
After seeing Xiang Long’s remaining answers through the camera, netizens all laughed like crazy.

[Masaka, Xiang Longsang, you wouldn’t choose those three words, would you? 】

[After counting, it seems that only ‘I love you’ fits this question (laughing and crying)]

[Little elephants don’t cry. Although you may lose Bailu by answering this way, at least you will get a correct answer]

[Hahaha, I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t laugh at this time, but I can’t help it]

[I vaguely remember that just a few minutes ago, Xiao Xiang and Bai Lu were shouting happily together: This is called tacit understanding]

[Today’s merits are gone…]

[Xiang Long: From today on, I am dead. From now on, all you will see is a soulless body]

Not only netizens,

Standing behind Xiang Long, Deng Chao and the others laughed so hard that they couldn’t stand up straight. They all covered their stomachs and burst into tears.

Only Bai Lu hadn’t seen the answer yet. She was confused and asked anxiously and uneasily:

“No, why are you laughing? What answer can make you so happy?”

Yao Yitian held back his laughter and asked:

“Bai Lu, what’s your problem?”

“My question is, what is the biggest lie Lili has ever told me.”

Bai Lu said honestly.

Yao Yitian looked at Xiang Long: “What’s your answer?”

“My answer is-”

Xiang Long covered his face with his hands and felt that this issue of Running Man was probably his last. He replied with a life-or-death feeling:

“I love you.”


Bai Lu was stunned when she heard this answer.

The biggest lie you’ve ever told me is ‘I love you’?

At this moment, Rao Shibailu knew that this was a game, so he collapsed a little, and shouted in a dumbfounded voice:

“Xiang Lili, what are you doing? How come these answers are so coincidental!?”

“I do not know either!”

Xiang Long spread his hands as if his soul had ascended.

Seeing his hopeless look, Bai Lu couldn’t help laughing:

“Do you want to think about your answer – I have been in love 7 times before, and your love for me can only last for six months. Moreover, this sentence is still a lie…I am with you because I want you. what?”

Thinking of these ridiculous answers,

Xiang Long also laughed and joked: “I often think this way, except for this face, I am absolutely useless.”


Bai Lu pretended to be disgusted and vomited, and said carelessly: “Your face… well, it’s just like that.”

At this time, she obviously forgot that in the interview before the start of this program, she had already admitted that her first impression of Xiang Long was that Xiang Long was handsome.

“Congratulations to both of you, you have answered five questions correctly so far.”

Yao Yitian said:

“As long as you answer two more questions correctly, you can challenge the low-difficulty level of tearing off famous brands on the water.”

Hearing this,

Xiang Long finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the very least, he only needed to answer two more questions correctly to end this ‘big adventure’-like answering journey.

“Then, Bai Lu, please tell me your sixth question.”

Yao Yitian said.

“My sixth question is safe…”

As soon as Bai Lu finished speaking, Xiang Long waved his hand and said, “I’ve heard this sentence before, there’s no need to say it again.”

Bai Lu stamped her feet and laughed:

“Oh, this question is different. This one is really safe. It’s just that I was worried that you didn’t have an answer ready, so I never asked.”

Then, she asked directly: “This question is – if you could use a color to describe us, what color would you use?”

Xiang Long looked at his answer and prepared to answer “rose”.

But Yao Yitian immediately stopped: “There are many colors of roses, but this question requires a specific color to be answered – choose one answer and discard it.”

Xiang Long looked at the answer in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and chose ‘Phuket’.

“Unfortunately, you failed this question.”

Yao Yitian reminded: “There are four opportunities left, and you must answer two questions correctly.”

Hearing this,

Bai Lu struggled for a moment among her remaining four questions, and finally came up with one:

“I was a little confused about this question at the time. I just wrote it casually. I don’t think I have the answer, but it should be safe.”

As she spoke, she took out the answer board:

“The question is – what is my favorite drink?”

Xiang Long slapped his forehead.

As before, there is no suitable answer to this question.

Xiang Long finally gave up the answer of “acting awards”.

Now, he only has three answers left in his hand: ‘cat’, ‘want them all’, and ‘rose’.

And he still needs to answer at least two questions correctly.


“Teacher Bai, don’t worry about whether the question is safe or not, just answer it first and then talk!”

Xiang Long said.

Although the first two questions were very safe, they were just one step away from failing the challenge.

“Okay, I get it.”

Bai Lu nodded, “Then I will give you a more dangerous question – if you use one word to describe me, which word would you choose?”

This kind of question has almost a universal answer. As long as Xiang Long has the answer in his hand, he can answer it. That’s why Bai Lu said that this question is a bit dangerous.

If Xiang Long had answers like pigs, dogs, etc., she simply couldn’t imagine that scene.

Hearing this question, Xiang Long finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it’s ‘cat’ or ‘rose’, this question is both appropriate.

Xiang Long thought for a moment and chose the rose.

He said loudly:

“Teacher Bai, if I use one word to describe you, I would choose ‘rose’!”


Bai Lu didn’t expect Xiang Long to have such a good answer, so she happily ran to Xiang Long and gave him a high-five.

Then, the two shouted in unison to the camera:

“This is called tacit understanding!”


Seeing Xiang Long and Bai Lu becoming arrogant again, netizens also started joking:

[I finally understand the meaning of ‘the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten’]

[You just answered a question correctly, are you showing off like this? 】

[I feel like I’m going to get slapped in the face later]

[The person who opened the champagne in the last half was called AC Milan (dog head)]

[If there is no problem with the problem later, it will be difficult to end it]

[You still haven’t answered one question correctly, don’t celebrate so early! 】

recording scene,

Yao Yitian continued:

“There are two questions left. As long as you answer one of them correctly, you will win. Bai Lu, please ask the question.”


Bai Lu looked at the two questions in her hands.

One is ‘What is my favorite TV series’,

The other is ‘What would you do if you had an ex-girlfriend and she and I proposed to you at the same time’.

Looking at these two questions,

Bai Lu’s intuition told her that the first question was safe, but Xiang Long should not have the answer.

There may be an answer to the second question, but there is a high probability that something will happen.

Think for a moment,

Bai Lu’s hand slowly reached out to the second question.

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