The town fish market.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the peak period for buying and selling fish has passed, and the number of people is slowly decreasing.


"The fishing moratorium is over, business has improved a lot, and I make a lot more money every day!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the fish on the stall. There were not many fish left. Even though they were not sold out, the fish sold every day were more than ten times more than during the fishing moratorium. She took over the shop next door, renovated it, and expanded it. area, business gets better. The price has indeed dropped a lot, but the more you sell, the more money you make.


"That's for sure!"

"There are not many fish, shrimps and crabs during the fishing moratorium. They are all sold fresh and they are all chilled. People in our town don't like to eat big boats of fresh fish, shrimps and crabs!"

Zhang Li couldn't help but yawned. She got up halfway through her sleep last night and talked to Ding Chongshan about Zhao Dahai. She had been thinking about it all night and didn't sleep well.


"Why don't you just go back and rest for a while and sleep!"

"I can just watch the stall alone!"

Ding Xiaoxiang took off the gloves on her hands, washed her hands, took the thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, and drank some water. The business was very good. She kept asking for fish, and her mouth was a little dry.


"I'll go back and come over at twelve o'clock or one o'clock."

"Sell it for a while. It's almost as easy as closing the stall."

"It's fine to come back to open the stall at four or five o'clock in the afternoon."

"Isn't there a small bed inside? If you're tired, pull down the shutter door. Take a rest and sleep."

"If you need anything, call home."

Zhang Li thought for a while and nodded. She is not busy now, so there is no need for two people to stay here. She pointed to a folding bed in the innermost corner of the shop. The store has been redecorated, the area has become larger, and the space has become larger. If you are really tired, you can rest here as soon as the door is closed. There is also a telephone installed, which is a lot more convenient.



"Go quickly! I'll take care of you here!"

"By the way! Don't come here at noon. I'll just buy something to eat. You go back and have a good sleep. Come back in the afternoon."

Ding Xiaoxiang has been doing business with Zhang Li for two or three years, and is very familiar with the things in the stall. She waits for Zhang Li to leave and attend to the business on her own.

"Today's mud fish is quite good. There are only the last two or three catties left. It's cheaper if you want it."

"These orchid crabs are pretty big! Each one is three to five taels!"

"Forty yuan a pound! It's really not expensive!"

"Want to buy some sea melon seeds? They are very big and come from the mangroves."

Ding Xiaoxiang spent less than an hour selling the few remaining fish, shrimps and crabs, packed up her things, turned on the faucet, took the hose, and rinsed the floor.


"I didn't sleep well last night, I was really tired."

Ding Xiaoxiang yawned. She couldn't sleep last night because she was thinking about Zhao Dahai.

Ding Xiaoxiang pulled down the rolling shutter door, took out the folding bed in the corner and opened it. She lay down and looked at the newly decorated ceiling of the store, and her mind immediately started to think about Zhao Dahai.

Did Lin Zuhua just go fishing or something like that?

Dad couldn't really ask Lin Zuhua to see what Zhao Dahai was like, right?

How did Zhao Dahai perform?

You're not going to poke any trouble, are you?

Ding Xiaoxiang lay there for two hours, her mind kept spinning, and she couldn't sleep at all. When she looked at the time, it was almost one o'clock, and her stomach growled with hunger. She immediately went to a nearby food stall to get a meal, and after eating , drank some water and sat in the small cabin.

Half past three in the afternoon.


What to do?

You have to ask Zhao Dahai about this matter, but it will be Monday in a few days.

Ding Xiaoxiang's eyes widened. She had just slept for a while, but she didn't fall asleep. She sat up and frowned. Dozens of cat claws were scratching inside.

"How did I forget this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw the recently installed phone in the corner, stood up and rushed over. The last time we met, Zhao Dahai said that there was a phone installed in his home and gave him his phone number. Why have you been thinking about this? Call Zhao Dahai immediately to find out what's going on.


"Zhao Dahai should be fishing outside now, right? He can't be at home, right?"

"Didn't Zhao Dahai's grandma answer the call?"

"What's the good thing to say?"

Ding Xiaoxiang held the phone in her hand, but immediately put it down. Zhao Dahai is unlikely to be at home at this time.


"never mind!"

"Call me over to see if Zhao Dahai is at home. If Zhao Dahai is not at home and it is not Zhao Dahai who answered the call, then it means that the call was made by mistake."

Ding Xiaoxiang decided to call Zhao Dahai after a while.


"Zhao Dahai?"


"Why are you at home?"

"Didn't you go to sea today?"

"Is the wave too big?"

"See you at the same place tonight."

"I have to hang up!"

"I don't know when my mother will come to the store. Let's talk about it when we meet in the evening."

Ding Xiaoxiang put down the phone and turned around to look at the rolling shutter door with a guilty conscience. It was closed properly. After listening for a while and there was no sound, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After Ding Xiaoxiang made the call, she felt relieved for the time being. She would know what was going on if she asked Zhao Dahai in detail about Lin Zuhua's affairs tonight.

Ding Xiaoxiang yawned twice in succession. She was really tired after not sleeping all night last night. She put down her worries and lay down on the small bed and fell asleep for a while.

Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai put down the phone. The waves were a bit big today. He went out to the sea and saw someone playing with lures. He went to the town to buy a fishing rod and asked about a lot of fishing methods. When he got home, the phone rang. He thought he would It couldn't be a call from Wu Weimin or Liu Gang. When I answered it, I found out it was Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Have you changed the date of our meeting tonight? You don't miss me, do you?"

Zhao Dahai was very happy when he thought about this possibility. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall every few minutes.

"What does it mean to live like a year? Now it's like a year!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head, wishing that it was nine o'clock in the evening, but this was impossible.

Zhao Dahai decided to find something to kill time. He sat at home and time passed more slowly. He took the lure rod and wheels he had just bought and installed them all. He also took the lead hook and soft worms and rode a tricycle to the dock. .


"Why is the tide a little low!?"

Zhao Dahai saw that the sea water at the pier had become much shallower. He turned and looked in the direction of the mangroves to the west. A lot of tidal flats were exposed. The tide was indeed ebbing a bit, but not much.

Zhao Dahai got off the pier and walked to the beach on the east side. The sun was very hot at this time, and there was no one on the beach, so it was very suitable for practicing by himself.

Zhao Dahai was a little confused at the beginning, but he has a lot of fishing experience. The lure rod is indeed different from the fishing rod he usually uses, but the principles are similar to a certain extent.

Zhao Dahai fumbled for about half an hour, slowly groping for the doorway.

Zhao Dahai stood firmly with both hands, holding the spinning wheel with his right hand, and the tail of the fishing rod with his left hand, and flicked forward vigorously, the lead hook flew forward.

Zhao Dahai put down his pole and went forward to find the lead hook.


"Is it possible that I am a genius?"

"You can learn it just by practicing?"

Zhao Dahai praised himself a bit. It took a total of sixty-five steps from the position of the pole to the position of the lead hook, well over sixty meters.

Zhao Dahai knew that fishing with lures was not that simple, but at least the first step of casting was successful, but he was not particularly skilled. After that, he would find opportunities to cast twice every time he went out to sea, and he gradually became proficient.

"I wonder if I can catch fish?"

Zhao Dahai held the lure rod in his hand. He originally wanted to practice, but looking at the sea in front of him, his hands were really itchy.

Is it different from practice? Why did it have to be dumped on the beach? Wouldn't it be better to throw it directly into the sea?

Maybe you'll catch a fish by chance?

Zhao Dahai felt itchy even more when he thought about it.

Where do you want to play?

Zhao Dahai looked at the speedboat parked at the pier and shook his head. He had to go to see Ding Xiaoxiang at night. It was too late to go to sea now. The tide is a bit low today. The water at the pier and beach is a bit shallow. The key is that there are usually no fish in this place.

Zhao Dahai looked at the busy reef area on the beach. The water there was relatively deeper, and the fish there might be bigger.

Zhao Dahai immediately rushed over, climbed onto the reef, and walked to the outside. When he looked at the sea water in front of him, he felt a little excited.

Do you know if there is any fish?

I wonder if I can catch fish?

Zhao Dahai stood firm on his feet, took a deep breath, and swung the fishing rod forward with both hands. It flew very far and hit the sea water, causing a small splash.

Sixty meters!

Definitely sixty meters!

Zhao Dahai lamented very much that with traditional fishing methods, unless it is the kind of long-range fishing, it is generally impossible to throw it so far.

What's the benefit of being far away?

Covering a wider area makes it possible to catch more fish.

It is hard to imagine that a traditional raft rod can stand on the reef and swing it so far to catch fish from such a distance.

Fishing for sinking fish?

Generally, when fishing on the bottom, the fishing boat goes out to find out where the fish is, and the distance from which the rod is thrown is generally not more than five meters.

The traditional way of fishing is to use fishing boats to reach the places where the fish are.

Zhao Dahai shook the spinning wheel toward the recycling line.


"The lead hook is at the bottom of the sea now, right?"

"Think, thump, thump! Are you hitting a rock?"


"This feels really different!"

As Zhao Dahai reeled in the spinning wheel, he could clearly feel the vibration of the lead hook dragging on the seabed, including the vibration of hitting the rocks.

Zhao Dahai found it very novel. This was a completely different way of fishing.


"Is this hanging on the bottom?"

Zhao Dahai shook the spinning wheel and took in about ten meters of thread, but it didn't move. He pulled it hard, but it still didn't move.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He was proud for only three seconds before he immediately encountered a problem.

Zhao Dahai had no choice but to forcefully break it.


"No way?"

"Dead again!"


"This is the fifth time!"


"It seems like this is not that easy!"

The sun sets.

The sunlight reflected on the sea is very dazzling.

Zhao Dahai squinted his eyes, the corners of which were filled with tears.

The thread retrieved by Zhao Dahai's spinning wheel had just caught on the bottom and been torn off again. In just half an hour, this was already the tenth time.

Zhao Dahai discovered that Luya was not as simple as he imagined, and it was not even that easy to catch fish.

The traditional way of fishing is to hang the bait and throw it out. As long as there are no rocks or garbage in the place where you throw it, you can gently drag and pull it. If there is no hook on the bottom, the next step is to wait for the fish to take the bait.

If no fish takes the bait, reel in the line and change the bait, such as live shrimp. The distance of throwing the rod is relatively short, and sometimes it can even be fished out vertically right next to the fishing boat.

The probability of hanging the bottom is greatly reduced, and it is not even encountered a few times in a day.

Lures are different. You have to take back what you throw out, especially when you throw it out on the rocks on the shore. Only by taking it back can you catch fish. If you leave it where it is, there will be nothing.

At a distance of fifty or sixty meters, the bottom of the sea was filled with rocks, rotten fishing nets, or other things. The probability of hanging the bottom is too great.

"What the hell!"

"If it fails the last time, I'll try again another day when I go out to sea on a speedboat!"

Zhao Dahai tied a new lead-tipped hook with a soft bait hanging on it. He stood up and swung it out just in time. He became more and more skilled in throwing the pole and the distance became farther. This time it was almost 70 meters.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry to close the thread this time, but carefully thought about how to solve this problem. He had no one to teach him, so he had to figure it out on his own.

The lead hooks are all hung on the rocks, and the rocks are on the bottom of the sea.

If the hook leaves the bottom of the sea, wouldn't it be impossible to hang it?

Zhao Dahai almost couldn't help but slapped himself with his hand.

Such a simple thing, I didn't think of it earlier.

How can the hook leave the bottom of the sea?

very simple!

Raise the pole a little, so that the sub-line is relatively high, and it can be pulled up from the bottom of the sea at once. When taking in the line, spin the spinning wheel faster, and the lead-head hook will be retrieved before it has time to sink to the bottom of the sea, so that you can Always stay off the bottom of the sea.

Is it really like this?

Just give it a try and you’ll find out!

Zhao Dahai immediately raised the pole and turned the spinning wheel to reel in the thread. This time, he reeled in the thread faster.


"That's right! That's how it looks!"

Zhao Dahai kept collecting the line for 20 meters without hanging up, which was very smooth.

Zhao Dahai was very excited and immediately thought of another thing. Stones on the bottom of the sea will not escape. As long as you are familiar with fishing in a place, you will know what kind of places there are stones, especially places where the bottom has been hooked once. There are rocks or fishing nets. If you avoid these rocks next time, you will definitely not get caught on the bottom. This is actually the same as when fishing in traditional ways.

"I'm really a big smart!"

Zhao Dahai was a little proud. The spinning wheel swung a little faster. He quickly took up the line and threw two more poles to try the method he had just thought of.



"No way?"

Zhao Dahai saw the clear water seven or eight meters away. He could clearly see the fake bait hanging on the lead hook, swinging like a small fish. At this moment, a fish rushed out from nowhere and fiercely He bit down hard.

Zhao Dahai instinctively raised his pole to stab the fish.


Hit the fish!

Three to five pounds!

Sea bass!

Zhao Dahai is very experienced. What happens after the fish is hooked is extremely simple. He lowers the pole to the water surface to prevent the sea bass from washing its gills and detaching. With three or two strokes, he pulls the sea bass to the edge of the reef and flies the fish directly up.




Zhao Dahai looked at the sea bass jumping and struggling on the reef, and laughed loudly and excitedly. Not to mention sea bass weighing three to five kilograms, even sea bass weighing ten, eight or even twenty kilograms, or horsetails weighing twenty or thirty kilograms, or even large groupers weighing over one hundred kilograms, are not so exciting. .

This was the first fish I had caught using a new fishing method. It came so suddenly and I was not mentally prepared at all.


"It's so cool!"

“No wonder so many people enjoy this method of fishing!”

Zhao Dahai carefully recalled the moment when the sea bass took the bait. The bite was so powerful that it was completely different from the feeling when the sea bass took the bait when fishing with traditional floating shrimps.

"It's like getting an electric shock!"

"It's really like getting an electric shock!"

Zhao Dahai was a little excited.

When I saw Lin Zuhua fishing for sea bass with a lure two days ago, I just thought it was a new way of fishing. Yesterday I saw other people fishing for sea bass by swinging their poles fifty or sixty meters away. when. I simply think that this is a new fishing method that can catch fish under certain circumstances and make more money.

In order to make money, in order to be able to make more money, we must learn.

Zhao Dahai now finds that this is not just a simple way of fishing, but a way of making money. It has its own fun and charm.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time and it was almost six o'clock. It was already dark. He originally wanted to continue fishing, but it was too late. He had to go to see Ding Xiaoxiang soon, so he had to come back another day.

Zhao Dahai held the fish in one hand and the pole in the other, got off the reef and returned to the pier along the beach.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Did you go fishing?"

"This sea bass is really good in size. It must be four or five pounds, right?"

Zhao Dahai had just walked onto the pier when he saw Ma Hongyu walking towards him carrying two baskets.

"Aren't the waves quite big this morning? We didn't go out to sea."

"I'm a little bored at home. I just bought a new fishing rod and started playing around with it. I didn't expect to be able to catch a sea bass."

Zhao Dahai pointed to the reef at the end of the beach. It was just for practice. He didn't expect to be so lucky and caught a fish.

"Fishing is difficult for others. Zhao Dahai, isn't your fishing just as simple as drinking water? You can fish anywhere."

Ma Hongyu was not surprised that Zhao Dahai could catch fish.


"What are you doing here? Isn't this a snail shop?"

Zhao Dahai looked at the two baskets carried by Ma Hongyu. They were full of snails.

Ma Hongyu put down the basket and pointed in the direction of the mangroves. The tide had receded a little today. She had nothing to do so she went to catch the sea. She saw a lot of snails, all of good size, and nothing else, so she picked two baskets. return.

"Can this thing be sold for money?"

Zhao Dahai was a little strange.

The snail is thick at one end and thin at the other, with a small spiral shape and a shape like a nail. The appearance and method of eating are like the larger or larger screws in Tamsui. When eating, you have to knock off or cut off the tail. However, one is that this thing is relatively common, and the other is that this thing has a nickname of "venting tube". People who did not grow up by the sea and do not often eat fish, shrimps and crabs are prone to diarrhea if they eat too much, so it is not particularly popular.

"All the food stalls and restaurants in town accept this stuff."

"Three or four yuan a pound."

"It is worthless."

"It's not okay to sit idle at home."

"You can earn as much as you can. It's just a matter of effort."

Ma Hongyu smiled.

Zhao Dahai nodded. Snails are indeed not very valuable, but they are very valuable.

Snails grow in the mud, and they have to be dug up and cleaned, which is very labor-intensive. At the end of the day, there are only two baskets, but together they weigh 1,560 kilograms, which costs three or four yuan per kilogram. It's four to five hundred yuan.

The key is that Ma Hongyu is right, you can't be idle. It's better to make as much money as you have, rather than sitting at home and having nothing.


"Tell you something!"

"I'll trade this sea bass for some snails."

Zhao Dahai suddenly remembered that he had to meet Ding Xiaoxiang tonight. It would be a good idea to cook some snails and bring them there.


"How can I ask for your fish with this worthless thing!"

"If Lei Dayou finds out about this, why don't you slap me twice?"

As Ma Hongyu spoke, she took a small mesh bag and packed twenty kilograms of snails.

Zhao Dahai wanted to give the fish to Ma Hongyu, but he didn't want it dead or alive. He didn't say any more politely. He carried the screws and put them on the tricycle. It was getting late. He had to go back quickly to make it in time. He had to go see Ding Xiaoxiang tonight. What a big deal. Nothing can be delayed.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!

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