Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 866, College Entrance Examination Results

My dad didn’t say what Father Yu said was right, nor did he say what Father Yu said was wrong. He fell silent and looked up at the sky, seeming to recall many past events. What is certain is that what Yu’s father is talking about is a portrayal of their lives when they were young. But now twenty years have passed, and my father’s edges have been smoothed by life, but Yu’s father still maintains a high fighting spirit.

At this moment, Yu Chengfei suddenly interjected: "Actually, after killing Lai Scarzi, the rats will stay away from the underworld."

Father Yu and my dad both looked at me in surprise." I smiled and nodded: "I'm still more suitable to live an ordinary life."

Father Yu suddenly laughed: "Old Wang, your son is exactly like you. Now you can rest assured, right?"

My dad didn't show any expression of joy. Instead, he looked at Yu Chengfei: "Can you do it alone?"

Yu Chengfei was stunned for a moment and said seriously: "Okay."

My dad looked at me again: "Have you made up your mind?"

I also said seriously: "It's decided."

My dad sighed: "I always hope that you two brothers can advance and retreat together."

Yu Chengfei and I were both stunned, but Father Yu was the only one who smiled. My dad continued: "Haohao, do you listen to me?"

I tensed up and said, "Listen."

My dad continued: "Okay. If Feizi accidentally gets into trouble, you must help him at all costs."

I nodded: "That's for sure." Even if my dad doesn't have to say it, I will definitely do it!

Father Yu even said with a smile: "Oh, don't curse the children, they won't get into trouble."

A few people chatted for a while, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed. The two fathers also told us some interesting stories from their past, which made Yu Chengfei and I laugh. Later, we found a remote piece of land in Nanguoyuan, dug a hole and buried Lai Scarzi's head. Father Yu said: "At least once we are brothers, all the grievances will be settled. Let's kowtow to him."

The two fathers knelt down and kowtowed to the place where Lai Scar was buried. Yu Chengfei and I stood aside and watched, but did not kowtow. The two fathers were very interested. They sat down and started chatting, talking about what happened to them back then. In the past, these things were kept secret, but now that Lai Scarzi is dead, they can be spoken out without fear. Yu Chengfei and I went to buy some bulk liquor, peanuts, etc. The four of us sat cross-legged on the ground and drank and talked. Of course, the two fathers mainly talked and we listened.

Listening to stories is always more enjoyable, and coupled with my own imagination, I always feel that the small county town of Jinjiajing is more powerful than the prefecture-level city of Beiyuan, and I become more and more fascinated by the past of the two fathers. Later, I remembered something and asked my dad about it, that is, one time I brought an iron piece home and was searched by the police from the police station in the middle of the night. As a result, the iron piece disappeared, but magically appeared again the next day. thing. At that time, my family still lived in a bungalow, and there were only three people at home: me, my mother, and Tie Nian.

After hearing this, my dad said with a smile: "It's simple. The bed board in our house can be separated in the middle, and there is a space underneath that can accommodate people. There is absolutely no trace of it from the outside. It needs to trigger a certain mechanism to open it. Same. There are also some agencies at your uncle's house. After all, we are still on the run, so it is necessary to be prepared. But since we moved into the building, we have stopped doing these things; now that Lai Scarzi is dead, we don't need to do this anymore. Be careful."

After saying that, the two adults burst into laughter, and the laughter carried a heroic spirit that spread far and wide. When my father mentioned the agency, it reminded me of the agency in Mr. Rong’s house. People like them really go to great lengths to protect themselves. That night, we talked until very late, and finally returned home at the urging of my mother's phone call. The next day, Yu Chengfei left. The king of the underworld in a city is very busy; but I stayed and lived a relaxed and comfortable life in Dongguan Town.

When I have nothing to do, I go to Wang Hao Bar to play for a while and pick up my abandoned game account. At that time, that game was no longer popular, and online games were emerging one after another. It was also an inevitable path for a game to go from prosperity to decline. When we entered our area, there were not many people inside, and we rarely encountered other players while walking on the road. It was a veritable ghost area. At that time, the system also made many countermeasures, including merging the two districts into one district, but there was still no way to restore its prosperity.

Xia Xue and the others are also on holiday. I went to Beiyuan and called Taozi and Baiqing out to eat, watch movies and so on. Xia Xue still can't come out, and her mother is still guarding me, leaving me with nothing to do. The Four Heavenly Kings were also on vacation. As soon as they came back, they called me and said that their schools were not very good and they still missed their old high school life. I laughed and said, "You were the boss in high school, but when you go to college you lose your status, so you feel bad?"

After nearly ten or twenty days, the college entrance examination results finally came in amid great anticipation. At that time, online inquiries were not yet available, so everyone called the hotline to check. I remember clearly that I called over and over again, but there was either a busy signal or a disconnection. The most annoying thing was that after I entered a long string of admission ticket numbers, I was given a message saying "The system is busy". I was so angry that I almost dropped the phone.

After calling more than a dozen times without getting through, I simply stopped calling and lay on the sofa watching TV. After a while, Brick called and said that his analysis had been completed. Your mother, over 600 points! I remember very clearly that last year, the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Beiyuan was over 600 points. If there is no lunatic more perverted than Brick this year, this guy will definitely be the top pick. This result was also expected by everyone. Brick asked me again how many exams I had taken, and I said I didn't know. The system was always busy. Brick said, "I did the same thing. I checked it more than a dozen times and it didn't work. I was so angry that I wanted to smash the phone to pieces. Later, Taozi checked it for me. She was more patient and not anxious at all." When I heard this, I was so happy that I asked Taozi to check it for me.

After a while, Taozi called and found out my score, 525! When I heard this score, I was both happy and worried. Fortunately, this score is within my normal level; but worriedly, I don’t know if I can reach the admission score of Hong Kong University. The admission cutoff for college every year fluctuates around 525, which can be said to be a very dangerous score!

However, Taozi still said that I did well in the exam, said that she didn't expect that I could take so many exams, and that I would definitely get into college. This girl is always comforting when she talks. Later, many people called me to ask about my scores, and I answered them all truthfully. Some said I would definitely pass the exam, while others said it was a bit uncertain. As a result, I became more nervous. The admission score is usually released about a week later. During that time, I was really suffering. I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I asked every day if the high score was out. From this point of view, I am indeed not an open-minded person.

My family was very happy. They didn't expect that I could get such a high score in the exam. They even said that if I can't go to a university, it would be fine to get a second degree. Xia Xue's father also called me. He was very happy after knowing my score, saying that it was quite difficult.

A week later, the big admission line came out, 530! I'm 5 points lower, just 5 points! At that time, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning, and I had no idea what to do. After my friends learned the news, they all felt sorry for me. Thinking of the missed opportunity at Xiang University, I was so sad that I didn’t know what to do. Yu Chengfei came back in person to comfort me and bought wine to drink with me. I cried while drinking. I didn’t know I was so eager to get into college. In fact, not only for Xia Xue, but also for myself. As a student, who wouldn’t want to go to college to prove themselves?

Later, Yu Chengfei said: "Isn't the Ye family very good in Xiangshi? Make a call and ask if there is any hope."

Schools of this level are directly under the control of the state, and the local government should not have the ability to intervene. But with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a live doctor, I still called Tie Nian and told him about my situation to see if he could help. Tie Nian said he would help me inquire about it and would give me the news the next day. After hanging up the phone, I was still very nervous and almost didn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, I woke up and put my phone next to me. I would turn it on if there was any trouble. I would also call my home phone to make sure it was not broken. After struggling like this all morning, Tie Nian finally called me. I picked up the call excitedly, and he asked me if I had any special skills. I was stunned for a moment and asked whether killing people was considered a specialty. Iron blocks don’t count, but they refer to things like playing ball, painting, chess, etc. It’s best to have someone who has passed the exam. I said angrily: "I kill people every day, how can I have time to develop hobbies." Tie Nian said: "Well, I will get you a national second-level athlete, and I can add 10 points to you."

I was shocked at the time and had no idea this could happen. The college entrance examination does have extra points, but as far as I know, you have to apply for it before the college entrance examination, and you can make it up after the college entrance examination. This is completely against the rules. I asked after being confused for a while, and Tie Nian said with a smile: "The Ye family has its own way." It was quite mysterious, so I didn't ask any more.

I was so happy that I could go to college, and I didn’t care how the Ye family did it. A few days later, when I checked my score again, it had become 535, which was 5 points beyond the admission limit. I was so happy when I heard the news, but it frightened my parents. They still don’t know how it was done. I immediately spread the news widely. Of course, I didn’t say that it was the Ye family’s help. I only said that the score checking system had malfunctioned and it has now returned to normal.

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