Ever since Ning Yu suddenly went offline, the entire day the next day continued.

Netizens around the world are worried about the future of Warmaster Horus.

From the current point of view, there are no more than three endings for Horus: first, death.

Second, it would be better to die.

As for the third ending:

Horus didn't come out of the temple alive.

This is simply impossible.

Why, the plan of the Chaos Evil Gods is just for children to play house?

Just let you break it casually?

As for the real world, something big happened.

A certain country suddenly sent its three most powerful maritime fleets to the Middle East to perform secret missions.

The sudden mobilization of such a large number of troops to someone else's doorstep should have aroused dissatisfaction in many countries.

However, the strange thing is that no country objected this time.

A certain desert country even opened its own port for the three fleets to be stationed..

Many conspirators began to speculate that something big might happen in the real world.

There is definitely someone or some force that is secretly driving and directing all of this.

But who, or which force, can make several countries that were originally at odds temporarily put aside their differences and cooperate together?

There really aren’t many answers to this question…

It’s half past seven at night.

Ning Yu uploaded the 40th video on the website on time: [The Emperor's Lies].

The picture begins with the interior of the Coiled Snake Temple.

The light was dim, the air was humid, and filled with a strong smell of rotting plants.

Horus was lying on a simple stone bed, his eyes closed and his hands placed helplessly on his chest.

He now only has one breath left.

Not only was this the case physically, but

Horus's spirit also suffered the most serious damage.

In the coma, which was like falling into the abyss,

Horus saw all kinds of bizarre fantasies.

Four tall figures appeared in his vision and told him the hidden truths of the Empire: the first, about the nature of the warp.

The Emperor hid the fact that gods existed in the Warp, using false Imperial truths to lead humanity astray without knowledge.

The second is the truth about the origin of the original body.

The Primarchs were created by the Emperor using the power of the Warp.

This, he did not tell any of the originals.

Third, the Emperor's attitude towards genetically modified warriors.

Since the original bodies are all creations with the participation of subspace power.

How can the Emperor, who hates the warp so much, love you?

And love the Astartes created from your genes?

You are merely tools used by the Emperor to conquer the galaxy.

When all is done, you will be abandoned and destroyed.

This can be clearly seen from your lack of position in the Terran Council.

In addition, your fate can also be compared to the previous Thunder Warriors.

Fourth, the true purpose of the Emperor's Great Crusade.

This is related to the nature of subspace.

As we all know, the gods of subspace are born from the extreme emotions and thoughts of intelligent creatures.

The Emperor unites all of humanity, making him their savior.

The purpose is to let humans gather all this emotion of worship into the subspace and create a godhead for him!

So the Emperor doesn't even love humans.

His real purpose in launching the Great Crusade is to use the emotions of all humans to make himself a god alone!

The price of becoming a god is often the destruction of the entire race.

The most vivid example is Slaanesh, one of the four evil gods of chaos who was just born.

When mankind was in the midst of a great collapse, another race actually emerged in the galaxy.

This race is called the Eldar.

At that time, the civilization of the Eldar was extremely developed, even surpassing that of the later Human Empire.

And compared to humans, the Eldar are more intelligent and emotional.

This allows them to feel emotions more intensely than humans and other intelligent races.

In order to pursue the most extreme emotional experience, the developed Eldar are addicted to pleasure all day long, and push this pleasure to higher peaks again and again.

In the end, when the entire Ada Eldar clan reached its extreme high.

Their emotions coalesced into the god in the Warp, and this was the birth of Slaanesh.

At the time of his birth, Slaanesh caused a massive shockwave, causing a catastrophe known as the"Fall of the Eldar".

At that time, a huge shock wave tore apart the barrier between reality and subspace, and the raging energy flow engulfed the entire star field where the Eldar tribe was located, eventually creating a strange space where subspace and reality intersect.

Yes, this is the origin of the space crack called the Eye of Fear.

Except for a few survivors who were not in the star field at the time, the remaining Eldar were swallowed into the warp.

They died, and those who became demons became demons.

The Ada Eldar, who once could compete with the peak empire, were left alone.

And think about it, wait until the day when the emperor who keeps saying he is a human being becomes a god.

If a shock wave explodes, how many humans will be left alive?

Will the catastrophe known as the"Fall of the Human Race" be more deadly than the"Fall of the Spirit Race"?

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