One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 59: ending

The update is not good, there is nothing I can do~! !


The shadow of death seems to be approaching step by step, and the irritability in the heart is growing, as annoying as the cicadas that do not stop on summer nights.

The heavy pressure exists as it is, and Simon's forehead is covered with cold sweat unconsciously. He has considered using the range attack to sweep out the man in black, but it is difficult to guarantee whether the man in black will be like that at the moment of the attack. Like a venomous snake showing its fangs.

In the stalemate, Simon suddenly saw a person coming from outside the battle circle, that person was Liliu with a determined face.

Seeing Liliu coming, Simon didn't know Liliu's thoughts. Immediately, he was not happy or happy, but his heart beat suddenly.

Simon didn't know if the man in black would judge that Liliu's approach could play a decisive role in this battle. Maybe he couldn't, maybe he could. If he did, the man in black would definitely ignore his concealment. , shot to kill Liliu, this was a scene Simon didn't want to see, so he didn't want to bet on it.

"go back!"

In vain, Simon snorted coldly, his face as cold as a cold night on an iceberg, even that voice seemed to freeze people.

As if frozen by the sound, Lilyu couldn't help but stop and her body froze.

"But..." Liliu stood outside the battle circle and stopped talking.

Looking at Liliu who was hesitating, Simon said word by word: "Go back!"

Although it was the first time to see Simon like this, Lilyu couldn't care less, her teeth fell into her lips, and she was still hesitating with her head down. Suddenly, Lilyu felt that Simon's eyes began to turn indifferent, and she couldn't help hurriedly. Back off.

At that moment, Liliu couldn't even imagine that if Simon would hate herself because of this...

Seeing Liliu back away, Simon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then the dryness in his heart suddenly calmed down.

I didn't expect that it would be reduced to the point where Liliu would take risks to help. Just encountering this kind of opponent he had never encountered before, he lost his composure and started to become irritable. Thinking of such a situation, Simon's emotions calmed down in the blink of an eye. It was the fear that was not perceived, and disappeared without a trace.

Fear, fear that the dagger that can kill people at no time or anywhere will suddenly appear and take its own life. Therefore, Simon is afraid, but now, Simon is no longer afraid, and he has no sense of dryness.

K, who was hiding, frowned slightly, and was very disappointed by the momentary change in Simon's mentality, which means that everything has returned to the starting point, but K has no extra time.

"Whoever you are, you must die today!"

Simon glanced at the air around him, his arms hung straight down, the empty door was wide open, and his body was full of flaws.

Looking at the flaws in Simon's body, K's brows furrowed even deeper. Among the at least twenty flaws, K was sure to catch seven or eight of them and end Simon's life with a dagger.

But it's too weird. The person who was so well-prepared before now has the empty door wide open, so K didn't attack immediately.

"Careful, forbearance, calm."

Simon's eyes flickered, and he thought silently: "Let's compare, see who can react faster and who has a more flexible way of coping. It's a test with life as a bet!"

Simon stood on the field like this, his muscles flabby, in K's eyes, he was like a piece of fragrant meat, and he was a hungry wolf.

At this time, K was only standing at a distance of five steps to the right of Simon, but at this distance, Simon could not perceive K's existence.

Sound, breath, movement, nothing, like nothingness.

At this time, K saw that there was only one person left in the silver armor, and he understood that time was running out, so he took a step silently, only four steps away from Simon.

Calmly observing Simon's reaction, K took another step after seeing that he didn't react at all.

Three steps away...

The dagger has been raised. During these three steps, K did not move any more, but waited silently. After a minute passed, K took another step, and Simon still didn't notice it.

At this moment, there are only two steps left. This distance is not the most suitable distance to launch an attack. If you go one step further, K is sure to kill Simon, but Simon's performance of opening the door wide makes the cautious K not take another step. , but in a stance ready to attack.

Although the distance of two steps is not completely certain, but there is also an eight-point certainty, in terms of probability, this is a very high probability.

K stared at Simon indifferently, the dagger in his hand sprang out like a poisonous snake and stabbed towards Simon's chest.

Unmoving like a mountain, moving like a wind and thunder, this can be used to describe K's blow.

At the moment of K's attack, Simon immediately noticed the movement, his hair immediately stood up, his slack muscles tightened instantly, the dagger was approaching, and it was too late to raise the epee to resist, not to mention that K was attacking the right side, the epee's broad blade Instead, it is cumbersome.


A coldness flashed in K's eyes. After countless assassinations, he always formed a natural grasp. When he attacked, he instantly judged that the attack could be successful.

An unprecedented sense of crisis took over the nerves of the whole body at Simon's dark eyes narrowed to pinpoints at this moment, he let go of the epee in his hand like lightning, and then stretched out his wrist to catch K. .


At the dangerous moment, although Simon grabbed K's wrist, he couldn't prevent the dagger from piercing into his chest.


Simon's arm exerted force and grabbed K's wrist tightly, so that the dagger could no longer advance an inch.

The force from his wrist was like a big mountain, and K couldn't move. He glanced at the epee that was submerged in the steel floor. There was still some shock in K's eyes. He didn't expect the young navy in front of him to let it go. weapon, restrain yourself with the right hand closest to the dagger.

If he misses a step, he falls into an endless abyss. K has already expected that death is the inevitable ending. However, when he is about to die, K admires Simon very much. Yes, he admires the enemy who is about to end his life in front of him.

"Although I want you to die painfully, you are a tricky being. Just in case, I'll just let you die."

Holding K's wrist tightly, Simon finished speaking, without any hesitation, with the five fingers of his left hand together, and under the dark gaze of K's eyes, he stabbed into his heart.


A blood flower bloomed on K's chest. When his life was about to dissipate, K raised his head, and the black brim of his hat suddenly fell behind his neck, revealing a pale face.

"I don't complain when I lose... But, you don't understand how important this place is to Lord Kaido!"

With all his strength to speak the last call, K slowly closed his eyes and fell to the ground dead.

Simon retracted his blood-stained palm, silently looked at the dead body, and said lightly: "To break the balance of power, one has to pull one of the four emperors to dismount. Since I have done it, I won't be afraid."

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