Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 149: Farming + Conquering Victory Mode (2)

As for the experience in fertilization and nursing, he has zero experience. He can only tell his subordinates when to fertilize and catch insects when pests occur. These are all the things he can teach his subordinates.

On one side is a systematic planting plan, with on-site guidance from professionals.

On one side was a cramped lord who gave a rough introduction to planting knowledge, and then let go of it after the teaching.

So there is such a big gap in yield per mu, so it is not a difficult problem to understand.

Others have a lot of food production, so they can eat freely after picking the seeds, but no one in Ningyuan understands these things at all, so he can only order everyone not to touch those grains, and use them all for planting .

It's not that Ning Yuan never thought about inviting an agricultural expert to come to his plane for on-site guidance, but it's a pity that he is an afterthought now.

Those player warlords who could be recruited who are good at agriculture have long been snatched up by other player lords. Even if he wants to spend a high price to dig the wall, it is difficult to find one that can be moved.

Vision determines the pattern, and Ning Yuan missed the best time to recruit professionals because of his lack of vision in this area.

Of course, even if he had this kind of vision at the time, it would have been difficult to recruit people, because he was still a poor man at that time, and he simply couldn't afford to recruit such in-demand professionals.

After failing to recruit professionals, Ning Yuan simply decided to break the can.

Anyway, his experience is limited, and it is impossible to cover everything, so just let those people in the territory toss it out on their own. .

And although Ning Yuan can't recruit professionals, he can go out and rob them. If professionals can't rob them, he can rob those farmers who have received professional training. He will rob whoever has the highest yield per mu in the territory, so that Once it comes, won't all the problems be solved?

However, there is no rush to rob farmers. After all, even with professional guidance, farmers still need a learning process, so Ning Yuan plans to wait until they have learned enough to rob them.

As for the source of food for the Condor Territory, Ning Yuan was not too worried because it was backed by Lake Victoria.

Anyway, like those big stomach kings of the wild boar, as long as you feed them enough, they won't have any complaints. As for what they eat, it doesn't matter, as long as the taste is not bad, they can eat it.

Due to the deforestation of the Condor Territory, many wild animals were forced to migrate away. Now if they want to hunt, the hunting team must go far.

And now that the entire Condor has more than 200,000 people, it is difficult to feed such a large population by hunting, so Ning Yuan has long focused on fishery and breeding.

Fishery naturally refers to the fish resources in Lake Victoria.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, it is impossible for Ning Yuan to ignore the rich food resources in the lake.

Although he has not been able to occupy the entire Lake Victoria area, this does not prevent him from conducting large-scale fishing operations.

All kinds of ground cages and lifting nets are spread all over the waters of Lake Victoria on the side of Condor Eagle. Due to limited conditions, this is already all the fishing methods that Ningyuan can think of.

Although the ground cage and the lifting net are very powerful, they are more attractive. When luck is good, the catch is full, and when luck is bad, there are only two or three small fish and shrimps. The addition of was changed.

Swans are natural fishers, chasing schools of fish underwater and catching their targets straight away.

Their fishing efficiency is very high, but it is still unrealistic to feed the entire territory with 20,000 swans. After all, swans can only catch one by one, and the daily harvest is limited.

But when Ningyuan taught the swan people to use the lifting net to fish, this wish finally came true.

Ning Yuan asked people to lower the net to the bottom of the water first,

Then let the swanman drive the fish to the water above the lifting net and prevent the fish from leaving.

At this time, the people waiting around the lifting net immediately pulled up the lifting net. Except for some small fish that are not up to the standard size, they can escape from the mesh, and none of the other fish trapped in the lifting net can escape.

Ningyuan's new fishing method solved the food source problem of the entire Condor Eagle Territory at once, and solved the food hazard caused by the population explosion.

When conquering the orc tribe before, Ning Yuan obtained a large number of cattle and sheep, with millions of heads.

Originally, Ning Yuan wanted to vigorously develop the animal husbandry industry. With a large number of cattle and sheep, it is entirely possible for him to graze more cattle and sheep. In this way, the source of food sources after Shenying can be solved.

Unfortunately, although the ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

The terrain near the Condor Territory is not suitable for grazing. They simply cannot feed so many cattle and sheep. In desperation, Ning Yuan can only order a large-scale slaughter of cattle and sheep to make bacon, leaving only a small part for further processing. captivity.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the slaughter of a large number of cattle and sheep that Ning Yuan was able to feed the 200,000 people in the territory.

Because there is no staple food such as rice noodles, the staple food of Shenyingling has always been the meat of various animals, supplemented by various wild vegetables and fruits.

With less and less bacon stored, the staple food of the Condor Eagle has gradually changed, and the proportion of fish on the table is getting higher and higher.

Up to now, fish has accounted for 90% of the tables of big eaters such as wild boars, tauren, and bears.

Even on the tables of small-eating races such as humans, dwarves, and elves, fish accounted for 70%.

It can be said that without the continuous fish resources provided by Lake Victoria, Ningyuan would not be able to support such a large population.

Although fish is delicious, but fish is the staple food every day, and individuals will get tired of eating it.

And with the continuous development of the Condor Territory, the population in the territory will definitely increase in the future, so Ning Yuan must plan ahead and solve the problem of food sources as soon as possible. After all, the logistical supplies he will go out to lead troops to fight in the future cannot be all fish and meat Bar.

Thinking that the food and grass escorted by his logistics troops were cartloads of fish, and the soldiers were eating salted fish in the camp, Ning Yuan felt uncomfortable all over his body and felt his throat was a little salty.

It was already uncomfortable to eat fish as a staple food every day. If the fish was replaced with salted fish, then even wild boars who never cared much about the taste of food would get tired of it very quickly.

So Ning Yuan must not let this happen, which is the main reason why he has to keep all the grain seeds and prepare for large-scale farming.

In the stand-alone game Civilization 5, the most ideal opening in the eyes of players should be the opening with salt and wheat. Generally, there are two salts and two wheats near the birthplace, which can be regarded as a god opening.

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