Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 709 Article 10

After hearing Boss Chen's words, Huang Shan couldn't help but frown slightly.

"You are a bit picky, don't you think? Not to mention that it is an art exhibition with a high refresh rate. Even if it is a traditional corporate brand that provides basic necessities, who can guarantee that it can maintain its popularity?!"

Nothing can be sought after all the time. Even Jackson, who popularized the paper art exhibition, may be forgotten.

If he had not died unexpectedly in later generations, perhaps he would have gradually lived in people's memories like his predecessors, and would no longer have the appeal to climb high and call upon everyone to follow him.

But the boss requires that every art exhibition be a hit. Unless huge publicity resources can be invested and the quality of the exhibition can be guaranteed, there is a higher possibility.

This is not 100%. After all, there are so many works that have had bad luck. Who can guarantee that they will always be successful?

Boss Chen will certainly not understand this truth.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Others may not work, but there is one thing that will definitely work."

Huang Shan raised her eyebrows slightly and asked curiously, "What?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Feng Shui!"


Huang Shan slapped her hand on the table and shouted with annoyance, "Oh, why did I forget this!"

Chen Yang looked at Zou Rong, whose face was full of curiosity, and said with a smile on the phone, "Why, when I was studying abroad and working abroad, were there colleagues who were obsessed with Feng Shui?"

Judging from Huang Shan's reaction, it is obvious that she also knows the influence of Feng Shui in the West. This is much simpler and saves him the effort to explain.

"What do you call it? There are a lot of them, okay?"

Huang Shan said in a dumbfounded voice, "We have been influenced by the education we have had since childhood, and subconsciously we think this is feudal superstition, but other foreigners really believe it.

In their eyes, Feng Shui is a scientific discipline, no different from architecture, environmental studies, psychology, etc.

Don't tell me, it's not unreasonable that Feng Shui has been popular for three thousand years, and based on what I've seen abroad, it should continue to be popular, and even spread all over the world! "

After a pause, he added, "Okay, I understand. That's why you called me, right? OK, I know what to do.

The plans for the three exhibitions of clothing, woodware, and musical instruments remain unchanged, and another item of Feng Shui will be added,"

Then he shook his head and said to himself, "Well, you don't have to wait until next time. This paper art exhibition will be held for a while. You can definitely add the content of Feng Shui to it. It will definitely make Jackson interested in this exhibition." Those who are interested will become die-hard fans, and it will also serve as a warm-up for the next exhibition!”

After saying that, regardless of Boss Chen's reaction, he hung up the phone.

When she hung up again, Boss Chen could only shrug helplessly, throw the phone aside, reach out to let go of Zou Rong, put the computer in front of him, and said at the same time,

“Netizens are one of the easiest groups to be influenced. As long as they are popular and guided by a few posts with high appeal, their attitudes can easily be influenced.

So, despite the fact that there are many people online who are questioning the paper art exhibition, once the next few exhibitions continue to gain popularity and a few more press releases are issued with praise from foreigners, this situation will change a lot.

On the contrary, for those who firmly believe that foreign moons are rounder, getting them to admit that our country's civilization is more advanced and more vital is even more difficult than climbing to the sky. "

Chen Yang has not only seen this kind of people online, but also met several people in real life.

You say that our national satellite has been launched into the sky, and he says that it is years behind Europe and the United States. You say that we have built the International Space Station, but they say that it is something that the United States does not want.

How many meters can our Jiaolong dive? He said that American civilian models are better than this.

What a civilian, capitalist country. As long as the public relations funds are in place, even cartridges of ammunition can be handed over to private arms manufacturers. A large part of their technological peak is in the hands of large group companies, okay?

Fifth-generation fighters, nuclear-powered submarines, and aircraft carriers, which ones are not manufactured by private companies? !

Anyway, even if you tell them that China has a history of more than 4,000 years, how many glories and twists and turns it has had, and what events have happened in history, they will definitely turn a blind eye and ignore them. Instead, they will regard pale lies from abroad as truth.

For this kind of banana with yellow skin and white heart, Chen Yang had only one word for them:

"Die" early and get out of the frying pan!

Seeing her husband playing with the computer, Zou Rong pouted and said disapprovingly, "There are big trees with dead branches, and there are inevitably some black sheep everywhere. People want to be dogs, and you can't help them be human. Just ignore them. .”


Chen Yang frowned pretending to be dissatisfied and turned to stare at her, "Why are you talking?"

Zou Rong blinked in confusion, what was wrong?

Chen Yang's eyes widened, "How can you insult a dog casually? Dogs are so cute!"


Zou Rong grinned and couldn't help but hit it with her head.

Chen Yang laughed and hugged her, and continued to browse the hot search list on Weibo.

The tenth most searched question, where is Chen Yang?

The eighth hot search, paper art exhibition stunning Paris!

The seventh hot search, Jackson Guangzhou fan meeting.

Chen Yang curled his lips. The news from a week ago was still hanging on it. I'm afraid the hundreds of celebrity fans who squeezed in played a big role.

But he didn't click in to take a look. Although he liked Jackson better, he wasn't obsessed with him. In Zou Rong's words, there were only three and a half people who could be his idols. Three of them are no longer there, and Half of them exist in the human world, so they are regarded as demigods by him.

As for Jackson, at best he can just appreciate it;

The reason why I invited him to come to China and made all the arrangements so diligently was to put it bluntly, I just wanted to borrow his influence.

Ahem, it should be mutual benefit and win-win cooperation!


The fifth most popular search topic is Ten Things to Stabilize the Economy and Expand Domestic Demand.

My eyes stayed on this keyword and I clicked on this topic without hesitation.

Only then did Chen Yang discover that the above-mentioned economic stimulus plan had been officially launched at the beginning of this month.

And it once dominated the charts in popularity, until a few days ago, it gradually declined.

This article is related to Chen Yang, mainly because of the several measures in it, which are closely related to the business of Rainbow Group.

Article 1: Accelerate the construction of affordable housing projects, increase support for the construction of low-rent housing, accelerate the renovation of shantytowns, implement nomadic settlement projects, and expand pilot projects for the renovation of dilapidated rural houses.

This is related to the housing project.

However, from the perspective of the continuity of domestic policies, it can also be seen as the core position of the real estate industry as an engine for social and economic development has been once again strengthened, further confirming the positioning of the real estate industry as a driving force for social and economic development.


Hengli Company is currently the largest real estate company in China with the highest turnover, the most projects, and the widest business scope. As early as its establishment, Hengli Company signed an agreement on old city reconstruction and housing projects with local governments such as Xijiang County. ,

This measure at this time is almost tailor-made for Hengli.

In these aspects, based on the old city reconstruction plan proposed by Chen Yang, Hengli’s experience can be said to be ahead of most of its peers. Coupled with Hengli’s size, it is conceivable that Hengli can benefit from this piece of cake. How big a piece will be taken in the middle.

Article 2: Accelerate the construction of rural infrastructure, increase rural biogas, drinking water safety projects and rural road construction, improve rural power grids, accelerate the construction of major water conservancy projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and the elimination and reinforcement of dangerous reservoirs, and strengthen water-saving renovations in large irrigation areas. Increase poverty alleviation and development efforts.

This article is a continuation of the issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and is also the beginning of paying attention to infrastructure work.

Putting rural and infrastructure work in the second place, second only to the real estate industry, which is the core of the entire social economy, this shows how much attention is paid to this aspect.

In addition, rural areas with weak infrastructure do have broader room for development.

Except for a few well-known model rural areas, anywhere in the country can be regarded as drawing on a blank paper. Such infrastructure planning is naturally better.

When implemented, it is easier to see results.

Under Chen Yang, Mayflower Company's projects include related aspects, such as rural infrastructure transformation, which is a mandatory requirement after the project achieves initial results.

This is great. The new measures will be issued, and with them, there will definitely be a large amount of funds. No matter what proportion is implemented, for Mayflower Company, a large amount of funds can be saved. Invest in other aspects,

Great use!

In addition, Hengli Road and Bridge Company has also been officially established at this time, and Hengli Road and Bridge can also participate in related rural highway projects.

Tsk tsk, it’s Hengli again,

No wonder it is said that real estate can be related to all traditional industries, and it is indeed well-deserved!

Keep reading,

Article 4: Accelerate the development of medical, health and cultural education, strengthen the construction of grassroots medical and health service systems, accelerate the renovation of rural junior high school buildings in the central and western regions, and promote the construction of special education schools and township comprehensive cultural stations in the central and western regions,

This corresponds to the two newly established charity projects, and there are also companies operating these two businesses in the future industrial new city.

Then, during the westward migration of industries and the implementation of charity projects, relevant companies can participate.

Article 6: Accelerate independent innovation and structural adjustment, support high-tech industrialization construction and industrial technological progress, and support the development of the service industry.

Hey, talking about this, I have to mention Creating the Future,

What does Creating the Future do?

Provide nanny-style services through a platform model, dedicated to incubating innovative and entrepreneurial projects.

Doesn’t this hit the target of independent innovation?

As for structural adjustment,

The two plans of the three-dimensional comprehensive industrial network and the relocation of industrial clusters correspond exactly to this.

What a coincidence!

Article 10: Increase financial support for economic growth,

Eliminate restrictions on the credit scale of commercial banks, reasonably expand the credit scale, increase credit support for key projects, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", small and medium-sized enterprises, technological transformation, mergers and reorganizations, and cultivate and consolidate consumer credit growth points in a targeted manner.

Ahem, this last one is the main reason why later generations will be so critical of this measure.

I dare not say much here,


Speaking of which, the comments online were later biased.

Many so-called economists, sociologists, and scholars, in order to attract attention and gain fans, deliberately make alarmist remarks and set the pace online.

I won’t go into details then.

However, from the ten measures in this plan, we can see that the above economic stimulus plan is from top to bottom, from east to west, from inside to outside, covering people's livelihood, especially infrastructure and business environment all aspects of

It is definitely not a flood of water with no technical content as those people above said.

From the perspective of reality and results, it cannot be denied that the liberalization of the financial industry has had an important impact on the overheating of the economy in later generations.

However, it would be biased and even unfair to ignore or even deny the significance and role of the "Ten Measures to Stabilize the Economy and Expand Domestic Demand" because of the negative effects in certain aspects.

Unfortunately, most of the experts and scholars who would affirm the effectiveness of the "Ten Points" are academics, and their remarks are naturally denied by many netizens.

The butt determines the mouth,

The actual effect it can have is too low.

On the contrary, those self-media who pretend to be experts make a lot of money through scaremongering and setting the pace...

As for the social effects produced, who do they care? !

Even Chen Yang has been misled before.

However, for now, this one just hits Boss Chen’s head!

Very simple,

Looking further up, the third most popular search topic is the hot topic that just came out today.

"Rainbow International Bank is established!"

Theoretically speaking, Rainbow International Bank was officially established more than half a month ago, but according to domestic customs, it still lacked a grand opening ceremony.

Moreover, domestic companies obtain financial licenses and company business licenses at the same time as Europe and the United States.

Since then, Rainbow International Bank has become a large multinational financial institution spanning more than 70 countries on five continents!


Although the handover of Santander Bank is still in progress, this does not affect the fact that the relevant branches have been included in Rainbow International Bank.

Therefore, it is no wonder that these large financial companies always like to use mergers and acquisitions to expand.

If you spend an astronomical sum of money, your size will grow exponentially. It is indeed much easier and faster than working hard to expand the market on your own.

At this time, Rainbow Group used this method. Although it failed to complete the acquisition of Santander Bank, it could be regarded as achieving its strategic goal and successfully became one of the large multinational financial institutions.

As long as the part of the annexation of Santander Bank is completely digested, Rainbow Group's position in the world's financial community will be stable.

In the context of the lingering financial crisis, the establishment of such a large financial institution will naturally attract special attention.

Not to mention that the actual controller behind this bank is Rainbow Financial Group, which is related to the legendary domestic entrepreneur Chen Yang.

Therefore, as soon as this topic came out, it was pushed to the third position on the hot list by the majority of netizens.

If nothing else happens, we should be able to reach the top before midnight tomorrow.

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