Nonlinear Love

Chapter 240

Immediately after, the light rail roared past, gradually rising to the riverside, the food stalls they had been to, and the alley in front of the house that they had walked through hand in hand countless times.

In the hottest summer in the foggy city, the two teenagers walked through the streets, strolled through the mottled old city, and crowded in the noisy neighborhood.

It seems that I can't wait for more time to complete the things that have not been completed before.

All day, from sunrise to sunset, their hands were held tightly and never let go.

It seems that they are deliberately announcing their good news to the world in such a high-profile way.

The sky was getting dark, Su Lian hooked his hands all day and said, "The last stop, the rooftop, it's time for us to invite everyone to a wedding wine."

He was joking, with tears in his eyes that were about to fall, and his eyes were red.

Chi Huang nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay, I'll send a message to ask them to come over."

They both looked so happy all day, laughing and joking, as if the raucous summer days would never end.

But they know that when the moon rises, they will eventually face that terrible unknown.

Several friends received the message and reunited on the rooftop, as lively as the night of Christmas Eve.

The Internet cafe downstairs has changed hands, but it is still their world.

Sitting around the small table, Lin Yan hooked open the beer can and looked at the rings on their fingers: "Are you engaged?"

"Well, so please have a drink." Chi Wang took a can of beer and touched it to the side. "For the Internet cafe, thank you for your willingness to sell it."

"It's all brothers, you're welcome. How is your family now?" Lin Yan asked with concern.

Chi Wang vaguely said: "They are very good, they are all very good."

Today is a happy day, he doesn't want to mention those sad things for now, which makes Su Lian sad.

Gu Anjiu hooked a person with one hand, and said with a smile, "The arrogant master is still an arrogant idiot. Before the third year of high school, he would slap our brother Lian to death. Congratulations to the two newcomers, and wish you a long life."

Su Lian tilted his head and touched the little fat man: "Thank you for our matchmaker."

"Where did you propose marriage? Tell me for reference." Lin Yan raised his eyes and asked curiously.

Chi lied to show off, and replied with a smile: "The temple before, was cool or not, and in the entire fog city, there is absolutely no way to find a second pair."

"Are you, are you going to get married?" Song Jiaci was shocked, "Wow, it's really cool."

Su Lian squeezed the beer can, his fingertips were a little blue from the cold, and replied with a smile, "Not yet, but one day."

"I don't care, the rounding is to be sent to the room, such a happy thing, don't you drink a jiāo cup?"

Gu Anjiu doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. One person is equivalent to the entire cheerleading team, constantly booing, "jiāo cup! jiāo cup! jiāo cup!"

Chi Yan looked at Su Lian with a smile, and blinked slowly: "Drink one?"

Su Lian grabbed his hand and brought the wine can to his mouth, as if it was their wedding scene, drinking a glass of wine under the roar of the crowd.

Chi Wang drank it all, and the jar was empty: "Thank you for coming to our humble engagement."

"What, where is it? I remember that there are lights we bought on the rooftop." Song Jiaci said as he ran to the side and pressed the switch, and the lights lit up around the rooftop.

The light-colored lights flickered into one piece, which was really beautiful.

Gu Anjiu raised his hand, stretched out his arms and said, "Hold one, let's be happy too."

Su Lian, who has always hated being touched, raised his hand and hugged him back, and said with a smile, "Today we saw the previous hanging bell, and you will also find your other half."

"Fuck, you are so emotional all of a sudden, it makes me want to cry a little bit." Gu Anjiu curled his lips suddenly, his eyes fell on the two good-looking teenagers, and sighed, "It's good, it's good, the two of you will want to do it in the future. Show your love, I will never say another word."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yan and Song Jiaci also gave hugs one by one. They thought it was a blessing to the two, but in the eyes of Su Lian and Chi Huang, it was more like a close farewell.

Su Lianzui looked at the bright lights near and the lights in the distance, and when he smiled, his heart began to feel sour.

This group of friends who have witnessed their good news will forget one thing and two things after going back in time.

At the moment when the pointer is turned, no one will know again that two young teenagers have privately arranged for life in the temple on the top of the mountain.

The most important stroke in their young life will be quickly forgotten in the dust of time.

But it doesn't matter, I remember it, and Chili remembers it too.

The night was falling, Chi Yan glanced at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Every day that passed, the pain he would have to endure would probably be one more point, and he didn't dare to gamble.

So he hurried people away with a smile: "Let's withdraw when we're almost there, don't disturb us to spend a good night together."

"Cut, I don't want to be your light bulb." Gu Anjiu dragged the stool away and quickly cleaned up the leftovers on the table. Once the tablecloth was wrapped, the rooftop became gāngān clean again.

"School is about to start, see you at school." Lin Yan walked downstairs holding Song Jiaci's neck, and then turned around and said, "When school starts, you will have to go to the next class, which is very reluctant."

"It doesn't matter, you can always see it anyway, right?" Song Jiaci tilted her head and replied with a smile.

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