There is no doubt that this is false public benefit.

But it makes sense.

To be more precise about this location, it is the Economic Development Zone of Xijiang County, Dongjiang City.

Xijiang County has abundant water resources. As early as the 1950s and 1960s, two small hydropower stations were built in the county.

It’s just that the technology at that time was not enough. The installed capacity of a single station was only 500 kilowatts, but it basically covered several major towns in the county.

In Chen Yang's memory, almost from the beginning of his memory, he knew that there was such a thing as electric lights, and he seldom lit candles and kerosene lamps at home.

On the contrary, after it got a little bigger, because it had to supply power to factories and busy farming seasons, there were more power outages than in the 1980s.

I remember one time at my grandma’s house, when the power went out at night, I lit a candle to watch a storytelling session. I accidentally burned the mosquito net, and then he immediately tore the mosquito net off, successfully avoiding burning the tarpaulin on the roof.

Just to put out the fire, they took the quilt and smashed it, and burned another quilt.

In the mid-1990s, probably at that time, many enterprises in the county were developing well and demanded a lot of electricity, so the two small hydropower stations that had been upgraded many times were upgraded again, and the installed capacity of each station was expanded to two times 25,000 kilowatts.

Not only that, but at the Xijiang Reservoir, a new multi-unit hydropower station was built with a total capacity of up to 200,000 kilowatts, and the voltage level was increased to supply power to industrial and agricultural production.

It's a pity that just after the hydropower station was built, one or two of those enterprises collapsed, so the county connected three hydropower stations to the grid, and all the unused electricity in the county was transmitted to the Jiangbei power grid.

That is to say, since then, Xijiang County has almost no power cuts.

Ahem, Chen Yang doesn't understand the installed capacity of these things, and he listened to the latter when he consulted with the director of the county government paint.

When Director Qi heard that there was a new project of Damai plus Shouhu plus Qiandu plus goose factory plus Jingdong,

Well, Jingdong has never heard of it, but it doesn't matter, the first four are enough, so he hurriedly reported to Zhou County,

When Zhou County heard about it, he immediately called Chen Yang himself. After learning about the project situation,

Well, he doesn’t know anything else, but he knows that it is a very, very, very power-hungry thing.

Without further ado, I immediately promised that as long as this project is settled in Xijiang, even if the county government loses power, Xijiang's electricity will be supplied to the computer room first.

You can even build another hydroelectric power station,

And only charge the cost price!

He didn't need to go to the county government office meeting to discuss this matter, so he dared to make a decision directly.

Not to mention barley, and Jingdong doesn't need to mention it, it doesn't matter if there are any taxes or not.

What is whoosh? What is a thousand degrees? What is a goose factory?

As long as these uncles can attract one, it will be a great achievement, let alone come together.

Zhou County only worries about two things now,

1. Can Chen Yang handle it?

2. Will Dongjiang City, or even the provincial capital, come to grab business? !

If the boss above comes to grab it, he can't compete!

As for his two concerns, Chen Yang naturally didn't know, especially the second one he couldn't control,

But the first thing,

Three seconds after his voice fell, Lao Zhang shrugged first, "I have no objection."

The electricity bill is only 40 cents, which can save millions of electricity bills a year.

There is an airport within 50 kilometers, and the transportation is convenient. What's more, compared with the west, the central region is not so unacceptable.

And it seems that there are many dolls here in the company, maybe they prefer to be closer to home,

How nice it is to enjoy the consumption of my hometown with the salary of Beijin,

What else is there to say!

Lao Li and Xiao Ma looked at each other, and they both smiled and nodded without any other comments.

In this way, the big data project will initially settle in Xijiang.

First recruit the commercial vehicle that has been following the whole process for the past few days, and the four of them returned to Donghe Building and formally signed a cooperation agreement.

As for the celebration banquet,

The three bosses all expressed their gratitude to Bumin,

After seven days of getting along, the relationship between the few people has improved by leaps and bounds, and they are not afraid of hurting others when they speak.

Before leaving, Xiao Ma held Chen Yang's hand, and said with a sigh, "I used to think that barley was very profitable, but after I came here, I realized how miserable your life is. Next time I go back to the deep battle, brother treats you to a good meal." !"

Chen Yang lowered his eyebrows, last time and this time, did the five-star hotel he ate the day before feed the dog?

Lao Li patted him on the shoulder, "I'll treat you to dumplings when I go to Beijing for the Olympics next year!"

Lao Zhang patted his other shoulder, "Brother will take you to Houhai, have fun!"

Chen Yang waved his hand with a dark face, "It's good to leave!"


Back in the office, Huang Shan and Qin Yu slumped on the sofa wearily. As for the other people involved in the negotiation, Ye Yingzi and Han Qinya were not qualified to come, but Professor Huang,

Well, according to Huang Shan, Professor Huang went fishing!

Chen Yang rubbed his face vigorously, and after pondering for two seconds, he asked seriously, "Is he serious about fishing?"

Huang Shan rolled her eyes and thought about it, then narrowed her eyes and said, "It shouldn't be serious,

I heard that he wants to learn from Jiang Taigong, he would rather pick from the straight than the song, reckoning, he should be able to catch a few big cows. "

Chen Yang nodded silently. Big data is a cutting-edge application technology. It should not be difficult to catch a big cow. Professor Huang is an expert in communication. It is a bit difficult for him to do big data research. Foreign aid must be invited.

At this time, Qin Yu interjected, "I made a bet with Mr. Huang, if he can catch an academician back, I will give him an additional 500 million in research and development funds."

Although she didn't work in Damai, and the position of assistant to the chairman was also given to Huang Shan, but this point can still be done by the master. What's more, she also knows what Chen Yang thinks. If this matter can be done, the boss will definitely not would object.

Chen Yang's face froze, and he glared at her angrily,

It's really a beautiful idea to be an academician.

Those academicians are either engaged in academic theoretical research or basic applied research. This kind of front-end applied things can be caught...


Huh, it's like buying a lottery ticket, keep a little thought,

What if it really works?

Think about it, there is still a little expectation!

But Huang Shan immediately poured cold water on him, even though she was speaking to Qin Yu,

"Your bet is very attractive. An academician is 500 million. I would be willing to add another 10 billion. Unfortunately, I can only think about it. Big data research and development are fine, and supercomputing research and development are not too far away!"

According to Chen Yang's promise at the beginning, 20% of barley's sales will be used for research and development expenses. This year's barley sales will reach more than 10 billion. According to preliminary estimates, next year's research and development expenses will be more than 3 billion.

In other words, almost half of Barley's profits will be given to the R\u0026D department.

Fortunately, there is still a fireworks.

Therefore, the barley research and development department is definitely not short of funds.

But who would think too much money,

If it is really necessary to add an additional 10 billion R\u0026D funds, Chen Yang has no objection.

It's a pity that this is just a good wish, and none of them believes that this project can really attract academicians to join them.

Among other things, in terms of the number of academicians alone, the universities in the south really don't have much advantage, not to mention Beijin and Shanghai, and even Jiangcheng is better than Guangzhou.

Professor Huang's personal connections are basically in the local area, and it is unlikely that he will be drawn from other places, and almost none of them will be drawn from the local area.

Hey, let's wash up and sleep.

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