My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 158 157 You in Memory (1)

Chapter 158 157. You in memory (1)

Chu Zihang felt as if he had been "abducted" unintentionally.

I'm afraid no one in this world can kidnap him now. If it really comes to a desperate moment, he will turn into a humanoid self-propelled explosive bomb and die with the opponent. But it’s a different matter when the other person is a pretty little goblin... The goblin invited you to his home and said he would treat you to dumplings. You can’t say that I am a Muslim and don’t eat pork stuffing. Two eyes Close your mouth and recite Long Wen silently, Mommy, Mommy, coax you! It blew people up to the sky.

Click, click, click, the sound of two kitchen knives chopping dumpling fillings in succession came from the cutting board, which reminded him of the smell of fireworks in Chu Tianjiao's rental house during the Chinese New Year when he was a child. My mother often said why go to all the trouble, why not go out and buy ready-made dumpling fillings or just freeze the dumplings? Chu Tianjiao always laughed and said I don’t understand! Dumpling fillings are delicious if you make them yourself, there is enough meat and the dumplings are big enough! It's finely chopped and chewy, and when you dip it in vinegar, you'll be like a god!

Chu Zihang still remembers the taste of those dumplings. Last year on the Monyach, he saw Lu Mingfei making dumplings, and he suddenly remembered those past memories, just like a fairy standing by the stove now. Busy, he wanted to do something to help or something, but was pushed back by his elbow, saying that since he said he wanted to treat you to a meal, there was no reason for you to do anything.

So he could only sit there blankly, looking at the thin strap of the light blue apron on her waist, clicking, clicking, clicking, and the ponytail would swing back and forth every time he exerted force, as if sweeping him away. The dust on my heart.

The room was very small, facing a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The sunlight cast a shadow of the pane on the ground. The metal window frame was badly rusted, and several pieces of glass were broken.

A bed is placed in the center of the room with a blue coverlet. An old-fashioned chest of drawers stands in the corner. In the corner on the other side is a gas stove and an old-fashioned double-door refrigerator, with a desk for writing. There is a desk that also has the function of eating, and there is not even a chair for sitting on the bed, that's all the furniture. This room doesn't even have a bathroom, just one. If you want to use the bathroom, you have to go to the public toilet outside.

It’s hard to imagine that this kind of place could be Xia Mi’s home. Her face looks like a girl with sunshine. In Chu Zihang’s imagination, there should be a family that is loved by her parents. Of course, such a girl should be held up as the apple of his eye. , showing it off to every relative, saying intentionally or unintentionally that our daughter has been admitted to Kassel College in the United States, which is an aristocratic college! There are also tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships available every year!

Chu Zihang arrived here after leaving Liulichang yesterday. Because the entire capital was under martial law, large numbers of armed police appeared on the streets. Police cars shuttled through the streets and alleys. I don't know which guy standing in front of the convenience store was a plainclothes guy. Garrincha succeeded in disrupting the situation in this ancient city by himself. The use of heavy firepower is an absolutely unforgivable atrocity here.

He couldn't go back to the hotel because many foreigners were witnessed at the scene, and the hotel was the focus of investigation. After going around in circles for many times, Xia Mi snapped his fingers and said, since you can't go back, why not go to my house? Before Chu Zihang had time to agree, Xia Mi had already jumped up and dragged him to the supermarket to buy some goods. He was walking through the old community carrying large and small bags. The overturned sycamore leaves fell on her shoulders. She But without realizing it, Chu Zihang could only silently pat it away for her, and then met the curious eyes that turned back.

Xia Mi always gave him a strange and vague feeling, like those fluttering skirts on the green lawn in spring, the spiky grass and slender calves, and the unique freshness after the rain.

"Senior brother, how many can you eat?" Xia Mi's voice came from behind, and she had already started making dumplings.

"Twenty." Chu Zihang replied. He has always eaten 20 dumplings since he was a child. When he was a child, his belly was round and he didn't eat enough when he was growing up. Now he is just seven to eight full. This number is very important to him. It's like some kind of mark, representing the cutting board that always clicks in the back of my mind.

"So few? The dumpling set meals outside only come with 18 pieces each. They are still so small. Can you eat them?"

"It's actually not good to eat too much. Seven to eight points is just right."


This kind of conversation seemed a little natural and smooth, like an old couple. Even Chu Zihang himself found it strange that he and Xia Mi had not known each other for that long.

He moved his slightly stiff body, because he spent the night on the floor last night. He didn't know how long the martial law in the capital would last. Maybe if he relaxed a little, he could go back to the hotel to get something and do what he needed to do. .

"If you're too bored, there are a few novels in the drawer to entertain you." Xia Mi roughly guessed what Chu Zihang was thinking.


There is something really frustrating about being in such a small place. Chu Zihang opened the drawer of his desk and was stunned. It was not a published magazine as he imagined, but several notebooks stacked together.

He picked up the top one, with a light and graceful number six written on the title page, and continued to open the others, followed by five, four, three, two, and one. Behind the title page, there was a summary of the story written seriously, It can be seen that they are one after another, six books in total. The most concerning thing is that the male protagonist's name is Chu Zihang, and the female protagonist is an illusory character named Xia, a witch who has lived for thousands of years. Due to some accident, she lost her precious memory and was picked up by Chu Zihang. It's a bit like the light novels that are popular these days.

This is a novel she wrote herself. After a few years, the edges of the pages have turned slightly yellow, not as white as when she first appeared. This kind of thing should probably be someone's dark history, but Xia Mi said that if he was bored, he could pick it up and read it, as if it was a gift that he had prepared for a long time and wanted to give it to him.

"Is it an accident?" Xia Mi grinned, but Chu Zihang could only judge her current state from her back and tone of voice.

"I didn't expect anyone to write me into the story." Chu Zihang started reading the first book and found that the male protagonist named after him was also a facially paralyzed character like him. He never talked to the people around him. Sometimes he would sit alone in the cafeteria and take his time. He would stand on the street corner with an umbrella and stare at a kitten curled up in the landscape, as if it didn't matter how the world turned. Yesterday, today, or tomorrow that has not yet come, are all the same to him, no matter whether they are good or bad. He is indeed a protagonist who even the current reader Chu Zihang finds very boring. If this was a publication, would an emotional loser like him be worthy of falling in love with the beautiful witch Xia? It will be criticized by readers for eighteen streets.

"Because I cared about you very much at that time." Xia Mi said, "Have you ever tried to observe someone silently in a crowd? Watch him shooting alone on the basketball court, watch him stand in front of the window for hours on end. It's raining, watching him after school, cleaning, and practicing in the piano room alone. You can't find any gossip highlights in his life, it's really boring. You will miss me! I wouldn't do it if I were him Are you so depressed? How can you feel less lonely? How can this guy pretend to be cool? If you are happy and giggle, you will die! To be honest, I just noticed you accidentally at first, but after I noticed, I can't look away from you anymore. I will sympathize with you for living like a fool."

"So you wrote this story?" Chu Zihang was multitasking and his reading speed was very fast. Xia Mi was still very young when he wrote these stories. His writing style was immature and the structure was simple. The development of the story was a straight line, very quickly. You can get to the point.

"I feel like I have become a mother. I always thought that your kid should live a normal life. You are just looking for trouble for yourself." On the field, I was the cheerleader. When you were listening to the class teacher and giving guidance to everyone, I was dancing behind you. Unfortunately, girl, I am born with a low sense of presence, and senior brother, you are facially paralyzed and have little emotion. I was thrown to the bottom of the well of memory like a passer-by, and I didn’t remember it at all.”

"I'm sorry." Chu Zihang apologized honestly. He really didn't remember that a person like Xia Mi had appeared in his life. It turned out that someone had looked at him at such a close distance. He had to recall a lot every night. Things, but none of them related to her.

"So I don't care about you anymore." Xia Mi turned to look at Chu Zihang, "Think about it, everyone would be sad if you put in so much effort and effort but get nothing in return! But I don't think so at all. I thought about what I wanted in return. I just hoped that you could live a little more like a human being, but you didn't change at all. It was really discouraging. So I sealed this unfinished story. It has no ending because the witch returns. No matter how powerful you are, you can't save that idiot. If you feel you owe me, just take them back and have a look, but remember not to let Senior Sister Lu see them. Tsk, it sounds like an affair."

"What does it have to do with her?" Chu Zihang was confused.

"Hey, I won't hide it anymore. Anyway, I am not connected to the world at the moment. Everything I say is a secret that only you and I know." Xia Mi smiled and did not forget to stop the work in his hands. Next, "Brother Fool, Senior Sister Lu likes you! It's not the so-called good brothers in the world, the kind of love between seniors and sisters, but the feeling that you are the SuperMan in her destiny, who can be entrusted to her for the rest of her life and spend the rest of her life in half." The kind of love I give you!”

Chu Zihang was stunned. There were a lot of rumors about him in Kassel College. This was the first time that someone no longer pointed fingers in such a joking manner, but told him seriously in person, Lu Mingfei I really like him and want to stay with him.

"Why do you know?"

"Probably only those with negative emotional intelligence like you don't know..." Xia Mi almost didn't know what expression to put on when facing this guy, "Probably everyone around you can see it, and Senior Sister Lu herself knows it all. , I almost turned into water when I stayed with you with a heart in my hand, but the person involved, Mr. Chu, didn’t know."

Chu Zihang was silent, probably more out of shame. He suddenly remembered many things that he had never paid attention to. For example, why did Lu Mingfei say that he put on too much hand cream? Give some to senior brother, and then grab it. Touch the skin on the back of his hand. Why does Lu Mingfei always smile sweetly when calling him senior brother and senior brother, as if those two words themselves can make people happy physically and mentally. Why is it that Lu Mingfei is obviously noticed by many people in Kassel and is a member of the student union, but he always runs to the Lion Heart Club whenever there is nothing wrong?

No matter how paralyzed he is, no matter how weak he is, he should come to his senses in the face of such straightforward words without any embarrassment. Those small expressions and those intimate movements will only bloom for a certain special person, but Because he has long been accustomed to these, he doesn't think there is any special meaning in it.

"Although I have confessed to Senior Sister Lu, she will feel uncomfortable even if she sees these dark histories. In terms of emotional intelligence, both of you combined are not enough to fight me." Xia Mi took off the wrapped dumplings. Enter the pot, close the lid, and go to the desk to read the sweet and sour stories written by myself. As I read them, I laughed to myself. Many of the words I thought were profound when I was young will come back to me many years later. It turned out to be so ridiculous when I watched it. But after being ridiculous, I thought of myself back then, and how caring I was when I was seriously lying on my desk writing these words.

"What the hell are you writing about! Don't read it! You're not allowed to read it either!" She had just made her bold words and now regretted it because Chu Zihang came across some plots that were not suitable for children. Adolescent boys They are a species that will go into heat when they see a faucet, but adolescent girls may not necessarily be honest. At that time, Xia Mi was a little arrogant when writing, and the plot gradually developed from acquaintances to familiarity to fragrant bed sheets. It was really not a good thing to read these words with Chu Zihang. She quickly covered Chu Zihang's eyes with the back of her hand and covered the notebook with her backhand.

At this moment, Chu Zihang was still a little bit stunned. Hearing Xia Mi say that Lu Mingfei really liked him, this feeling was no less than when Lu Mingfei confessed to him in person. Now all he could think about was how to deal with it. The idea of ​​this feeling. But with his understanding of girls as a group and his basically zero concept of love, let alone thinking of some tricks, he just thought that if Lu Mingfei was standing in front of him now, he wouldn't know what to say. It would be embarrassing. Compared with ancient times, the eldest lady who has never been out of the house felt embarrassed when she met the husband who had been promised for the first time.

"Senior Sister Lu is a great girl. Regardless of whether she is careless or cute when facing you, she actually wants you to see her best side. She is so serious and cute, and she really just looks at her. I just want to help her." Xia Mi said softly, "Maybe I am this kind of person. I am like this when I see you, and I am like this when I see her. I always hope that the people around me can be happier. Remember to Be good to her! No matter what the ending is, you must not make her sad! You can’t make her cry either! Men who make girls cry are the worst!"

Xia Mi waved his fists with a fierce look on his face. She is indeed a good best friend and even a good wingman. Knowing Lu Mingfei’s character, if she continues to get entangled with Chu Zihang, Caesar next door will probably have a baby with Nono. Here, she is still testing the ink, so she simply goes behind the scenes. Take the opportunity to push some strong medicine. Just as she said about Chu Zihang, the wooden fish must be struck hard to produce a loud echo.

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