Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 723 Kizaru vs. Katakuri

boom! Click~

Although Kizaru's timely support caused Big Mom's attack to deviate from the direction, 'Weiguo' is a powerful swordsmanship move after all.

The warship Akainu was riding on still had a large piece of its hull cut off by this move.

The warship rumbled and tilted to one side, and the hull also made an overwhelmed sound. If this continued, it would not take long for it to sink.

"Sure enough, it's not suitable to fight against such an opponent on the ship." Kizaru saw that Akainu didn't care about the soldiers, so he took a few steps to wake up a colonel.

"Wake up the others, and then take the soldiers to retreat temporarily. We will try to suppress her."

"Yes...yes! General!"

The colonel immediately carried out the order, grabbing his comrade's shoulders and shaking him vigorously: "Hey! Wake up!"

"Wake up!" Bang bang bang!

There are always some people who are too shaken to wake up, so they have no choice but to take care of them. I believe they will thank themselves afterwards.

Akainu glanced back and asked, "Where is the main fleet?"

Kizaru scratched the back of his head lazily: "They still need a little time. Mr. Sengoku got the news that Big Mom had been dispatched, and he was a little worried, so he asked me to come to support first."

On the other side, Prometheus and Napoleon made worried sounds when they saw Big Mom's face covered in lava.



Zeus, the thunder cloud in the sky, quickly flew back and released thunder and lightning towards Akainu and Kizaru.

Fireball Prometheus opened his mouth, swallowed the magma, and then spat out a pile of gravel.

Facing Zeus's thunder and lightning, Akainu and Kizaru didn't even move, letting the lightning strike on themselves.

"It's so scary~ I thought I was going to be struck into pieces by lightning~" Kizaru curled his lips, raised a finger and fired several laser beams.

Zeus's body was penetrated by golden light, opening several holes.

But the hole quickly healed on its own, and Zeus floated down and stood in front of Big Mom with Prometheus - before meeting Nami, Zeus was still very loyal and reliable.

"Good kids, all good kids."


The aunt made the three Homitz smile with one sentence. The lava just now obviously did not cause much harm to her: "But here comes another annoying brat."

Although she is only ten years older than Kizaru, she considers herself to be a contemporary of Whitebeard, Garp, and Sengoku, and the three current generals are all brats.

Akainu said nothing and wanted to continue, but Kizaru still remembered his task:

"Although I don't want to be called a brat, it doesn't matter. Can you please hand over the body of Saint Charles and Shalulia Palace?"

"Huh? Are you talking about Tianlong?" Auntie is still a little unfamiliar with these two names. "The living one is my precious collection. As for the dead one, who would deliberately preserve a corpse?"

Kizaru said in embarrassment: "That will be troublesome~~ I also want to bring at least one Tianlong back to do business~~"

Shalulia Palace, the remains of Saint Charles, Charlotte Mondor, and Charlotte Bray, these are the four minimum work indicators that Kizaru summarized after participating in the combat meeting.

He counted on his fingers while trimming his nails. Mr. Karp always ignored the mandatory tasks assigned by his superiors, so the target would fall on the Marshal and their three generals.

As one of the generals, he has to complete at least one thing before he can explain. As for Big Mom's head, there is no mandatory requirement, so there is no need to risk his life.

It would be very dangerous if this woman caught him and beat him alone.

"I'm a pirate. There's no reason why I'll give you whatever you want. Zeus, Prometheus, Napoleon!"

"Yes! Mom!"

The warship was about to capsize, Zeus floated to Big Mom's feet, Prometheus clung to her hair, Napoleon stretched to a suitable length, and struck Kizaru head-on.

"Tian Congyun Sword!" A golden light appeared from Kizaru's palm and condensed into the shape of a long sword. Kizaru raised the sword to hold Napoleon's blade.

"Hey~ The Four Emperors are indeed monsters, what a terrifying power~"

"Stellate Dog!" Akainu didn't talk as much nonsense as Kizaru, so he struck out with a slap in the face from the Hades Dog.

"Grilled rice cakes!" A fist wrapped with armed domineering energy flew over like a rocket, burning with flames, and collided with Akainu's 'Pluto'.

The lava was scattered, and the rice cakes were burnt and fell.

"Katakuri?" The aunt realized that her most reliable son was helping, and he had prepared moves in advance.

"Didn't I tell you to go back and organize the bombardment?"

Katakuri jumped onto the boat with the trident "Earth Dragon" and held Kizaru's long sword to stab Big Mom:

"It's enough to have other people to organize the bombardment. Mom, there are two generals here now, so let me help a little."

"Don't die~" The aunt safely left Kizaru to Katakuri to deal with, and she took the knife to kill Akainu.

If someone else comes to help, Auntie may still worry about losing combat power, but Katakuri is different. This child may not be able to defeat Kizaru, but his dodge points are definitely full.

"I feel like I've been looked down upon~" Kizaru held up the Amancongyun Sword and struck Katakuri a few times, before his figure suddenly disappeared.

Katakuri frowned, tilted his head sharply, and a big shining golden foot flew past his ear.

Although I 'saw' it in advance, this speed...

Katakuri cheered up and said, "As expected of a general."

Kizaru retracted his foot and slashed with his sword, but Katakuri held him back again, curling his lips and praising:

"With such strong domineering power and reaction speed, is this the so-called 'general star'? It's too scary~~"

He said it was scary, but the next second a laser shot through Katakuri's body.

Cold sweat appeared on Katakuri's forehead, and the small hole in his body turned into a rice cake shape and was slowly repaired. He almost got hit just now: "I should be the one to say it's scary."

Kizaru stared at the small hole: "Oh~~it doesn't look like an ordinary superman~"

Facing Kizaru, Katakuri had no interest in explaining his abilities. He swung his trident aside and put his hand on the tilting deck:

“Flowing rice cakes!”

The deck instantly turned into a rice cake, and dozens of 'tentacles' stretched out to wrap Kizaru inside.

"Mirror rice cake!"

The mast and cabin of the warship also turned into rice cakes, pressing down from top to bottom on the rice cake ball that had just wrapped Kizaru.


Several golden lights shot out from the rice cake ball and exploded. Then Kizaru turned into golden light and appeared behind Katakuri.

“Peerless donuts!”

Two huge donuts appeared behind Katakuri. An arm stretched out from the center of each donut, wrapped in dark armor and striking at Kizaru:

"Weird Rice Cake!"

Kizaru blocked with his horizontal sword and slid back a short distance: "It's so scary, they are all dangerous moves."

It was completely ineffective, first Akainu, then Kizaru, Katakuri had fully realized how difficult the general was.

If you don't use these 'dangerous' moves against generals, when else will you use them?


Katakuri felt that there was no truth in this guy's mouth.

At this time, Smuji and others who returned to the fleet were already commanding the cannon:

"Mom and Katakuri-nii have suppressed Akainu and Kizaru, now, sink all the warships!"

Katakuri didn't even know that he had suppressed Kizaru, and he controlled the two huge rice cake arms to continue attacking without saying a word.

Kizaru didn't know that he had been 'suppressed' before he even made a move.

While he was dealing with Katakuri's moves, he also noticed the movements of the pirate fleet.

"I can't pretend I didn't see something like this." Kizaru got rid of Katakuri's entanglement and turned into golden light and came into the air, "Eight-foot Magatama!"

Boom boom boom~


"Get away quickly!"

It was impossible to dodge. Countless golden laser projectiles were fired into the pirate fleet, and the egg tart boats were hit and exploded one after another.

Except for those blocked by Big Mom's children, the laser bullets fired by Kizaru were almost always successful and rarely missed.

It is worth mentioning that there is a wise man on the pirate side who thinks that Kizaru's attack is not scary at all, as long as he hides behind a mirror.

Then he walked away peacefully.

Auntie raised her head and glanced at the golden light in the sky: "Damn Kizaru!"

Akainu admired Kizaru's good deeds: "Are you still in the mood to care about other things, fire-breathing!"

"Don't get carried away, you magma kid!" The Napoleon in Auntie's hand was wrapped in flames, "The Flame of the Blade Mother!"

Napoleon opened his huge magma fist and slashed at Akainu with blazing fire.

Akainu raised his left arm to block the blade, and the flames on the blade naturally couldn't hurt him at all.

But this warship has been destroyed by four people and now it can no longer hold on.

The entire ship had been beaten to pieces, leaving only some broken masts and broken boards on the sea, and some flames burning on the broken sails.

Akainu and Kizaru each stood on a wooden board, Big Mom stepped on Thundercloud Zeus, and Katakuri stepped on a mast.

"Prometheus, go help Katakuri."

"Yes, Mom!"

Prometheus detached himself from Big Mom's hair and flew to Katakuri's feet to lift him up.

Although it is essentially a ball of fire, Prometheus can also be used as a mount. When necessary, it can even endure the pain and rescue a fallen aunt in the sea.

"We are all able users. The nearest warships have been destroyed, and my mother and I both have a place to stay. It should be said that the situation is more favorable."

Katakuri calmly analyzed the current situation, "But the main force of the navy will arrive soon. If we don't deal with them quickly..."

"No, there should be other ways. If the navy fleet can suffer heavy losses, then even if the navy defeats us, it will still lose."

"We still have the upper hand in the number of warships present, so what if we continue to expand our advantage..."

"Prometheus, attack the remaining ships... No, avoid to the left!"

"What?" Prometheus was pierced by the laser before he could react.

Prometheus himself was fine, but Katakuri, who was standing on top of him, was shot through the sole of his foot.

Kizaru, the culprit, looked like he didn't deserve a beating: "Hey~ Brother Shoxing, standing at a high place may not be an advantage~"

Prometheus apologized in a panic: "I'm sorry!"

Katakuri immediately used rice cakes to stop the bleeding and said comfortingly: "No, it's because I lack experience in aerial combat. I'm too careless."

Kizaru also noticed that Katakuri and Prometheus didn't seem to have a tacit understanding, so he simply added another barrage attack: "Eight-foot Magatama!"

Akainu raised his fists and aimed directly at the flames and thunderclouds beneath the two people: "Meteor Volcano!"

Ordinary meteor volcanoes shoot up into the sky and then fall back down for a 'mortar-style' attack, but now it is also possible to directly attack air targets without a procedure.

Akainu felt that the two Homitz were special. Although such an attack might not be able to hurt them, as long as they hit them, they might still be scattered.

He bets that if BIG·MOM loses her mount and falls, the wreckage of the warship on the sea will not be able to support her.

"Prometheus, follow my command!" Katakuri learned his lesson this time and gave timely instructions.


"Don't be too arrogant, you two brats!" Auntie and Zeus obviously have a much better understanding of each other. They can dodge the barrage relatively easily and can also fight back:

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

The sword energy with an exaggerated range appeared again, and the center of the attack was Akainu.

In the eyes of the aunt, Akainu has hurt more children, so the hatred value is higher.

Kizaru was fully capable of leaving the attack range, but he stood next to Akainu in a flash, raising his hands like him, with his palms facing the direction of the attack.

The two of them were enveloped in a strong light, and the sea water surged around them. The wreckage of the warship was also affected, and sawdust flew everywhere.

The sailors who had been whipped to death by their comrades with big-eared melon seeds before and who had withdrawn some distance are now extremely grateful to the person who whipped them. This is not a beating, it is simply a gift of reincarnation.

Likewise, they were also very worried. Would the two generals survive such a terrifying move?

"Oops, the general is a capable person, what if he falls into the water!"

"Quick, get into the water and prepare to save people!"

The more clever sailors jumped down and plunged into the sea.

But when the light dissipated, the two generals were standing on the wooden board intact, except that the edge of the wooden board under their feet had been shaved into a very smooth round shape.

"As expected of a general, he can even catch that kind of move!"

"But how was it blocked?"

The only one who could understand clearly was Lieutenant General Dauberman: "Armed Haki, these two people teamed up to use Armed Haki to defend, and they used more superb skills.

But even if you know this is the case, it is still amazing to be able to do such a thing. "

In the comics, during the war, the three generals used this move to jointly block Whitebeard's attack on the execution platform.

But the domineering setting was not explicitly thrown out at that time, so there was no specific explanation of how it was blocked.

Most of the sailors did not understand what Dauberman was talking about, and they expressed concern: "Lieutenant General Dauberman, your injury..."

The lieutenant general was covered in blood and looked seriously injured.

Dauberman didn't care. Anyway, he had a lot of scars on his body, even his face was covered with scars: "What happens often, what's more important than this is that we won the battle in the water."

I don’t quite understand Weiguo’s move. In the animation, sometimes it’s a light cannon, sometimes it’s a half-moon sword energy, and the power is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Maybe this is wishful thinking, just follow your wishes.

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