One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 58: A battle never encountered

These enemies are not incompetent. Even if the people on Simon's side are the elite, the damage is not low. Among the corpses on the ground, one-third of the corpses are from the navy. This result is not optimistic. In order to change this situation , can only kill the opponent's high-end combat power quickly, in order to minimize the damage.

In the current battle group, except for the two strong men killed by Simon, there are only three people with extraordinary strength, and there are more than a dozen people in the silver armor.

The advantage is gradually forming. Seeing the authorities, Kaido's defeat has already been decided, and the three powerful people can see the trend of defeat, but even so, they can't leave the battlefield, because once they leave the battlefield, they will be greeted by Kaido's anger.

Among the three strong men, one was a man whose face was completely covered by steel, and was restrained by Tyre, but Tyre seemed to be at a disadvantage. The other was a woman in white robes and bright black hair. The woman held several thin needles between her fingers, and at her feet lay several corpses that looked like they had been sewn together with needles and threads, pinned down by the top ten navies on the Oath.

There is also a man in black who hides his figure and breath.

Simon couldn't feel the breath of the man in black, and he couldn't act rashly. He understood that if the man in black discovered the ability to restore the fruit, I am afraid that the next blow would be a sure-kill blow.

If it is only to hide the figure, then the threat is not big, but this man in black does not know what ability he has, but he can even hide his breath perfectly. This is the biggest threat. Maybe when you turn your head, A sharp dagger will be inserted into your heart at this time, and you will not be able to detect his existence at all, just like a ghost clinging to your back and never seeing it, it is really difficult to deal with...

This is Simon's real thought at the moment.

Simon stood silently in place for about ten minutes, and the man in black also hid for ten minutes. It was obvious that this unknown enemy was eyeing him.

It is precisely because of this that Simon cannot join the battle, he can only watch from the sidelines, and at the same time he needs to be alert to attacks that may appear at any time.

Without Simon's combat power, although the navy has the upper hand, the price paid is also high, because the men in black contain Simon. If Simon joins the battle, it will be a great threat to his subordinates. , not worth mentioning at all.

Seeing that his subordinates still need to pay casualties to kill those silver armored men, Simon bit his lip lightly, his face turned cold, thinking in his heart, if he catches the man in black, he will definitely die in pain.

This situation was stalemate for another five minutes. Seeing that there were only seven or eight people left in the armor, and the casualties of his subordinates continued to increase, Simon couldn't bear it any longer. .

Seeing Simon in hiding, K couldn't help but laugh coldly and silently.


The Shining Armor who was closest to Simon didn't even react, but even the Armored Man was cut in half, and the rest of the Shining Armor were shocked when they saw it.

Apart from these people in silver armor, there are only twenty or thirty people left who are struggling to persevere. When they saw Simon join the battle, the despair brewing in their hearts deepened.

After beheading one person, Simon did not pause, and targeted the remaining Yinjia people. In a moment, in the eyes of his subordinates, he beheaded another Yinjia person.

Destroying the wood-destroying stone-like offensive, the remaining Shining Armored people shouted in disbelief: "Impossible! This is J metal, how could it be cut open so easily!"

The remaining few people lost their fighting spirit in an instant. Wearing hard armor for a long time to resist any attack, they became blindly dependent on them. Once this blind dependence was broken, the result was a momentary loss of fighting spirit.

Seeing the rest of the Shining Armor lose their fighting spirit, Behari felt the pressure greatly reduced. It can be said that half of the dead Shining Armor died in the hands of Behari, and only Behari's marksmanship can shoot the bullets prepared. Into the eyes of the Shining Armor, but this can only be done if the companion is damaged, it is a tug-of-war match of death.

The sooner the Yinjia people are killed, the more casualties will stop increasing, which undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on Beharie.

The Shining Armor who lost their fighting spirit is nothing to worry about, the rest is just a matter of time.

However, there is still a thorny enemy in the dark, and Simon has not forgotten this.

On the other hand, Tyre was injured in the chest during the battle to contain the steel-faced man Masca. Yuna decided to support Tyre after seeing that the Shining Armor lost his fighting spirit.

No one noticed that K was standing on Simon's right side with his waist slightly bent. Fifteen minutes was enough for K to learn a lot of information.

For example, Simon's vigilance on the right side is less than on the left side, for example, the wound under the bloodstain has long since healed.

After learning this information, K is more confident and more careful, knowing that if you want to kill Simon, you can only kill with one hit. Moreover, after knowing that Simon's recovery ability is very fast, K thinks that Simon may Will trade the injury for his chance.

It can be said that the information obtained in these fifteen minutes is very important, but even so, K is still very confident, confident that no one can detect his It is true that Simon cannot detect it, so only Can always pay attention to the sound of the wind around.

Even a trace of murderous aura will not be revealed before the dagger hits the enemy. This kind of hiding ability is extremely tricky.

Simon's hand holding the heavy sword exerted a little strength. After fighting for a long time, his heart was always calm, but there was a trace of dryness, which made him really uncomfortable. This was the first time he had encountered such a battle. fighting!

Silent vigilance around, Simon knows that even speaking out is meaningless, all he can do is to create a flaw for the man in black to attack, but the price is the possibility of losing his life.

At this time, there were only two or three people in the silver armor left, and Simon did not take any action. Apart from the silver armor, the only survivors were the steel-faced man and the woman who used sewing. Under such circumstances, the man in black was still Being able to hold back, I have to say, this kind of character is really suitable for assassination.

On the contrary, the restlessness in Simon's heart became more and more obvious, and it had evolved into a restlessness in his actions. When K, who was hiding, saw this scene, the coldness in his eyes became even more piercing.

The surrounding subordinates didn't know about Simon's danger at the moment, only the three Qian Erba outside the battle circle knew.

The invisible man in black was very dangerous. No matter whoever approached Simon purposefully, he might be attacked, but even if Qiang Erba knew the danger, he could not deny his determination to either of the two sisters.

"I'm going!" Lilith clenched her fists and shouted loudly.

At this moment, Liliyou, who had a quiet temperament, had a serious face and said without doubt, "You can stay here in peace for me!"

It was the first time that Lilith was stunned when she saw Liliu's expression like this.

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