Five of the ten measures are related to Boss Chen’s industries.

Especially the last financial opening policy is equivalent to a piece of pie falling directly on the head of the newly established Rainbow International Bank.

And several of the core points, such as increasing credit support for key projects, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", small and medium-sized enterprises, technological transformation, mergers and reorganizations, are completely consistent with the strategic plan formulated by Chen Yang.

In this wave, Boss Chen is directly standing on the trend of the times.

However, his face didn't seem too happy, but rather a little doubtful.

After closing the Rainbow Bank page, he opened Qiandu to search for Ten Measures to Stabilize the Economy and Expand Domestic Demand. Looking at the page, Chen Yang frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Zou Rong held his arm, tilted her head and looked at his face, "Huh? What's wrong?"


Chen Yang smiled at her and looked at the web page, "I'm looking at the funding direction of this economic stimulus plan and the categories of key projects."

Zou Rong looked at the web page in confusion, then looked at him, "Is there any problem?"

"It's not a problem,"

Chen Yang shook his head and said softly, "Political matters aside, there are seven projects with substantial funding destinations. Each of these seven projects is related to people's livelihood. It can be said that once implemented, it will definitely stimulate investment from the whole society. , to stabilize the current somewhat tortuous economic situation,

Moreover, the implementation of people's livelihood projects will naturally strengthen and improve urban and rural infrastructure conditions, benefiting the people.

Measures to accelerate independent innovation and structural adjustment can also actively promote the strategic adjustment of the economic structure and the transformation of the development model.

However, there is nothing in it that involves ‘Internet+’ and ‘Industry 4.0’. "

Hearing this, Zou Rong was a little confused. She was stunned for several seconds before saying, "'Internet+' and 'Industry 4.0' are new concepts you just proposed this year. It should be normal not to have this!"

Moreover, you have not disclosed ‘Industry 4.0’ to the outside world. Apart from our own people, only Professor Liu and others know about it. Maybe even the higher-ups don’t know about this concept. "

"That's not what I said,"

Chen Yang shook his head and said seriously, "I don't mean to deliberately promote myself. After all, if these two points can be added to the economic stimulus plan, it will be of great benefit to my reputation.

As for saying I don’t know, I don’t think so.

Professor Liu originally had the status of an advisor to a first-level ministry. It was impossible for him not to report such a valuable thing to his superiors.

If the above know, whether it is ‘Internet+’ or ‘Industry 4.0’, they should be able to understand the value of these two concepts.

Once these two concepts can be transformed into substantive industries, the value they generate will definitely not be comparable to a few infrastructure projects or a few investments.

Even compared to those infrastructure investments, these two are related to core technologies and future development. I don’t believe they can’t understand.

Moreover, these two plans should be implemented sooner rather than later. The sooner they are implemented, they will have great benefits in improving the industrial system, upgrading traditional industries, and boosting the economy.

Since they have already mentioned the need to speed up independent innovation and structural adjustment, wouldn't these two concepts just meet the relevant requirements?

At this time, we just need to go one step further and refine some specific support terms.

But it just doesn’t exist up there,”

Chen Yang frowned more and more as he spoke, "Why is this?"

Zou Rong blinked blankly, her eyes moved, and then she curled her lips.

"You don't care why, anyway, I don't believe that the leaders above know the importance of these two concepts and can still be indifferent.

Maybe people are studying policies in this area now, but they just haven’t included them in the economic stimulus plan.”

As she spoke, she poked her husband's chest, "You just want to be carefree, so you should take care of the things in front of you first!"


Chen Yang rolled his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, stretched out his arms to hug Zou Rong, and said with a smile, "That's right, anyway, I'm not a representative, and I'm not a leader. I've done everything I can, and I'll let nature take its course for the rest. chant."


Zou Rong laughed, but suddenly yawned loudly, "Ouch, I'm so sleepy, how long will you continue to be busy?"

Chen Yang closed the computer smoothly, threw it on the bedside table next to him, pulled the quilt away and covered the two of them, "Sleep, sleep."

November 24, Monday,

Urumqi, which had been snowing heavily for two consecutive days, finally cleared up.

The bright sunshine shines on the ice and snow, and the whole world seems to be shining with a layer of light.

After confirming that the plane could take off, Boss Chen was ready to return to Beijin.

Just two days ago, the business negotiation team sent by Chuangfuture and Honggu Capital had arrived in Urumqi and conducted detailed consultations with the Xijiang provincial government on the "three-level plan" proposed by Chairman Chen. ,

Chen Yang only participated in it at the beginning. After finalizing the general direction and the implementation steps of various main plans, he planned to leave Xijiang and return to Beijin.

If it hadn't been for the heavy snow, he might have been at home in Beijin now.

However, staying here for one more day is not without gain.

Even from a certain perspective, this gain is huge!

At Urumqi Airport, Chen Yang shook hands with Leader Wang and said goodbye. After finally finishing a lot of nonsense, he took out a book from his coat pocket and said with a smile,

"It's been snowing for the past two days and I have nothing to do, so I looked for some books to read. I accidentally found something. I marked it. Please take a closer look later."

With that said, he handed the book to Leader Wang.

Leader Wang took the book with a strange expression on his face and was about to exchange a few words, but Boss Chen waved his hand, turned around decisively, walked towards the plane not far away, and boarded the gangway.

Zou Rong and others behind him quickly waved goodbye and followed him onto the plane.

Leader Wang raised his eyebrows, quite surprised by Boss Chen's obviously rude behavior.

The secretary next to him couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene. He took two steps forward and was about to speak.

But at this time, the leader lowered his head to read a book, and he swallowed it back.

Looking at the cover of the book, Leader Wang was stunned and suddenly raised his head to look at the plane.

At this time, the aircraft's gangway was slowly retracting with the closed cabin door.

The secretary also saw the book cover and couldn't help but be stunned, "Primary school textbook?"

What Chen Yang gave to the leader was actually a primary school textbook from Xijiang?

And it’s a Weiwen textbook. Can Chairman Chen understand Weiwen and just make marks on it?

What does it mean?

Leader Wang turned his head and glanced at him, then looked at the book in his hand. He opened it casually and ran his fingers across the edges of the pages, turning the pages quickly.

Soon, several circles drawn with red pen appeared in front of his eyes.

Not only is there a red circle, but next to Weiwen, there is also content translated in Chinese,

Leader Wang took a closer look and was stunned for a moment. Then his face turned livid. He closed the book suddenly, turned around and left. At the same time, he said, "Notify all team members immediately to go to the organization office for a meeting. No one is allowed to be absent."

The secretary took a few steps to catch up and said with a slight hesitation, "Boss Bai is having a meeting with Mr. Cai and the others. Does he need to participate too?"

Leader Wang paused and only thought about it for a second before saying decisively, "Leader Bai, please suspend the meeting and come over to participate. However, you must do a good job of explanation and explain to Mr. Cai and others that it will not delay the implementation of the plan."


The secretary nodded immediately and took out his cell phone to make a call.

But he was very curious in his heart. Could it be that the textbook that Boss Chen gave to the leader was not actually a textbook, but another book with a textbook cover?

Otherwise, why would the leader react this way?

However, what book is it that makes the leader so angry that he even has to suspend the most important business meeting?

Leader Wang strode towards his car. Before the car left the airport, Leader Bai called.

"Wang Shuji, what happened? Why did you suddenly call a meeting?"

Leader Wang held the mobile phone, took out a long breath slowly, and said seriously, "There must be something important. It is related to the future of Xijiang. We must attach great importance to it?"

"The future of Western Xinjiang?"

Leader Bai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Aren't I just working here for the future of Xijiang? Is there anything more important than business talks?"

Leader Wang sighed lightly and said, "The negotiations with Rainbow Group are important, but what Chairman Chen has promised cannot be changed.

But if this matter is not solved well now, I am afraid that even if the 'three-level plan' can be perfectly implemented, the future of Xijiang will not be optimistic! "


Leader Bai suddenly hesitated.

What is it that is so serious that even the "third-level plan" with an investment amount of tens of billions and related to the overall economic situation of Western Xinjiang has to be sidelined?

But Leader Wang didn't know clearly, so he couldn't continue to ask questions.

At this time, Leader Wang suddenly said, "Chairman Chen told me this before getting on the plane. Otherwise, I might not have discovered this problem even if I worked in Xijiang for another seventeen years.

Now on the phone, I can't explain it clearly. You will know when the meeting takes place. "

Upon hearing this, Leader Bai became even more confused.

Leader Wang came to Xijiang in 1991 and has been taking root and developing here. It can be said that he is an old Xijiang expert.

Chairman Chen, on the other hand, came to Xijiang just last month and stayed there for just over a month.

What was it that Director Chen reminded Leader Wang? Moreover, Leader Wang also said that if it weren’t for his reminder, he wouldn’t have known about it even if he worked for more than ten years?

Full of questions, Leader Bai hung up the phone, turned around and looked at the colleagues behind him, spread his hands with a wry smile, "Wang Shuji said he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, and we can only find out when he comes back."

Those few people looked at each other, and one of them frowned and said, "Could it be that Director Chen has changed his mind?"

"That won't happen,"

Leader Bai smiled and waved his hand, then pointed to the conference room not far away, "My negotiation team is still there. If Director Chen changes his mind, I'm afraid they will leave long ago."

After a pause, he added, "From what Wang Shuji said, it should have nothing to do with this investment plan. It may still be an internal matter within our Xijiang region,"

Then he waved his hand and said, "Hey, don't ask any more questions. I'm full of questions too, so I'd better wait until Wang Shuji comes back."

When the others saw it, they had no choice but to go to the organization office.

On the other side, on the plane,

Chen Yang slumped on the sofa like a cartwheel animal. He seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but his heart was extremely uneasy.

Zou Rong waved her hand and signaled the flight attendant to give her the teacup. Then she placed the teacup in front of Chen Yang. After the flight attendant left, she said softly,

"Fortunately, it snowed heavily and you were bored and ran to Xinhua Bookstore to look for books. Only then did you see their textbooks. Otherwise, I really don't know when we would have discovered those problems."

Chen Yang curled his lips, sat up first, took the tea cup and took a sip. He let out a long breath, then shook his head and said, "The people at the top have so many things to do, it is impossible to pay attention to the textbooks in person, so this gives certain people Opportunities for people with ulterior motives to operate behind the scenes,

As for ordinary people, even if they find that there are problems, they have no way to express their opinions and cannot go up to heaven to hear them, so they can only stare blankly.

I also suddenly remembered that the small Wei village on the border didn't even have a decent set of textbooks. They were still using old textbooks from more than ten years ago, so I thought of buying a few new sets and sending them to them.

Unexpectedly, the guide invited by Old Shen, Mr. Wei Clan, immediately discovered the problem.

Fortunately, he was there, otherwise, I would have been an accomplice if I had really bought these textbooks and sent them to those children. "

Zou Rong pursed her lips and frowned slightly. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the end, I can only say, "Those people are so bad!"

Chen Yang turned to look at her and couldn't help but laugh. He felt that his depressed mood suddenly improved a lot. Then he reached out and touched his little head.

"It's really too bad. You eat the boss's rice, but dig the boss's pit. It's like eating the inside and outside. However, if Leader Wang and the others find out this time, these people will definitely not be happy."


Seeing that her husband was in a better mood, Zou Rong herself grinned.

But after a pause, she pursed her lips and said, "Do you think Leader Wang can't take them down?"

After all, this is Western Xinjiang, the home ground of those people, and even if these people are so blatant, there must be a crowd behind them. If a big incident really happens, Leader Wang will inevitably be disgraced.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether this board will be able to be hit and how hard it can be hit.

Chen Yang was not worried at all. He rubbed his little head with his palms and chuckled, "Don't forget, Western Xinjiang is still the people's Xinjiang. Under the general trend, no clown can make trouble.

What's more, Leader Wang is not fighting alone, there is an army behind him. "


Zou Rong rolled her eyes slightly, leaned against her husband, grinned and said, "Then let's see how Leader Wang deals with them!"

Chen Yang laughed, hugged her arm tightly, and then looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, feeling much relieved.

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