nobles will be easy to talk to.”

When Lin Fenglong said these words, he was full of energy and had a touch of contempt. It sounded like he despised those people in the late Qing Dynasty. Modern Europeans always paint themselves as fighters for peace in the wars from the Middle Ages to modern times, but most of the time, in those colonial lands, they always used coercion, inducement or plunder. In those days, Lin Fenglong used this method Things are pretty normal.

"I know that before the Secret Party experienced the Summer Mourning incident, it obtained a total of 666 items related to dragon civilization from the Far East. More than thirty of them passed through your hands. You were the last person sent by the Secret Party to the Far East. Merchant." Fingel nodded.

These things are basically secrets to modern cabalists, but not to Fingel. The predecessor of today's Kassel Academy was named after Meneke Kassel, a member of the Cabal. He was once the elite leader of the European Dragon-Slaying Cabal. At that time, the Cabal's stronghold was at the Kassel Manor in Germany. That was Fingal family territory.

This German aristocracy has experienced the baptism of two world wars, and is far inferior to the current Kassel Academy directors. It is a little lonely, but in Germany a hundred years ago, they were the most powerful supporters of the Secret Party. At that time, Lin Fenglong was the leader of the younger generation of the family. His excellent verbal skills and flexible mind made him quickly stand out in the secret party, and he came to the side of Meineke Cassel, and was entrusted to go to the Far East to purchase the Dragon Clan. Antiquities.

At that time, everyone was delighted with the prosperity of the secret party, but they did not expect that entrusting Friedrich von Long to do this would be a wrong decision that would be regretted for the rest of his life.

"Xia Zhi Ming", these four words were like lightning that shocked his mind. Lin Fenglong's fingers twitched uncomfortably, and the memories he least wanted to recall emerged one after another.

"But my knowledge of those things is limited to word of mouth from the elders in the family. If possible, I would like to hear it from you personally." Fingel nodded and smiled. It was rare for him to be so serious.

"Why are you looking for me? Revenge? Are you from Angers?" Lin Fenglong stared closely into Fingel's eyes.

"It's not accurate. I am indeed studying at Kassel College now, but I represent the family's thoughts. No one knows what you went through in China and why you suddenly betrayed the secret party. What I want to do with you is up to you. Tell me the truth." Fingel said it lightly, but Lin Fenglong felt a touch of danger from those words.

After a long silence, Lin Fenglong's tight body slowly relaxed. Maintaining that tension with high intensity was very taxing on his current body, and he also knew that he could never be like the young man in front of him. Opponent, his biggest asset is that it is difficult to die, not impossible. This thing is really insignificant in the face of today's methods, but it would have been very useful in the war era many years ago.

"I did not betray the secret party." Lin Fenglong's eyes seemed to be filled with heavy rain and dark clouds.

"If that's the case, then you shouldn't have been on the run. There must be a reason for hiding your name for more than 100 years." Fingel shook his head.

"Shortly after the fatal thing arrived at Cassel Manor, I was assassinated by the Qing royal family while I was still in China. From those people's mouths, I learned what I had done. It was so terrifying that even It can destroy the accumulation of the European secret party for thousands of years. Those who killed me threw my body in an ancient well and buried it with stones, but they did not know how tenacious my vitality was. Even if I was just a piece of corpse, I could Grow back again. I survived, but I didn’t know where I should go. At this time, the manor far away in Germany had probably been destroyed. No one could survive the sneak attack of that kind of thing. The elder of the secret party They will definitely pursue my whereabouts like crazy. They will regard me as a crazy traitor and will use all means to ask for the secrets they want after being caught. The strong sense of guilt also makes me dare not return to Germany. If I If I had been more careful, if I had checked one more time and confirmed the goods with my own eyes, it would not have led to such a tragedy."

Lin Fenglong held his head and cried uncontrollably: "I am sorry for Meineke!"

"Cargo No. 666 that arrived at Kassel Manor was a coffin," Fingel said. "According to subsequent traceability investigations, we learned that this was something that the Qing court found in a tomb robbery in Gansu. It was probably a historical item. The tomb of the Xixia royal family. At that time, the Qing government was in financial difficulty, so they organized officers and soldiers from all over the country to rob and dig graves for gold and silver. When this coffin was discovered, one of the soldiers digging the grave had an informant from the Dragon Slayer family and discovered that it was from the Dragon family. The things were reported to the Qing court in exchange for a reward of silver. After the Qing court opened the coffin for inspection at that time, it was found that the body in the coffin was nailed with twenty silver nails, and the ordering was suspected to be the lost Taoist method of Six Ding Liujia. At that time, they I feel that this is an extremely dangerous thing, because ancient books say that only evil ghosts who will be resurrected from the underworld will use this method to isolate them from contact with the underworld."

"Yes, those silver nails are actually the alchemy weapons of the ancient Chinese dragon-slaying family. They used these silver nails to destroy the heart of the corpse and force it to stop beating. Although the people in the Qing court did not know what it was specifically, feudal superstition made them I am very sensitive to these things. They knew that I was in the cultural relics business and deliberately approached me to act. They wanted to sell this thing to me in exchange for 50,000 marks and pay in silver coins. At that time, I just took a look at the appearance of the coffin. I knew this was something related to the dragon clan, because part of the dragon inscriptions was engraved on the coffin. But I didn't open it for inspection. After the people from the Qing court opened the coffin, they sealed it more tightly, which led me to think that it was the state of the coffin itself. , hoping to transport it back to Germany for inspection in the best possible condition, I made a fatal mistake!" Lin Fenglong cried and sighed.

"The coffin was transported back to Germany, along with a group of dead waiters. It was speculated afterwards that there was a person who knew the Secret Party and the Dragon Clan, and contributed this perfect method in front of the Qing court, with the purpose of destroying The core of the Secret Party." Fingel said, "It is also an accident. At that time, the Secret Party supported the Chinese revolution to overthrow the monarchy because of Lu Shanyan's activities. This happened to poke the weakest point of the Qing court. Both parties should have no Intersection. In Cassel Manor, the dragon in the coffin was accidentally released by the doctor in charge of the anatomy at the time. It was the first generation of dragons. That dragon slaughtered the entire Cassel Manor, and almost all the secret party elites at that time Sacrificed, only one person survived and later became the president of the Cassel Academy - Hilbert Jean Angers."

"Principal Angers has never stopped pursuing you for hundreds of years. He has never found anything, but he knows that you are still alive. In his opinion, you betrayed the secret party and colluded with the Qing court. You are probably still somewhere in China at the moment. The place is free and easy. Your speech spirit is not in the textbooks. It is an extremely rare ability to create life. It is called Nirvana by the dragon-slaying family in China. There has only been one case in ancient China before you. Even if you are thrown into the minced meat After being crushed in the machine, as long as there are still some living cells, you can be revived to your original appearance. So you cannot be killed easily, unless something can destroy all your cells when it kills you. Your most likely way of death is death from old age. This spirit can reverse life and regenerate, but it cannot replace your aging organs with new cells. It will only restore you to the moment before you suffered a fatal injury."

"I don't have much time left. Even if I can crawl back from the abyss of death countless times, time is still the biggest enemy. We carry dragon blood, but we are never the real dragon clan and cannot resist aging." Lin Fenglong curled up. He said quietly in the chair that these secrets had been hidden in his heart for many years and he never dared to tell anyone. Now his descendants finally found him. When he told all those secrets, the piece of blood that had been pressing on him He was relieved when the stone finally disappeared.

"I once expected Angers to find me one day, so that I could hold his lap and cry to him and confess my sins, telling him how sad I was over the years. In fact, I have been quietly paying attention to the secret party later, and I know When Kassel College was established, I also knew that the current school directors were all guys who came from that era and made a fortune during the war. But I was also afraid that Angers would show up in front of my antique shop with a The hunting blade named Revenge didn't say anything. It just inserted the tip of the knife into my body the moment it saw me. It doesn't matter if I can't die. Modern technology has too many ways to kill everything about a person. He could have tied me up and sunk me into the depths of the ocean trench, and then I would have been reincarnated between eternal death and resurrection until I was completely old and not a single cell would be active anymore.”

Lin Fenglong lowered his head and murmured in a low voice, without looking at Fingel. He was like a devout believer sitting in church, telling the priest about his sins in the first half of his life, and did not even ask the Lord for forgiveness because he felt that he had sinned. No mercy.

"Do you plan to linger in a place like this for the rest of your life?" Fingel turned his head and looked at the old shop that was in disgrace. He, Chu Zihang and Xia Mi faithfully carried out the mantis stalking the cicada. Plan, followed Garrincha to this alley. After confirming that Lin Fenglong was Friedrich, he hid here to avoid the search by the anti-terrorist armed police, so he knew the structure of the store very well.

There is a small door behind the screen. Inside the door is a secret bedroom. On an old cabinet is a large computer with Internet access. The corner is full of information about the secret party. There is a yellowed poster hanging on the wall, Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen, When the Snow Falls, a classic German folk song. The picture shows the wife shivering in the heavy snow outside the cabin, looking into the distance, looking like some German theater troupe coming to China. It was done during the performance. Feeling homesick, Lin Fenglong secretly tore up the opera house poster, took it home and hid it.

"Every old man should have his own nest, where he can slowly count down his few years." Lin Fenglong whispered, "I don't have the guts to see Angers, let alone go back to Germany to meet those old friends. I put a mourning flower in front of his grave. I am a humble and cowardly villain. Shouldn't a villain be in such a dark place? Just like a mole."

Fingel was silent for a few seconds, "To be honest, there are actually a few people in the family that you should know. They are old people who survived that era. They once controlled the secret party, but now they can only live with a tube in the back of their head. Talking to them will feel like you are communicating with a group of zombies. It usually takes more than ten minutes for their fingers to type a complete sentence on the keyboard. If you are willing to go back, you may be able to find some traces of the past. But I don’t I recommend you do this. The family is still looking for traces of you. It’s not because they have any doubts about what happened back then. It’s already past history and not worth mentioning. They still want to find you because of your words and spirit. It is really unbelievable. The extremely tenacious vitality and the ability to regenerate from cells are beyond the scope of human discovery. They hope to study you."

"You are still doing this kind of thing..." Lin Fenglong sighed, "Dragon clan can never be interpreted through research! It has been proven countless times!"

"You can't know how vast the outside world is if you stay in a place like this." Fingel smiled, "Before the start of World War I, all European countries launched an arms race, and many of those research results were retained. , and some are still benefiting the public today. You should also know that the secret party at that time cooperated with various countries, and everyone has begun to try to use the power of science to interpret the mysteries of the Dragon Clan. 100 years later, someone may have already interpreted it. We just don’t know yet.”

"Your tone reminds me of Hitler. Are you going to take me back to the concentration camp?"

"No, I'm not interested in their so-called great cause." Fingel shrugged, "Principal Angers is an Avenger, and I am also an Avenger, but he wants to kill all the dragons in the world, and I only I want to kill one of them. I will tell the family that Friedrich von Long has not been found. Lin Fenglong is just a charlatan. In exchange, I want to know if you have anything else after the Summer Mourning incident. discovery. Since you regret it very much, you should want to urgently investigate and restore the full picture of the incident. What kind of first-generation species is that dragon...?"

"Not sure..." Lin Fenglong pondered for a moment. He knew that this answer was not what Fingel wanted. Fingel had done great things. He must try to find some remuneration from the old memories that he could pay, " Later I went to the place where the coffin was excavated and interviewed the local people. Due to lack of manpower, the officers and soldiers even mobilized poor people to help when digging the tomb. There are still several villages there today, and most of the people in the villages They are all surnamed Li, and they are said to be descendants of the Xixia royal family Li Yuanhao. Xixia is inland and is not really a place with many water sources. The king of bronze and fire has been killed by you, and the king of earth and mountain may be at our feet. What if It is really a first-generation species, perhaps the most mysterious sky and wind."

"After the Summer of Mourning, the dragon never appeared again. The dragon clan in the entire incident was no longer based on the violence of the past, but showed human-like conspiracies, encirclements and deceptions. Assuming that it was really Sky and wind, this dragon king is probably so cunning that it is unimaginable." Fingel clicked his tongue in admiration.

Lin Fenglong opened the cupboard that had not yet been closed, took out a few subway cards and placed them in front of Fingel.

"I never thought I would be able to see my relatives in my life... There is really nothing left to offer. Do you want these? They can open the Nibelungs in this city, where the Dragon King is. Lin Fenglong smiled narrowly and gave a thumbs up, "To be honest, you and I really looked alike when we were young, very handsome!"

Everything was finally settled, and she felt so relieved that Lin Fenglong even dared to muster up the courage to have a proper kiss. Although Fingel always looks like a hunched, defeated dog, if you really take a look at the good dog that looks like a human and a dog standing in the crowd, at least it can be regarded as a Chow Chow type, majestic and majestic!

"Don't we all make a living by looking good?" Fingel said with pride, "Back then, I was also a popular flower in the academy. Wherever I went, there were students holding flowers. sister!"

He reached out and put all the subway cards in his pocket, and raised a mean smile at Lin Fenglong. What's the point of being polite? These two words never appeared in Fingel's dictionary. Although his family even had a manor and was inherited from the old nobility, as a loser, his financial situation was really not optimistic. If Lin Fenglong can make a fortune selling these subway cards, then why can't Fingel find an old fool to take over? For example, classmate Caesar Gattuso, who didn't get a subway card, should be happy to spend money to buy another one!

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