In Gangao Town, Sadie and others who had just fallen asleep were all awakened by the owl messenger who came over from Mon State.

Just when they listened to the report of the owl messenger and prepared to work out a countermeasure, another owl messenger broke into the house where they were in sweat.

After seeing Sadie, Nairun, and Desa all there, the owl messenger immediately said loudly: "My lords, something is not good. Suddenly a large number of warships of unknown origin appeared in the Salween River.

Those warships are now launching a fierce attack on our Jiangan position.

From the beginning to the present, the flame-burning stone rain in the sky has never ceased.

That scene was like the end of the world, and our people were almost out of breath suppressed by the rain of meteors and fire in the sky.

Now our people are all hiding in the trenches and resignation. Master Wu Qian sent me over to ask you adults whether we continue to hold our position on the river bank or retreat back to avoid the meteor shower. "

After listening to the report by the Owl Messenger, the expressions of Sadie and the three immediately became very ugly.

Looking at the horrified owl messenger, Sadie snorted and said:

"What meteor shower?

Isn’t it just some stones smeared with kerosene?

Let me ask you, in addition to using the trebuchets on the warships to launch long-range attacks against you, does the Condor Army send other troops for landing operations? "

"Back to Lord Wu Sadie, the Condor Army only used trebuchets to attack us."

"Then are your casualties high?" Sadie continued to ask.

After thinking about the situation carefully, the owl messenger replied:

"Except that the brothers were caught off guard by the enemy when they slept in the bunker at the beginning, and many people in the bunker that were smashed by the huge boulder suffered heavy losses. It seems that after the big guy escaped, there were not many casualties.

The rain of stone bullets fired by the trebuchet was very inaccurate, and the brothers all hid in the trenches, so as long as the idea is not back home, then basically everything is fine. "

After listening to the owl messenger's answer, Sadie immediately reprimanded: "If this is the case, why does Wu Qian want to retreat?

Doesn't he know what the consequences of the retreat of the Jiang'an Garrison will be?

You tell me Wu Qian, no one can leave the Jiang'an position without my order. Even if they die, they must die there for me. "

"Yes, there is no Lord Sadie, I will go back and convey your order to Lord Wu Qian."

After all, the owl messenger saluted everyone and immediately turned and left.

Looking at the leaving figure of the Owl Messenger, Sadie said to the others in the house:

"The situation is very clear now, and we are all set by Ning Yuan.

It turns out that Ning Yuan's previous preparations were all doing things. He not only deceived us, but even deceived the Chinese players. We all underestimated him.

Now that the Naval Fleet of the Condor Empire has appeared on the Salween River, we will not only face the frantic bombing of this Condor Naval Fleet, but also the two armies stationed on the battleship.

Judging from the frantic bombing of our position on the river bank by that fleet now, I have a foreboding that at dawn tomorrow, the Condor Army on the other side of the river will immediately launch a battle across the river.

In addition to using trebuchets to destroy the fortifications on our river bank positions, their action tonight is also a harassment tactic to attack the morale of our army.The owl player who was dispatched by Wu to report the news, he actually described the sling attack of the Condor Army as a meteor fire that would only appear in the end.

This shows that the night attack of the Condor Army tonight has brought much psychological pressure to the Jiang'an Garrison.

Under such tremendous psychological pressure, they will definitely not be able to sleep tonight, so I seriously doubt how much combat power they will have tomorrow.

The Jiangan position is very important to us. If there is a fall, the China players on the other side of the river who have been eager to see through will definitely kill us like a mad dog in our hinterland.

Although those China players still can't threaten our rule, if we leave them alone, they will cause serious damage to our production.

If they just grab some food resources, then we can barely bear it. After all, after so many years of accumulation, even if the country’s farmland has been out of production for two or three years, we can survive safely without any food shortage.

However, looking at their posture, they are definitely not only robbing things this time, they also want to rob people.

According to the report of the spies I sent to the China Forum, Ning Yuan has already set out specific prices for the buyers and sellers of those China players.

A young man has one thousand earth coins.

A beautiful young virgin 5,000 to 10,000 earth coins.

A beautiful young woman ranges from three thousand to five thousand.

One hundred for healthy male children and one thousand for healthy female children.

Faced with such a generous purchase price, those China players will definitely become extremely crazy.

Coupled with the weapons and rewards that Ning Yuan had given them before, once they were given a breakthrough in our densely populated hinterland, it would definitely be a catastrophe.

At that time, those China players will surely plunder all eligible populations, and kill all those who do not.

Therefore, even if serious casualties will be paid, we must never give up the Jiangan position.

With Wu signing them in their current state, once the Condor Army launches a fierce attack tomorrow, I guess they will be strong enough to withstand it, so I suggest that the few troops in the rear that are used as mobile support immediately be transferred to the Jiangan position.

In addition, let the owl legions that are assembling go to Menao Town and Wansen Town to be stationed there, ready to go into battle at any time.

This battle is about our future destiny.

If we withstand the onslaught of the Condor Army, they will soon fall into a severe food crisis.

If we cannot withstand the attack of the Condor Army, then we will personally open the gate to the plains to the Condor Army.

At that time, facing the crazy China player, our people will be plunged into dire straits.

Therefore, we absolutely can't leave any more mobile corps now, we must immediately use all the strength, and do our best as soon as it comes up. "

After speaking, Sadie looked directly at Desa and Nairn, waiting for them to nod or shake their heads.

Hearing that Sadie wanted to say that all the mobile legions in the rear were all transferred to the front line to participate in the battle, Desa exhaled heavily:

"Guo Sadie, your idea is very good, and the analysis is also very reasonable, but have you considered whether our logistics and transportation capabilities can meet your plan?

On the banks of the Salween River in the upper reaches of Dagao Town, we deployed a total of 300,000 troops there.

The logistics department is already very struggling to supply the daily needs of this 300,000 army.

You still want to transfer the mobile corps on standby. Have you considered whether the logistics department can meet the daily needs of the 500,000 army?

The terrain on the west side of the river bank is very complicated, and logistics transportation is not very convenient.

Mostly, I suggested that the Air Force Mobile Corps on standby in the rear should support them first, and stationed on the front lines of Mennau and Wansen.

As for the mobile legions on the ground, it is better for them to postpone their support.

After all, there is an army of 300,000 players in the Jiangan position, and even if the offensive of the Condor Army is fierce, it will not be possible to kill 300,000 people in a day or two.

So we can wait and see first, and when the Jiangan garrison has suffered a certain casualty, let the mobile army from the rear rush over in time. "

"Wu Nailun, what's your opinion?"

Seeing that Desa didn't agree with the own plan, Sadie immediately looked at Nairn.

Nairn gently stroked his beard and said slowly:

"What both of you said makes sense, but I am more inclined to implement the plan proposed by Guo Sadie.

Now is a very time, facing the Condor Imperial Navy fleet that suddenly appeared here, we must not have any fluke mentality, we must do our best as soon as we come up.

The Condor naval fleet that is heading up against the current has about a thousand warships and transport ships.

The owl messenger from Mon State once said that they had sent an owl army to attack this fleet.

However, the number of owl owls from the Condor Empire ascending from those battleships is more than the one they sent out.

This is also the main reason why they failed to stop the naval fleet.

Now the Condor Army not only has nearly a thousand more warships, but also nearly three to four hundred thousand more troops.

Suddenly there are so many more troops, plus those China players who are constantly rushing here, their logistical pressure will definitely become even greater.

In order to alleviate the logistical pressure, the Condor Army has only one option, and that is to immediately launch the Battle of Crossing the River and send all the food-eaters to the west bank of the Salween River, so that they can enter our hinterland to support the war and become self-sufficient.

As a result, the most anxious now should be the Condor Army, so their next attack will definitely be more fierce.

At that time, as long as we can withstand the onslaught of the Condor Army and persist for a month or two, then the Condor Army will definitely be in a dilemma due to insufficient food and grass.

Because the Chinese players on the other side of the river can't cross the river in one day, they will eat more food from the Condor Army for one day.

With more and more Chinese players on the other side of the river, I am afraid that by then it will be more than just a food issue, because all China players have paid for it.

At that time, facing countless dissatisfied China players, if Ning Yuan can't handle this matter well, he will definitely be backlashed by those players.

At this time, the players sent by the China Guild Alliance can come in handy.

I believe they are fanning the flames in the player group, and those players who feel that they have been fooled will definitely not let Ning Yuan go easily.

There is a Chinese saying that it is easier to ask God to send God to God.

Ning Yuan flicked millions of China players over, and those players had walked for six or seven days before reaching the east bank of the Salween River.

If Ning Yuan can't fulfill the promises he made at the beginning, then the angry China player is likely to turn his gun to attack Ning Yuan and his Condor Army directly.

Although this possibility is remote, it is always possible.

And the only way to increase this possibility is that we can block the enemy on the east bank of the Salween River so that they can only look at the river and sigh.Facing the onslaught of the Condor Army, it is very difficult to stick to the food crisis on the Condor Army's side, so we must go all out as soon as we come up.

Yes, we transfer all of the mobile corps that are on standby at the rear to support at any time, which will bring a huge burden to the logistics.

But have you ever thought about how fast the casualties of our frontline soldiers will be in the face of the violent attack of the Condor Army?

Instead of waiting for a large number of casualties on the front line to replenish reinforcements from the rear, it is better to directly let the soldiers of the mobile corps bring as many dry food as possible.

In this way, we will not only be able to replenish reinforcements for Wu signed in time, but also will not bring too much pressure on logistics. Isn't this just killing two birds with one stone? "

"Master Wu Nailun, you still think carefully."

"Master Wu Nailun, I agree with your plan."

After listening to Naylen's analysis, Sadie and Desa made statements one after another.

Seeing that both of them agreed to the own plan, Nailun immediately ordered:

"Since you two have no objections, let's start preparing for each!

Tomorrow morning, Sadie, you personally led the Flying Corps to press me against Dago Town, and you must put enough pressure on the main force of the Condor Air Force there to prevent them from easily participating in the battle of crossing the river tomorrow.

Desa, you immediately mobilize those mobile corps to the Jiangan position, and then you also go over, take over the sign of Wu to take over the overall situation. "

"Yes, my lord."

"Okay, my lord, I will go now."


"What? You mean Lord Sadie and they want me to defend the Jiangan position, can't take a step back?"

After hearing the order brought back by the owl messenger he sent, Wu Qian immediately opened his eyes.

"Yes, my lord, that's what Lord Sadie told me.

He said that the Jiangan position is very important to us, and we must not lose, so even if we die, we must die here. "

The owl messenger answered honestly.

After receiving confirmation from the opponent, Wu Qian looked up at the sky, and then shouted:

"Pass our military order and immediately let all players rest in the trench.

Even if I can't sleep, I have to close my eyes and close my eyes to rest my mind.

As for the meteor and fire rain in the sky, it depends on everyone's high point and low point.

You help me tell everyone, just say that life and death have fate and wealth in the sky, who should be, can't hide.

So we must hurry up and rest as much as possible, because there will be an even more fierce battle during the day tomorrow.

After losing a large number of bunkers, facing the enemy's fierce attack, tomorrow we will be more difficult to defend. It is very likely that we will enter a fierce hand-to-hand battle with the enemy as soon as the war begins.

If we can't adjust our physical condition to the best, then we will easily fall into a disadvantage.

So even if you close your eyes, you must close your eyes until dawn. "

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