Zhao Dahai returned home, put the rice in to cook, took a large iron basin, poured all the 20 kilograms of snails into it, rinsed it with tap water, and then took an iron pliers to cut off the tail.


"This snail is really good!"

"Big and fat!"

"We have an extra bowl of food for dinner!"

Zhao Dahai's hands and feet were very fast. He finished cutting the snail's tail in about half an hour and washed it twice to make sure there was no sediment. The sea bass that was just caught was scaled, belly opened and cleaned. I picked vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Zhao Dahai heated up a clean iron pot and put oil in it. He put the sea bass in, fried it, put in water and boiled the soup. After rolling it for a few minutes, the soup was very white. He cut two pieces of ginger and put them in, and added a little salt. , put it up.

Zhao Dahai continued to stir-fry the green vegetables, and in less than three minutes they were ready and put on the plate.

"The sea!"

"You need to put more oil!"

"Too little! Nothing delicious!"

Zhong Cuihua was sitting in front of the stove, lighting a fire in the stove. When frying or boiling snails, you need to add more oil. Without oil, you won't be able to eat them at all.



"Don't you feel bad if you pour too much oil?"

Zhao Dahai made a joke.

"What's the point of it? It's delicious. Besides, it's not like we can't afford this oil now."

Zhong Cuihua smiled. There were so many snails that were certainly not eaten and played by Zhao Dahai and myself. They must have been taken out. How can it be done without adding more oil? It definitely doesn't taste good. This is not okay.

Zhao Dahai waited for the pot to dry and heat up, poured almost two full bowls of oil into it, and waited until it started to smoke. Then he cut off the tail of the snail, and the remaining snail was estimated to weigh about fifteen kilograms. He poured it all into a basket. Fall down.

How can fried things, especially fried snails, be delicious?

Nothing complicated at all.

Heavy oil and heavy salt will do.

Zhao Dahai started stir-frying with a spatula until he could smell a fragrance. He poured down two bowls of water, grabbed a handful of salt, poured in soy sauce, put down all the ginger, salt and chili sauce, covered it and simmered. .

Zhong Cuihua was experienced and immediately stepped up the fire.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time and saw that it had been almost ten minutes. He opened the lid of the pot, and the smell of snails immediately rose up with the steam, making his saliva almost flow out.

Snails can be found everywhere in the sea around the village. Generally, not many people eat them. It takes too much effort. People who go fishing are busy fishing. It is very good to fill their stomachs. I don’t want to spend too much time on snails like this. It takes a lot of work, but it tastes pretty good when cooked.

Zhao Dahai took a big basin and filled it full. He just went out and placed it on the table in the main room. He added sea bass fish soup and fried vegetables, and filled it with rice to have dinner with his grandma Zhong Cuihua.

Zhao Dahai finished dinner, took a shower, changed clothes, took a big bowl, filled the snails left in the pot to keep warm, and rode a tricycle to Dashi Village with Xiao Naihei.

Zhao Dahai had just arrived, and in less than ten minutes, Ding Xiaoxiang hurried over.


"How long have you been here?"

"There's no need to come so early next time. It's almost enough to come at nine o'clock. It's quite busy during this period."

"Sometimes I have to come a little later."

Ding Xiaoxiang saw Xiao Naihei and clapped her hands gently.

Xiao Naihei rushed over immediately and circled around Ding Xiaoxiang.


"How come you grow up so fast? You are much taller than your parents!"

Ding Xiaoxiang gently patted Xiao Naihei's forehead and made a gesture, which was almost above her waist.

"Eat well! Then you grow fast!"

"Little Naihei is very popular now. People in the whole village, including people from some other villages, are watching to see when she will play pup!"

"No amount is enough!"

Zhao Dahai walked up to Ding Xiaoxiang. The moon was brighter tonight and he could see people's faces clearly.


"Are you so busy during this period?"

Zhao Dahai felt a little heartache, and Ding Xiaoxiang was a little tired.


"Isn't this the fishing moratorium that has just ended? There are more boats going out to sea, more fish, shrimps and crabs are purchased, and more fish are sold. It must be more tiring than during the fishing moratorium two months ago!"

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded. She was really tired these past few days. She got up early every day and didn't have enough time to sleep in the dark.

"Anyway, just be more careful. Sleep more when you can."

"If there is work to do, no one can do anything."

Zhao Dahai didn't say anything more. The people in the fishing village by the sea, whether they go to sea or do business like Ding Xiaoxiang, are busy day and night.

There’s nothing much to say about this. If you want to not be tired, you have to sleep. If you want to sleep, you can only stop working. But this is impossible. Life is there. Not only do you have to work, but you have to finish it. Only then can I eat and sleep.

Don't say that Ding Xiaoxiang is not married in her home now, even if she is really married, such as marrying herself, she still has to work when she has work.

It’s not about whether you care for your daughter or your wife. It has nothing to do with it. It’s a lifestyle that has been used to for thousands of years. Everyone has to work. This is a concept that is deeply rooted in one’s bones.


"I brought you something delicious!"

Zhao Dahai found a clean place to put down the basket in his hand, and took out the bowl inside.

"What is so fragrant?"

Ding Xiaozhong pursed his lips. Zhao Dahai brought him something delicious again.


"It's not something of value."


"But it's quite big! It should taste good!"

Zhao Dahai took out the big bowl and handed it to Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Is it snails? I like eating snails. I used to eat them a lot when I was a kid, but I haven't eaten them much in recent years. I'm too busy with business at home and don't have the time."


"He's really big and fat!"


"The snails in our villages are actually pretty good!"

“But no one digs out the snails, it’s too much work!”

“This kind of thing is basically not sold in the fish market.”

"The fried food at the food stall costs fifteen yuan a dish, and it only weighs half a catty."

Ding Xiaoxiang was holding a big bowl, sucking in the snails one after another like eating snails. It is indeed not a valuable thing, but cooking these snails takes a lot of effort. Zhao Dahai brought this thing to himself because his thoughts were more important than anything else.

Zhao Dahai was very happy to see that Ding Xiaoxiang really liked to eat.


"Didn't you say you had something to ask me tonight? What is it about?"

Zhao Dahai remembered that when Ding Xiangxiang called him during the day, he said something was wrong.


"I almost forgot about this!"

"Did you go fishing with a man named Lin Zuhua yesterday?"

Ding Xiaoxiang almost forgot about this.

Zhao Dahai nodded. It was very strange. Ding Xiaoxiang had known that he had taken Lin Zuhua out to sea for fishing. Only after asking did he find out that Lin Zuhua and Ding Chongshan had been fishing buddies for many years. They went ashore last night and showed off at Ding Xiaoxiang's house.

"Are you worried that Lin Zuhua is the one your father is calling to see what I am like?"

Zhao Dahai immediately thought of what Ding Xiaoxiang was worried about.

Ding Xiaoxiang's face turned red and she nodded.


"Don't worry about that!"

"I caught so many fish yesterday, Lin Zuhua has no reason to be unhappy."

Zhao Dahai talked about the entire fishing process yesterday in detail. If I couldn't catch any fish, I might be a little worried about poor performance, but after catching so many fish, there was no reason to worry.


"Anyway, you have to be careful. I always feel that my dad might ask you to go fishing next."

This is what Ding Xiaoxiang is worried about.


"What does your dad look like?"

"Can you tell me something? I will know it when I see it one day."

"Cheer up."

"We can't screw this up!"

Zhao Dahai wanted to ask about this last time. If he forgot, he had to ask what Ding Chongshan looked like this time.


"How do you say this? Could it be that one day I showed you my dad's photo!"

Ding Xiaoxiang glared at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai shamelessly said that this was very good and he would never admit his mistake.


"Don't even think about it!"

"How can such a thing happen?"

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed and shook her head.


"Then I have to be really alert. Anyone who just wants to go fishing with my speedboat must keep their eyes wide open and deal with it carefully."

Zhao Dahai had a headache.

Next, I plan to start taking guests out to sea for fishing. If Ding Chongshan really pretended to be on the boat with his fishing guests, it would be really hard to tell. You know, if Ding Chongshan really wanted to see what he was like, it was unlikely that he would come with Lin Zuhua.

There is really no way, this is really the only way to use it. Anyone may be Ding Chongshan and must be careful.


"Haven't you met my second uncle Ding Lihua? This is my father's biological brother. The two of them look a bit alike. You will definitely recognize him if you actually meet him!"

Ding Xiaoxiang seemed a little unable to bear it and reminded Zhao Dahai.


"How could I forget this?"

Zhao Dahai patted himself on the head. If the two brothers looked similar, he would be able to recognize them as soon as they met, so there was no need to worry.


"I called you here tonight because I wanted to ask about Lin Zuhua. Especially, you have to be careful. My dad may come to your door at any time."


"My dad may not necessarily come to you, but Lin Zuhua will definitely continue to go fishing with you in the future. You have to be careful, especially behave better, and leave a good impression on Lin Zuhua."

"My dad will definitely ask Lin Zuhua what kind of person you are!"

Ding Xiaoxiang lowered her head and looked at the bowl she was holding in her hand. She unknowingly ate all the food, leaving only a little juice, which made her feel a little embarrassed.


"If you like food so much, I'll bring you more next time we meet."

Zhao Dahai took the bowl and put it back into the basket.

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head. The snails were really worthless, but they took too much effort. Zhao Dahai had to go fishing during the day. He was busy and could only do it once.

Zhao Dahai didn't answer.


"Did you hear what I said? You can't get this thing again on the next trip. If you really bring it, I won't eat it. I will still be angry."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Zhao Dahai and wanted to sneeze at him, but this was not possible. She really wasn't talking but was serious. It would take too much effort.

"Alright alright!"

"No more snails! No more snails!"

Zhao Dahai didn't answer, just thinking about bringing the snail next time. Now that Ding Xiaoxiang was staring at him, he had no choice but to agree.

Ding Xiaoxiang saw that it was quite late, so she went home immediately. She had to go to bed early, and she had to sell fish again tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai waited for Ding Xiaoxiang to leave for a long time before returning to the entrance of Dashi Village and riding a tricycle home.

Ding Xiaoxiang walked to the door of her house and listened for a while. There was no movement at home, and she was a little uneasy. She didn't pay attention to the time today and came back a little late.

Ding Xiaoxiang took a deep breath, adjusted the expression on her face, opened the door and walked in. She immediately saw her mother Zhang Li sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and eating melon seeds.

"You came back so late? Did you go to Yang Qin's house again?"

Zhang Li looked at the TV without turning her head.


"We were chatting at Yang Qin's house for a while! We talked about her shop. It seems that there is still some business. If it lasts longer, it should be good!"

Ding Xiaoxiang rolled her eyes, and she was just thinking about making excuses. When Zhang Li said this, she immediately nodded and said that she was going to Yang Qin's house.

"The location of that store is good. If you do it well, you will definitely be able to make money. If you can make money from the beginning, then it will definitely be no problem!"


"What does this smell come from?"

Zhang Li sniffed hard twice, smelling a very familiar scent, but for a while she couldn't figure out what it smelled like.

Ding Xiaoxiang's heart skipped a beat. She had just finished eating the snails and forgot to wash her hands. The smell was quite strong. She had been eating the snails and didn't notice any smell. When she walked into the house, she immediately smelled it.

"What smell is there? Why didn't I smell it?"


"I'm a little tired! Go back to the room and sleep! I have to get up early tomorrow!"

Ding Xiaoxiang pretended to be calm, and immediately walked to her room, opened the door and went in, closing the door immediately.

"I have to talk to Zhao Dahai next time. I definitely can't bring food!"

"It's too easy to show off!"

Ding Xiaoxiang put her hands under her nose and smelled it. Not only did it smell, but it was also very strong. No wonder I smelled it just now.

Ding Xiaoxiang packed up her things and lay down on the bed to sleep. She had been worried about Lin Zuhua and Zhao Dahai since last night, so she never slept well. She was really tired and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.


"What the hell does this taste like?"

"It really smells good. The key is that it's so familiar! Where have you ever smelled this kind of smell? Or have you ever eaten something like this?"

Zhang Li frowned and thought carefully. For a while, she couldn't figure out what the smell was, and it slowly disappeared.

"What did Ding Xiaoxiang eat at Yang Qin's house?"

"If you really ate at Yang Qin's house, why didn't you tell me?"

Zhang Li didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

It must be Ding Xiaoxiang's smell.

I really went to Yang Qin's house just now. If I eat at Yang Qin's house, I can't dodge it.

Could it be that he went somewhere else?

What kind of person did you see?

Zhao Dahai?

The more Zhang Li thought about it, the more she realized it was possible.


I saw Yang Qin another day, so I had to ask carefully to see if the two really met tonight.

Zhang Li's face was a little ugly.

If Ding Xiaoxiang really goes out to meet Zhao Dahai at night, it proves that the relationship between the two is closer than he imagined.

This matter absolutely cannot continue like this.

In case someone else happens to meet Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang at their big night, is it all right?

Zhang Li didn't even think about watching TV at all. When she returned to her room and took the cabin, the more she thought about it, the more she felt a headache, and she couldn't sleep all night.

Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai drove the tricycle back to the yard, just stopped, Xiao Naihei jumped out of the car immediately, and got in as soon as the yard door opened.

When Zhao Dahai walked into the main room, Xiao Nai Hei was already lying at the feet of grandma Zhong Cuihua.


"It's a longing to go home!"

Zhao Dahai laughed.

Zhao Dahai chatted with his grandma Zhong Cuihua for a while, then returned to his room and took a look at the lure rod on the shelf in the corner. He remembered that when he bought the rod today, he bought a few books along with it. He took it out and read it carefully. stand up.

"So that's what happened!"

"It looks like I really need to read more!"

Zhao Dahai opened the book and soon discovered how to deal with the bottom-hanging situation he encountered this afternoon. These are simple and basic questions that can be understood at a glance.

It's getting daylight.

There was a rooster crowing outside the window.

Zhao Dahai stood up, feeling a little backache, left the room, walked out of the yard, and stood at the door, looking at the dark but whitish sea.

Interest is really the best teacher!

Zhao Dahai found it a bit funny. He had never read a book so seriously in his life, and he read all four thick books all night long.

Not a fishing book?

It makes me fall asleep.

"The next step is to practice!"

"See if you can catch a fish!"

Zhao Dahai turned around and went back to the kitchen. It was almost five o'clock. There was no need to sleep. He cooked breakfast, finished eating, went fishing, played with lures, and tried to see if he could catch more fish.

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