"Watching romantic movies alone during the New Year is the romance of singles."

"I booked tickets for three movies today, and watched three movies in a row."

"You really have energy. I'm probably going to be exhausted after watching a movie."

"After all, apart from the works of the old thief Jingyu, there are quite a few movies that actually feel good!"

"For example, the movie called Glacier, I think the subject matter is quite interesting anyway."

In the line where your name was lined up to enter the arena, the audience whispered, but most of them were Jing Yu's fans gathered to discuss.

They came to the cinema early in the morning to watch the first time period of the movie, and they were indeed true fans. Although they were all complaining about Jing Yu when they got together, they dressed up very artistically.

In recent months, the Evangelion combat uniform has been popular, and a large number of people came to the cinema wearing it. Various audiences dressed up as characters from Jing Yu’s previous works made your name queue the most exotic costumes in the cinema. team.

Chen Yushan followed the queue into the theater, the dark environment gave her a full sense of security, but

There are so many people!

Chen Yushan sighed in her heart, for an ordinary movie, it is enough for a movie hall to be filled with half of the people, but now at ten o'clock in the morning, the magic city with your name, or the earliest movie in the whole week, unexpectedly has a small attendance rate. More than 70% is enough to see Jing Yu's appeal.

Most of Jing Yu's fans are actually in a good mood, and they are already mentally prepared for being abused today.

Soon, the movie begins.

The small discussions in the theater came to an abrupt end.

The movie begins.

It is beautiful, falling down with a graceful arc, breaking through the clouds, and a meteorite with tail flames.

It can be said that most of the film's special effects funds were spent on this meteorite, so most of the audience sitting in the cinema at this moment felt a sense of wonder in their hearts.

so beautiful!

"When I woke up early, I didn't know why I cried. Things like this happen from time to time."

"Obviously I had a dream but I can't remember it."


"Just... feel like something disappears."

In the opening dialogue and scene, Chen Yushan immediately felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

ah, this is it

Jing Yu's favorite youthful scene.

Mitsuha Miyamizu played by Yu Youqing and Taki Tachibana played by Jing Yu appear on the screen without any sense of disobedience.

After such a long time, the audience in the theater didn't find it strange to play the role of a high school student again. In terms of their cognitive influence, the images of Jing Yu and Yu Youqing are like this, even though Jing Yu thinks he is thirty years old It’s not appropriate to mix high school students in front of the screen all day long, but the fact is that there are so many high school student roles in his works, if other people participate in the performance, the audience’s acceptance will not be as high as his performance, sufficient ratings, performances of the works, etc. Look, his fans like him to participate in his works, and it has become a habit.

In fact, the setting of your name has some novelties, but it is not an overly novel idea.

In the beginning, the setting of soul interpenetration can be said to be found in more than 100 movies with this setting in Jing Yu's previous life.

But why was your name so popular in Jing Yu's previous life?

The picture quality of the original animated film must have contributed a lot, and the music quality has also contributed to it, but it is more likely that Makoto Shinkai’s work has a strong sense of personal style, and delicate emotional portrayal is his strong point, but the main line of the work has always been in the previous life. He was complained by everyone, but in your name, he overcame his shortcoming of lack of ability to tell long stories, and continued his ability to portray delicate emotions in previous roles.

It was only then that this movie made a box office of more than 30 billion in Japan, an island country with a population of only 100 million in Jingyu's previous life. After conversion, the total amount is more than 2 billion Chinese currency.

You know, in Jingyu’s previous life, Huaguo had a population of 1.3 billion, and the movie with the highest domestic box office box office was only more than 5 billion yuan, and the movie ticket prices in the island country were indeed not that high, with an average price of about 70 yuan in Huaguo currency. Your name is so high at the box office in the island country, and the ticket price for peace has nothing to do with it. It is purely due to the exaggerated accumulation of moviegoers.

For the audience in the movie theater at this moment, the opening plot of Your Name will get them into the state within a few minutes.

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a young girl who grew up in a small town, her father is the mayor of the town, her friend is the son of the chairman of the town’s power company, and she is the heir of the town’s shrine. The background setting of the game is introduced through some brief plots.

What I have to mention here is that fortunately, Jing Yu has long been disgusted with trouble, and directly introduced the concept of Blue Star in many of his works, and then let his fans accept the concept of the universal background setting of Japan Island.

Otherwise, it is really hard for Jing Yu to change the settings of shrine in your name and chewing wine.

As for Tachibana Taki, the hero, the setting of the son of a social animal in a big city is ordinary.

But it's just these two people who are irrelevant

Actually pass through each other's body?

This kind of plot was a bad street setting in Jingyu's previous life, but in Dazhou, it's quite novel to be honest. It can’t be said that it didn’t exist before, but for this subject matter, the works created before Da Zhou did not produce any particularly interesting works, so it is a niche subject matter.

These audiences who were going to watch a movie about Jing Yu's depression in the cinema were soon amused by the plot of the movie.

Tachibana Taki, played by Jing Yu, is a sissy there, and Miyamizu Mitsuha, played by Yu Youqing, has changed her previous image of a lady in front of the silver screen and turned into a carefree girl who is possessed by a man. The first thing she does when she wakes up every day is to face Study your own chest.

The three views of people follow the five senses.

If the person playing Tachibana Taki is a man with an obscene appearance, and he transmigrates into a woman to do this kind of behavior, the audience will only feel disgusted.

But the fact is that the person playing Tachibana Taki is Jing Yu, even if he fantasizes about Jing Yu's soul transmigrating to Yu Youqing, and he makes similar actions, the audience will still only think that the plot is cute

Tachibana Taki, who is full of masculinity on weekdays, became a weak and sissy in the eyes of friends because of the time when Mitsuha Miyamizu traveled to him, but also because of the delicate temperament of women, he attracted his favorite, the school senior the favor of

However, Mitsuha Miyamizu, who is quiet and elegant on weekdays, has become a new girl in the eyes of everyone because of the masculinity displayed by the soul of Tachibana Taki.

One is that the contrast between the two characters is obvious, and the other is that the impression of Gu You that Jing Yu and Yu Youqing have given everyone in the past few years has been subverted.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Everyone in the movie theater laughed along, and Chen Yushan also laughed unscrupulously.

"I thought it was a tearjerker movie, but it turned out to be a funny movie!"

"So the old thief has such a great talent for funny?"

"Absolutely, my influence on the old thief has changed."

"It's outrageous. I'm ready to come to the cinema and cry. Does the old thief want to laugh me to death?"

"I feel that the style is very different from his previous works. This Tachibana Taki, forgive me, there is no way to connect with the Kenshin of Rurouni Kenshin. It's really out of line. I have an impression of the old thief Gu from a cold-faced handsome guy All of a sudden to sissy subversion."

"Come on, who would have thought that that Jin Yingying would play a sissy in your name?"

"Although it is set that Mitsuha Miyamizu's soul controls Takibana Taki's body to do these things, but... the old thief's acting is too similar."

Everyone in the theater discussed briefly, but the plot will not wait for their discussion to end and continue to advance.

Your Name The early stage of the plot is basically that the souls of the two protagonists travel through each other from time to time. In various senses, the lives of Takibana Taki and Mitsuha Miyamizu are all due to the things that the other party’s soul travels to do, and they tend to a good way. direction development.

Because of the relationship between the heroine and the heroine, the relationship between the surrounding people has improved, and the heroine has successfully attracted the attention of the senior sister he likes because of the relationship with the heroine.

At the same time, in this process, the two are also gradually attracted to each other because of the relationship of passing through each other.

Judging from the previous plot, it is quite satisfactory and can be regarded as the beginning of an excellent love drama.

But if you want to say how amazing the plot is, it’s not enough. Strictly speaking, compared with the plot rhythm of the first twenty minutes of The Voice of the Stars and Five Centimeters per Second, the impression is much weaker.

But from the mid-term, the plot rhythm changed.

It seems that some strange things will happen to the altars enshrined in the town for generations, and the witches of the shrine.

The murals carved on the walls in the deep mountains of the town.

Mitsuha Miyamizu's grandmother and younger sister are intertwined.

And this movie starts from the first scene, until now, Tachibana Taki's soul controls Miyamizu Mitsuha's body to carry her grandmother to the place she calls the Nether World, where she chews wine and makes offerings.

There is not a single frame of the picture that makes people uncomfortable to watch, and the whole picture is full of beautiful scenery, and the strong imaginative style of the picture in the works of Voice of the Stars and 5 Centimeters per Second is presented again.

Of course, the plot also has what Jing Yu fans are most familiar with, the discussion about time in the play.

When this drama started discussing similar plots, Chen Yushan immediately realized that this movie will most likely have the same elements as The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Space, Yesterday’s Me Dating Tomorrow’s You, Steins;Gate, etc. .

"The old thief really likes this theme." Chen Yushan said silently in her heart.

In fact, she also likes time-themed love works, which always give her an inexplicable sense of romance.

"Sanye, you are dreaming now!"

When he arrived at the destination, a sentence from the grandmother to Takibana Taki's soul in Sanye's body woke him up instantly.

On the day after waking up, it was the opportunity created by Miyamizu Sanye's gang to date her senior.

He was notified of the plans in a memo on his phone.

However, he had been absent-minded during the date.

Even the memo said that after the appointment, a comet will pass over the entire sky of Shimao-san, Japan

In fact, from here on, the audience can no longer understand.

Because of the story itself, the timeline is messed up, and retelling and interjection techniques are constantly used. Through screen editing, everyone thinks that the timelines of the two are running in parallel, but in fact...

On the day of Tachibana Taki's date with his senior sister, because of his affection for Miyamizu Mitsuha, the date was absent-minded and messed up.

As for Mitsuha Miyamizu, although she used Tachibana Taki's body to help Tachibana Taki get a chance to date her senior, but she herself was too uncomfortable to die.

But in fact, after this plot, Mitsuha Miyamizu returned to her body and regretted it. She was not willing to date Tachibana Taki with her senior, and she helped Tachibana Taki create the dating conditions.

So after the soul returned to her body the next day, she took the bullet train and went to the big city to meet Tachibana Taki before her date with her senior, but she didn't realize that her timeline was ahead of Tachibana In 2010, Taki Tachibana in the timeline she lived in was just a junior high school student and didn't know her.

So the final result was not satisfactory, and she encountered an accident after returning to the small town where she lived

But in the plot editing, this is to move the plot backward, which is not mentioned here.

After all, it is impossible to release the puzzle-solving plot in the early stage, but if this is done, everyone must be confused about the early stage plot.

It just explained through screen clips that Tachibana Taki messed up the date on the day his senior was dating, and did not see the shooting star that Miyamizu Mitsuha said in the memo on his mobile phone that would appear tonight.

But Mitsuha Miyamizu set off in person, and after returning from the city where Takibana Taki was located, she cut her hair short because of discomfort, and participated in the rally in the town. But she saw a shooting star

The screen stopped abruptly.

In the same sky, one person saw the shooting star and the other didn't?

what's going on?

Many audiences in the cinema are already having a headache

and from that day on

The two never exchanged bodies again.

The only incomprehensible point of this movie is here, because the timeline is messed up, and the editing gives the audience an illusion of parallel time, so there will be some logical contradictions. In fact, it is far from reaching this level to say that it is brain-burning.

Of course, the only bug in the whole movie is that the two people pass through each other's bodies. Before the soul leaves the other's body, they use the other's mobile phone to leave text messages to communicate with each other. It is impossible for there to be a time gap between the two. For three years without realizing it.

After all, who can’t check the time on his phone dozens of times a day, it’s okay to not notice the year, month, and day once or twice, but it’s really unreasonable to not notice it dozens of times in a row, totaling dozens of days without noticing the time difference.

There is no way to prevaricate it with an excuse of carelessness.

Therefore, Jing Yu also added some settings in the plot setting that the two people will become unconscious in some aspects like a dream after soul wear.

It's the kind of setting that even though you realize that your soul has traveled, but you are not sensitive to time, even recalling past memories will be very vague in time.

I know my name is Mitsuha Miyamizu, where I live, my phone number, what dinner I had yesterday, but what day was it yesterday, but I just can’t remember.

Just like in a dream, you don’t realize that you are in a dream. Although the hero and heroine in the plot realize that they are souls transmigrating into a body of the opposite sex, they are only insensitive to the element of time. As long as this setting is not Deliberately emphasize, the audience is also very easy to accept.

Otherwise, if there is no foreshadowing at all, the audience will definitely feel that this is a logical contradiction in the plot after watching the movie.

So when the follow-up plot advances, because the male protagonist has never crossed the soul with Mitsuha Miyamizu, so according to his memory, he is going to go to the town where Sanye Miyamizu is located to meet her again.

Just when everyone in the movie theater thought that this meeting would completely become the story of the actual meeting of the hero and heroine and the beginning of their romance.

The male protagonist ran to the town and saw the scene where the whole town was destroyed by a meteorite and turned into a crater

And by looking up information, this town was destroyed by a meteorite three years ago, after the information that Mitsuha Miyamizu was killed by a meteorite three years ago.

As shocked as his expression was, so was the audience in the cinema.


What unfolds?

what did i see Is there any detail about this movie that I'm missing?

Why did the heroine die suddenly?

Chen Yushan had a bad feeling in her heart

Old thief, have you started?

If you don't abuse or kill people, you won't be able to create stories?

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