Since he finally decided to bring Alice out, he would be responsible for her.

For Alice, who has lived in the water since she was a child, the food on land is very different from that in the sea, and her recipe changes have to be done step by step.

Meng Jiuzhao decided to record the changes in Alice's diet every day from today. In addition, the rest of the family should try to change to normal food, and leave as much fish in the backpack as possible to Alice.

The whole family has no opinion on Meng Jiuzhao's decision.

After this group of Kantas from the same breeding ground had been advancing on the tundra together for a few days, one after another, Kantas said goodbye.

Unlike previous years, most of the Kantas who left this time were a combination of two Kantas and a cub. Kantas doesn't seem to be used to saying goodbyes. Often after a night, when he wakes up, he finds that there are fewer people in the team.

Finally, yesterday, Gulunza's good friend, Mao Mao, also left. Before he left, he had made an invitation to Meng Jiuzhao.

I'm leaving, won't you go? I know a place where there is a lot of food, and there are many good territories along the way. Would you like to go there together? "Kantas do not live in a fixed place. After breeding, Kantas with cubs often find a place with sufficient food and settle down.

For Kantas, it is a very good thing to introduce the good territory he knows to other Kantas.

But Meng Jiuzhao refused.

I want to go home. Dad and grandpa are still waiting for us to go back with the cub. "Meng Jiuzhao said that at the time, he didn't feel anything unusual about what he said, he said it in a very normal tone.

Yes! We are going home together! A bald said we want to come together and go home together! "At the last critical moment, the cubs that Meng Jiuzhao brought" were already ready to go back with him. Seeing that someone came to kidnap people, they immediately came over.

Then, Maomao's expressions became very weird.

Are you... going home? Want to go back to where you were before you came here? In order to confirm this even more, Mao Mao couldn't help but ask again.

Oh, yes. "Maomao and the others' expressions are so weird that Meng Jiuzhao wondered if he had said something extraordinary.

He looked at Louis and questioned him with his eyes.

Well, we have to go home, back to the house with father and grandpa. Before leaving, my father said that we can go home when we have a cub. "When it comes to dad, Louie's expression is also very gentle, and when it comes to cubs, his expression is a little shy.

Meng Jiuzhao and Louis look at me, I look at you, and they both couldn't help blushing at the same time.

Just as excited as them were Alan, Xiaohua, and Qiaoqiao. Carrying their cubs, a group of not-so-small guys started chatting about what they were going to do when they saw their father. Many people even talked about the gifts they brought to Dad in their backpacks-

Alan, do you think this looks good? I will accompany you home first and show your father our cubs, and then you will accompany me home and show our cubs to my father. We told my father, will we live together in the future? "Xiaohua has even planned the specific matters after returning home!

These words……

They actually--are seriously planning to go home!

After figuring this out, Mao Mao glanced at them with a tangled expression, and wished them well after a while.

Wish ya'll good luck. "

Facing this group of cubs immersed in happiness", Mao Mao didn't want to break their dream at the moment.

Even if they have a cub, even if they have become a father, in Mao Mao's eyes: they are still cubs for no other reason, and at this moment there is still the word "daddy" in their hearts.

As soon as they mentioned their father, they turned into cubs, and they still regarded themselves as cubs that someone could rely on in front of their father.

Kantas like this can only be a cub.

All the cubs were sent by their fathers on their way to unknown journeys before the breeding season began, and no one, including their fathers, knew which current would take their cubs to which breeding grounds this year.

In this case, how can the cub go home?

Mao Mao still remembered his father, who was a very tall Cantas, with a yellow scale on his mouth, which he could see at a glance every time his father licked him since he was a child. Decades ago, when his first breeding season ended, he also planned to go home.

But with the cub, the journey was difficult. He tried hard to find it for a long time but got lost. In the end, he was forced to take the cub and settle down in the best territory he could find at the time.

And then……

Then he couldn't remember what his father looked like.

When I separated from my father, my father was already a very old Kantas, and my father said that he would be his last cub. After this... it is impossible for him to meet his father in reproduction, right?

It's been so long, and my father might not be here anymore.

Thinking of the past, the always cheerful Kantas suddenly became depressed.

I hope you can reunite with your father. If in the future... you see Kantas with a huáng-colored scale on his mouth, please help me tell him that Mao Mao is doing well now. He has had six cubs, all of them growing It's bigger, and the third head also has a scale on its mouth. "

After saying what he had never said to anyone, Mao Mao showed a relieved expression, and finally glanced at the group of cubs, he nodded to Gu Lunsa, and then left.

Volume 6: Platinum Fairy Tale

Chapter 149 Find the way home

For the idea of ​​his nephew wanting to go home, Gu Lunsa neither supported nor opposed it. He did not express any opinion, but just walked with them silently.

Secretly looking at the uncle who was silently following the team, Meng Jiuzhao thought to himself: It seems that the uncle is also one of the Kantas who doesn't remember the way home. This time, he wants to go back with him to see his grandfather, right?

My uncle is really boring\\(≧▽≦)/

However, this time Meng Jiuzhao misunderstood Gu Lunsa.

He knows his own affairs, and Gulunza clearly knows what level of sense of direction his Kantas has.

The younger brother Blake's sense of direction is inherently bad. When he was a cub, he began to get lost. He didn't know where to go to his home from the nest, so he became his father's cub.

It's like dad.

Dad's sense of direction is very poor!

It was a very cold winter, Gulunza was still very young, and his father was also an inexperienced young Kantas. He vaguely remembered that his father was seriously injured during a hunt and could not hunt for a long time. Nest xué Gu Lunza ate all the food in it, but Gu Lunza still felt like he was going to starve to death.

It was just the breeding season at that time, so Dad dragged his severely injured body and took him to the breeding ground.

Put Gu Lunsa in the nest, and Dad went hunting. After waiting for a long time, my father didn't come back, and then a strange Kantas came to the nest and took Gu Lunsa out. But Gulunza already recognized his father at that time, and whenever he was taken away by other Kantas, he would always find a way to escape and find his father.

He finally found his father under the heavy snow. Dad seemed to be asleep. Gu Lunsa pecked for a long time before his father woke up. After asking for a long time, his father said that he was lost and could not go back.

It doesn't matter if Dad doesn't recognize the way, Gu Lunza has a good memory!

Then Gu Lunsa and Dad happily went back to their nest xué.

Dad was lost several times later, and each time Gu Lunza could find him accurately. After several times, Dad finally remembered the way, and he was never lost again. After that, Gu Lunsa and Dad had a difficult time. After a long period of lack of food, the seriously injured father could not go into the water to catch fish, so he scooped out the frozen mice in the underground ice for Gu Lunsa to eat. With this precious food, his father's injury finally healed. Lunza also ate normal food again and became fatter day by day.

The fact that Dad was a lunatic has been firmly in Gu Lunza's mind ever since.

Every time I go to the same breeding ground, Gu Lunsa's main purpose is naturally to mate, and another self-evident purpose is to visit my father by the way.

Then came a certain year, Gulunza met his two younger brothers in reproduction. After asking, I found out: Dad never came back after hunting.

Well, Dad did get lost again.

My two younger brothers inherited this shortcoming of my father very well. A few years later, the two younger brothers disappeared together with their cubs.

Now that the cubs of the younger brothers are here, Gu Lunza actually has no hope for their ability to recognize the way.

Looking at these two little guys, if they really can't find a home, he will introduce them to a good site he knows - with this idea, Gu Lunza silently keeps up with the cubs' team.

Doing good deeds without saying a word, Gu Lunsa is actually really boring!

On her back is Alice, who is curious and hopeful, and in her arms is George, who is snoring and sleeping soundly (← Gu Lunsa finally grabbed George), while Gu Lunsa enjoys the warm and heavy life of raising cubs , while watching the strange behavior of the nephews.

It seems... Blake and Bai have had a hard time these past few years! The cubs actually started looking for grass to eat——

While looking at his nephews with distressed eyes, Gu Lunza quietly decided that he must catch a big prey to feed his nephews this afternoon! Cantas are carnivores! Only by eating meat can you grow tall and strong!

Don't guess what Uncle is thinking!

Meng Jiuzhao was inexplicably seen by Gu Lunsa's pity. He shrank his neck and continued his work: peeling off the snow on the ground, exposing the moss below, pinching one, and then looking carefully.

It is still very cold here, and the ground is covered with snow all year round, but in the middle of the snow, moss can already be seen looming.

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