Savage September 21, 33.

When the game restarted, the Condor Army on the east bank of the Salween River was still the same as before, cutting logs, quarrying stones, and manufacturing trebuchets. There was no sign that they wanted to launch a battle across the river.

After seeing this situation, the Myanmar players on the west bank of the Salween River were happy to start digging trenches and other fortifications in front of the wooden bunker, preparing to build the entire West Bank into a solid foundation.

Since Ning Yuan had already promised in the offline live video broadcast that he would launch the Battle of Crossing the River immediately in ten days, those China players who had been staying for half a month did not urge Ning Yuan again.

Taking advantage of the rare leisure time, they started swimming and catching fish in the eastern half of the Salween River, hunting in the nearby mountains and forests, enjoying the last tranquility of the pre-war period.

Ning Yuan once promised the Chinese players that a craftsman camp of the Condor Army would rush to Mengbin Town at the fastest speed.

However, in the past two days, neither Hanoi nor Yuanyang County has shown any craftsmen troupe.

On the only passageway, there are only China players who are constantly rushing to Myanmar from all over the place.

For two days in a row, the players could not see the shadow of the Condor Army craftsmen group in the passage, which immediately attracted the attention of some interested people.

It's just that they have promised to give Ning Yuan another ten days, so even if many people have noticed that something is wrong, everyone still chose to wait a few more days.


On the evening of September 22, a large group of dark warships suddenly appeared near the Myeik Islands in the west of the Malay Peninsula.

After the battleship group replenished some food and fresh water at the port near the Myeik archipelago, it sailed directly towards Mawlamyine, the third largest city in Myanmar.

This fleet is exactly the Salween fleet temporarily formed by Ning Yuan using Zhao Chen's plan.

In order to be able to travel along the Salween River to the high town, the warships that make up this fleet are all small magic warships.

Since the load of the small magic warship was very limited, Ning Yuan added half of the small magic transport ship in.

The small magic warship is responsible for the battle, and the small magic transport ship is responsible for transporting troops and loading grain and supplies.

As long as the soldiers on the battleship did not suffer too many casualties, then this Salween fleet could be self-sufficient in a short period of time.

The Salween River Fleet consists of five hundred small magic warships and five hundred small magic transport ships.

On each battleship, there were two hundred human fish soldiers and two hundred owl fighters, making a total of 200,000 people.

The personnel on the transport ship is also the same, with 100,000 mermaid fighters and 100,000 owl fighters.

In other words, this time Ning Yuan not only transferred five hundred magic warships to the Battle of Crossing the River, but at the same time he also deployed an army of 200,000 fish and an army of 200,000 owls to participate in the Battle of Crossing the River.

Since this time they are fighting deep into Burma, what they will face is the elite army of the entire Burma.

Therefore, the 200,000 owl army may not be very deadly. After all, the number of local owl owl army in Myanmar far exceeds this number.

But 200,000 fish fighters are quite deadly.

As a multi-armed scaly arms capable of amphibious operations, the melee capabilities of mermaid fighters are already very powerful.If the place where they fight is in the water, or in heavy rain, then their advantage will be further expanded.

As one of the three major rivers in the Indochina Peninsula, the Salween River has abundant water volume.

In addition, it is now at the end of the rainy season in Myanmar, and there will be heavy rain at two ends in three days, so the mermaid army will play a vital role in this battle of crossing the river.

In order to ensure that the battle of crossing the river can be a complete success at one time, Ning Yuan has decided to launch the battle of crossing the river in heavy rain.

Even if the gods were not beautiful by the time, Ning Yuan still had his own way, because in the cabin of a magic transport ship were five hundred Tamron players wearing silver armors.

These five hundred Tenglong Army players are the famous Dragon Warriors.

I believe that when they appear in the Salween River at the same time, there will be dark clouds and heavy rain on the other side of the river.


The reason why Ning Yuan spent so long in the battle of crossing the river this time.

One of the main reasons is to wait for the 500 Dragon Warriors to reconcile with the newly formed Salween Fleet.

The other main reason is to give the Myanmar players enough time to dispatch troops, so that they can mobilize all the main forces in the rear to the front line of the Salween River.

A strong city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack is a very headache for all attackers.

Even if the Condor Army had the Silver Pegasus Army and the Windwing Bat Army, Ning Yuan did not want to face the strong cities guarded by Burmese players.

So he deliberately revealed the important military action of the Battle of Crossing the River.

The purpose is to attract all the main players of nearby Myanmar players, and then destroy them by the river.

Because the plan for the battle of crossing the river was real, and Ning Yuan also faked a real show to make people quarry and log wood, build trebuchets, and build iron chains, planks and other items needed to build a cable bridge on the east bank of the river.

Even many Chinese players believed this series of actions, and the Myanmar players couldn't help but not believe it.

In fact, apart from the trebuchet, all actions that Ning Yuan made the players take are real.

The quarrying is to prepare enough slings for the upcoming Salween fleet.

The catapults built by the players are neither attractive nor useful, but the catapults on the magic warship are all carefully crafted by the craftsman department of the Condor Empire.

Although the throwing accuracy is still not very high, the number of warships that cannot hold up this time is too high.

Every small magic warship has a large catapult on it, and five hundred magic warships are 500 units.

As long as there are enough stone bullets, even if the accuracy is not so good, the rain of stone bullets fired from five hundred magic battleships can submerge the wooden fortresses of Myanmar player on the other side of the river.

Logging is to build simple wooden houses for players who arrive later, and also to prepare planks for building floating bridges or chain bridges in advance.

What Ning Yuan deliberately exposed was seven points true and three points false, so except for those insiders, others would feel a little strange at best, but they would not have too much doubt.

Because except for those trebuchets, which are obviously substandard products, everything else is part of Ningyuan's plan.

After more than half a month of preparation, there are now a pile of rough polished stones and a pile of cut wooden boards every 100 meters on the east bank of the Salween River.

It can be said that everything is ready, and now it's just east wind.

That Dongfeng is the Salween River Fleet just formed.


The Salween River is about a thousand kilometers long from the entrance of Dago Town to the south of Mon State.

The speed of the magic warship is thirty knots (fifty-five kilometers) per hour.

Now this season happens to be the period of rising water in the Salween River, and the magic warship is moving upstream, so the magic warship can travel more than one thousand kilometers every day.

In other words, it only takes about a day to reach Gaozhen from the entrance to the sea at the southern end of Mon State.

The Salween Fleet of the Condor Army officially entered the Salween in the early hours of September 23.

Although they had just entered the Salween River, they were immediately discovered by the Burmese army patrolling nearby.

But because the few naval forces on the Burmese side have long been annihilated by the Condor Navy, even if they discover the Salween fleet, they have nothing to do.

All Burmese ships that dared to approach the fleet were wiped out by the mermaid army entering the water.

After discovering that the waterway was blocked, the Myanmar side immediately dispatched the nearby owl owl air force to approach the fleet from the air.

However, the owl owl air force sent by the Burmese side has just approached the fleet, and the owl owl army on the battleship has all lifted off.

Facing the Condor Air Force more than its own air force, the Burmese Air Force did not dare to come closer. They could only watch the Condor Army's naval fleet heading formidably upstream.

After discovering the Condor naval fleet that was moving upstream, the Myanmar player immediately guessed the true meaning of the Condor Army’s so-called battle of crossing the river.

After guessing the truth, they immediately dispatched flying messengers to inform Sadie and others at Gangao's.

But how could the owl warrior flying on wings last longer than the magic warship launched by magic crystals?

So when the owl messenger sent by Mon State arrived in Gangao Town, it was too late.

In the early morning hours of September 24, the Salween River Fleet officially arrived near Dagao Town.

In order not to give the Burmese army on the other side of the river too much preparation time, Ning Yuan immediately announced the official start of the battle of crossing the river.

When five hundred small magic warships lined up on the river in turn, and then dropped their anchors, the catapults on the magic warships immediately turned on fire.

As the rain of stone bullets continued to fall into the positions of the Burmese army on the other side of the river, wooden bunkers were concentrated by stone bullets almost every moment.

It was late at night, and many Myanmar players were already asleep in the bunker.

So when those wooden bunkers were hit by stone bullets, the Burmese players living inside immediately suffered heavy casualties.

When the sirens of an enemy attack sounded, the Burmese player hurriedly rushing out of the bunker found that there were flaming boulders falling from the sky in the night sky, everyone was stunned.

In their impression, the trebuchets on the other side of the river are all unqualified rubbish.

Most of them couldn't be used normally, only a few of them could barely eject the stone bullets, and the range was still very limited, not even half the width of the river surface, let alone launching to their fortress positions.

But now the night sky is full of boulders with flames.

Looking at the dense burning boulders in the night sky, a scene flashed in the minds of many Myanmar players-a meteor shower.Isn't this the meteor fire that often appears in many games?

The appearance of meteor fire often means destruction.

Looking at this apocalyptic scene at this moment, many Myanmar players were all stunned and at a loss.

If an army of the Condor Army rushed to the river bank at this time, they would definitely rush to fight with it without hesitation.

But the only thing that appeared in their eyes now was the flaming boulder that kept falling.

Facing this kind of natural disaster-like scene, they couldn't do anything.

But at this time they couldn't retreat back, giving Jiang An's cupped hands to the enemy.

So many Myanmar players are very confused at this time.

"Everyone is looking for bunkers. I have already sent someone to Gangao Town for emergency help. Everyone hides by luck and waits for further instructions from above!"

Seeing a lot of people standing there in a daze, a Burmese commander immediately shouted loudly.

After hearing the boss's command, the Burmese players who were still in a daze immediately jumped into the trench closest to them.

They leaned their backs against the wall, and then began to look up at the sky to see who had the better luck.

Regarding the reaction of the Burmese player on the other side of the river, the Condor Army did not respond. They just faithfully implemented Ning Yuan's orders and tried to throw all the huge stones to the fortifications of the Burmese army on the other side of the river.

Ning Yuan's strategy is to be just an appetizer tonight. He wants to use the trebuchet's range advantage to give the Burmese army a predicament, and at the same time prevent them from sleeping. This is also a disguised harassment tactic.

The really delicious dishes will not be officially served until the daytime tomorrow. At that time, he will concentrate all his strength and directly destroy the river bank defense line built by the Burmese army, and then help the China player who has been waiting for half a month to kill. Into the hinterland of Myanmar.


The magic warships of the Salween River Fleet were all docked on the east bank of the river.

As the number of stone bullets carried by the battleship itself was very limited, a large number of mermaid fighters soon began to transport stone bullets from the shore to the battleship.

Such a big movement on the surface of the river and on the other side of the river could not be concealed, and soon a large number of China players near the river were awakened.

When those China players walked out of the residence with sleepy eyes, and then saw the flying stars and the huge black figure on the river, everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

"Damn, I said that the trebuchet caused the ghostly virtue, why is Ning Yuan not in a hurry? It turns out that those are all blindfolds. Ning Yuan, this insidious guy, has already prepared everything!"

"This guy Ning Yuan is not a thing. He even cheated us. It's really maddening."

"If we can't even fool us, how could he have fooled the cunning Burmese guys on the other side?

This is the cleverest tactic, even if you lie to yourself. "

"Hey, Ning Yuan has changed. He is no longer the Ning Yuan I knew before.

I really miss the former Lengtouqing who only knew to rush forward with his eyes open. I didn't expect that Lengtouqing had become insidious and cunning and would use various tactics.

Ye Qingjie. "


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