After completing the 39th video update,

Ning Yu is preparing to update the 40th video.

However, he suddenly went through the system and discovered that something was wrong with the real world.

The Middle Eastern man who was blown away with only one breath left is gone!

The system can no longer search his memory.

Ning Yu's eyes suddenly shot out two cold lights.

His system is like the warp.

The Warp is a mirror in which the emotions and realizations of all intelligent beings are reflected.

His system is also a mirror, a mirror of the memory of intelligent creatures.

The memories of all intelligent creatures will be preserved in it!

Even if this intelligent creature is dead!

But now, the memory of that Middle Eastern man is completely gone.

Whether it is now or before.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Ning Yu ignored the pleas of netizens and immediately stopped updating and began to transfer his energy to the real world.

There are many ways to find a man, even if that man disappears from the system.

There are other ways to find him, too.

Ning Yu used the system to quickly search the memories of all living people in that simple hospital.

The man himself disappeared, but of the many pairs of eyes in the hospital, there will always be one pair of eyes that saw him and left a memory!

Soon, he had a clue.

As of noon today, the Middle Eastern man was still lying on the bed hanging on with only one breath.

But the doctors at the hospital were impatient.

Their bed space is very tight and should not be reserved for people who cannot be saved at first glance.

So, the man was carried out and thrown into the high pile of dead people in the basement.

Ning Yu had no way of knowing the man's mood and thoughts at this moment.

But everyone can roughly guess how angry, desperate, and unwilling he is.

Extreme situations once again push the envelope.

Just in the evening, when the last rays of the sun disappear from the desert.

A flash of blood suddenly fell over the hospital. Ning Yu saw what happened from a staff member who happened to be dumping corpses in the basement. The blood-stained bandage on the man's body suddenly collapsed. He stood up from the pile of corpses as if he was reborn from a cocoon! At this moment, the man who had broken bones all over his body was staggering. Under the shocked eyes of the staff, he howled and rushed out! If this matter were placed in a peaceful country, it might cause an uproar. Call it a human miracle or something. But in that war-torn desert, this kind of thing only attracted a few exclamations, and was quickly forgotten by everyone. Not even a single record was left in the hospital. The memory of the man inside the hospital was cut off. Ning Yu expanded the search scope to the outside of the hospital. At this moment, everyone who passed by the hospital at that time was his human camera. Soon, a woman saw the man in an alley behind the hospital. The man knelt on his knees, as if praying faithfully. People in the desert have firm beliefs, but what the man is whispering is not any god she has ever heard of! The woman stepped forward curiously to check. But a fierce light suddenly flashed in the man's eyes! He stood up suddenly, and before the woman screamed, he quickly broke her neck! A few hours ago, the man was a seriously injured patient, but now he was so powerful that he could pluck off a woman's head! Blood sprayed wildly in the alley. Before the woman completely lost consciousness, she heard the man's last words:

"Blood is sacrificed to the blood god, and the skull is sacrificed to the skull throne!"

The woman's memory was cut off.

But another pedestrian passing by outside the alley gave Ning Yu the next scene.

The man rushed out of the alley with the woman's head, his eyes were blood red, and the most terrifying expression appeared on his face. He was violent and walked step by step towards a building guarded by armed personnel.

Gunshots rang out in an instant, and Ning Yu lost the next scene of the man as the pedestrians fled in panic.

But he almost knew what the man would do next.

The man The original intention is to pray to Khorne to give him the opportunity to avenge his relatives.

But there is no free lunch in the world, especially for evil gods.

Their gifts must come with a huge price.

For Khorne, there is only one price for becoming a believer: that is Use endless fighting and killing for its entertainment.

No matter who the target of this killing and fighting is.

The man may finally be able to fulfill his wish and avenge his loved ones.

But before that, many innocent people must die in his hands.

Of course, None of this is important to Ning Yu. What is important is that someone actually received the gift of Khorne.

This made his mood a little complicated.

The seeds of solving the threat of Chaos have really sprouted.

But at the same time, Pandora's Box It is indeed opened.

If you are not careful with every next step, the whole world will be completely invaded by Chaos Demons.

"Damn, I'm the biggest gambler in the world."

Ning Yu scolded himself mockingly, then picked up the red phone on the desk and broadcast:

"All the remaining 826 human elites were sent to the Middle East."

After further training during the day, there were only more than 800 of the previous thousand human elites left.

Ning Yu sent them all out without hesitation.

Of course, this was not completely safe.

He thought about it carefully and continued He said into the microphone:

"In addition, let that country send its fleet to the sea on the edge of the desert to stand by."

"Tell them to put at least ten nuclear bombs on the ship for me."

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