Path of light

Chapter 368 369 The happiness of the elves

Chapter 368 369. The happiness of the elves

In the afterglow of the sunset, the entire mountain range was dyed with a layer of pale gold. The pack teams of the Logistics Department lined up in a long line on the mountain range. Each horse was carrying a heavy load of ore. They could only walk on thin ice on the mountain ridge. amble.

It is estimated that this group of Silver Moon elves may have to go until midnight to cross the ridge in the second mine.

And the adjutant would not camp on the rocky ridge before walking out of the mountain. At least he would not let Roy see his joke.

The adjutant hurriedly left the second mine before sunset just to express his dissatisfaction with Roy.

Unexpectedly, Roy would actually take out so much low-grade spinel ore and let his pack team set off with a full load...

Just after leaving the second mine, there were already Silver Moon elves secretly complaining.

The afterglow of the setting sun lengthened his back, and the face of the adjutant accompanying the pack team became increasingly gloomy...

Roy stood on the city wall, and the horse team of the Logistics Department was slowly walking forward along the ridge. Roy turned to Mu Lin beside him and asked:

"Mulin, what do you usually eat on the plateau?"

"When you are in a village, there will be some bushes around your residence. The main food is red berries and four-season berries. There are also some wild fruits to eat in the nearby mountains. When the group of plateau headhunters burned the village, even the berries The bushes have also been destroyed, and supplies at the gathering area are already very scarce. In order to find food, the collection team has to go far to find food." Mu Lin said with some embarrassment.

"Are there the red berries you mentioned near the mine?" Roy asked again.

Mullin replied: "I know of two places with berry bushes nearby..."

"Then you work hard tomorrow and bring some people to collect some berries."

After Roy finished speaking, he walked down the city wall.

Back in the room, Roy sat at the desk, picked up a quill and wrote a letter to Lysander. The letter said that he was currently operating two mines and needed a pack team from Rampart Town to the mines. Deliver some supplies.

After writing the letter, Roy took the letter and handed it to a young mixed-blood elf, asking him to ride back to the gathering place tomorrow morning and give the letter to Lysander.

Although there were a lot less fresh apples delivered by the logistics department this time, more than a hundred boxes of elf cookies were delivered.

Elf biscuits are the elves' marching rations. You won't feel hungry after eating them for several days, so even if the mine cuts off supplies, it can last at least more than two months.

In addition, Roy also has a small bucket of life tree sap in his hand.

The tree of life sap is not only a drink that can quickly replenish physical energy. Regular drinking can also improve the physical condition of the elves. Occasionally, if you have symptoms of headache and brain fever, drinking a cup of diluted tree of life sap can quickly relieve the symptoms.

It's just that the quota is too small. According to the quantity on the catalogue, there were originally two small barrels of life sap, but the adjutant withheld a small barrel.

The reason why Roy doesn't want to compromise is also very simple. If you compromise once, this kind of thing will become a habit in the future...

There are lively scenes everywhere in the second mine...

More than two hundred mixed-blood elves built a long wall outside the mine fortress using waste stones and vegetation mortar excavated from the mine. This was the prototype of the stable. In the future, a roof will be built on the wall. The mine There is not enough wood in the place, so Roy plans to ask the mixed-blood elves at the gathering place to cut down some red pine, and then ask Lysander's pack team to transport the wood.

After the wooden frames are erected on the roof, a row of wooden boards is nailed, covered with some twigs and pine branches, and moss is spread on the outermost surface, and the stable is completed.

The mixed-blood elves know the climate on the plateau very well. Only by constructing these buildings can they withstand the cold north wind on the plateau.

Mu Lin took a group of mixed-blood elves and ran away from the second mine for a day. They came back when it was almost dark and brought back more than twenty baskets of red berries.

In the evening, the mixed-blood elf cooked some red berry sour soup in the kitchen, added some maple sugar, and it tasted pretty good.

After understanding the gray dwarves' mining speed, Roy immediately made a stipulation that every five days he would bring out a barrel of rum and trade spinel with the gray dwarves.

When the gray dwarves saw that the Dark Moon Elves would not come out to rob the ore, they sent the gem mine to the exit of the mine, so that ten barrels of gem mine could be exchanged for one barrel of rum.

After the matters at the second mine were arranged one after another, Roy discussed with Captain Kepler and Mulin and decided to formally form the second mine guard team.

The size of the guard team is tentatively set at 500 elven warriors. In addition to the 300 young mixed-blood elves brought back by Mu Lin, Roy also selected 200 elven warriors from more than 600 mixed-blood elven miners.

Five hundred mixed-blood elf warriors were selected for the guard team, and the elves in the entire second mine were discussing this matter.

Even the Dark Moon elves in the mine seemed to have heard about it, and they were even a little worried that Roy would abandon them under the mine again just because he formed a mine guard team.

The comfortable days have just passed, and no one wants to go back to the past.

The elf warriors of the mine guard stood neatly in the yard. Roy stood on the second floor terrace. He held the railing with both hands and said to the mixed elf warriors below:

"Everyone, I asked Captain Mullin to invite you to the second mine. The purpose is to form a guard team to fight against the headhunters on the plateau."

"Yes, your opponents are a group of cunning, vicious and vicious plateau headhunters. It was these plateau headhunters who burned your villages, captured your relatives, and made you homeless..."

"Now I want you to take up arms and fight, and I want you to declare war on the plateau headhunters."

"Elves are not that easy to bully."

This group of young mixed-blood elves had spontaneously formed a resistance army, but they lacked various military supplies in the gathering area, so they could only stay in the mountains and rely on the surrounding dangerous terrain to deal with the group of plateau headhunters.

Now Roy said that the guards here at the mine are going to fight the plateau headhunters, which just touched the hearts of these mixed elves.

"The captain of the second mine guard team is Mu Lin."

After speaking, Roy asked Mu Lin to stand beside him.

Almost all of these young mixed-blood elves followed Mu Lin and naturally supported Mu Lin in becoming the captain of the guard team.

Roy asked the elf to open warehouse No. 6. The warehouse contained weapons and armors left by the previous mine owner. Although there were only more than two hundred sets of armor, it was not possible to issue a set of armor to every elf warrior, but at least During daily patrols, elven warriors can still wear armor and weapons.

Roy is also preparing to build a shooting range to the west of the fortress. He wants all mixed-blood elf warriors to be proficient in archery.

Seeing that Roy had formed a guard team of 500 people in just two weeks, Captain Kepler was amazed and prepared to lead the Silver Moon Elf Guard Team to leave the second mine.

The first mine that Roy is in charge of currently also has a Silver Moon Elf Guard Group stationed there.

In fact, they were also a group of Silver Moon Elf warriors assigned by Captain Kepler's guard group.

Now Captain Kepler is preparing to evacuate from the second mine, and the Silver Moon Elf warriors from the first mine will also leave with Captain Kepler.

Roy asked Mulin to stay at the second mine, and he took two hundred mixed-blood elf guards to the first mine.

The First Mine, which is located in the same vein as the Second Mine, can be seen from a distance as a huge rock protruding from the northern slope of the mountain. However, on the top of the rock at this time, the flag of the Silver Pegasus Legion is fluttering in the wind at the top of the city. Let Roy see this mining fortress at a glance.

The elf warriors patrolling the city seemed to have noticed Roy's team. Soon Roy saw Rambo Rambo standing on the city wall, waving to Roy excitedly.

Afterwards, the gate outside the mine fortress opened early.

Roy rode his horse slowly into the mine fortress, followed by two hundred mixed elf warriors.

The first mine's fortress has been reinstalled with three gates, and all the holes in the outer walls have been blocked with mud.

Passing through the deep doorway and walking into the interior of the fortress, the courtyard is also clean and tidy.

A crane was parked next to the mine, and a huge wooden box was placed on the edge of the mine. Everything was restored to its original appearance.

The blood stains and scorch marks left after the battle have been cleaned up, a layer of mortar has been applied to the walls, and there are actually some potted plants placed on the railings of the corridor.

Rambo hurried down the stairs and bumped shoulders with Roy.

"Hey, Roy, you're finally back." Rambo said with a laugh.

"Well done, Lambo, you took care of the first mine in perfect order!" Roy stood in the courtyard, looking around and praising.

Among the mixed-blood elves behind Roy, there were many young mixed-blood elves who knew Rambo and stood in the team and kept saying hello to Rambo.

Lambo also looked surprised and asked his friends at the gathering: "Ha, why are you here?"

"That guy Mu Lin told us a lot about the war situation here and how much manpower is needed in the mine, so we followed her here!" A mixed-blood elf said to Lambo.

Lambo walked over and said hello to his friends: "It's great that you can come. Now every day I dream about plateau headhunters climbing up the city wall. Sometimes I wake up from my dream when I fall asleep. Now that you are here, we can share this pressure together, hehe."

A group of young mixed-blood elves shouted: "Rambo, you are still the same as before, you really haven't changed at all..."

In the fortress of the first mine, apart from the hundred mixed elves brought by Mu Lin, there were only the elf warriors of the Silver Moon Elf Guard Group.

The Silver Moon Elf warriors heard that Captain Kepler would arrive at the first mine later. At that time, Captain Kepler would take all the Silver Moon Elf warriors back to the valley camp.

Upon hearing the news, the Silver Moon Elf warriors also raised their fists happily.

Rambo arranged dormitories for these mixed-blood elves. All the mixed-blood elves in the mine gathered in the restaurant. Although the dinner was a little simple, the elves played the beautiful accordion...

Joyful notes spread from the restaurant. Happiness turns out to be so simple.

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