Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 47 Accounting and Registration

Early the next morning, Li Tai picked up Gao Aocao's old tree and played with it for a while, then oiled it for maintenance and carefully put it away. After breakfast, he came to the front hall.

"Mr. Lang, all the people who have been recruited by Situ Gong are recorded here. I have seen all these people. You can ask me if you have any details beyond the paper."

Chief Shi Heland had already been waiting in the front hall, and when he saw Li Tai approaching, he hurriedly greeted Li Tai to report.

"It has a long history of labor."

Li Tai nodded, took the roster handed over by Holland and looked through it.

During this period of time, Gao Zhongmi sold a total of seven government service positions and accepted more than 1,500 pieces of silk as gifts. The purchasing power of silk in Kansai is quite high, and the price is not too low either.

Two-thirds of the proceeds from selling an official position were sent to Shangyuan Township for Li Tai to spend, and the rest was saved at home to support the family. This shows that Gao Zhongmi did not do this just for enjoyment.

Among the seven public servants, two were natives of Huazhou, and the others were wealthy expatriates living in other states.

In the post-Three Kingdoms period, there was frequent movement of people between countries, some forced by war, some fleeing famines, and some cross-regional merchants.

As the saying goes, people are humbled when they leave their hometown. Not all of these homeless people receive special care. Li Tai is also deeply touched by the xenophobic folk customs in Kansai. If you can obtain an official background, with or without authority, your situation will be greatly improved.

What's more, the official position of a public servant is not a humble official position. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was often the choice of the noble family to relieve the brown. On the one hand, most of the Dukes and the founders of the government were their relatives and elders. On the other hand, many of these government positions were leisurely and not tiring. , live for less money, stay close to home, build reputation and socialize, why not?

On the contrary, those state and county chiefs were not favored by the family because of their heavy workload.

For example, Yu Jin, one of the Eight Pillar States in later generations, once said: "The positions of states and counties were despised by the past, but the position of Tai and Ding has to wait and come." He would rather travel around the counties and cities than serve as an official.

After finally waiting for the mutiny in the six towns, Yu Jin performed outstandingly in the process of suppressing the rebellion, and ended up living in Guanzhong again. He was successively appointed as county governor and governor by He Bayue and Yu Wentai, which were exactly the official positions he despised when he was young.

However, the current situation in the Western Wei Dynasty cannot be said to be aristocratic. Most talented people also advocate power and merit, and these idle government officials cannot be said to be noble and enviable.

"I would like to ask the chief historian, if these assistants go to Daxingtai to serve, what kind of ministry will they be given?"

Li Tai was still relatively unfamiliar with the administrative structure and regulations of the Western Wei Dynasty, so he asked Xiang Heland again to find out what their future was, so that he could expeditiously train relevant officials accordingly.

"Since the unification, Daxingtai has valued politics and sympathized with the sufferings of the people. It can be said that it is meticulous in organizing households and granting land to people to cultivate."

Holland flattered him from a distance, and then said: "But the talents in Guanxi are very simple today, especially the prefectures and counties are in short supply of administrative staff, and they need to be replaced urgently. The government is full of officials, and many prefectures and counties are used for them." . In recent years, Su Shangshu in Taiwan has taken charge of making full use of the land and equalizing taxes and servitude. Accounting records must be created from scratch, and state and county officials must frequently go to the countryside to persuade farmers and supervise classes..."

When Li Tai heard this, he understood what these people might be used for.

Su Chuo's significance to the political construction of the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties is so great that it cannot be overstated to say that he was the chief engineer. The "Six-Article Edict" proposed by him has also been discussed a lot in later generations.

In addition to the construction of the political framework, Su Chuo also had a profound influence on the change and creation of basic administrative formats. For example, he instituted the accounting regulations of "Zhu Chu Mo Chu" and the reform of accounting records, which also had a profound impact on later generations.

The national power of the Western Wei Dynasty was the weakest among the other three countries. To maintain the long-term stability of the regime on the basis of limited citizens, the entire administrative structure from top to bottom must be rigorous and efficient.

Accounting is not simply keeping accounts, but recording the rent transfer amount payable by each household in the household registration in accordance with national tax regulations. Financial auditing is specific to each household, and a series of documents are formed. It is called "accounting register".

Accounting in independent terms is a summary of the government's rent transfer tax for the current year, so that the government can live within its means. The fiscal and taxation management of the Sui and Tang empires in later generations generally followed the accounting basis formulated by Su Chuo.

Although the Western Wei Dynasty had fewer households than the other two regimes of the same period, it still had to have at least hundreds of thousands of households. Each household must create an account, and the amount of writing, compilation and summary work can be imagined to be huge.

Nowadays, there is no convenient way to work with computers online. All accounting documents need to be calculated and sorted out by officials in prefectures, counties and townships, written out one by one, and copied in multiple copies for Daxingtai, state Officials at all levels of county, county, and township levels kept the budget in check, so the project was naturally more massive.

Holland also said that this project has been launched several years ago, but so far, only the core states and counties in China can barely complete the accounting work.

Although other places such as Hedong, Western Henan, Longyou, and Northern Shaanxi were also ruled by the Western Wei Dynasty, they did not even have a complete basis for household registration, let alone accounting.

After learning this, Li Tai also realized how hungry Yu Wentai was for grassroots administrators.

Due to the lack of talents, the taxes that should be collected cannot be raised, and the tradition of annexing land and tribes by powerful nobles is deeply rooted. If this situation is not reversed, the financial situation will only become worse. National power is getting weaker and weaker, and foreign expansion is even more incapable.

Although Holland could not say with certainty what specific positions these assistants in the Situ Mansion would be assigned to in the future, after understanding the current administrative difficulties of the Western Wei Dynasty, Li Tai decided to give priority to strengthening these people's ability to write official accounting documents and calculate accounts. .

On the one hand, there is the biggest gap in administrative talents in this area, and on the other hand, Li Tai has also conducted relevant competency training in the manor.

One sheep is driven, two sheep are herded. Although the classification of his family's affairs is much simpler than that of a political power, if it is only specific to the accounting register, the teaching materials can be used with slight changes.

Li Tai discussed with Heland all morning in the front hall, during which Gao Zhongmi also came to listen. After hearing Li Tai's idea, he couldn't help but excitedly shouted that it was feasible.

After the idea was agreed upon, Li Tai summoned the seven assistants to the residence in the afternoon and informed them that they were ready to start the assault training.

Most of these people live in Huazhou City, so it is easy to gather them together. After more than half an hour, they started to come to the door one after another, including young and old.

The eldest one is over fifty years old. His name is Zhu Fangzheng. He is a native of Dingzhou, Hebei Province. He led his family to take refuge in the Taihang Mountains during the Six-Town Hebei Rebellion. After the Western Wei Dynasty regained Hedong, he was taken to Huazhou. Now he lives in Wuxiang County. , was assigned a position as the Gongcao Shi of the Situ Mansion.

The youngest one is named Yang Yu, who is less than 20 years old. He is from Hengnong. After entering the hall to see the ceremony, he talked endlessly about his various experiences when he came to Guanzhong and wanted to join the army but encountered obstacles everywhere. It was quite interesting. With the smell of social badass, one can tell at a glance that he is an ambitious young man who is not well-off and longs for martial arts.

When all the assistants arrived, Li Tai said: "We all know each other now. Although it is not due to friendship, it is also a happy fate. Thanks to the great love of Daxingtai, Mr. Situ may be transferred to another position soon..."

Before he finished speaking, a local Huazhou aide frowned and said, "It's gratifying that Mr. Situ has been promoted, but when the government is busy, should we make proper arrangements? If we continue to follow Mr. Situ, what can we do to him?" What's the matter? If you stay in the government, will you be dismissed by others?"

"Wu Canjun, please be patient and calm. We meet at the residence today. This is exactly what we are doing."

After hearing this, Li Tai smiled and said: "Daxingtai is thirsty for talents, and talents are not allowed to be left idle. All government officials who have reached their rank or moved to another government can return to Daxingtai and listen to his instructions."

Hearing this, several people present suddenly became happy and excited, especially the young man Yang Yu, who said eagerly: "I have a humble position and a strong will, and I am eager to be used by the country. If I can be summoned by the Daxingtai to review, Taking over Liejun Mansion means you will not be disappointed if you have ambition!"

Li Tai was also happy when he heard this. This energetic young man really dares to think and speak. I don't even know where to open the door of Daxingtai, and you start to imagine that Yu Wentai knows people with his wise eyes.

He also did not explain in detail that Daxingtai might not personally receive them to confer official positions. It is always good to keep some expectations for others. He turned his eyes and motioned to Heland to explain the current situation to them.

"Let me tell you that after working together, Daxingtai's political officials are different from the Duke's government..."

Holland stood up and spoke with a serious face about Daxingtai's strict regulations on official examinations.

After everyone heard these words, they all realized the seriousness of the situation. The cheerful atmosphere in the hall quickly dissipated. Wu Canjun, a local from Huazhou, said with a bitter face: "Excuse me, Mr. Lang, Mr. Chang Shi, Daxingtai." Can I resign from the post of inspector? The former donated his life to the government because he was greedy for the convenience of traveling as a noble person, but he is busy with farming and has no spare time to take on new things..."

When Yang Yu heard this, he immediately sneered with disdain and said: "Only when people are involved in things can they consider the pros and cons. If you are only greedy for position and timid, how are you different from pigs and dogs indoors!"

"You little thief is bad-mouthed! Come on, I will fight you today to see if you are brave enough! It is better to die in my hands than to die in the hands of an east thief!"

Wu Canjun also had a bad temper. Although he was afraid of the punishment of Daxingtai inspectors, he couldn't stand the provocation of young people and immediately stood up and rolled up his sleeves to invite a fight.

"It's too difficult to get killed in a fist fight. Give each of them a knife and fight to death, which saves me a lot of trouble. Fighting to death two of them will make me feel more comfortable!"

When Li Tai saw the two of them leaving the table and about to start a fight, he felt very annoyed and slapped the case angrily.

When the two heard this, although they were still angry, they quickly confessed and did not dare to act wild in the hall again.

"I don't care what you and others think about. Since you are dedicating your life to the government, you can see that it is shameful to live in a lower class. Mr. Situ is hoarding talents for the country, and he accepts them with high righteousness. I am also afraid that you will be at a loss when you first get the job, so I teach you a few things to become an official. If you have the ability to do things well, Mr. Situ will also give you a recommendation."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Taicai said in a deep voice: "The honor and disgrace of the future, the fortune and misfortune of life, are all in your hands! Today I tell you all to go home and prepare, and come with me to the school tomorrow morning! If you dare to abandon your absence, I will do it today." File a lawsuit and be exonerated!"

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