My Understanding Is Incredible: I Become Stronger When I Am Shocked, I Can Move In Seconds

My Understanding Is Incredible: I Become Stronger When I Am Shocked, I Can Move In Seconds


73 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Tian transmigrate to the fantasy world Profound Heaven Continent.

Waking up and lying on the bed in the empress's boudoir, and having a wedding that night?

He was about to be whipped by the Empress, but the system was late but it was here!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating the system of becoming stronger by being shocked. ]

[Congratulations on completing the first shock, the reward is that the opponent cannot move. ]

Elders: "I heard that the empress married a loser?"

With just one palm, Chu Tian shattered Divine Child's Dao Heart and shocked the entire audience!

Chu Tian: "If you can't reach the sky in one step, how dare you call yourself a genius?"

"You don't even deserve to be trash!"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing 5 consecutive shocks, and the reward is for breaking through five levels in a row! ]

Elders: "You actually know the Heavenly Demon Palm? How long have you been practicing?"

Chu Tian: "One day."

All the elders: "I am super!"

Chu Tian: "No, I just practice casually and I will be invincible?"

——The introduction is too weak, please move to the main text!


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