Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 722 Akainu vs Big Mom

With the leading party to 'steal the tower', the efficiency was much higher, and Zhang Da quickly made up a set of 32 chess flag demons.

Ye Yan also gained a lot. Unfortunately, the coastline defense of Coco Island was originally airtight, but now it is full of loopholes.

Just when everyone was busy, a huge dark cloud suddenly appeared in the north of Totland, and then the dark cloud released dazzling lightning, followed by rolling thunder.

The flag demon, the king's soldier who was responsible for leading the way, was suddenly so frightened that he covered his ears and knelt down on the deck: "BIG·MOM! That's BIG·MOM taking action!"

"It's just thunder, right?" Perona asked, "Is she also a user with the thunder fruit ability?"

The flag demon trembled: "No, that is Zeus the Thunder Cloud, one of the most powerful Homitz in the hands of Big Mom. In addition, she also has Prometheus the Sun..."

"BIG·MOM is a woman who can control even the weather. I will die. I will die. If she finds out that I have betrayed me, I will definitely die. My life span will be taken away and my soul will be taken back... …”

The flag demon was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground in the ORZ position and kept muttering that he would be killed.

"Look carefully, today the navy has three generals, plus a navy marshal, plus a navy hero. I think she will be killed by someone else before she kills you."

Zhang Da also patted Qi Yao on the shoulder, "So, can you be a little more ambitious? Besides, you're messing with me now, so can you stop being so cowardly?"

Qi Yao suddenly realized, yes, I have changed jobs. How can I be afraid that my old boss will deduct my salary after joining a new boss?

"Master! Let's escape while Big Mom starts a war with the navy?"

Zhang Da also said strangely: "Didn't I tell you? We came here specifically to steal her home and kill her by the way."


"Now that Big Mom has been dispatched, it means that the interior of Cake Island is empty. Let's go to Cake Island now!"


"Ah what? Tell me quickly, how to take the best route you mentioned before?"

The flag demon lay paralyzed on the deck, feeling that his demon life was dark.

They say that the real body is atomized and immortal, but can you really survive if you are an enemy of that woman?

As the saying goes, fortunes take turns, and Akainu's experience at this time proves this statement.

Originally, the battle situation was still under control. The warships were inferior in number to the pirate warships, resulting in the firepower being suppressed by the opponent.

The children of Big Mom rushed forward to entangle the lieutenants who had the ability to directly destroy the ship.

Smoothie, Katakuri and Owen from the Cracker Gang who had already arrived at the scene fought with Akainu.

It seemed that the pirates had the upper hand, but Akainu had already beaten Owen into minor injuries, and Smoothie and Cracker had a few burn marks on their bodies.

As long as he is given a little more time, Akainu is confident that he can deal with these important members of the Big Mom Pirates.

However, when he punched through Cracker's biscuit armor with a move of 'Ghost Dog' and opened a hole in his waist, BIG·MOM arrived.

"Who allowed you to hurt my child without authorization, huh?"

BIG·MOM had Zeus under his feet, Prometheus on his head, and Napoleon in his hand. His domineering and domineering aura spread with the voice of shouting. Many sailors fainted on the spot, and even some generals frowned.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

Napoleon had long since transformed from a three-cornered hat into a broadsword. At this time, its blade had been extended a few meters following Auntie's order, and it was aimed at Akainu and chopped down on the head.

Originally, this move was to cover the flames from Prometheus, but when dealing with Akainu, Big Mom did not use the fancy flames and directly replaced it with the overlord-colored Haki.

Akainu had just dealt with the attack from Katakuri and others, and also took the opportunity to seriously injure Cracker, so that Big Mom's move was too sudden for him.

He only had time to make a hasty defense before he was knocked out and his body crashed into the cabin.

"Mom!" Smoothie was surprised and happy. Mom came just in time. If they continued to fight Akainu, they didn't know what would happen.

The aunt did not rush to pursue, but asked: "Why is it so difficult to just deal with the vanguard?"

"This is because..." Smoothie wanted to say it was because of the person you just knocked away.

"Well, forget it." The aunt must have thought of this, jumped off Zeus and landed on the warship, causing the whole ship to shake violently.

"The old guy's troops from the Warring States Period are still behind, and we don't have time to mess with these guys." The aunt turned back slightly, "Zeus!"

"Yes, Mom!" Zeus rose into the sky, growing in size, and then released countless thunder and lightning.

"Tianman is the God of freedom!"

Boom boom boom, thunder flashed, the sailors who had not been affected by the Overlord's color before screamed and were hit by lightning, and fell down with smoke on their bodies.

The stronger ones can still stand up tremblingly, while the weaker ones can only fall on the boat, leaving only their fingers twitching unconsciously.

"It's not over yet, Prometheus!"

"Yes, Mom!"

The flame on Auntie's head is attached to her right hand, and as she swings, she spits out a dozen huge fireballs:

"Heavenly Fire Sandwiches!"

"It was thunder just now, and now it's fire? Don't even think about it!"

Several lieutenant generals struggled to break away from their opponents, slashing with their swords, or fighting against the fireballs, blocking several fireballs.

But eight or nine warships were still hit by fireballs and detonated directly.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, the huge explosion covered up the screams of the soldiers. After these two moves, even if the sailors survived, they were almost scared out of their wits:

"That's Big Mom, one of the four emperors!"

"It's thunder and fire. What kind of ability does that guy have?"

"Monster! A complete monster!"

Auntie deserves the title of monster. Based on the destructive power of Zeus and Prometheus, anyone with weak Thunder Fruit and Burning Fruit abilities can only carry her shoes.

The aunt who used a set of small skills urged: "Don't be stunned, quickly clean up those remaining soldiers."

"Yes, Mom!" Smoothie and others immediately returned to their pirate ship to direct the battle.

Katakuri also took away the seriously injured Cracker and sent it to Bree to receive.

Auntie held Napoleon again and took a stance: "Then, how about I take you on your way, lava brat?"

"Stop talking to yourself, old woman!" Akainu rushed out of the cabin with a trace of blood on his face, "The dog bites Guren!"

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"


A laser shot hit Napoleon's side, and Napoleon screamed in pain, causing Big Mom's slash to deflect.

But the dog head released by Akainu bit Big Mom's neck, and the hot lava covered her upper body.

Then a golden light flashed and a cynical voice sounded:

"Oh~~~I seem to have come at just the right time~~~Sakaski~"

There is no second chapter o(╥﹏╥)o

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