Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 149: Farming + Conquering Victory Mode (4)

As a staunch supporter of the Petra cult, Ning Yuan came to the forest near the lake, so he is destined to be unable to complete Petra's great cause now.

Originally, after Petra could not be completed, Ning Yuan planned to plant rice and wheat on a large scale. After all, in modern society, rice and flour are the staple food of Chinese people, but unexpectedly, in ancient times, this idea was somewhat difficult to realize.

Paddy fields are needed to grow rice. As the name suggests, there must be water in them. Although paddy fields are not needed to grow wheat, they must be irrigated frequently if they want to have high yields.

In modern society, as long as there is groundwater, it is very easy to irrigate the fields. Just dig a well next to the field and use a pump to pump water. But in ancient times, it was not so easy to irrigate the fields.

In areas along rivers or lakes, people can also divert water to the fields through aqueducts and water trucks, but in places without rivers and lakes, irrigated farmland is basically a dream, and people still rely more on the face of God.

Although Ning Yuan has Ratmen who are good at digging holes, they can dig wells in places without rivers, but the efficiency of raising water from the wells to irrigate the fields bucket by bucket is really too low, and it is impossible for Ning Yuan A well is drilled next to each mu of land.

Of course, wells still have to be drilled, but Ning Yuan plans to drill some foreign wells next to the fields.

Foreign wells are also called pressurized wells, which use pressure to pump groundwater from the ground to the surface.

Compared with traditional water wells, the efficiency of foreign wells is much higher. When irrigating the fields, it is only necessary to replace the wells at regular intervals.

However, seamless iron pipes are needed to drill foreign wells. Condor Lingling is currently unable to cast seamless iron pipes with a length of more than ten meters, so this foreign well can only wait for when the dwarves successfully cast seamless iron pipes. Come on, it will be popularized on a large scale.

Without foreign wells, Ningyuan cannot popularize rice and wheat on a large scale. In places without rivers, Ningyuan can only arrange for people to plant drought-tolerant crops such as corn and sorghum.

Corn and sorghum are less demanding on the environment, as long as the land is not particularly dry, then they can grow there.

And compared with rice and wheat, they are also easier to take care of. People only need to weed regularly when the seedlings first emerge, and people don't have to take care of them when they grow up.

As for pests and diseases, in this era, Ning Yuan couldn't think of any better way than manually catching insects.

But it’s not that there is no way, after all, bugs have their own natural enemies, as long as the environment is well protected, those birds that eat bugs will help humans eliminate those pests.

As for the fact that the birds will also eat some food, this is inevitable. After all, if the birds do the work for you, you have to pay them a little bit.

And compared with the reduction in production due to pests and diseases, the food eaten by the birds is insignificant.

Of course, this premise is that preparations must be made to drive away the birds. Otherwise, if a large group of birds fall, their destructive power will not be worse than insect pests. A super large group of birds can be destroyed in an instant. Eat up a field.

Although Ningyuan's Condor Territory is not suitable for large-scale planting of rice and wheat, it is incomparable with those lands of fish and rice in the south, but compared with those players who descended on the hills and deep mountains, the environment here is quite good .

As long as the people in his territory are not lazy and do not encounter any large-scale natural disasters, then the people in his territory will basically not go hungry.

As for those players who descended on the hills and deep mountains, they had to work harder than others to fill their stomachs.

As for the players who landed in the desert oasis, although the oasis is a good place, the area of ​​the oasis is limited after all, and it is difficult for them to develop with only one oasis.

In the stand-alone Civilization 5, players can hide to farm and improve technology. Once they enter modernization, they will usher in an explosive development.

But in barbarism and civilization, this model doesn't work.

Because in barbarism and civilization, only the age of cold weapons is allowed to exist, and some modern technologies cannot be realized here, so hiding secretly and farming will not work.

If the player lords want to make a difference in the position of lords, they have to farm while strengthening their military strength, because only with a strong army can they keep the fruits of labor they have obtained through hard farming.

And just like the resource distribution in the Civilization 5 map, the resources on a piece of land are limited.

If you want to obtain more resources or new resources, you must continue to expand outward, grab more resources to enhance your own strength, wait until these resources are successfully digested, and then continue to expand outward until the unified world world.

In the stand-alone civilization 5, many players like to play farming and climbing technology, and finally win by flying to the sky, but in barbarism and civilization, there is only one victory mode, that is to conquer victory. If you don’t work hard to conquer others, then you can only win. Wait for someone else to conquer you.

In fact, in Civilization 5, conquest and victory are also the main theme of the game. After all, if you want to farm with peace of mind, you must have a strong army, otherwise the countries next to you will not let you go.

Farming victory and real conquest victory have the same effect in the middle and early stages. Perhaps the only difference between the two is that conquest victory needs to eliminate all opponents, while farming victory only needs to get rid of one's neighbors.

The reason why Civilization 5 is dubbed Barbarian 5 by players is that apart from having a large number of war-crazed countries, the main reason is that many players are more belligerent than AI.

In the difficulty of the gods, AI's initial technology is ahead of the players, and it starts with two cities and two workers. Under such unfavorable circumstances, it is difficult for players to grab some important world miracles from AI.

After being ruthlessly duang countless times, many players gave up competing with AI for world miracles. They started to build a large number of troops, and then launched a surprise attack on AI in the early stage.

Whichever country robs their world miracle, they will attack that country, whichever country is rich in products, they will rob that country, girls and the like have never been built by themselves, they are all robbed from AI and city-states.

There are even some players who are keen on burning cities. Except for the cities that cannot be burned, all other cities will be burned. When the victory is completed, the number of cities on the map will be reduced by at least half.

The opening of barbarism and civilization is very similar to that of Civilization 5. After players enter the game as lords, in order to protect themselves, they can only continue to expand outward and continuously strengthen their own strength.

In Barbarism and Civilization, other player lords are like other countries in Civilization 5, and the aboriginal tribes on your own plane are like Ono in Civilization 5.

The difference from Civilization 5 is that in Barbarism and Civilization, all player lords have a ua similar to that of Germany in Civilization 5. When player lords exterminate aboriginal tribes, they can recruit some aborigines, because this is closer to the Reality.

After the player lords enter the game, they will compete with a large number of aboriginal tribes for territory and resources.

The number of native tribes in barbarism and civilization far exceeds the number of barbarians spawned in wrath of the barbarian king in civilization 5.

It can be said that the aboriginal tribes in barbarism and civilization can be regarded as the wrath of the super barbarian king. The only difference may be that there will also be wars between the aboriginal tribes here. They are not of one mind, otherwise the player lords would not be able to survive at all.

The opening mode of barbarism and civilization gave those war mad players a certain advantage in the initial stage of the game. They took advantage of the fact that Ono (natives) were not too strong, quickly strengthened their own strength, and then started to go crazy snowballing journey.

And those players who simply like to farm are not very comfortable. They not only have to face the threat of the surrounding Ono, but also guard against the invasion from other player lords.

By the time they finally realized that they couldn't start farming right away, it was already too late, because the surrounding small fields had gradually grown, and they had to pay a higher price if they wanted to take down those small fields.

After countless lords of players continued to explore, the players finally summed up the correct way to open barbarism and civilization.

That is to conquer with war to support war, to conquer with war to support war, and to farm + conquer. You must not start farming as soon as you come up, because doing so will only make wedding dresses for others.

Although the players have found the correct way to open barbarism and civilization, it is a pity that barbarism and civilization are not stand-alone games, and not everyone is lucky enough to get a chance to start again.

Facing the increasingly powerful Ono, many players finally had to give up their lord status. They had no choice but to go to the adventurer planet and become an adventurer.

And the player lords like Ning Yuan who have found the right way to start the game, after continuous conquests and battles, as the population in the territory continues to increase, they have finally reached a bottleneck period.

If they wanted to get through this bottleneck period, they had to start farming. Before they had accumulated enough food, it would be difficult for them to carry out large-scale external expansion.

People depend on food, if they can't even fill their stomachs, then the soldiers are absolutely unwilling to fight, so now many lord players have entered this stage of farming + conquest, and everyone is desperately accumulating food, Prepare for future expansion.

Although Ningyuan's Condor Territory still has a lot of food reserves, most of those reserves are all kinds of bacon. Although the storage time of bacon is longer, it cannot be stored indefinitely. After all, bacon is also There is a shelf life.

Of course, Ning Yuan has never worried about the shelf life of bacon since several big-eating beastmen joined the Condor Territory. What he is really worried about now is the source of bacon.

Although there are still a large number of breeding sheep and cattle in the territory, if he wants to expand the national scale of breeding, he must continue to expand the territory to the surrounding areas. Otherwise, there is not enough land and food, and the scale of animal husbandry cannot be expanded.

And to continue to expand the territory, Ningyuan must build more cities and fortresses to protect all the territory.

Otherwise, once a foreign enemy invades, those farms scattered outside the city will become a burden to the enemy, so external expansion is necessary, but there is no rush, and it must be done steadily.

However, as long as the Condor Leader can enter the feudal era, Ning Yuan doesn't have to fight steadily anymore.

He can concentrate superior forces, spread out several routes, quickly capture the surrounding aboriginal tribes, and occupy the land there.

Because after entering the feudal era, the player lords did not dare to easily launch an invasion war. After all, the 30-day retreat time node is too terrible. Unless they have absolute confidence in the defense of their territory, no one dares to rashly To invade other planes.


Online Game Barbarism and Civilization

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