Nonlinear Love

Chapter 241

Looking at the smiling faces of his friends, Su Lian nodded, hummed, and murmured, "I can always see you."

A few people got off the rooftop, and the place that was still noisy just now suddenly fell silent. He looked back at Chi Li and reminded softly, "Brother Chi, it's half past eleven."

"I know." Chi Yan sighed, his lips pursed tightly.

He had been mentally preparing for the day, trying to cover up his nervousness with those joys, but the moment was coming.

Su Lian took out the old watch from his pocket and squeezed the strap with his fingertips: "Or, let's go together."

"Come on, don't you hurt so much every time you move it for a few minutes? Maybe I have nothing to do, we scare ourselves." Chi Yan took the watch from his hand with a smile, pretending to be relaxed, " I'm looking forward to it."

"Brother Chi." Su Lian called him in a low voice, and there was no lingering sound.

Then he was taken into his arms, and Chi Wang pressed his ear and replied, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Su Lian couldn't stop trembling, and kept reminding: "If you can't hold it, you should stop immediately and don't be rude."

He paused and his voice became more hoarse: "I really don't want to lose you again, I can't bear it anymore."

"I know, don't worry." Chi Juan raised his hand and stroked his back, comforting little by little, "It'll be fine, we still have a lot of things to do, besides, we just worshipped God today. Buddha, they will keep us all going well. I will definitely remember your words, and if it doesn't work, I will stop immediately, okay?"

Su Lian blinked, his fingertips gripping his shirt were almost stiff to white, and after a long time, he made a difficult reply from his nose.

"Susu, we will always be together, not even death can separate us." Chi Juan raised his chin, struggling to suppress the wetness in his eyes.

The two stood in the night wind, quietly watching each other, trying to carve each other's appearance into their bones.

Chi Huang pinched the back of his neck, kissed him deeply, and tasted a little salty wetness.

This was probably the most hopeless and forceful kiss they've ever had together. It seems that they want to prove that they can overcome everything in love.

Su Lian loosened his fingertips, and the trembling of his voice remained unabated: "Back on June 21st, we were also on this rooftop that day."

This is a long-term leap that he has never tried. For two months, he did not know what kind of pain Chi Xuan would face, nor what kind of ending he would face.

"I started." Chili lowered his eyelashes, put his fingertips on the watch, and moved the hands slowly.

The surrounding scenery became blurred, he was swept into the tunnel of time and space, there was a brief blank in his brain, and his breathing gradually accelerated.

The pointer stuck at zero, and he instantly appeared in the bedroom on the second floor without Su Lian by his side.

Chi Juan slid the pointer and continued to move forward with difficulty. Starting from twenty-four hours ago, every second that followed was accompanied by heart-piercing pain.

His fingertips trembled so badly that he barely had the strength to continue dialing the watch.

However, it still needs to continue.

At this moment, he completely felt the pain of Su Lian's backtracking every time, as if a hand was pinching his heart fiercely, making it difficult to breathe and unable to move.

At this moment, I also understood how Su Lian had sacrificed and prepared to face this long-span jump at the beginning.

As the backtracking increased, the memory began to appear chaotic and stuck, and many fragments fell into the mind, chaotic.

Tenth lap.

He saw Su Lian squatting in front of him lying on the flower bed, with concern in his eyes: "Classmate, I think you look bad. I'm a medical student, do you want to take you to the hospital?"

When he said this, Chi Huang saw those beautiful eyes, shining like amber in the sunlight.

Good to see, straight to the heart.

Twenty laps.

Su Lian stood shaky on the rooftop, staring at distant people in the rain, trembling like a butterfly with wet wings.

The pain in his heart was even worse, as if he was standing in the rain at the moment, panicking, for fear that Su Lian would disappear from his eyes and never be seen again.

He didn't care about the pouring rain, he jumped to the roof in a panic, grabbed the person's wrist and pulled it into his arms.

The rain soaked the clothes of the two of them, and he said with difficulty: "Don't do stupid things, Brother Chi will take care of you in the future."

Thirty laps.

They were standing in the crowd, and there was a lot of noise all around. He stared at Su Lian's profile, and his eyes fell gently on his lips.

I want to kiss him, but I dare not act rashly.

When the clock struck zero, Su Lian leaned his head towards him and kissed the corner of his lips.

He felt that his heart was beating so loudly that it overwhelmed the noise around him.

Forty laps.

In the small rental room, Su Lian squeezed into the small kitchen and fiddled with something. He paced over, hugged the person from behind, and said against his shoulder, "What are you doing?"

"The newly developed health porridge will definitely taste good this time." Su Lian didn't look back, letting people hold her, and his hands kept moving.

He saw that he was smiling, and his eyes were full of doting: "Anyway, I like what you do."

Fiftieth lap.

The surroundings were pure white, breathing slowed down, and every ounce of air struggled to get into the nasal cavity.

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