Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1055 Mech profit distribution and large-scale experiment of electric planting technology

It takes longer to design mechs and prepare related technical materials than the previous two technologies and products because it is too complicated.

Even though the mecha is much smaller than the flying platform, it seems uncomplicated, but in fact it is more complicated than that, and because of its small size, it looks more refined.

In addition, there are too many types of mechs, and each type of mecha must have a corresponding material design. Although it is not like developing materials like before, it only needs to design the underlying DNA.

However, the efficiency of the design process is not higher than that of conventional material production technology, and because of the pursuit of many characteristics of materials, the efficiency is lower, but the production process is relatively easier.

Therefore, it took him one month for the entire civil mecha project to sort out all the design and technical information, and there are as many as 98 types of mechas.

For each technical route, Leaf Book provides products of different grades to meet the needs of different consumers, and is not limited to the field of personal mechs.

Some large mechas can be operated by multiple people at the same time, and some mechas are equipped with highly intelligent operations, and of course they also have relatively primitive operation modes.

There is no good or bad here. The reason why we still provide products with original operation mode is mainly for two purposes. The first purpose is to have a clear technical route transition, otherwise we will go to high-end all at once, and many details in the middle will be ignored. .

The second purpose is to prevent artificial intelligence from being uncontrollable. Although this is a bit unreasonable, technical preparations are still needed, and it is another matter if it is done or not.

Because there are too many types of mechs, and the entire industry is very complex and huge, it seems a bit inappropriate to give it to one of its subsidiaries, and it may not be able to specialize.

Although he provides very mature products, he also hopes that the scientific research personnel of his companies can make breakthroughs and make better products based on the design and technology he provided.

Therefore, putting it in one company will help reduce costs, but it may also lead to failure to cover everything. It is best to find several companies to operate different types of mechas.

White Tiger Technology Company already has space mecha technology and projects in its hands. Although the market for space mechas will not be particularly large, it will share the benefits anyway, so this time he does not intend to let them operate civilian mechas.

Ye Zishu handed over the civil soft mecha to Kirin Industrial Group, the main leading company is Kirin Basic Industry Group, and their brother companies provide supporting support.

He plans to make a hard mech for the people to use for Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company. The two companies are currently encountering development bottlenecks, especially Xuanwu Technology Company.

Giving them the hard mecha project is equivalent to giving them the impetus for further development, and through the hard mecha project, it will also help improve their understanding of bionic manufacturing technology.

Although he gave a full set of technical materials for the new manufacturing technology, how far it can be developed depends on the strength of each company. It is difficult for Ye Zishu to provide much help in this regard.

For example, using new manufacturing technology, Xuanwu Technology can upgrade its display panel technology to bio-panel technology, which can easily break through 32K or more pixels.

Not only can the pixels be made bigger, but there is no manufacturing bottleneck in other aspects of performance. As long as they dare to think and develop, they can produce more advanced display technologies.

This upgraded product can be sold at a much higher price than the current display, and at the same time it can reduce the price of the existing display products to compete for more international markets.

There are many others, such as using new manufacturing techniques to produce more advanced industrial machine tools, electronic components, and even more advanced electronic products.

In the past, it was very difficult to produce photonic chips. With the new manufacturing technology, the production difficulty of photonic chips has been greatly reduced, and the research and development and production of optical brain products have become possible.

It's not that Ye Zishu doesn't care about the development of its industries, but that he can't provide technical support for specific products now, because it's too trivial and takes too much energy.

What he can provide support now is to provide advanced technical system support. As for how they use the new technical system to achieve self-development, it depends entirely on their efforts.

In addition to the above two types of mechas, Ye Zishu also handed over the engineering mechas to Wancheng Jiye, which matched their current construction machinery manufacturing business.

It is hard to say which of the three companies will get the most benefits. The sales volume of soft mechs should be higher in the future, because they are more suitable for daily scenarios, but soft mechas also have fatal shortcomings.

That is, it cannot provide advanced flight functions. This is caused by the limitations of the soft mecha itself. To obtain convenience, many functions must be sacrificed, and it is impossible to achieve the best of both worlds.

Of course, if you insist on flying, you can only provide wings to the soft mecha. In fact, he also provides this kind of mecha, so that the soft mecha can also fly.

It's just that this configuration is not a routine thing, because the lightness of the wings will also affect the dexterity of the movement, unless the user can avoid such defects after a long period of practice.

In contrast, personal hard mechas are easier to fly, and there is no need to use wings to fly. One is the ion propulsion flight mode, and the other is the distributed aerodynamic propulsion mode.

These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The first method needs to supplement the working medium, and the use cost is relatively high. The advantage is that it is extremely fast. It is the solution with the fastest flight speed and the largest load capacity among all flying mechs.

The second type does not need to add additional working fluid, the cost of use is low, and the overall system is a cold power system, so there is no need to worry about secondary damage caused by accidents.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the load capacity is small, which is enough for personal use, but if you want to be a strong man in the air, don't think about it, and the flying speed is relatively slow, but it is much faster than the wings of the soft mech.

Generally speaking, the price of soft mechs is definitely relatively low, and of course there are also high-end products. For example, this time he provided soft mechs with semi-liquid material manufacturing technology for the production of high-end soft mechs.

It's just that the price is not affordable by ordinary people. For example, the soft mecha made of semi-liquid materials is priced at least tens of millions of yuan. Ordinary people need to save a long time to afford it.

In contrast, apart from being inferior in dexterity and convenience, hard mechas are superior to soft mechas in other aspects, so the price is generally higher than that of soft mechas.

The most expensive one is Wancheng Jiye's engineering mecha. Since this is a productivity tool, not a pure consumer product, it is not surprising that the price is high, but the sales volume will definitely not be particularly high, and the overall market should be the smallest.

Like the giant mech he provided to Wancheng Jiye, he called it the Longbo Giant, and at first he subconsciously wanted to name it the Titan Giant.

Later, I realized why we should use other people’s cultural elements to call it. Isn’t this to promote other people’s culture, so it was changed to the Longbo Giant, which was taken from the Longbo people in the myths of our country.

The mecha is hundreds of meters high, and it can be made even higher if you want. It is definitely considered a super giant mecha on the earth, and its power is even more infinite. It can directly carry away skyscrapers hundreds of meters away.

There are many applications for a giant like this, such as opening roads in rough terrain, demolishing skyscrapers, or building skyscrapers, which is much more efficient.

This is just an application scenario that he came up with randomly. In fact, there are many application scenarios that even he can't think of for a while. In short, it will definitely not become useless.

The price of a super mecha like this is tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions. Therefore, although the quantity is small, the unit price is extremely high, and the benefits obtained by Wancheng Foundation are also considered small.

In addition to handing over these technical materials to the above three group companies, he also gave all the data to his three artificial intelligence-managed groups.

The purpose is to spur the three groups not to rest on their laurels. If they cannot innovate, artificial intelligence will compete through the three groups launching innovative products.

Because he is afraid of being complacent and lacking in innovation for a long time, he is likely to be surpassed by companies outside his industry in the end, and he must be constantly spurred by competitors behind him.

Even if these companies fail in the end, at least the industry is still in his industry, and it will not be cheap to outsiders, it is just transferred from one company to another.

Now that the mechs are going to be open to civilian use, there is no need to hide the personal flight suit he gave to Kirin Basic Industries Group before and let them sell it directly to the outside world. This product does not distinguish between domestic and foreign countries.

Compared with mecha products, this product is already far behind. There is no need to keep it secret like before. What's more, the manufacturing technology in it is also a level behind compared to new manufacturing technology.

In the future, mecha products will only be sold domestically, so I just take my personal flight suits to expand overseas markets, and use backward technology to earn more profits, otherwise I will put them in the warehouse to press dust.

Moreover, these mecha products may not be able to be produced in a short period of time, because the supporting new manufacturing industry system has not yet been fully established, and it would be good to be able to go on the market by the end of next year.

The vacuum period during this period just left opportunities for personal flight suits. This product is available in all major tourist attractions in China. It has long been eye-catching, but it is simply not available for purchase.

It’s all right now, I just bought it home at an extremely low price. A set of flight suits used to sell for several million yuan, which is definitely not high, but now it only costs four to five hundred thousand yuan to take home.

The operating income of these years has already allowed Kirin Basic Industry Group to earn back its cost, and also obtained a huge amount of income. The current price of four to five hundred thousand yuan still allows them to make a profit, but it is not so huge.

Even if the mecha really comes out, there will still be a certain market for this type of product. After all, the mecha is more expensive, and not everyone can afford it right away. This personal flight suit is definitely qualified as a transitional product.

Ye Zishu brought together the heads of Huanyu Group, Kirin Industry Group, Xuanwu Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, and Wancheng Foundation to hold an online meeting.

Negotiations were conducted on the development of nuclear batteries, super aerial platforms, and mecha industries, so that they could complete the construction of new manufacturing technology industries as soon as possible, and develop these products as soon as possible.

At the same time, they are required to integrate their own strengths and that of their brother companies, relying on their respective advantages to build a new manufacturing technology industry, and not to do everything by themselves, which is very undesirable.

At present, the space industry can promote the development of the domestic economy for several years. If you want to go further in the future, you must rely on the new manufacturing technology system to complete industrial upgrading and achieve continued economic development.

Therefore, the construction of the new manufacturing technology industry is very important. This is only the basic industry construction. How to use the new manufacturing technology industry to produce more advanced products will also take a long time.

At the meeting, Ye Zishu believed that if they felt that there were not enough scientific researchers, they would hire more general-purpose robots to serve as scientific researchers. The basic part of the new manufacturing technology system must be completed by the end of next year.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu sent emails to all its group companies through its own email account, urging them to invest more energy in the construction of new manufacturing technology infrastructure.

"Zi Shu, eat the grapes you just bought!" Ye Zishu had just finished the meeting when Pei Qing brought in two bunches of grapes and said with a smile.

Ye Zishu glanced at the two bunches of grapes, one is the red grapes that we can easily see, they are big and fleshy, very plump, and their appearance is definitely the best among traditional grapes.

The other string is quite unconventional, it is translucent all over, without any impurities inside, and the surface is very smooth, like colored glaze.

Ye Zishu picked one grape from each of the two bunches, and after eating it, he felt completely different. Although traditional grapes were sweeter, there was still a little sour in the middle, and the taste was far better than the grapes he ate when he was a child.

The glass-like grapes taste moderately sweet, but do not have the usual sour taste of grapes, and have a faint plant fragrance, which makes the taste even better.

"Is this grape a new variety?" Ye Shu asked.

Now there are not many new varieties of fruit. After his training, the scientific research department of the Kirin Agricultural Development Group seems to have suddenly opened up, and its research and development capabilities have exploded.

"It can be said to be a new variety. Guess how this grape was grown!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"How did you grow it?" Leaf Book asked.

"I'm asking you to guess, but I'm not asking you to ask directly." Pei Qing said with a smile.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he picked up the bunch of new grape varieties and carefully observed that there were 48 grapes in the whole bunch, including the one he had already eaten.

The fruit grows very closely, but it does not affect the development of each fruit. The size and appearance of all the fruits are basically the same, and it is difficult to see the obvious difference with the naked eye.

This kind of quality control cannot be produced by ordinary planting technology, even the high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouse and advanced planting technology of Kirin Agricultural Development Group are difficult to achieve.

So it can only be said that this bunch of grapes was achieved using non-traditional planting techniques, and there are mainly three factors that affect the difference in fruit appearance and taste.

The first is uneven nutrient distribution or absorption. At present, Kylin Agricultural Development Group mainly uses liquid nutrient solution as fertilizer, which is already precise enough in nutrient regulation.

Even so, the same bunch of grapes, due to their different positions, still has different ability to absorb nutrients, which will inevitably lead to slight differences in appearance and taste within a bunch of grapes.

Obviously, with the current agricultural technology, no matter how precise the control is, it is impossible to achieve an absolutely balanced nutrient distribution, and there will always be slight differences.

The second factor is sunlight exposure. Generally speaking, it is difficult for sunlight to illuminate a bunch of grapes in all directions. Even if technology is used to achieve this goal, the duration and intensity of the exposure cannot be absolutely uniform.

From the point of view of this bunch of grapes, the difference between the different positions of a bunch of grapes is insignificant. Even if it is a single grape, the difference in color between the outer and inner sides is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

To achieve this, either do not use natural light sources, or take this factor into account when designing new products, and control it from the genetic level.

The third is the influence of the growth space environment, which includes many factors, such as humidity, wind speed, radiation intensity, and even some plants can even interfere with sound.

If you want to make each fruit of this bunch of grapes very uniform, you need to achieve a very harsh degree in the space environment, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve differences that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

To sum up, this bunch of grapes is definitely not something that Kirin Agricultural Development Group can achieve by using ordinary high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouses, nor can it be achieved by planting ordinary varieties.

As for not being planted by the Kylin Agricultural Development Group, Ye Zishu never thought about it at all. Currently, in the field of planting technology and new product cultivation, the Kylin Agricultural Development Group is definitely considered the top in the world.

Specifically in China, there is no agricultural enterprise that can reach the level of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, so he is very sure that this sentence is a product of Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

At present, the most advanced planting technology of Kylin Agricultural Development Group is not a high-standard temperature-controlled greenhouse, but the latest electric planting technology, which can achieve plant growth without relying on sunlight.

"This should be a new variety grown by the electric planting technology of Qilin Agricultural Development Group." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"You got the answer right. In order to find out the situation, I even contacted Qilin Agricultural Development Group and asked how they did it." Pei Qing said with a smile.

The realization of electric planting technology on agricultural products was not proposed by Ye Zishu, but by Qilin Agricultural Development Group itself. This idea surprised him at the time.

Because this kind of planting idea directly subverts human beings' cognition of agricultural production, because planting has always been inseparable from sunlight during our tens of thousands of years of evolution.

What's more, sunlight is the most common and cheapest source of energy for human beings. It is foolish to choose a more costly energy supply instead of using sunlight.

At present, it is not that no one uses artificial light sources to achieve planting, but in the final analysis, light is still used to provide energy, and it does not break away from the scope of traditional planting techniques.

In contrast, the electric planting technology proposed by Kirin Agricultural Development Group directly allows plants to absorb electric energy to meet energy needs and convert electric energy into bioenergy, which can be said to be groundbreaking.

Proposing this idea is not only the thinking of advanced planting technology, but also the need of the interstellar ship project. The superposition of the two gave birth to this idea.

In the interstellar ship project, Leaf Book only requires them to use artificial light sources to grow plants in the technical requirements for the production of fresh agricultural products, which is quite satisfactory.

However, in the view of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, although this method is feasible, it produces huge waste. Even if the interstellar ship has a lot of space, it is still worth every inch of land.

How to save space is always an important issue for space vehicles, and relying on light sources to achieve planting will also cause huge waste of energy, because such plants must have leaves to convert energy.

While it is also possible to recycle the leaves into organic fertilizers, energy is still wasted in the process because the plants cannot absorb all the light.

Therefore, artificial light sources are used for planting, the energy utilization rate is low, and the cost will naturally not be low. Fortunately, there are various ways and means to obtain energy on the earth.

But in space, even if there is a cold fusion device to provide energy, energy is still a scarce resource, and it must be saved if it can be saved, and there should not be too much waste.

Therefore, in summary, the electric planting technology has been boldly proposed. Through the development of new plant varieties, the new varieties must be able to directly convert electrical energy into bioenergy.

In addition to the research and development of new plant varieties, an advanced energy supply system is also required. In the process of not supplying electric energy, the electric energy will be wasted and the effective utilization rate of electric energy will be improved.

Electric planting technology has broken away from human cognition of agricultural planting, subverted the laws of nature, and raised agricultural development to a new level.

Using this planting technology, large-scale production can be realized in a small space, and the harvesting and planting process can be fully automated, and the production efficiency is very high.

In the past, agricultural production was flat planting, which required a lot of land, but now it is no longer needed. By building a three-dimensional agricultural production model, the dependence on land is much smaller.

According to the report of Kirin Agricultural Development Group, with the same land area, even without the construction of high-rise buildings, the output of agricultural products with electric planting technology is still more than five times that of traditional output.

This is still a two-dimensional comparison. If a three-dimensional agricultural production model is constructed, the same land occupation area, the output is thousands of times that of the traditional agricultural model.

This is still compared according to the same growth rate. Since the new varieties are artificially designed and not evolved naturally, they are fully capable of designing and tuning the growth rate.

Therefore, in terms of unit area per unit time, the output of traditional industry cannot be compared with the electric planting mode at all. It can be said to be a revolutionary technology in the field of agricultural development.

In addition, in terms of quality control, it is not comparable to traditional agricultural planting techniques. Just look at the bunch of glass grapes in front of you.

"Is there a big price difference between these two bunches of grapes?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Currently, the price of glazed grapes is a little more expensive. It is said that the reason is the lack of production capacity, because the electric planting technology is still in the stage of large-scale planting experiments." Pei Qing said.

This is understandable. After all, it has only been about two years since this idea was put forward, and now it has entered the stage of large-scale planting experiments, and the speed is already very fast.

Because as long as the experimental stage of large-scale planting is successful, it will enter the stage of real large-scale planting, which means that all technical problems in the process have been resolved.

At that time, it will not be rural agriculture, but urban agriculture. Planting buildings will be built directly around the city to supply the entire city's demand for agricultural products.

Compared with traditional rural agriculture, this model has a very fast response to the market, because it is the closest to the demand side and can more easily meet the needs of residents.

Second, the intermediate cost is lower, firstly, the transportation cost is greatly saved, secondly, the refrigeration insurance cost is greatly saved, and the most important thing is that the loss rate is very low.

This is an important reason why the price of agricultural products from the field to the residents remains high. The middlemen need to bear a very high loss rate. When setting the sales price, they must take this cost into consideration.

"It seems that they are going to subvert the way of agricultural production!" Ye Zishu sighed.

"It is true, and it also has a unique advantage in small-scale production. In the past, we paid attention to large-scale production in order to reduce costs.

And their production method, even if it is small-scale production, will not greatly increase the cost, which is conducive to the development of individualized agriculture and is more conducive to increasing the scale of agricultural output value. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

The types of agricultural products we eat seem to be so many. In fact, there are absolutely many types of agricultural products. It is only industrial-scale production, and the demand for some small varieties must be discarded to reduce costs.

In the future, there will be no such worries. Residents can enjoy many small-scale agricultural products at a slightly higher price, which will naturally help increase the output value of agricultural products.

Then Ye Zishu directly logged into the electric planting base of Kylin Agricultural Development Group. The light in the planting workshop is very low, because it is afraid of the additional impact of light on the crops.

In addition, the entire planting process is fully automated, and artificial intelligence can perform all operations in an environment where people cannot see clearly through very sensitive sensing components.

The workshop is very closed, and the nutrient solution and air supply come in through special channels, which can reduce pests and diseases. The whole production process does not need to use any pesticides, which can be regarded as green and environmentally friendly.

After he and Pei Qing watched the production environment, they immediately held an online meeting on Super Wancheng Foundation, Qilin Agricultural Development Group, Qilin Timber Industry Group, and Guo Dongmei.

Discussions were conducted on the development of electric agriculture, hoping to allow them to invest in large-scale production as soon as possible, and a large number of agricultural production buildings will be built around the city by then.

In terms of the construction of agricultural buildings, Ye Zishu suggested using high-quality wood from Qilin Timber Industry Group to build buildings. There are three main purposes for doing so.

The first purpose is to try to use wooden structures to build high-rise buildings. Now they are basically reinforced concrete structures. When the service life expires in the future, it is very likely that a large amount of construction waste will be generated.

Even if there are technical means to deal with these construction wastes, the cost is definitely much higher than that of buildings with wooden structures, so this is a new way to explore construction.

The second purpose is that the construction period of wooden structure buildings is much shorter. Modular production in the factory, the construction process is the assembly process, and it is also very environmentally friendly.

If the traditional reinforced concrete structure is adopted, it will be difficult for Qilin Agricultural Development Group to build a large number of production buildings in a short period of time. This method can solve the problem of long construction period.

The third purpose is to artificially increase the cost. This statement is a bit weird, but it is not difficult to understand. Because the efficiency of electricity production technology is very high, the profit margin is much higher than that of traditional agriculture at the same price.

But such a high profit margin is not a good thing. If part of the profit can be used to drive the development of other industries, it will be more valuable and meaningful.

Otherwise, if their profit margin is too high, it will inevitably lead to the cancellation of their agricultural tax by the state. It is only a matter of time, so it is very important to control the profit margin reasonably.

Wooden materials capable of building tall buildings must be very high-end materials, and the price is very high, much higher than the cost of so-called reinforced concrete.

He has always wanted to promote advanced wooden buildings, but the effect has not met his expectations. In this way, it can also play a certain role in promotion.

Rational use of the resources in hand is the essence of the development of industrial clusters. Electric planting technology will inevitably attract global attention, and it will naturally attract global attention to this construction method.

Finally, Leaf Book mentioned the pre-sale agricultural development model. In any case, the agricultural production cycle is definitely longer than that of industrial products, especially for agricultural products with strict quality, the growth time must be sufficient.

How to further reduce costs and control the market more precisely has become a top priority for agricultural development. Although the pre-sale system cannot solve all problems, it still plays a role to some extent.

Because according to the statistics, the demand for various agricultural products is basically the same as the proportion of the overall market demand, which is conducive to the reasonable arrangement of the planting ratio of various agricultural products by Kirin Agricultural Development Group.

In this way, there will be no large surplus of some agricultural products, while some agricultural products are in short supply, which can not only ensure the stability of prices, but also reduce the losses of enterprises.

Most importantly, the pre-sale mode can directly help companies lock in the market and exclude competitors, which is conducive to consolidating the market share of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, and even cannibalizing the market of competitors.

Now that there is a social security fund, Ye Zishu is not afraid that doing so will harm ordinary farmers. It is the agricultural enterprises that will lose their interests. With the strength of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, there will definitely be no problem in further expanding and strengthening.

In addition, pre-sold products can also drive the development of the distribution service industry. In the past, buying agricultural products required going to supermarkets, vegetable markets, or fruit shops.

Now it is delivered directly from the production base to consumers. Consumers can not only eat the freshest agricultural products, but the delivery service also increases the added value of the industrial chain.

Just in the next few years, his robot production capacity may be overcapacitated. At that time, these distribution services will increase the demand for a large number of robots, which can delay the time of robot overcapacity.

This model can be said to benefit all parties, and it is a model worthy of vigorous development in the future. It can even be promoted in industrial products, which will help reduce the problems of unreasonable production structure and structural excess of industrial products.

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