Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 298 Don’t understand? study! Open the door to new fishing methods


"Ding Chongshan?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"How is Zhao Dahai's character?"

Lin Zuhua was stunned for a moment, wondering why Ding Chongshan asked such a thing.


"I'm asking what do you think of Zhao Dahai, such as whether he is easy to get along with, especially his fishing skills?"

Ding Chongshan immediately added. I didn't ask the wrong question. I really wanted to know what Lin Zuhua thought of Zhao Dahai, especially what he thought of Zhao Dahai's character.

But this question makes no sense at all. Lin Zuhua is just following Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go fishing, so there is no need to care about Zhao Dahai's character.


"So this is what you were talking about."

"Is it easy to get along?"

"There's nothing more to say about this! I'm just a guest who paid to go out to sea on the speedboat."

"How could Zhao Dahai offend me? He must be very easy to get along with. There is no difference between asking this question and asking in vain."

"How are you fishing?"

"Do you even need to ask? If you don't have the ability, how can you lead a few of us to catch so many fish?"

"Zhao Dahai himself is a top fishing expert."

"A hundred-pound bluefish, even if it bites my hook, I won't be able to catch it."

Lin Zuhua was very envious of Zhao Dahai for catching a blue spot weighing more than 100 pounds, but he knew that even a fish like this could bite his hook, and he had no ability to do so.

Two o'clock in the morning.

Ding Chongsheng sent away the extremely excited Lin Zuhua, returned to the hall and sat on the sofa, frowning.

What kind of person is Zhao Dahai?

Making money is definitely no problem!

But what is this character like?

Do you really need to go and see it in person?

Isn't this not good?

Ding Chongshan frowned. The more he thought about it, the more headache he got. He really didn't know how to deal with this matter.


"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Zhang Li walked out of the room and yawned, and saw Ding Chongshan sitting on the sofa, frowning and wondering about something.

"Lin Zuhua came back from fishing and came to me to show off!"

Ding Chongshan talked about Lin Zuhua's matter, but did not mention Zhao Dahai's matter. He would think about how to deal with this matter by himself. If he said it, Zhang Li would definitely feel a headache. There is no need to do this.


"Is it such a big red-spotted one? There are also two large purple eagles weighing more than 20 pounds left?"

Zhang Li looked at the two large purple eagles in the refrigerator and then saw the large red spots in the water tank that were being fed with oxygen, and was startled.

"If he hadn't caught these good fish, why would Lin Zuhua come here in the middle of the night to show off to me?"

Ding Chongshan stood up, walked to the water tank, and looked at the seven or eight pounds of red spots in the water.

"These fish together are not cheap. How can you stay?"

Zhang Li was a little anxious. There is no problem with other ordinary fish, but these fish are too valuable.

"Lin Zuhua has to stay, but I don't have any good ideas! Don't worry about it. Does this old boy lack this little money? When he and I went fishing, he didn't eat less of the good fish I caught."


"This big red spot, Lin Zuhua made it clear, keep it for Ding Xiaoxiang to eat!"

"Let's cook something to eat tomorrow while it's fresh!"

Ding Chongshan reminded Zhang Li that this fish was left by Lin Zuhua for Ding Xiaoxiang to eat. If he didn't tell this, he might not be able to sell it.


"Your daughter is so precious! Can you eat such a fish that costs more than 10,000 yuan for one meal?"

"Lin Zuhua is really willing to give up."

Zhang Li looked at the big red spot inside the water tank and complained.


"What can be done about this? Lin Zuhua insists on leaving it to Ding Xiaoxiang to eat. We can't just sell it for money, right? There's no reason for this!"

Ding Chongshan laughed. A big red spot like this is indeed a bit luxurious. This is not a question of whether you can afford to eat or not, but that no one in life is so prodigal. But this was specially left by Lin Zuhua for Ding Xiaoxiang to eat, and he really couldn't sell it.


"Why is Lin Zuhua so good at fishing this time?"

Zhang Li was very surprised. Lin Zuhua and Ding Chongshan had a very good relationship and often went fishing together, but they had never heard that fishing was so powerful and they could catch so many fish.


"How is it possible that Lin Zuhua is so powerful? The really powerful person is the boss of the boat who took Lin Zuhua out to fish!"

Ding Chongshan smiled and shook his head.


"So that's what happened. I thought Lin Zuhua's fishing skills were getting better and better!"


"Whose speedboat did Lin Zuhua go to sea with this time?"

Zhang Li suddenly realized that just now she really thought that Lin Zuhua's fishing skills had become better, but she didn't expect this to be the case.

Ding Chongshan hesitated for a moment and told Zhang Li that Lin Zuhua was going fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat on this trip.

The smile on Zhang Li's face disappeared suddenly.

"Lin Zuhua said it."

"Zhao Dahai caught a small sea bass of 200 kilograms, a large purple snapper of 600 to 700 kilograms, and a large blue spot weighing over 100 kilograms."

"This guy's ability to make money is really great!"

Ding Chongshan sighed a little, fishing like Zhao Dahai was really great. A speedboat could catch more fish and earn more money than other big fishing boats.

Zhang Li was a little unconvinced and wanted to retort that this was nothing, but she swallowed her words again. Regardless of whether she was happy or not, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang had to admit that they could make so much money. Really? It is capable.

Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li were both a little preoccupied, but it was getting late. One had to buy fish, shrimps and crabs tomorrow, and the other had to do business, so they could only go back to the room to sleep.

It's half past four in the morning.

Ding Xiaoxiang yawned, and spent the whole night wondering whether her father, Ding Chongshan, wanted Lin Zuhua to see what Zhao Dahai was like. If that was the case, what should he do next? He tossed and turned and couldn't make up his mind. I couldn't sleep, so I looked out the window and saw that the sky was getting brighter, so I just got up.


Ding Xiaoxiang walked out of the room and immediately saw Zhang Li.


"Why don't you get half an hour more sleep?"

Zhang Li looked at the clock hanging on the wall. She usually got up at this time, cooked breakfast and then called Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Can't sleep!"

"Get up!"



"Why are your eyes red? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw that Zhang Li's eyes were as red as rabbits, and she clearly didn't sleep well.

Zhang Li nodded without saying anything and quickly walked into the kitchen. He heated up the porridge and steamed buns that had been cooked in advance last night.

Five o'clock in the morning.

After Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li finished eating, they immediately left home and rushed to the fish market in the town.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ding Chongshan had already gone out to the dock where he bought fish, shrimps and crabs.

Langtou Village.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Dahai held the fishing rod and the water tank containing live shrimps, crabs, and large octopus. He put them on the tricycle and went home to get another box, which contained Antarctic shrimp bricks and sea centipedes.

Zhao Dahai brought all the things and drove a tricycle to the village pier. He parked the car and walked onto the pier. He immediately found that the wind was indeed strong and the waves were not small. Fortunately, he did not agree to Lin Zuhua's fishing trip yesterday. The weather was really bad. suitable.

Zhao Dahai carried the things on the speedboat, put them away and checked that they were OK before driving the speedboat slowly and leaving the dock. Within two nautical miles, he saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da in a fishing boat with three people, lined up front and back. Made a line back to the pier.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"How's your harvest today!"

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat and shouted. The weather was windy and swell, and it was impossible to be heard if I didn't yell.


"It's just that the wind and waves are a bit big and hard!"

Zhong Shizhu pointed to the two baskets placed on the nail plate.

Zhao Dahai stood on tiptoe and took a look. One contained a small half basket of orchid crabs, and the other contained half a basket of various miscellaneous fish, including some black snapper, yellow snapper and even a few good-sized mullet.

Zhao Dahai drove a speedboat close to Liu Bin and Lei Dayou's fishing boat and saw that the harvest was similar to Zhong Shizhu's.


"It's really good!"

"I can make money!"

Zhao Dahai knew that Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and Zhong Shizhu were rushing back to the pier to sell fish. The wind and waves were now relatively strong and it was not suitable for chatting. He made an appointment to find a time to have a meal together and leave in a speedboat.

Zhao Dahai speeded up, and the speedboat flew forward quickly on the sea. The waves were a bit big, and the whole speedboat bounced up from time to time, and then slammed back to the sea, which was very uncomfortable.

Zhao Dahai drove for almost an hour, watching the waves on the sea getting higher and higher, and slowed down the speed of the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and decided to give up the plan to continue fishing for purple sea bream today. Now he is almost fifty nautical miles away from the fishing spot. The waves on the sea surface are already very big. If you go further to the open sea, the waves will only be bigger. One is danger. Another such large paper sculpture that pulls out the bottom of the sea may not necessarily open its mouth.

Zhao Dahai decided to take a look at the islands and reefs where sea bass is fished. In this weather, it is impossible to go out to the sea to catch big fish. However, the waves on the islands and reefs for sea bass fishing may be too big, making it impossible to fish.

It took Zhao Dahai half an hour to rush to the island. His fear came true. The waves were much bigger than he imagined. Especially when one wave after another hit the island, the splashing water was amazing.

Huh! ?

Are these people playing Lure?

Zhao Dahai stopped about a hundred meters away from the island. The weather was very bad, and there were not many speedboats fishing for sea bass here. Looking around, there were about a dozen speedboats scattered in various places. At first, I thought they were fishing for sea bass, but then I realized that these people seemed to be using The same pole and the same fishing method as Lin Zuhua yesterday.

Zhao Dahai looked at it carefully and made sure he saw it correctly.

Zhao Dahai originally wanted to try whether floating shrimps could catch sea bass. When he saw someone playing with lures, he immediately stopped and took a look.

Throw it farther!

Fifty or sixty meters or seventy or eighty meters!

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised.

Traditional sea bass fishing, regardless of floating shrimp or other methods, will not cast it so far, and it is very difficult to achieve this. People on several speedboats in the distance can easily throw them a relatively long distance.

Zhao Dahai immediately discovered that this was a great benefit.

If you want to catch sea bass, especially if you want to catch a lot of sea bass, you must find islands and reefs, there must be waves, and there must be flowing water.

Schools of sea bass tend to concentrate on the edges of islands and reefs or in the foam areas formed between reefs.

Traditionally, most sea bass fishing requires the use of live shrimp. The throwing distance is usually five or six meters. Sometimes the rod is even thrown directly from the side of the speedboat into the sea. This requires that the speedboat must try its best to catch sea bass. If you are close to the reef or foam area, once the current is relatively large, or if the waves are relatively large like now, it will be very dangerous, and you may even have to give up fishing.

"If you can go so far away, doesn't it mean that even in bad weather and big waves, you can still fish for sea bass here!?"

Zhao Dahai observed for a while and found that several speedboats were parked about fifty meters away from the islands and reefs for fishing. Traditional fishing methods were not available and they could only stare.

Zhao Dahai didn't go fishing and didn't leave. He looked carefully and saw someone pulling out sea bass one after another from the edge of the island from a distance.

Zhao Dahai looked at it for two hours, and kept seeing that the waves were too big, and the speedboats had no way to continue fishing and had to leave.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat to the place where the speedboats were staying just now, and made sure that there was indeed a distance of about fifty meters.


“This fishing method is indeed good!”

"Looks like I need to learn something!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves and water on the edge of the island fifty meters away.

There are definitely sea bass and they must be very big, especially the horsetail fish. This is the speed and spray of the flowing water that the horsefish likes best.

If you want to catch these sea bass and horsetail with traditional fishing methods, you have to be at least twenty meters close to the island or even within ten meters. Your speedboat is relatively large, full of power, and has good control. It is very sensitive, but in the current weather, it is impossible to get close under such waves, it is too dangerous.

But if you know the lure fishing method used by the people on the speedboats just now, you can now easily catch sea bass or horsetail near the islands and reefs.


All I can do is stare!

The distance that those speedboats thought was dangerous just now is not in my eyes. My own speedboat can guarantee safety at thirty meters.


You must learn it!

Zhao Dahai immediately decided that he must learn this fishing method.

If you don’t understand, just ask and pay for a teacher.

How could this not be the way to make money?

Zhao Dahai didn't change places to see if he could fish. He drove the speedboat directly back to the pier, parked it and landed, and immediately rushed to the fishing tackle shop in the town.

“You want to play with lures?”

Wu Guodong looked at Zhao Dahai standing in front of him in surprise.

Zhao Dahai nodded and said that he saw someone playing it and thought it was good. It is useful in some specific situations and is more effective than traditional fishing pairs. He wanted to know more about it.


"Lure is a fishing method introduced from abroad."

"In most cases, it is not as good as the traditional fishing method, especially the traditional fishing method in our country is more powerful. But there are some special situations, such as the situation you just mentioned where you need to throw the rod farther or catch some specific fish. When it comes to fish, there are certain advantages.”

"You need to use a special lure pole for lures!"

"The method used is not complicated."

"There are special hooks, the most common ones are triple hooks or lead-head hooks!"

"The bait used is fake, so it's called fake bait."

"It is divided into two major categories, one is soft bait and the other is hard bait."

Zhao Dahai was eye-opening after listening to Wu Guodong's introduction. This was a new fishing method that he had never been exposed to before. Compared with traditional fishing methods, it has advantages but also disadvantages.

"Captain Zhao."

“Lure fishing has developed very rapidly in recent years, and many people like it.”

"It's very effective when fishing for sea bass and other fish."

"As someone with your own speedboat, it's actually very good to learn about this fishing method."

“One is that when traditional fishing methods cannot catch fish, or when the fishing efficiency is not high, there is no harm in giving lures a try. Maybe you can catch a lot of fish.”

“The other thing is that you can take some people who like to play lures out to sea for fishing.”

“Expand your customer base, not just people who like traditional fishing methods.”

“There are more opportunities to make money.”

"Why not!"

Wu Guodong runs a fishing tackle shop and is very aware of the development trend of the fishing industry in recent years.

Most people who buy speedboats, especially those who take others out to fish, are people who use traditional fishing methods. There are not many boat owners who really know how to fish with lures. Many older people are unwilling to change or learn. Zhao Dahai is relatively young, so he might be willing to accept such a fishing method.

Wu Guodong spent so long introducing Luya to Zhao Dahai and Liao Luya, and even talked about the basic fishing method, wanting to see if Zhao Dahai is willing to accept such a fishing method.

2 p.m.

Wu Guodong carried a bunch of things in his hands, sent Zhao Dahai out of the store, and put them on the tricycle.


"How could I forget that there are a few people who want to go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat!"


"I can only ask about this matter next time I come to the store to buy something."

Wu Guodong watched Zhao Dahai's tricycle disappear further and further away, and then he realized that he had forgotten to ask Zhao Dahai about the speedboat going out to sea.

Zhao Dahai stayed in his shop for almost three hours, learned about Lure's fishing methods in detail, bought two sets of poles and wheels, including lines, baits, etc., and even bought several books. Book.


"Do you know if Zhao Dahai will become a master of lure fishing?"

"Really, in this case, I am a master's guide!"

Wu Guodong turned around and returned to the store.

Will Zhao Dahai be interested in Luya? Will you be able to learn how to lure?

If you are really interested and can really learn it, that is a good thing. If nothing else, you can make a lot of money just by selling poles, wheels, fake baits, etc.

Not interested in learning?

You have nothing to lose, right? I just sold something worth almost 20,000 yuan, how much money have I made.

Please recommend monthly tickets! Thanks!

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