This kind of moss is not delicious at all, but it is a food that Yanlong, who is not picky eater, enjoys.

In fact, before those rock dragons appeared, although Meng Jiuzhao said yes, but he had no clue about the way home. He could only choose to follow the big army to move forward. The moment he saw the group of rock dragons, his My heart finally settled down.

The herbivorous rock dragon appeared! Time to observe the vegetation on the ground!

When he came, Meng Jiuzhao recorded the changes of vegetation along the way and the distribution of soil types in detail. He carefully recorded all these changes on a piece of leather, worrying that his memory would be missed. Meng Jiuzhao also asked other Kantas. Record it for yourself. Now he is checking the vegetation and soil on the ground today against the records at that time.

Meng Jiuzhao's method of recording vegetation mainly relies on observation and writing, and occasionally tastes it. Other Kantas cannot imitate his recording behavior, so the remaining recording methods are only observation and "taste".

what! I have an impression of this smell, it's disgusting! "While eating one of the pieces of moss, Xiaohua vomited: I vomited at the time."

Mmmm, this grass is really hard to eat, but I remember that before I encountered it, I had eaten a sweet grass~" Carefully picked up a piece of moss to identify it carefully, and Qiaoqiao also agreed. nod.

That's right, we'll be one step closer to home when we find that sweet grass! "I fully affirmed the judgment of the Kantas, and Meng Jiuzhao encouraged them.

I have to remember these grasses well, so that when my family blooms in the future, they will not get lost. "Kantas with cubs is really different. Originally, Xiaohua and the others would write down the appearance and taste of these grasses only because of Meng Jiuzhao's request. Now that they think of the cubs, this behavior immediately becomes spontaneous and active. .

Xiaohua's words reminded the other kantas at once, and all the kantas started to record them seriously. Check out these little plants.

Meng Jiuzhao didn't stop them from doing this, and he even liked it.

Even pups have memories, maybe just vague ones, but maybe they'll be a big help at some point in the future.

Kantas' ability to learn is very strong, and this kind of learning is constantly evolving from generation to generation. They will take the initiative to learn other good methods discovered by Kantas, and then pass it on to their next generation, and this learning ability makes them wiser from generation to generation. It's like: Although Meng is already very smart, Meng Jiuzhao thinks that Black and Bai are obviously smarter than Meng. This kind of rule is also common in the Vash tribe, and it is also arithmetic. It is difficult for adults in the tribe to learn, but the little friends who grew up with Meng Jiuzhao can calculate it very clearly.

Now that there is no ice layer that could break at any time, and there are so many young Kantars looking after him, Meng Jiuzhao is not against letting the cubs come out to play for a while every day. He will let the little guys take a look at the outside world. Whenever the little guys are interested in the plants on the ground, Meng Jiuzhao will let them peck them on their own. If they can't eat, he will let their father Spanking their little butts, over time, the little guys also initially know what they can and cannot eat.

Meng Jiuzhao always wanted to find something for George and Alice that he had eaten in the past, and wanted his cub to try the happiest taste of his childhood." This is probably human nature, but it is a pity that he After searching for a long time, I couldn't find that kind of fruit. It probably only means that the place where I lived as a child is probably not the same place as here today, right?

With a little bit of regret, Meng Jiuzhao took a group of kantas forward for two more days on the same vegetation-covered land, and they finally tasted the sweet grass.

This is a great encouragement for this group of Kantas!

For the first time, they felt that they had a certain pattern in their hands!

Look! I was right! The unpalatable grass is followed by the sweet grass! "Taste the sweetness of this grass, Xiaohua cried out happily: I remember that there is a salty big-leaf grass behind the sweet grass!"

In this group of Kantasli, the little flowers are most interested in plants, although what he is really interested in is actually flowers, but because he likes flowers, he is also very good at observing other plants.

Xiaohua was right.

In Meng Jiuzhao's notes, before encountering this dwarf sweet grass, they passed through a land with large leaves.

Everyone reminded each other with each word, and the characteristics of the land were pieced together by them one by one.

Now when he looked at these cubs again, Gu Lunza was also a little surprised. For the first time, he realized: these cubs are really not joking, they are really planning to go home.

It's not that they went to the breeding ground unprepared, they actually recorded the vegetation characteristics along the way!

This is unprecedented: as a carnivorous race, Kantas naturally eat meat, and they can remember the approximate distribution of their prey, but no Kantas has ever thought about remembering the vegetation distribution along the way. However, in terms of geographical distribution, the geographical characteristics of vegetation are far more obvious than the geographical characteristics of prey!

What a clever way to do it! Maybe these pups can really go home!

Thinking of this, Gu Lun Sadu couldn't help but hope that he would see his father again.


Just as they were ambitious and hopeful about finding their next plant in five days, a pot of cold water fell from the sky.

Can't find it! Can't find it at all!

Meng Jiuzhao's notes suddenly failed. During the time period when they were expected to find the next plant, they found no trace of that plant at all.

Chapter 150 Love gifts from the cubs

During their boring march, they found a sign that they had left when they came, and according to that sign they moved forward for about another day, after which they found nothing.

The kantas, who were large cubs at the time, couldn't fly, so they had traveled to the breeding grounds on foot. In addition to carefully recording the landform features along the way, Meng Jiuzhao and other Kantas also left many marks. These marks are well preserved in cold places, but by now there are very few left.

Even Meng Jiuzhao and the others thought this kind of sweet grass tasted good, not to mention the vegetarian dinosaurs that lived on grass. Many vegetarian dinosaurs that disappeared in the extreme cold period came out to the feast one after another. Not only did they come back by themselves, but this time they brought their cubs with them.

Just as cantas go to cold places to give birth to their young, these vegetarians give birth to their young in a safe place. Although they are about the same age, the cubs of these vegetarian dinosaurs are much larger than Cantas cubs. If George and the others are placed next to others, George is estimated to be less than the calf height of a Stegosaurus cub.

The scenery in front of him is probably the most beautiful scenery for herbivorous dinosaurs, but for Meng Jiuzhao, this kind of scenery can only make him more anxious.

There are more herbivorous dinosaurs, and carnivorous dinosaurs will follow. Today's environment has become more and more complex. In addition to huge vegetarian dinosaurs, there are other carnivorous dinosaurs that are waiting for opportunities. As the temperature rises, the plants here are getting better and longer, and adults are naturally fine, but the short-legged Kantas cubs have already submerged in the grass. Once, when George was walking around in the sweet grass, an unknown predatory dinosaur suddenly flashed through the grass, trying to grab George who was jumping in the grass, but fortunately George was very heavy and it failed to succeed.

The adult Kantas are very big, but their cubs are very weak. This time, it is only a miniature dinosaur who is thinking about it. If a more powerful dinosaur tries to do it next time, the cubs are likely to be injured.

Since then, all the cubs have been banned from going to the ground.

In a frenzy, the group of Kantas moved forward for some distance, and the appearance of sporadic plants that had not been seen before made Meng Jiuzhao's heart sink more and more.

Finally, they are still lost...

One evening, Meng Jiuzhao bowed his head and said his final conclusion.

There are too many new plant species here, and the relatively single vegetation structure has been completely destroyed. We may not be able to get home through the vegetation distribution…”

Kantas here all know that Meng Jiuzhao relies on plants to differentiate directions. Once plants can't be a reliable guide, it can only mean one thing: Meng Jiuzhao may not be able to continue his work as a guide.

Meng Jiuzhao thought he would be blamed, but——

and then? What do you say, bald? "

Without any blame, he continued to look at Meng Jiuzhao with trusting eyes, and Qiao Qiao asked about his next plan.

I feel like we are very close to home! I think I can smell my father~" Xiaohua is also very satisfied: this is all good for Ah Tu leading the way!"

Looking at the faces of these Kantas one by one, Meng Jiuzhao didn't see a trace of complaint.

Then, Meng Jiuzhao's restless heart suddenly calmed down.

At night, twenty-one adult Cantas Qiqi became a prototype, and the cubs were gathered inside, and they used their bodies to build the safest room for the cubs.

Meng Jiuzhao and Alice are also in it.

Allowing a group of cubs to be placed on top of him as a quilt, Alice slept soundly, Meng Jiuzhao was not as strong as his daughter, and his arms now received at most two cubs at a time.

At this moment, George and Duo Duo were held in his arms by him.

Dad's lost, George, and we might have to use Kantas' wild instincts to find Grandpa. With his fingers poking at George's little head little by little, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly showed a wicked smile, and digging and digging out of the backpack behind him, after a while he took out a small piece of skin, uncovered it, and handed it straight to George's nostrils Below.

George, come and smell it! This is the taste of grandpa! "Shòu Pi Li was a violent poop, and it froze and froze all the way, and finally there was only a little bit left. For some reason, Meng Jiuzhao left it, and it finally came in handy today.

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