Path of light

Chapter 367 368 Mine

Chapter 367 368. Mine

The gray dwarves' strike lasted only one day.

After all the gray dwarves completely sobered up, alcohol addiction took over their minds, and they immediately changed their minds.

Anyway, those spinels are useless if they are left in the treasure house. Can they still bring these gems out of the Partington plane?

Thinking of this, although the gray dwarves were a little frustrated, they no longer struggled. They immediately filled another twenty barrels of high-grade spinels and exchanged them for a large barrel of rum from Roy.

In fact, one barrel of rum was not enough to keep all the gray dwarves in the bunker happy. Dasher even wanted to get another barrel of rum, but Roy refused directly.

In desperation, Dasher had to collect several boxes of ordinary spinels and exchanged them for a large barrel of ale from Roy.

In addition to the ale, Roy also provided the dwarves with some scones.

In fact, Roy originally wanted to use wheat flour to make some white bread, but the elves were not proficient in cooking. It was okay to let them make fruit tea, but baking bread was completely out of the question.

Roy asked them to make some simple scones and provide them to the gray dwarves in the mine. After all, they were expected to mine. How could they have the strength to work without eating some food...

The gray dwarves did not expect to be able to eat wheat cakes. This night, the gray dwarves got themselves drunk without reservation.

However, they seem to have figured out one thing, that is, if they don't dig anymore, the spinels in the treasure house will be exhausted soon, and it will be difficult to exchange for ale by then.

The gray dwarves really started mining after they drank the second barrel of rum. Or maybe they were emboldened by the rum. A large group of gray dwarves ran out of the mine tunnel carrying mining picks and quickly got in. In the northern part of the mine, I worked day and night in the mine for two days.

There is no distinction between day and night under the mine. The gray dwarves have a very simple schedule. They mine when they have the strength, rest when they are tired, and return to the bunker when they have a bag full of gemstones.

As Roy said, the Dark Moon elves did not harass the gray dwarves or rob their gem mines.

This made the gray dwarves, who had been on tenterhooks all day, finally feel relieved and no longer had any worries when mining...

A lantern hangs on the sharp corner of the rock wall, and the moon stone in the wick emits a faint light.

The two brothers Malanduo and Magdy were shirtless and stepped on the sharp gravel with their bare feet. They waved the ivory-shaped mining picks in their hands. Every time they hit the rock of the mineral vein, sparks would splash out from the rock wall.

The brothers' sweat drew muddy vertical lines on their bronzed skin...

Behind them were two linen sacks placed side by side, which already contained a lot of spinel ore, and only a small piece of the scone was left.

Marandu stretched out his hand to scratch his itchy back, then dropped the mining pick at his feet, turned around and grabbed the wooden wine glass and drank the cold water in it. He wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand and leaned on Sitting on a pile of rocks, with his head on the rock wall and his eyes closed, he said to his good brother:

"It would be nice if the cup was full of ale. Just drink it in one gulp. I think I can dig through the veins in one go!"

Magdy also stopped, and sat down next to Malanduo in rough clothes. He panted and said, "Let's dig quickly. Didn't Elder Apton say that? Two bags of spinel ore can be exchanged for one cup." Rum, I think we have to dig out four bags anyway."

"How can four pockets be possible? We have to dig out at least ten pockets..."

After speaking, Marandu reached out and picked up the last piece of scone, tore it into two even parts, put one part into Magdy's hand, and the other part into his mouth, then wiped his hands randomly, stood up and touched The mining pickaxe on the ground walked to the stone wall of the mineral vein and waved the mining pickaxe again.

Every time the mining pick hits the rock and sparks fly, the gray dwarf sweats.

It's just that the two good brothers definitely didn't know that in the shadow of a corner behind them, there was a Dark Moon Elf squatting. He had been staying here for a while, watching the two gray dwarves digging hard. Then he quietly exited the mine.

In fact, what the gray dwarves don't know is that in the northern area of ​​the mine, there are at least thirty more Dark Moon elves hiding in various places, monitoring the gray dwarves mining...

According to Roy, once this group of gray dwarves starts mining, the Dark Moon elves only need to be overseers.

The gray dwarves are very strong. One gray dwarf working hard at mining can be as powerful as ten Dark Moon Elves...

The Dark Moon elves discovered that life underground was quietly changing...

Originally, they desperately exploited the mixed-blood elf mining slaves and continued to rob the gray dwarves, but those days were still very difficult.

Although there are no mixed-blood elves to exploit now, and robbery of gray dwarves is strictly prohibited from above, their lives have been significantly improved...

It feels like living in a mine. Except that there is no lush forest, it is actually no different from the Evernight Forest.

They set up a row of clean tents next to the mine shaft, and built a bathroom with wooden planks under the mine. They could eat fresh apples and drink warm lemon tea every day, and their lives were getting better day by day.

These Dark Moon elves are very grateful to Roy.

Recently, Roy has been busy transforming the vertical passage of the mine.

According to Roy's idea, the original shaft only needs to be enlarged, which is preparation for the upcoming elevator.

He handed over the reconstruction work to the half-blood elves living in the mine.

After this group of mixed-blood elves escaped from the mine, they didn't even know how to live in the future.

The outside world has become very strange to them, which is one of the reasons why they stay in the mine and do not want to go out.

Roy arranged for the mixed-blood elves to dig wells. This group of mixed-blood elves seemed to have found their life goals all of a sudden, and immediately happily devoted themselves to the work of digging wells.

They have been digging gemstones in the mines for decades and have become accustomed to this kind of mining life. During this time, they eat well and sleep warmly, and their bodies are quickly nourished.

The mixed elves figured out Roy's idea. He just wanted to expand this shaft passage. The original single row of boom-type lifting boxes was now changed to an alternating up and down elevator.

Roy has even drawn out the structural diagram of the elevator...

In order to facilitate their work, the mixed-blood elves carved a stone step on the rock wall around the shaft. This stone step continues to extend downward along the four walls of the mine. As the mine expansion project extends downward, this stone step also continues to expand. Extend downward.

The project to renovate the mine progressed very quickly. By the time Mu Lin returned to the second mine with three hundred young mixed-blood elves, these mixed-blood elves had already dug down more than 200 meters.

Mu Lin found Roy at the edge of the mine. Roy was directing the mixed elves to build scaffolding at the mouth of the mine.

Mu Lin stood next to the wellhead and looked down the shaft curiously. Only a little light could be seen in the deep wellhead.

No longer able to clearly see the mixed-blood elves who were constantly digging into the stone wall, Mu Lin subconsciously took half a step back.

A group of mixed-blood elves came out from the underground stone steps nearby...

They carry bags of waste rocks on their backs and have to climb up in one breath, which is definitely the most physically demanding job.

Roy pressed his forehead with one hand, and then called these mixed elves in front of him. He pointed at the crane arm and said angrily to these mixed elves:

"Don't tell me, you don't even know how to use a crane... You've already dug so deep, why do you still have to carry these waste rocks out of the mine manually?... Stupid!"

The mixed-blood elves lowered their heads and did not argue.

Roy called over four mixed-blood elves and asked them to be responsible for pushing the winch of the crane arm. The other mixed-blood elves put the wooden box into the mine in a hurry.

"You need to put the waste rocks into wooden boxes, which can be easily hoisted up. After the waste rocks are transported up, they are all piled outside the mine, against the wall."

Nearly half of the stone road outside the fortress has been paved.

Roy planned to use these waste stones to build a stable on the east side of the fort that could accommodate hundreds of horses after the stone road was paved.

There is a vast grassland below the mountain. If you don't raise some horses here, it would be a waste of such a good grassland.

Mulin walked to the entrance of the stone steps next to the mine. The stone steps faced the side of the cave wall. The elven miners also opened some windows on the stone wall, and there were natural corridors every two meters. When they encountered some loose rock layers and sand The soil layer is also reinforced with a large number of supporting columns to strengthen this section of stone steps.

"During the time I returned to the gathering place, the mines have actually started to be renovated..." Mu Lin couldn't help but marvel.

Roy dismissed the mixed-blood elves who only used brute force and refused to use their brains. He walked to Mu Lin and said with a smile, "Of course! How many young warriors will you bring back when you return to the gathering place this time?"

"Three hundred young mixed-blood elves." Mulin replied.

Then she said: "Roy, do you really plan to form a guard group composed of mixed elves?"

"Well, and once the guard group is formed, it will immediately be responsible for guarding the second mine!" Roy said.

He turned around and looked at the long queue of mixed-blood elves behind him, and asked Mu Lin with a smile: "Mu Lin, are you interested in taking over the guard work of the second mine?"

"Me?" Mu Lin also didn't expect that Roy's first appointment to her would be the leader of the Second Mine Guard Regiment.

She responded cheerfully: "Okay!"

Mu Lin's character is so cheerful.

Mulin brought back 300 mixed-blood elf warriors, which brought the number of mixed-blood elves living in the second mine fortress to one thousand.

The dormitories on the second and third floors of the fortress were almost filled with mixed-blood elves. It was suddenly overcrowded, and even temporary tents were set up in the corridors.

The supplies consumed by the Second Mine every day are also increasing. The Silver Pegasus warriors of the 17th Silver Pegasus Legion are rapidly expanding on the Pagisto Plateau, which has put great pressure on the logistics department of Captain Berkeley. …

Captain Berkeley has the pack team transport supplies to the second mine almost every week.

This time Captain Berkeley did not come with him. When receiving these living supplies, it was the adjutant beside Captain Berkeley who held the list of supplies. When Roy took the list, he couldn't help but ask the adjutant:

"Why didn't Captain Berkeley come?"

The adjutant quickly replied: "Captain Berkeley has escorted a batch of supplies to the central plateau. Recently, the logistics group has been expanded three times in a row. Unfortunately, it is still unable to meet the supply of supplies for all parts of the Pagisto Plateau. This is what Commander Berkeley has specially instructed you to do. So this batch of supplies can still be delivered on time..."

Roy flipped through the supply list and found that the apples delivered this time were not even half of the last time.

Roy flipped through the catalog list, frowned and asked, "Why are there no fresh apples this time?"

"We can't transport so much materials. Although the logistics department is still adding personnel, it can't support the material consumption of the entire Pajisto Plateau. Now there are seventeen mines that supply materials, and there are five more Camp..." The adjutant complained softly.

"Although the apples cannot be supplied according to the quantity, we have made some extra elf cookies." the adjutant said to Roy.

Roy didn't say anything else. He signed the catalog list and asked Mu Lin to check it carefully according to the received supplies.

He was too lazy to talk to the adjutant...

Unexpectedly, as soon as Captain Berkeley left, an adjutant from the Logistics Department would slap Roy in the face.

The adjutant saw Roy turn around and leave, as if he didn't see the hint he handed out, and his face became a little ugly.

Mu Lin also had a straightforward and upright personality. She ran directly to a large pile of wooden boxes with a list of contents, and started counting the items with a large group of mixed-blood elves.

"The right number of linen sacks, mining picks and tents..."

"Three boxes of apples are missing..."


"I'm missing one bucket each of maple sugar and life sap. I'll make a list of the missing supplies for you. Please sign for me too..."

After Mu Lin finished talking about the number of supplies she had counted, she turned around and left without giving the adjutant of the Logistics Department any chance to defend herself.

Seeing Mu Lin turn around and walk away, the adjutant's expression turned extremely grim.

Mulin handed the catalog to Roy and reported the missing supplies to Roy.

Roy was speechless. It turns out that this kind of thing happens everywhere.

There was a knock on the door.

A mixed-blood elf stood at the door and said to Roy:

"Sir Roy, the logistics team plans to leave before dark. The adjutant asks you to prepare to transport the spinel mine back to the valley camp."

"I know, I'll go to the warehouse right now!" Roy responded.

After the mixed-blood elf left, Mu Lin wrinkled her nose and said angrily: "Roy, are we going to give him those top-grade spinels?"

Roy thought for a moment and touched the key to Warehouse No. 3 from the wall. Then he smiled at Mu Lin and said:

"Since they are dishonest, let them do some heavy work!"

Before the owner of the second mine left, he took away a large amount of high-grade spinel ore. There were three warehouses of remaining spinel ore, which were almost all the most common spinel after sorting. Even if the crystals flow into the magic market, they are not very valuable.

Basically, it is used to grind crystal powder. This kind of magic material is very common and can be sold in magic grocery stores...

When the adjutant left the mine with the pack team of the Logistics Department, each horse was carrying extremely heavy spinel ore, and all of them were the most common spinel ore. No top-grade spinel ore could be polished from any of the ore. Crystal comes.

Roy took out almost all the worst ores in the mine and let the adjutant return home with a full load.

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