Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 280 Tide of Disaster

In the morning, Lu Shiyuan opened his eyes. Immortals don't need to sleep. Sleep is just a habit he developed when he was a mortal.

Before going to bed, he had already set the time to wake up, so there was no way he would miss anything.

After sitting up and stretching, Lu Shiyuan walked out of the tent. The wind was bright and sunny, and there was no such apocalyptic scene as last night.

In the distance, the city wall composed of thunder and lightning is still standing. The bright thunder light has long dimmed, becoming simple and restrained, making the entire city wall look like it is made of purple bricks. Only the flashing lightning can prove it. Extraordinary.

To be able to solidify the fleeting thunder on such a large scale, probably only Raiden, the God of Thunder, can truly achieve this.

In the near future, this city wall will become an important line of defense to protect Inazuma, and it is an excellent means of consuming the first wave of disaster.

Lu Shiyuan could still vaguely see that some of the heavy artillery originally deployed along the coast had been separated and transported to the city wall.

He didn't know whether this plan was premeditated or just a whim. After all, the Thunder City Wall couldn't be built too early, otherwise it would suffer wear and tear and become fragile as time goes by.

But in short, having a city wall is better than not having one, as it allows him and Shadow to take action to clear out more monsters.

Thinking of this, he immediately jumped into the air and flew towards the city wall. At this time, many sergeants had been placed on the city wall. The personnel were arranged in an extremely orderly manner. Some were holding bows and arrows, while others were guarding the cannons. There were neatly stacked weapons everywhere on the city wall. After scanning the city wall amid the rocks and the burning and choking boiling oil, he quickly found Ying.

At this time, she was standing at the gap in the female wall, looking at the sea in the distance.

Lu Shiyuan came to her side and asked with a smile, "Have you been guarding her until now?"

"Shi Yuan, are you awake?" Ying turned around and smiled.

"Yes." Lu Shiyuan nodded and greeted, "You should also go and take a rest. I will watch over you."

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm not tired." Ying shook his head.

"It sounds like I sleep because I'm tired." Lu Shiyuan said with a straight face, "Proper rest can relax nervous emotions. You are not like me. You are burdened with a lot. You should also take a good rest if you are busy and messy."

Ying felt that there was some truth to what he said, so he nodded: "Okay, I'll sit against the wall for a while. Shi Yuan, please help me keep an eye on it. Don't let other soldiers get close, otherwise, they will see me lazy. If you look like that, it might shake the morale of the army."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Lu Shiyuan smiled and nodded.

Ying was very relieved about the former, sitting generously by the wall, straightening his legs and stretching comfortably.

Then, she casually put her hands by her legs, neither making any noise nor making a fuss. She just sat quietly with her head on the wall of thunder, letting her thoughts go, and she looked a little silly.

"You must be tired if you talk back and refuse to admit it." Lu Shiyuan looked at Ying's not very smart look and snickered in his heart.

He thought for a while, thought of it, opened the game, made some spicy pork buns, and cashed out with one click.

A plate of fragrant food suddenly appeared in his hand.

He gently placed the spicy pork bun on Ying's round and straight thigh.

The latter's empty eyes regained their luster in the blink of an eye, and he happily gnawed on the spicy pork buns with an expression of satisfaction.

However, even if she is very greedy for food, she still looks very elegant when eating, giving people the feeling of a lady.

Of course, it may be that he is embarrassed to eat in front of others. In short, he eats very restrainedly, but his mouth never stops.

As she ate, her cherry-pink lips were inevitably stained with shiny red oil, making people want to take a bite.

Seeing Ying eating so happily, Lu Shiyuan also felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. He was embarrassed to continue teasing her, and guarded her honestly. If any sergeant wanted to get close, he would use the power of the vortex to let them go back and forth. .

Not long after, it was noon.

Just when Lu Shiyuan was getting tired of looking at the sea view, he suddenly noticed a strange color appearing on the horizon.

From a distance, it looks like a dark line.

He frowned slightly, and the immortal power was poured into his eyes, like a camera, constantly adjusting the focus of his eyes.

The scenery in the distance became larger and larger, but the clarity was not lost at all. After a while, he finally saw clearly what was far away.

Where is the black line, but - a tide of beasts!

The swarm of monsters with different shapes and strange appearances, exuding an ominous aura, almost flooded the sea and sky.

All kinds of twisted and twisted monsters, those that swim in the sea, those that crawl on the ground, those that fly in the sky, gather densely on the sea.

There are also some monsters of unknown race. They have no arms or legs, and their eyes, noses, heads and bodies are squeezed together. Logically speaking, they are failed creatures that are completely unable to move independently. But the mysterious and disgusting thing is that they are like puzzle pieces. , glued together to form a twisted, huge alien humanoid creature.

With Lu Shiyuan's super vision, he could even see these twisted creatures opening their mouths full of mucus, emitting sound waves that were enough to make the air and sea vibrate.

How should I put it, even if he just looked at them from a distance, these monsters would make him feel nauseous.

And these are just an insignificant part of the tide of Warcraft. There are more terrifying and disgusting Warcraft everywhere. They are too numerous to count and dye everything into a sticky black.

Lu Shiyuan looked at these monsters and couldn't imagine that they were all the products of an alchemist.

What has happened to this woman Reindot? She actually regards these things as her... children?

Lu Shiyuan looked away, feeling that his life experience of more than 2,700 years was still a bit too shallow.

The tide of disaster spread extremely fast. It was just a black line, but in less than thirty seconds, it had turned into a large black cloud.

He reached out and gently pushed Ying's shoulder, "Disaster is coming."

Shadow blinked, his thoughts returned to his body, he stood up suddenly and looked towards the horizon.

Her eyesight was also very good, and she quickly saw clearly the specific contents of Tide of Disaster, and her expression changed slightly.

"Although I have read the historical documents of this period many times, I still feel a little shocked after actually seeing the disaster." Ying murmured softly.

Immediately, her expression became extremely majestic, and she turned to look at the sergeants on the left and right sides of the city wall. Her voice sounded like thunder, "Everyone, prepare to fight!"

All the sergeants responded in unison, with a neat and loud voice. They took their positions and pointed their bows, arrows and cannons at the black cloud.

"Shi Yuan, let's fly directly to the sea and consume these magical beasts first." Ying suggested.

Lu Shiyuan nodded slightly, geared up, and said with a smile: "I have long wanted to really go all out and test my current strength."

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