Pingjiang is a flat city. The vast plains give it almost unlimited space for development. The buildings of the city expand in all directions, so that the city center is quite sparse.

The wind in the city is very strong, no matter which intersection you stand at, you can feel the wind coming, as if standing in a wave of air, those vehicles and pedestrians who do not obey the traffic rules, like It was a rampage like rolled up sand and stones.

When Yang Rui got off the round-headed commuter car, what he felt was the chaotic wind and what he saw was the chaotic streets. Soliciting tricycles and cargo carts jammed in front of the bus station, dragging passers-by to bid prices; gangsters in jeans or green army trousers squinted at the passing crowd, grabbed an apple from a vendor and stuffed it Into the mouth; two- to four-story buildings stand scattered around, and you can see clothes drying, green plants and pigeon cages.

What is interesting is that the styles of clothes people wear are surprisingly consistent, and the colors are mostly gray. Thinking about it carefully, the same is true of Xi County and Xibao Town, but because there are fewer people and fewer spacious commercial streets, they can't feel it.

Occasionally, a girl in a red or yellow skirt will pass by, regardless of her appearance or figure, it is enough to make people's eyes shine.

This is a gray city.

Gray air, gray streets, gray clothes, gray bicycles, gray vehicles, gray buildings, gray moods and gray skies.

The noise in his ears and the chaos in his eyes made Yang Rui frown. Apart from the huge scale, Pingjiang at this time is not more prosperous than the county town of later generations, but it is more chaotic and dirty than the county town of later generations.

"Living here is really better than living in the country." Yang Rui rubbed the black ash on his feet, shook his head, and found a tricycle to go to Shiyi Middle School.

Resource cities have never been a good place to live. However, wealth is often gathered. From time to time on the road, you can see a few cars that clearly belong to individuals. Most of them have military signs, but the people inside often don't see any soldiers. like.

Privileged cars are a sign of the times. In the days when there were no private cars, if you didn't find a way to find a powerful license plate, you would have more troubles when driving.

The tricycle took Yang Rui directly to the No. 1 Middle School guest house, which is only one step away from the gate of No. 1 Middle School. As long as there is a letter of introduction from the state unit, he can stay.

Shi Gui trotted to greet him, took Yang Rui's bag with a smile, and said, "It's not easy to walk on the road, is it? It's always said that roads are repaired, but they have never been repaired. I have already booked the room. You can rest for a while, and I will Please eat."

"Eat in no hurry,

You take the receipt and go to the bus station to pick up the book. That book stand also has our books? "Yang Rui relaxed a little, handed over the pick-up list to Shi Gui, and began to observe the surroundings.

In terms of sales ability, he may not be as expensive as Shi Gui, but at least his vision is not bad.

The advertisement outside the book booth is very conspicuous, but the color seems to be gray. Because of the scarcity of colored pigments, Yang Rui did not consider this layer when he designed the posters in school. He thought that the provincial capital would at least be like The ordinary cities in the later generations are so gorgeous and splendid, I feel that the gray advertising posters are not a bad idea.

I never thought that the current provincial capital would look so dilapidated.

Shi Gui didn't think there was a problem, and said with a smile: "Everything with a big pictorial is selling New Concept English. In the past two days, nearly 200 copies have been sold. It should be said that the sales volume has increased a bit."

"Big Pictorial is what you named it?"

"It was started by Boss Jia of this bookstore, isn't it very conspicuous? Many students came to look at the paintings on it, and after looking at them, they bought a copy."

"That's right, it's should be more conspicuous. I brought a new advertisement, which contains the slogan of the second volume of New Concept English. Let's buy some bright watercolors and crayons, and make the advertisement colorful at night."

Shi Gui paused, and said, "Is it necessary? The current advertisement is also quite good."

"I have to tell everyone that the second volume of New Concept English has arrived. Our situation is bad enough. I can't hold on if I try to expand sales." Yang Rui said half-jokingly, and then said: "I owe The bank has 12,500 yuan to print the second volume of New Concept English, you said, it can sell 500 copies a day."

"Ah... yes, that's right." Shi Gui couldn't help shivering when he heard 12,500 yuan. It wasn't worry, but excitement.

According to the profit sharing, if he can really sell 20,000 New Concept English books, he can earn at least 1,000 yuan, which is a lot of money.

There was a seller of watercolor pens and crayons near the school, and the two spent one night coloring the drawing paper brought by Yang Ruixin.

Early the next morning, Shi Gui rode a tricycle and started delivering goods around.

Pingjiang is a big city, but this is from the point of view of the 1980s. At this time, Beijing was only the size of the Second Ring Road, and the capital of Hedong Province was so big that walking was not the main mode of transportation.

Yang Rui was waiting in the book booth closest to No. 1 Middle School, chatting with Boss Jia while waiting for the sales time to come.

This is a brand new experience, a bit like waiting for students to come to the door after posting a small advertisement, but it is not the same, because the current job is not familiar to him.

He is familiar with teaching and biology, he can copy and write textbooks, but he doesn't know how to sell.

Fortunately, the big red characters of "New Concept English Volume 2 Arrived" played a role.

When noon came, without Yang Rui yelling, some students took the initiative to come to ask: "Where is the second volume of your New Concept English?"

Yang Rui immediately gave it to him.

Jiefang Printing Factory is an old factory, and the printed "New Concept English" is just a white paper. There are several large characters of New Concept English on the cover, followed by the first or second volume, and the inner pages are also the simplest typesetting , looks ordinary.

The student who got the book looked at it for a while and asked, "Is it true?"

"The content is true." Boss Jia replied with a smile.

The student showed a clear expression, and then began to look down, obviously to confirm the content.

Even a pirated version of New Concept English costs RMB 1.80, which is what an ordinary student spends for a week. You have to understand it before you can buy it.

However, there are very few textbooks and tutorials now, and the choices for students are far from as rich as those of later generations.

As more and more students come to read books, the book booth is also full of people.

But none of the students paid.

Yang Rui's expression became more and more dignified. For him, this was definitely not a good sign. He not only wants to sell books, but also wants to sell books quickly.

If the students here are hesitant to pay, it may be guessed that most of the students are hesitant to pay.

"Please give me the second volume of New Concept English." Another girl with a schoolbag came to the booth. She lowered her head and said something, then looked at Yang Rui quietly from the corner of her eyes.

With less TV and TV shows these days and fewer live events, the chances of meeting really handsome guys are rare.

Yang Rui is very proud. We ran and bench press so hard, isn't it just for a good figure? So he smiled back, and then reached for the book.

Then, it was empty.

"I'm sorry, all the books are here. Just wait a moment." Yang Rui pointed at the people around him with a smile on his face. Seeing young and lovely female students always makes people feel better.

"It's okay, I'll wait for them to finish watching." The female student smiled shyly at Yang Rui, then took a step back shyly, and glanced at the others inadvertently.

A boy who was closest to her seemed to feel the pressure. He looked around and looked at the book in his hand, and suddenly said, "There are so many people?"

"Well, have you chosen?" Yang Rui said kindly.

The boy glanced at the empty bookshelf in the book booth, then at the cute girl who was "watching", and suddenly made a decision: "I bought it, it's one yuan and eight, right?"


"Here you are." The boy handed over the money to Boss Jia, and with a copy of New Concept English Volume 2, he turned and left.

The young and lovely girl turned her gaze, and then glanced at the girl on the right.

Like a chain reaction, the girl who was watched decisively took out one yuan and eight cents to Boss Jia, put the New Concept English in her bag, and left quickly.

One student after another began to pay, and from beginning to end, no books were returned.

Maybe some students still want to wait, but seeing that the "New Concept English Volume II" in the bookstore has fallen into the hands of other students, no one is willing to return it.

More and more students decided to pay, and some people negotiated with each other to buy together, but no matter what they decided, no one returned the books to the book booth.

"Is there no book?" The cute girl summoned up her courage and asked Yang Rui directly.

"Sorry, I prepared a total of 30 copies today, I thought it was quite a lot. If they are sold out, you can come and take a look this afternoon." Yang Rui felt excited when he said this.

Shi Gui found a total of about 40 bookstores to distribute the goods. Each bookstore has 30 books. If all books are sold, it will be 1200 books. Even if this number is discounted by half, it will perfectly meet Yang Rui's request.

What's more, maybe I can sell some books in the afternoon.

Soon, all the second volumes of New Concept English were sold out. Someone naturally picked up the remaining volume one of New Concept English and asked, "Is this a set?"

"Yes, the first volume of New Concept English is more suitable for beginners, from the simplest word part to the difficulty of the second grade, and the second volume is about the difficulty of high school." Yang Rui explained briefly.

The boy who spoke accidentally opened the white paper, quickly flipped halfway back, and read it seriously.

Gradually, more and more people picked up the first volume.

As Yang Rui said, the first volume of New Concept English is the most suitable for most students, especially for the current students who lack foundation, reciting or reading the first volume will have good results.

Although some students gave up on buying the first book—they thought the first half was too easy to waste, some students still started to buy the first book.

When the flow of people became sparse, there were only a few copies of the unsalable first volume of New Concept English in Boss Jia's place.

"Sold it!" Sending off the last person, Yang Rui sat down on the saddle, feeling that it was harder than doing two sets of experiments, but his mood was extremely happy. are reading this, if any!

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