At this time, Huang Shan said, "In addition to the big data project, the company also has a game platform. In addition, the camera R\u0026D team also needs to increase manpower to set up a company.

Professor Huang has discussed with me, and his idea is that it is time for Barley to set up its own research institute.

In addition, with the increase of barley research and development projects, he is also somewhat powerless in overall management, so it is suggested that we find a new person in charge as soon as possible. "

Chen Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at her in surprise, "Professor Huang is leaving?"

It's been less than a year since I've been here, why do you want to leave the picker and leave?

What's more, the big data project is about to launch, so he is not interested at all?

Huang Shan shook her head and said, "It's not about leaving, or proceeding from reality, I suggest that we find a new person in charge of R\u0026D.

His specialty is in communication. When he was working on mobile phone operating systems, he exposed some shortcomings. Fortunately, it was the second research and development that made him barely able to win.

But the development of Barley is too fast. He himself feels that he is not qualified for the position of R\u0026D leader, no matter in terms of energy or ability, so he specifically asked me to say this. "

Chen Yang nodded lightly, "Understood."

After pondering for two seconds, he raised his head and said to Huang Shan, "In this case, let's do as Huang Lao wants."

Huang Shan pursed her lips and nodded lightly, "Understood."

Chen Yang rubbed his face again, waved his hands and said, "You have also worked hard for several days, go back and have a good rest, and we will talk about something in two days."

Tomorrow is Sunday, which happens to be a holiday. Goodbye is Monday.

As soon as he was about to get up and leave, Huang Shan said without moving, "You don't need to worry about other things, but what do you plan to do with the money Xiao Yu earned outside?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang sat back before leaving the chair, Chen Yang frowned slightly, and said, "What's your opinion?"

This time, Qin Yu successfully intercepted the beard and made a total of 68 billion. Apart from leaving 7 billion for the people below to trade, there must be a solution for other money.

Fortunately, Rainbow Valley Capital's own trading seat was used before, and the money was also in the company's own account, otherwise it would be a hassle to transfer it out.

Now we just need to think about what to do with the money.

Hearing Chen Yang's words,

Huang Shan combed her hair, thought for a while and said, "Last time I asked you what your future capital plan is, and the answer you gave me was that there will be investment at home and abroad in the future.

At first, I thought that in the future, the money earned in China will be invested in China, and the money earned abroad will be invested abroad, but now..."

As he spoke, he looked at Qin Yu helplessly, the meaning was self-evident,

Qin Yu shrugged calmly, "Is it wrong for Miss Ben to make a lot of money?"

Huang Shan immediately raised her hands, "That's right, it's Miss Ben who made the mistake, I didn't plan ahead!"

Qin Yu raised his head proudly, but remained silent.

How dare she say anything? In the past, in the domestic stock market, although there were many pitfalls, they were basically intra-market tricks. If you win, celebrate and lose. I have never heard of anyone going to revenge along the network cable.

But this time it was an unprecedented encounter, my old life was almost lost outside, my little heart is still jumping up and down,

Scared my wife to death!

Huang Shan took a deep breath, thought for a while and said, "I have also taken time to think about this issue in the past few days. My idea is that the money should be kept abroad first, and the financial supervision outside is relatively loose, especially the UBS, which is almost Come in and go out at any time, both safety and convenience are taken into account, and it is also convenient when you need to use it.

Looking back, we can also register several more accounts, or disperse them to different banks, which can also weaken a little risk.

As for the country, if there is a need, it can be transferred on demand at that time, and there will be no delay. "

Chen Yang thought for a while, UBS bowed its head to the United States, it seems that it will be ten years later, at least now it is still very secure, so he nodded lightly, "Okay, I will do as you said."

To be honest, he didn't dare to transfer the money back. The 60 billion U.S. dollars in cash was transferred into the country at one time. Believe it or not, he will be interviewed before the money arrives!

Only a fool would do something like this asking for trouble.

The three of them packed up their things and left the office.

In the corridor, Huang Shan said casually, "The company's annual meeting is scheduled for February 1st, the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month. Remember to attend then."

February 1st?

Chen Yang stopped and looked at her in surprise, "Has it been finalized yet?"

Huang Shan gave him a weird look, nodded and said, "Yes, the first two days will be the new year, and in the future, many employees will ask for leave to go home. This time is relatively the most suitable. Why, Can't you?"

Generally speaking, Chen Yang doesn't need to agree to such trivial matters, she can decide by herself. Why does it look like the boss is not very happy?

Can Chen Yang be happy?

February 1st happened to be the time when the snowstorm was the worst, and your company held an annual meeting?

It's not impossible, just close the door and let the outside know, it's fine.

But it just feels weird.

Looking at Chen Yang's face, Huang Shan's mouth curled slightly, and she said seriously, "Now the company has nearly 2,000 people in total. The notice has already been sent out. You don't want to reschedule, do you?"

It's just an annual meeting, so what?


Chen Yang took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile and waved his hands, "No, it will be held normally."

Speaking of last year's annual meeting, there was only Anjia Real Estate as a company, and I only had 18 people.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, one company after another opened, and the number of people was close to 2,000.

This speed of development is moving even thinking about it!

However, when Huang Shan mentioned this incident, Chen Yang thought of another question.

"By the way, how are the preparations for the promotional materials after the Spring Festival next year?"

"no problem,"

Huang Shan pressed the elevator button and said, "Mr. Zhong of the supply chain told me the day before yesterday that all materials will be put into storage from next Monday, and they can be completed before New Year's Day."

Chen Yang asked again, "What about the quantity? Is it enough?"

Huang Shan looked at him helplessly, "According to your request, 50,000 tents, 1 million gift packages including raincoats, umbrellas and towels, can't go wrong!"

Really, until now she can't figure it out, why does Boss Chen have to order so many materials, so many tents, they can all be used for disaster relief, okay?

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, "Fifty thousand tents? One million gift bags?"

Huang Shan glanced at her and said helplessly, "The boss said that he wants to give back to consumers. The gift bags are all used as promotional gifts, and the tents will also be sent to the whole country, at least to the towns!"

Qin Yu immediately glanced at someone, and muttered, "It's really rich to burn!"

Chen Yang pouted, and decided not to argue with her.

When they got downstairs, the three parted ways,

Qin Yu and Huang Shan went back to their new dormitory, which is the Banana Apartment in Zhujiang New Town. They have already moved in.

On the contrary, the four buildings next to it will not wait for their new owners until after the Spring Festival, and it will be another big project at that time.


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