Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 867: Visiting the Xia Family

This is really a gratifying and congratulatory event. I am so excited that I am going to call all my friends out for a meal. If I had scored 535 points in the exam at the beginning, I might not be as happy as I am now; but this experience of first missing by 5 points, and then getting 5 points higher, is a process of ups and downs for me, and the excitement in it No less than killing any big boss!

I immediately rushed to Beiyuan and took over the entire Kaiyuan Restaurant, including all the senior officials of the Black Tiger Gang, Yu Chengfei and his group, Zhou Mo, Tao Zi, Bai Qing, Gao Qi, the Four Heavenly Kings, Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes , Thirteen Taibao, and some scattered ones, such as Dai Zude and others from Chenggao, Xu Xiaokai and others from Beiqi, Li Wenchao, Xiaoxue and others from the Vocational College; as well as Fan Wenfeng, Slap King, Huang Yancheng, and Teacher Gu , Teacher Liu, Internet cafe Lao Zhang, beautiful sister... Anyway, I can call them all! It's really true that the Tongzilou gang won't come out, otherwise they'll call in those old monsters too.

Mainly because it was a good time, it was summer vacation time, and almost everyone was there as soon as I called. The Kaiyuan Restaurant was packed to the brim the next day, and I was running upstairs and downstairs. I want to tell you the good news that I got admitted to SMU. People are in high spirits during happy events, and I saw so many old friends. I was drunk that day, so I was really happy.

I don’t know who sent me back to Dongguan. When I woke up the next day, my dad took me to drink again. I said I really couldn't drink anymore. The smell of alcohol made me want to throw up. My dad said no, I have to drink it today. It turned out that he also wanted to show off that his son had been admitted to SNU. He held a banquet at the largest restaurant in our town and called the neighbors of our unit and the slum area where we used to live. There were seven or eight people that day. No. 10, my dad was as happy as a groom.

I drank too much today. I felt so uncomfortable that I lay on the toilet at home and vomited for half the night. Even so, I am still happy because I am one step closer to my dream. In fact, I don't even plan to finish college. As long as I convince a few girls and their families, I will take them to Arabia immediately. I really can't wait for a moment.

After these two drinks, the high temperature of this matter gradually passed. I was happily waiting for the admission notice from Xinda University. Within two days, Xia Xue’s father called me and invited me to his house for dinner. I was flattered and asked if my aunt was not at home? Xia Xue's father said yes, Xia Xue was back from summer vacation, and Xia Xue's mother naturally came back. I said, "Do I dare to go?"

Xia Xue's father said: "Why don't you dare? I made a bet with her before. As long as you can be admitted to XNU, I will admit you again! Now it seems that I have won this bet, so you can come as openly as you want." !”

I felt relieved and rushed to Beiyuan again, arriving at Xia Xue's home after a long absence. It was already evening when I arrived, and I carefully knocked on Xia Xue's door. The door opened, and Xia Xue stood at the door, looking at me with a smile. The little girl is so beautiful, just looking at her with my eyes makes my mouth water. Xia Xue opened the shoe cabinet and took out a pair of men's slippers for me. I resisted the urge to hug her, put the nutritional supplements aside, and carefully changed into slippers.

Xia Xue's mother sat on the sofa and said nonchalantly: "Come in and sit."

At this time, Xia Xue's father also came out of the kitchen. He was wearing a cartoon apron around his waist, but he didn't look ridiculous. Instead, he felt more and more that he was a good man. Xia Xue's father rubbed his hands and said happily: "Wang Hao, are you here?" He glanced at what I was carrying and shouted, "Come on, come on. Why are you weighing such an expensive thing?" !”

I took something that cost a thousand dollars. It was really not a big deal to me. But Xia Xue's father thought that I was still a child from a poor family, so it was inevitable that he would say such blaming words. I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say. Could it be that I am rich now? Fortunately, Xia Xue helped me out and said, "It's okay. Now Wang Hao and one of his brothers are doing business and have made a lot of money. What's the point of weighing some things for our family!" After hearing this, I felt Quite proud of it.

As Xia Xue said this, she pulled me in, moved a small stool for me, and asked me to sit on the sofa on the side. Xia Xue’s mother was still watching TV with an expressionless face, while Xia Xue’s father looked at me in surprise: “Ah, you can do business while going to school? What kind of business do you do? How much money can you make in a month?”

"We can dig some sand together with my brother, and we can earn 10,000 yuan a month." I said casually. In fact, I only make this little money, but I am afraid that I will scare them by saying too much, and they may not believe it. But even if he said tens of thousands, Xia Xue's father was still shocked: "There are so many?!" Xia Xue's mother also turned her head and looked at me in disbelief.

Although they are both civil servants, as far as I know, they only earn two to three thousand a month. However, their benefits are high and their bonuses are large, ranging from 70,000 to 80,000 yuan a year. Even so, I was very surprised to learn that I could earn tens of thousands of dollars a year.

I quickly said: "Hard-earned money is hard-earned money."

Then, Xia Xue's father asked some more business questions, and I told him everything about the sand and gravel factory in Jishi Village. But in this story, I describe Miao Wenqing as the boss and myself as a helper. Xia Xue's father praised me repeatedly. While praising me for being young and promising, he looked sideways at Xia Xue's mother, as if to say, "I guess I saw the right person." Of course, this is what I understand. Maybe Xia Xue’s father doesn’t mean this either.

After talking for a while, Xia Xue’s father asked me to sit down, and then he continued to go into the kitchen to cook. Xia Xue poured me water and looked at me with a smile, her eyes full of love. It feels like she is happier than me when I come to her house. Xia Xue's mother watched TV and didn't say a word to me. Xia Xue told me some things about Xinxiang University, saying that although Xinxiang University is a national key university, there are a lot of cliques in it, and many excellent students have become bad after going there. of.

Although Xia Xue is a girl with excellent academic performance, she is also particularly interested in boys fighting and killing. When we first met, it was she who told me who the bosses of each school were. Tao Zi never talks about these things. So Xia Xue was very happy when she talked about these things. As a result, Xia Xue's mother was not happy. She slapped the table and said, "Why are you talking to Wang Hao about this? Do you still expect him to become the boss at XNU?"

Xia Xue said: "No way, Mom, don't talk nonsense, I just asked him to go to Xinda to be careful."

Xia Xue's mother snorted and said, "I didn't expect Xinda to be so chaotic. What's wrong with the students now?"

Xia Xue's mother's aura was so strong that Xia Xue and I didn't dare to talk for a while. Xia Xue also regretted talking about the fight in Xinda and quickly asked me about the sand and gravel factory. She said this, firstly, to change the subject from the fight, and secondly, to flatter me and let her mother know that I can make money. Xia Xue didn't have much to ask, so she just asked me how much a square meter of sand and gravel costs, how many dump trucks there are in the factory now, how many construction sites we deliver sand to, etc. I haven't paid attention to the sand business for a long time, so I can only go by the impression I had a year ago. I was still answering questions fluently, and I even boasted that the output of the sand and gravel factory is not good now, and we need to merge a few more factories.

Xia Xue's mother suddenly asked: "What are you mainly responsible for there?"

I was suddenly stunned, wondering why Xia Xue’s mother suddenly asked this. In fact, I am not responsible for anything, I am only responsible for collecting money, and Miao Wenqing is in charge of the overall direction. I was just thinking about making up some kind of "responsible project" when Xia Xue's mother said, "Are you going to be a thug? If someone pulls a string of strings and doesn't pay you, you'll be responsible for beating them away?"

I was stunned. Xia Xue’s mother was insinuating that I was a little bastard.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Xia Xue immediately became unhappy, "Wang Hao is helping his brother..."

"Shut up." Xia Xue's mother stopped Xia Xue and said, "I asked him, but I didn't ask you, if he can't speak?" Then he looked at me again, as if waiting for my answer.

I felt extremely uncomfortable and felt that I had been greatly insulted. It wasn't because Xia Xue's mother said I was a thug that she was angry, but because there was such a sense of contempt in her tone that I couldn't stand it. I clenched my fists and then unclenched them. I stood up slowly while holding on to the coffee table and said, "Auntie, if you don't like me, you can tell me clearly. I'll leave now. There's no need to be so sarcastic." After that, I turned around. , decided to leave Xia Xue's home.

"Wang Hao!" Xia Xue jumped up, took my arm and said, "I'll go with you and never come back!"

"Come back!" Xia Xue's mother was also anxious. She only asked Xia Xue to come back, not me.

I was also angry, so I took Xia Xue's hand and walked out. As soon as the door was opened, Xia Xue's father rushed out, holding a spatula in his hand, and asked nervously: "What's going on, what's going on?"

I could not give face to Xia Xue’s mother, but I had to give face to Xia Xue’s father, so I had to stop temporarily. Xia Xue turned around and angrily recounted what had just happened. Xia Xue's father angrily pointed the shovel at Xia Xue's mother: "You, you! Let me tell you what's good about you!"

Xia Xue's mother also felt that she had been wronged. Her cheeks were flushed and she didn't dare to say a word. After all, she couldn't do what a shrew did.

Xia Xue's father said to me again: "Wang Hao, come in, you are my invited guest!"

In fact, I didn't want to stay any longer, so I couldn't help but look at Xia Xue's mother again. In fact, my heart is quite soft. As long as Xia Xue’s mother leaves me alone, I will definitely sit down immediately.

Xia Xue's father understood, looked at Xia Xue's mother and said, "Have you forgotten our agreement? As long as Wang Hao is admitted to XNU, you will accept him again!"

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