Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 46 Selling an official position to support the family

After hearing what Li Tai said, Gao Zhongmi hesitated to tell the story.

It turns out that during the previous period, Gao Zhongmi was not idle in Huazhou, and recruited some Kansai Shiliu to serve as deputies in Situ Gongfu.

This so-called conquest is not a recruitment and promotion that appreciates talents, but is paid. To put it bluntly, Gao Zhongmi sold a number of government-affiliated official positions at a clearly marked price.

"A few months ago, my lord asked me to send thousands of pieces of cloth and silk to my hometown. This is how I got it."

Gao Bailing explained on the side.

Li Tai also remembered this after hearing this. At that time, he was still busy doing operations. The thousand pieces of cloth sent by Gao Bailing changed hands and were used to purchase materials. Although I was a little curious, I didn't ask deeply.

After all, he was not Gao Zhongmi's direct son and nephew. If you inquired deeply about where the money came from, you would inevitably feel like asking Gao Zhongmi how he still hid his private money. It turns out that this batch of goods was obtained by Gao Zhongmi selling his official position.

"I see that Apan is busy in the village for the sake of the family. As an elder, it is not easy to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He should also find ways to share the burdens and labors with his son."

Gao Zhongmi smiled reservedly at the table, as if he could praise me here, but his expression soon fell again: "But now, this matter has become a hidden danger, not a big one."

"Will anyone be held accountable based on this? Nowadays, the business of the manor is improving day by day. If this partnership cannot be maintained, the previous capital can be gradually returned."

After Li Tai learned the reason, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt that it was not a big deal.

The servants of the government have positions but not powers. For example, he works as an employee in Situ Mansion, but he has never worked a day until now. As for Gao Zhongmi, Situ Gong, he only spent most of his time in his residence, and then he wanted to be promoted to Taiwei.

There was also the previous reward price announced by Daxingtai, which was also a clearly stated price for selling officials. Everyone responded enthusiastically, and there were no fierce objections from any famous officials.

These things also made Li Tai subconsciously feel that the official status of the Western Wei Dynasty was not a very solemn thing. Even if someone accuses me of this, the monk can touch it but I can't. The worst thing I can do is dismiss these subordinates before the incident and return the goods and materials received before to them.

But the real situation is more serious and complicated than Li Tai imagined.

"I originally had such a plan, but the current administration of the Western Dynasty is different from that of the Eastern Dynasty. Whenever the government appoints its own staff, they must also be recorded in the Daxingtai. Even if they are not involved in the government in the future, they must go to the Daxingtai. The station is ready for selection.”

Gao Zhongmi sighed again, looked at Li Tai with some shame and said.

When Li Tai heard this, he became more and more aware of the lack of people in the Western Wei regime, forcing Yu Wentai not only to search for the property of his ministers, but also to recruit the government's own staff. He was unwilling to let go of people or things.

"What sinister secrets are there? Let me tell you together, uncle."

Li Tai sighed with emotion, and then said directly that if he just sent these staff to Daxingtai, Gao Zhongmi wouldn't have to be so worried.

"The problem with these new recruits is not their background, but their talents."

Gao Zhongmi still had a sad look on his face: "Although Daxingtai treated honorable ministers and military personnel leniently, it strictly supervised the administration of civilian officials. I heard from Helan Changshi that Daxingtai was in charge of governance as early as the first year of Datong. The officials were fierce. There was Wang Chaoshi, the governor of Qinzhou, who was the brother-in-law of Daxingtai's mother clan and the son of Wang Taibao. He was sentenced to death by Daxingtai Shubiao because of his lack of political skills and corruption. All inspections are strict, and guilty will be punished..."

When Li Tai heard this, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Because he found that he was not clean either. When Shang Yuan measured the land, he bribed Zheng Man with two lambs and gained more than ten hectares of mountainous land.

But seeing that Gao Zhongmi's master and servant were all looking sad, he put the matter in his mind for the time being and found a time to discuss the solution with Zheng Man.

The poor financial situation of the Western Wei Dynasty was a problem that existed from the beginning of the establishment of the regime. Although Yu Wentai issued a reward for losing money and encouraged nobles to donate money, this was obviously not a conventional means of increasing financial revenue. If we want to maintain healthy fiscal operations, it is fundamental to ensure stable taxation for registered residents.

In the area under the control of the Western Wei Dynasty, powerful families had a serious problem with their families. If they directly expanded the number of households and established households, it would definitely threaten the stability of the rule. Since it is difficult to expand tax sources, strengthening administrative management methods to ensure that limited households can produce and pay taxes normally is a top priority.

Counting the first year of Datong, it was the year when Yuwentai killed Emperor Xiaowu of the Northern Wei Dynasty and established the current Emperor Yuanbaoju of the Western Wei Dynasty. At that time, Yuwentai's power was not stable, and he faced the strong threat of Gao Huan of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. He actually died due to corruption. He killed his eldest cousin over the issue of dereliction of duty, which shows that he is determined to rectify the officialdom of Kansai.

After all, there were only so many relatives of the Yuwen family who entered the customs. Wang Chaoshi served as an important official like the governor of Qinzhou in the first year of Datong. It can be seen that he was also in the prime of life and was an important assistant to Yuwentai in taking charge of the Western Wei Dynasty. However, he was executed for this reason. Indeed It has a frightening effect.

The Kansai plate is too shallow and the foundation is too poor, forcing Yuwentai to take a different path from Gao Huan on this issue. If the control of officials is relaxed, it will be a question whether the Western Wei Dynasty can exist and maintain.

When Gao Zhongmi was in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, he also formed a party for personal gain and promoted private affairs. After being sanctioned by Gao Cheng, he was still able to be appointed as the governor of Northern Yuzhou, and he had the capital to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty. But in the Western Wei Dynasty, this was obviously not the case.

Those Kansai Shiliu who were recruited into the government by Gao Zhongmi were obviously not talented people. Even though Daxingtai announced the reward price, he still bought the item from a member of Situ Gong's family. It was obviously greedy for the fact that although the item was not beautiful, it was cheap.

However, in the serious administrative environment of the Western Wei Dynasty, these subordinates with mediocre talents naturally became hidden dangers. They might be accused of dereliction of duty one day, and Gao Zhongmi might be implicated.

At the moment, Gao Zhongmi still has a certain propaganda effect on the Western Wei Dynasty, but when times change and this value disappears, the real situation will be worrying. If I can use you, I can talk about anything. If I can't use you, then it is a sin for you to open your right eye first when you get up in the morning. Are you dreaming of returning to the Eastern Dynasty?

What's more, Gao Zhongmi's current power and fame are not commensurate with each other. If he is framed by jealousy again, the problem will be really big!

After listening to Gao Zhongmi's story, Li Tai suddenly became worried. Blame Gao Zhongmi for being rude to Meng Lang. He still spent the money from selling his official position.

Seeing that Li Tai was silent, Gao Zhongmi said in a deep voice: "I have been worried about this recently. I also asked Helan Changshi and several people here, but they didn't find any good way to deal with it. But there is one thing that can be done. I heard that you and your relatives are reunited in your hometown. They are also very powerful in the court. Go and ask them to transfer to another official position. There is no need to tangle with this palace anymore..."

When Li Tai heard this, he said: "Uncle, I..."

"I know your loyalty, but listen to me! I am alone now, and I can bury my rotten bones anywhere, but not you, Apan! I have already failed you in my previous actions. If I bind you with my love and bear this responsibility again, It’s so shameless to worry about disaster!

I gave you my old weapon before, hoping that you could use it to encourage yourself and make progress in the world. Before the incident, our uncle and nephew could still keep in touch with each other, but when the incident happened, you could stay out of it! "

Gao Zhongmi looked at Li Tai and said in a deep voice.

When Li Tai heard this, he suddenly fell silent again.

To be honest, although he has been in this world for a long time, he still does not have a strong sense of belonging to this world.

Although he and Gao Zhongmi depended on each other for life, he didn't care much about their relationship and feelings. He even had a slight contempt for Gao Zhongmi in his heart, and often had disrespectful thoughts.

But after hearing Gao Zhongmi's words that almost revealed his funeral, he was greatly touched. Gao Zhongmi may not really be a good person, but being nice to him is not just a pretense.

People's emotional bonds are nothing more than people and things. Meeting Lu Rou again, she knew that she still had many close relatives who were quite powerful in Kansai. In addition, He Basheng had entrusted the family management to him before. Now Li Tai really does not need to rely on Gao Zhongmi to gain a foothold in Kansai. .

However, there is a steelyard in people's hearts, which is not only weighing the pros and cons, but also weighing themselves. Although Li Tai doesn't think he is such a great person, he doesn't take himself too lightly.

After being silent for a while, he stood up from his seat, bowed formally to Gao Zhongmi, and said in a deep voice: "Apan, I bow before my feet. Uncle, if you see me in the shape of a human being, please don't say anything again! Life and death!" Destiny and wealth are in heaven. Although I am not a great man in the world, I feel worthy to share my misfortune with my uncle! If my uncle treats me poorly because of my youth, I will have my own words to refute this humble opinion!"

After Gao Zhongmi finished speaking, he felt a little sad in his heart. Now when he heard Li Tai's answer, the corners of his lips suddenly trembled.

He stood up with his hands on the case and walked slowly to Li Tai. When his eyes dropped, tears could not help but roll down. He put his hands on Li Tai's shoulders and said in a trembling voice: "Ah Pan, Ah Pan, I'm prefaced." I always blame myself for harming you and your son, but in fact I feel happy...

If it weren't for you, Apan, to accompany you here, I would no longer have the courage to make a living! I dare not embezzle the good son you raised, but from now on, I will treat it as my own! "

Although Li Tai was very moved at the moment and didn't want to ruin the emotional atmosphere, after hearing this, he still couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, I only said that I would share weal and woe with you, why do you treat me as your son?

We want to get closer, why not kowtow? I also want to hear He Liuhun call me uncle!

"This matter is a worrying matter to consider, but it is actually not impossible to solve it. The people recruited before may have insignificant talents and are not useful. But their future prospects in the coming year and whether they are competent or not are also related to their respective fortunes. Take advantage of the ugly things before they happen. There is still room for proper education.”

The calculations I made before were actually just to scare myself. Since we are worried that these people may cause harm to their families due to their negligence, it is enough to conduct a surprise education to equip them with some basic administrative abilities.

It is expected that even if Yu Wentai recruits these government officials into Daxing Taichung, they will definitely not give up their positions. They will only engage in some basic civil servant work, and there is no need to train these people into great talents in economic management and governance.

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