Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 281 Destruction

Two streams of light suddenly shot towards the black cloud, and in just a few seconds, the two sides had collided together.

Lu Shiyuan stopped and observed these strange monsters at close range. Only when he got closer did he hear clearly the strange howls of these monsters, which sounded like a woman's howl and a baby's cry. It sounded like fingernails scraping against a blackboard...

In short, none of them are the sounds that a normal beast should have.

All kinds of unpleasant animal roars are intertwined together to form a chaotic and crazy piece of music that makes people feel sick from the bottom of their hearts.

Lu Shiyuan was given a headache by this annoying noise, and he had no mercy at all about destroying these things.

Their existence itself represents chaos and madness. They have no sense at all. Living in this world will only pollute the world.

Their best destination is death.

Ying understood this better and even took action one step ahead of Lu Shiyuan.

The endless sword light, wrapped with the infinite power of the thunder element, slammed into the group of monsters, turning all the creatures involved in the sword light into powder.

This place is the sea, and everything is filled with water elemental power. After the thunder elemental power enters the sea, an electromagnetic reaction occurs immediately, directly paralyzing large swaths of monsters, which is more suitable for Ying to eliminate.

The only thing that is a bit troublesome is the flying monsters that are not affected by electromagnetic shock and are highly maneuverable and flexible.

Flying monsters are the most difficult to deal with. This is an eternal truth. Seeing that Ying Ying has dragged down a large number of land and sea monsters, Lu Shiyuan directly targets these flying monsters.

The power of the vortex was activated, and a huge amount of seawater began to rotate crazily around a central point. In the blink of an eye, dozens of waterspouts tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters high rose up in the tide of monsters!

The irresistible pulling force spreads out from these whirlpools, tearing the wings of the monsters in the air and dragging them into the turbulence like a meat grinder.

In an instant, the aerial monster with high mobility but very poor physical strength was instantly torn into pieces by the whirlpool.

The fishy dark red blood and dark brown body tissue dyed the waterspout a sticky black-red color.

Under the influence of the divine power of the whirlpool, the sky was once again filled with clouds, and heavy rain poured down in an instant. Because of the blood mist floating everywhere on the sea, every drop of rain was stained with a rich blood color.

There is no doubt that these rains of blood are extremely corrosive. If ordinary people are exposed to the rain of blood, their skin will ulcerate at the least, and their flesh and blood will become blurred and they will become seriously ill.

Moreover, the poisonous blood of these monsters contains the power of the abyss, which is the power most targeted at the native creatures of the Teyvat continent. Even the divine power and body of the demon god may be corroded by it.

Although the damage caused by these corrosions to demon-level powerhouses is minimal.

But Lu Shiyuan didn't want to be showered with something so smelly and unpleasant. It would definitely be difficult to wash.

So, when the blood rain was about to fall on him, he raised his arm and pulled it suddenly, and a huge sky star burst out of the sky and hit the wave of monsters hard. It was so powerful that it even overwhelmed the sky. The wave of disaster briefly opened a hole.

At the same time, a cylindrical pale golden shield appeared on him and Ying's body, completely isolating the falling blood rain.

After feeling the shield around him, Ying glanced at Lu Shiyuan unexpectedly, nodded, and made a thank you gesture.

This rain of blood was brought down by Lu Shiyuan. Naturally, he did not rain it just because he had nothing to do. Although the corrosive nature of the blood rain could not affect the monsters, the falling rain had already covered the monsters flying in the air. The power of water element.

Lu Shiyuan temporarily stopped the power of the whirlpool and activated another ability. An ice-blue bright light lit up around his waist.

The evil eye of ice transformed all his immortal power into the power to freeze everything.

He waved his hand violently, and an extremely cold wave pressed down on the monsters in the air.

Wherever the cold wave passed, the blood rain was frozen into ruby-like ice beads, which fell to the sea. When they came into contact with the sea monsters, they made a crisp sound, then shattered and turned into nothingness, crystal clear and beautiful.

This is a beautiful scenery. However, when the cold wave collides with those flying monsters, the picture becomes a bit scary.

The wings of countless monsters froze and broke in the blink of an eye. They screamed and watched as their bodies were completely frozen from the outside to the inside.

With the same soft thud, the frozen monsters fell towards the sea and fell on their own kind from high altitude.

Immediately, their bodies made a pleasant crisp sound and exploded into extremely fine fragments. Some of them sank into the sea, and some of them were eaten by their ferocious peers.

The cold wave continued to spread, and large swaths of magical beasts fell from the sky and fell into pieces.

Ten hundred million...ten million!

The inexhaustible immortal power was continuously transformed into cold air, and combined with the blood rain, he efficiently shot down the monsters in the air. Lu Shiyuan's powerful strength, which he had accumulated for more than 2,700 years, was brought into full play at this moment.

On the other side, Ying was also slaughtering all monsters in sight unscrupulously. The blood of monsters dyed the sea into a frightening dark red, and countless corpses of monsters were floating on the sea.

However, even though the two of them were at full strength, the tide of disaster showed no signs of decreasing. Ten thousand monsters died, and another ten thousand would soon fill the vacancy.

One hundred thousand or one million monsters died, which only left a small gap in the tide of monsters, which would be completely filled in before long.

The number of monsters has reached an inexhaustible level, and they don't care at all about the killing of their own kind. Except for struggling when the attack hits their heads, they just rush forward, as if their mission is to rush to the land.

The excessive amount of magical beasts made Lu Shiyuan and Ying unable to intercept them. They could only watch as they bypassed them and advanced towards Inazuma little by little.

All they can do is kill as many as possible.

A full half day passed as the two of them struggled with the tide of monsters.

At this time, Lu Shiyuan and Ying had each killed more than 100 million people, and killing these monsters made them want to vomit.

The tide of monsters has also reached the coastal waters of Inazuma. From a distance, the entire sea area is full of monsters.

"There is nothing we can do. Let's go back and defend the city." Lu Shiyuan flew to Ying's side and said while mechanically killing the monsters.

"Yes." Ying nodded, his eyes full of solemnity.

The two people turned around and returned to the city wall, and saw that the sergeants on the city wall had activated the cannons that defended the city. The cannons glowed dimly, and the light from the muzzles was frightening.

At the same time, endless thunder fell from the sky above the sea near Inazuma, like a punishment from heaven, hitting the monsters. The stronger monsters were scorched black and howled miserably, while the weaker monsters died immediately upon contact.

It's Raiden's real air reinforcements coming.

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