Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1054: Super Air Flight Platform and Development of Civilian Armor

The leaf book is not a suitable nuclear battery product, but a set of isotope nuclear battery technology system, because almost all elements have radioactive isotopes.

This means that almost all elements can be used as raw materials for nuclear batteries, and his companies can develop different nuclear batteries according to actual product needs.

As long as the charging technology of the nuclear battery and the decay type of the nuclear battery are solved, it is basically safe if it is α decay and β decay in Ye Shu’s opinion.

What's more, the nuclear battery he developed does not simply use the isotope decay of elements to release energy, but mixes it with substances of special structure.

The energy and ray particles released by the decay can be captured in time, and the radioactive hazards caused by the decay can be directly digested inside the nuclear battery without being released to the outside at all.

This is much better than simply wrapping some radiation-blocking materials on the outside of the nuclear battery. Even if the nuclear battery is damaged due to other reasons, there is no need to worry about too much harm.

Of course, these technologies are small problems for him. The most difficult part of nuclear batteries is how to restore decayed elements to pre-decayed elements. This process is the charging process.

In order to reflect the difficulty of manufacturing nuclear batteries, he plans to use the latest bionic manufacturing technology to realize the manufacturing process of nuclear batteries and raise the manufacturing threshold.

The nuclear battery manufactured by this method is a big problem just to crack it. Even if it is cracked, it is much more difficult to copy it than ordinary nuclear batteries.

For companies that have mastered this manufacturing technology, it is the least difficult to use bionic manufacturing technology to produce, and the cost is not particularly high.

At the same time, using such a super project can speed up the establishment of the bionic manufacturing technology industry chain of his subsidiaries, which is much better than the current state.

At present, there is no super-manufacturing project to guide the construction of the industrial chain of bionic manufacturing technology, which will make some enterprises have no particularly strong motivation to invest in this technology.

In order to reflect the application prospects of nuclear batteries, Ye Zishu plans to start the research and development of nuclear-powered aircraft immediately after the development of the nuclear battery technology system is completed.

Huanyu Group's current aircraft manufacturing business is doing fairly well, but it has not yet achieved Ye Shu's true expectations, at least not forming an absolute advantage in the international market.

It's not that their technology is not good, but non-market factors have caused them to form a tripartite confrontation with the other two aviation manufacturing giants, which is obviously not what he wants to see.

But it is very difficult to break the current deadlock, because this is not a market behavior, and it is difficult to achieve surpassing through technological advantages, so we must find another way.

Since the rear of the two aviation giants cannot be won, they can only win all the peripheral markets first. It stands to reason that with the current strength of Huanyu Group, it is also capable of this.

But there are too many political entanglements in it, which made it difficult for Huanyu Group to make a big deal when it explored the international market, although it also gained a lot.

Therefore, there must be more advanced airliners to defeat the capabilities of the two aviation giants in these markets. After they lose these markets, things will be much easier.

Like commercial products, the most important thing is the market. The larger the market means the lower the cost allocation of the product, and the more price advantage it has in the market.

If they only stick to their home market, their population is not the largest, nor is their market the largest. Once they lose the external market, they will lose their competitiveness due to high costs sooner or later.

This time, Leaf Book does not intend to continue the previous manufacturing technology in the manufacture of new airliners, but to use bionic manufacturing technology to produce airliners with biological characteristics.

Airliners with biological characteristics cannot be simply defined as industrial machinery products, but can also be defined as semi-biological products, which not only have all the advantages of previous industrial machinery products.

Moreover, it also has many characteristics that previous industrial machinery products did not have, such as a seamless structure, superior strength, and convenience in safety testing.

These are the advantages of semi-biological products. In addition, Ye Zishu also intends to achieve supersonic cruise on the new passenger plane, which will give the passenger plane an advantage over the super maglev train.

Compared with the speed of the current passenger plane and the super maglev train, the advantage is not obvious. If there is a choice between the two, many people will choose to take the super maglev train.

Not for anything else, just being on time and taking a short ride. The passenger stations of the super maglev train are basically in the city and can be reached by ordinary public transportation.

And airports are often located in the suburbs, far away from urban areas. Even if the passenger plane has an advantage in speed, it will be consumed by the complicated registration process, not to mention that there is no absolute advantage yet.

Therefore, the country needs new passenger aircraft to gain more advantages, so as to truly form a dislocation competition with the super maglev train, rather than an increasingly homogeneous competition.

He positioned the aircraft project as a super aircraft project, and formulated a series of advanced technical indicators, such as a maximum speed of 5 times the speed of sound, and a conventional cruise speed of 3 times the speed of sound.

In terms of passenger capacity, it can be achieved from dozens of passengers to tens of thousands of passengers, truly realizing a super aerial flight platform and creating a real giant in the air.

Since there are luxury cruise ships specially provided for tourists in the ocean, it is natural to build an air travel platform. Their passengers are not for traveling, but a tourist project.

It is very difficult to make such a project before. First, there is not enough power, unless the anti-gravity system in the interstellar ship is used. Obviously, the anti-gravity system cannot be used in ordinary civilian fields at present.

The second is that it is difficult to manufacture an aerial platform with such a large structure. Although cruise ships can be built so large, in fact, the technical difficulties faced by the two are not at the same level.

The third is that the manufacturing cost is too high. As long as it is a commercial project, the issue of profitability must be considered. If the cost is too high, the market is doomed to be hindered, and there is not much practical value.

The current relatively cheap nuclear battery means that it does not rely on ordinary fossil energy for energy supply, can greatly reduce the self-weight of the aerial platform, and has more leeway in structural design.

If stability is not considered, using new technology, it is entirely possible to build an aircraft that does not use a conventional power system, and can fly directly by flapping its wings.

Of course, in order to be able to take off and land better, he plans to adopt a distributed power system, so that the entire air flight platform can not only rely on wing flaps to provide lift.

Moreover, it can also rely on hundreds of thousands of active distributed power systems on the air flight platform to obtain lift and thrust to ensure that the air flight platform is foolproof.

He named the project Kunpeng. If he wanted tens of thousands of tourists to enjoy leisure and entertainment on this aerial platform, the platform must be very large, fully worthy of the name of Kunpeng.

An aerial platform like this has a length of about 2 kilometers and a wingspan of 2 kilometers. It can accommodate 20,000 tourists and 5,000 staff at the same time.

It is estimated that the cost of such a product will be as high as hundreds of billions of yuan, but the profitability is also very high. In the whole life cycle, it can generate at least one trillion yuan in revenue.

He doesn't know how many markets there are in other countries around the world, but there is definitely a big domestic market in this area, because almost everyone in the country can afford it.

For a luxury air travel project like this, the average ticket price is 50,000 yuan based on a week's time, which is not particularly high in terms of domestic income.

What's more, the income of the domestic people is still gradually increasing. If only the income increases without increasing the supply of consumer goods, it will only cause inflation.

If the domestic people take such a trip by air every year in the future, the market will be very scary, let alone a market of 50 trillion yuan, at least a market of 10 trillion yuan can still be achieved.

As a manufacturer, Guangzhi manufactures air flight platforms that meet domestic demand, and can obtain manufacturing orders of 20 trillion yuan, which also has great development prospects.

Especially after the announcement of the interstellar ship project, ordinary people will definitely not have the opportunity to take the interstellar ship. Unless there will be interstellar immigration in the future, it will rarely be used for civilian purposes.

So such a huge aerial platform has become an experience project for many ordinary people, to feel the charm of the super giant in the sky, and to understand the magnificence of the interstellar ship in advance.

Although there is not much comparison between the two, for ordinary people, they can still get spiritual comfort, at least they can feel the charm of super industry.

Of course, the energy and power changes brought about by super batteries are not only reflected in the new flight platform, but there are too many places that can be used, which will definitely trigger a new energy and power revolution.

The aerial platforms he thought of were just random ideas, and there was such a big market, which made him more motivated to do things.

In terms of nuclear batteries, he spent half a month sorting out all the technologies related to nuclear batteries, not only with technical information, but also with a large number of new physical theories to support.

The current research on isotopes is relatively in-depth in the field of radioactivity, but it is quite expensive in terms of reverse physics theory, and it can even be said to be a desert.

In order to realize the nuclear battery technology in his mind, it is necessary to have forward and reverse processes. The decay of radioactive elements will become a relatively stable element one element lower, which is actually the generation of new elements.

Then, in turn, through electric energy, the relatively stable elements are transformed into elements with a higher element position, and they are also radioactive isotopes, which involves a lot of physical theories.

It can be said that if these theories are published, they will definitely win many top prizes in the field of physics, and will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of physics.

After sorting out the nuclear battery technology, Ye Zishu handed over the nuclear battery project to Huanyu Group for management. After all, he had just handed over the integration business of the interstellar ship project, and the loss was huge.

Handing over the nuclear battery project to them is considered compensation for them. Although the possible benefits are not as high as the interstellar ship integration project, it can at least comfort them.

What's more, he actually doesn't know how big the market for nuclear batteries will be in the future. Perhaps the future development will exceed his expectations and it will bring greater benefits to Huanyu Group.

Then Ye Zishu continued to work, using bionic manufacturing technology to develop new aircraft and the aforementioned super air flight platform to create a new aviation system.

It can be said that as long as this new aviation system comes out, the previous aviation manufacturing industry will drop to the first level, and it is a bit self-deceiving to call it the crown of industry.

In this regard, it took him about 10 days to finish sorting out all the design and technical materials, and handing them over to Huanyu Group was another great gift to Huanyu Group.

If these two projects are handed over to them, Huanyu Group should be able to completely let go of their dissatisfaction. If these two technologies are used well, they can bring them tens of billions of dollars in revenue in the future.

Perhaps just designing a new aviation manufacturing system, Ye Zishu felt that it was not enjoyable enough. Thinking of the business of civilian mechs, he thought it was necessary to proceed ahead of time.

The interstellar ship accessory mecha project belongs to special mechas. There are both military mechas and space industrial mechas. The cost is very high, after all, they are used in the space environment.

It is powered by advanced small-scale cold fusion technology, the same size, the energy provided is not comparable to that of nuclear batteries, and the technical level is much higher.

Therefore, it is impossible to use the mechs in the interstellar ship project for civilian use in the foreseeable future, but the technology is already there, so it is natural to use these technologies to create more value.

In the past, due to the low level of the energy system, the energy system of the universal robot was definitely not suitable for mechas, so no one mentioned the matter of civilian mechas.

This time he intends to use advanced bionic manufacturing technology and nuclear battery technology to manufacture advanced civilian mechs, thereby creating a huge industrial group.

Before that, they were still thinking about how to develop new industries, so that the domestic economy can make great strides forward. The civilian mecha industry is definitely qualified to drive the further development of the domestic economy.

The price of an entry-level mecha is 1 million yuan, which is definitely very cheap. There are also various levels of mechas in the future, and the price will gradually increase. The most expensive mecha sells for hundreds of millions of yuan, and someone will definitely pay for it.

Adhering to his consistent principle, most of the practical functions must be affordable by ordinary people, so a mecha worth 5 million to 10 million yuan has already met the needs of most people.

As for the more expensive mechs, the practical functions will not be increased too much, and many less practical functions will be added. The purpose is to allow rich people to experience the happiness of rich people.

Civilian mechs will definitely not be exported, but in the domestic market alone, he believes that the total amount will reach 500 million units. If the annual sales of 10 million units are calculated, the economic value created by the manufacturing and sales process alone will be as high as 10 trillion to 50 trillion yuan.

This still takes into account the affordability of the current residents. As the income of residents continues to increase, the economic value brought by the mecha industry will only be higher.

As long as it is a creature, it will think of ways to make itself stronger. This is the instinct of the creature, and the direction of becoming stronger is actually very limited.

Like human beings, they can either improve their intelligence and knowledge to crush their opponents with their brains, or they can improve their physical fitness to gain an advantage in strength.

For intelligence, he provided IQ medicine, and for knowledge, he also allowed New Oriental Education Group to provide a large number of learning resources and opportunities. It can be said that it has done a good job.

As for physical fitness, it is either using technology to evolve people, which is an internal improvement, or it is like a mecha, allowing people to use their weak bodies to still gain great strength.

Entry-level mechas will inevitably be necessary equipment for all teenagers in the future. In the youth market alone, there are more than 20 million units per year, which can create an economic value of about 20 trillion yuan.

The funds needed to buy an entry-level mecha are not particularly unbearable for the family. The combined annual income of the husband and wife is more than 700,000 yuan, and it will not be difficult to reach 1 million yuan in the future.

Even if a couple has two children, they can easily afford the purchase of an entry-level mech worth 1 million yuan. For them, it is not a luxury, but a slightly expensive item.

After the child becomes an adult, the child will also have his own income, plus the remaining funds of the parents for many years, to purchase a fully functional mech of 5 million yuan as an advanced requirement.

Around mechs, many competitive activities and competitions can be carried out. For example, schools hold mecha training and competitions, so that children can master the skills of using mechas from an early age.

It is also possible to hold a national mecha competition, which is more interesting than the so-called football in detail. If you can win the national championship in the mecha competition, you will definitely become a star that everyone is looking forward to.

Moreover, passing the mech assessment and having the opportunity to work on interstellar ships can also be regarded as training reserve talents for space projects. You can't always rely on general-purpose robots.

And with mechas, human power will not appear so weak in front of robots such as general purpose robots, so that humans will not be panicked about the large-scale use of robots.

In fact, this can be regarded as the backhand of Ye Shu. If artificial intelligence or robots are really developed to be intelligent in the future, human beings will have enough means to deal with them, so that they will not be helpless.

The civilian mecha project is thus determined, but there are two technical directions. The first technical direction is the human-assisted mecha, which is equivalent to wearing a piece of clothing for people.

It's just that this clothes is not ordinary clothes, it can greatly enhance people's strength and agility, and has the ability to protect the human body, just like the super equipment he wears.

However, if this kind of mecha wants to exert its power, it must require the user to have a very flexible body shape and a certain level of martial arts foundation, otherwise it will be just a stick and only be beaten.

Ye Zishu calls this kind of mecha a semi-automatic mecha. The level of performance is closely related to the user's skills and way of thinking, and the control is all in the hands of the user.

The second technical direction is the driving mecha. People sit in the mecha compartment and control the action of the mecha through the console, without the need for the operator to make corresponding actions.

This kind of mecha is a full-package mecha with an independent life support system, which can be used in more scenarios, and of course it can also be used in competitions and competitions.

These two types of mechs have their own uses, and Ye Zishu had a hard time making a choice. He felt that the choice was not good, and finally decided to develop both types of mechas.

It's just that there is a big difference in the technical route. For the human-assisted mecha, he plans to use advanced bionic manufacturing technology to make consumers feel like they are wearing a special set of clothes, reducing the extra burden.

Because any extra weight and cumbersomeness will affect the movement of the human body, and will naturally affect the performance. The most important selling point of this mecha is that it is light and can be used as daily clothing.

It's just that whether it is better to make it into a piece of clothing, or to make it into a transformable mecha like the super equipment he is wearing now, the technical difficulty between the two is very different.

If it's the former, it means that you can't achieve too much change, at most you can achieve a size change, which can make the mech last longer, especially for teenagers, whose bodies change every year.

If it is the latter, the biggest feature is convenience, and it is also very convenient to carry. To a certain extent, the shape and structure can be changed. Apart from this, there are no other special functions.

In short, it is impossible to change the form completely freely like the super equipment he wears. The cost is not affordable for ordinary people, and it is completely unnecessary.

On the whole, the human-assisted mecha is actually more suitable for performances, but it is not applicable in many scenarios. He thinks it is more suitable for learning in teenagers and assisting in daily life.

The driving mecha seems to be relatively bulky, but in fact it can be used in many fields, and the size difference will be very large. It may be possible for one person to drive a mecha tens of meters away, and it can be used freely. .

Driving mechas can be used for performances, and can also be widely used in the field of work. In terms of capabilities, this kind of mecha must be done, because the value is higher.

The former is intended to be used to develop the potential of the human body, and at the same time be used as a daily mecha. It may also be the type of mecha that residents will mainly buy in the future, because it is relatively cheap and easy to use.

As for the latter, there is a high probability that it will be used in industry and special purposes, and there will not be many opportunities for daily use. It is not the main mecha purchased by ordinary residents.

So his main focus is still on human-assisted mechas, because the market will be bigger, and his companies don't have much knowledge of this mecha technology.

The technology closest to this kind of mecha is the individual combat uniform of Baihu Technology Company, which can greatly improve the strength, agility and resistance of the human body, and has become the standard equipment for individual soldiers in our country.

And the human-assisted mecha that he took out this time is technically much more advanced than the individual combat uniform, but there are two routes, one belongs to the soft auxiliary mecha, and the other belongs to the hard auxiliary mecha. .

The soft auxiliary mecha has a soft appearance and texture, just like wearing clothes. It will enter the combat readiness state only when the combat mode is turned on, or when it is passively triggered.

The hard auxiliary mecha is composed of hard material parts, similar to Iron Man's battle armor, although it is also handsome and has stronger protection, but it is a bit rusty for daily use.

The more Ye Zishu thinks about it, the more he feels that there are too many types of mechs. This is still a large category, and there are many subdivisions. For example, there are many different categories in soft mechas.

For example, as mentioned above, mechas that are usually like ordinary clothes also have real liquid mechas, which can stay on the wrist at ordinary times. When in use, they can quickly transform to cover the whole body and enter a fighting posture.

The technology used here is also very different, and it is not a product of a technical system at all. Fortunately, the latest bionic manufacturing technology can be used to complete the manufacturing.

Those who lack ability have to make choices. People like Ye Zishu naturally want all of them. They happen to directly advance our country's mecha technology from the budding stage to the mature stage. As for whether it is the peak or not, it depends on the follow-up innovation ability.

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