Red Alert 1895

Chapter 361: Landing in Sumatra (Part 1)

"Commander Chen, the Spaniards have learned that we have wiped out their navy, and they have lost control of the sea. And then, they have landed on the other side of the Malacca Strait, and now they are on the island of Sumatra .They may be artificially thinking that they are safer on Sumatra Island, and we dare not land on Sumatra Island."

Now that these Spaniards know that their plan to attack the Taiwan Navy has failed, it means that they are thinking about retreating. Because they know that they can't defeat the Taiwan army just by relying on the army without dominance of the sea, and next they hope to be able to go to Sumatra Island, so that they can avoid being attacked by the Taiwan army. The reason why they think Sumatra Island is safe is because Sumatra Island guards the Strait of Malacca. If Taiwan takes Sumatra Island, I am afraid that Western countries will not be willing to let it go, and will definitely put pressure on Taiwan. Therefore, they think that Sumatra Island is a restricted area for Taiwan, and that Taiwan will not attack immediately. They will only be able to watch themselves live safely on Sumatra Island. And this war, maybe it will end up like this in the end.

"Hmph, inform the navy to **** three divisions of our army to land immediately!" Chen Liyan said.

"Commander Chen, will this stimulate the foreign devils too much?"

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Wang said, as long as they land on Sumatra Island, we will also land on Sumatra Island. Then we will never let him land with such peace of mind. We must annihilate their army. If they dare to attack us, then We also want to make them look good! As for the international affairs, Mr. Wang will handle them well." Chen Liyan said.

soon. The 11th, 12th, and 13th Divisions of the West Borneo Military Region began to board the service ships of the Java Sea Fleet to prepare for landing, and then went to attack the Spaniards. The eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth divisions are all newly formed divisions, and currently they are not fully staffed. Each division has only about 12,000 people, which is relatively complete. If it is a unit of the East Borneo Military Region, there may be 8,000 people in one division. After all, these troops have just been expanded. Many soldiers are not recruited enough, and they can only be obtained by gradually recruiting.

soon. The three divisions of the West Borneo Military Region also took troop carriers to the Gamba River, and then landed on the Gamba River, officially set foot on the land of Sumatra Island.

The division commanders of the three divisions met with each other here, and then prepared to conduct a decision meeting.

Ma Junhui, the division commander of the 11th Division, took the initiative to say to the other two division commanders: "Old Cheng, Lao Bao, this time Commander Chen asked us to set up the front enemy general headquarters. A leader!"

Because Sumatra Island and Kalimantan Island are separated by a piece of sea, even though there is radio communication, it is impossible for Chen Liyan to direct the front line of the sword. After all, Chen Liyan was commanding across a piece of sea area, so how ridiculous is this? After all, there are so many variables outside, and these can't be understood by just relying on wireless telegraphy. So the establishment of the former enemy commander. It has become inevitable for them to be responsible for frontline operations. So Chen Liyan delegated power and let them set up a former enemy general headquarters. Then the battle on Sumatra was assigned to them. It is equal to the fact that these three divisions are temporarily forming a temporary force, and then temporarily integrating them together, so that they can have a perfect command. Otherwise, if none of the three divisions had a clear command authority, it would probably cause the command authority to be unclear, which would definitely surprise them.

And Cheng Chu, the commander of the 12th Division, also said: "Okay, we must set up a former enemy general headquarters. Otherwise, we can't command at all. What's more, with this former enemy general headquarters, it will affect our future future. Then They are all very good too.”

This former enemy general headquarters is actually a temporary "army", and with the status of an officer of the current enemy general headquarters, it will definitely have great benefits for the next promotion. They have the commander-level command experience this time, so they will definitely give priority to promotion when they are promoted. After all, officers with higher command experience must seriously consider promotion, which is also responsible for the army. Of course, if it was those western aristocratic armies, they would become regiment-level officers as soon as they were adults. But this is also a problem with the ruling class of Western countries. Western countries are ruled by aristocrats. Although nominally a constitutional monarchy, in fact many officials are served by nobles, so the nobles still have great influence. But China is different. Although China also has so-called aristocrats, since the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty, all the ruling classes have been iron-clad soldiers, and they are changing at any time. Those so-called nobles, on the contrary, seldom participate in the direct management of the country, and they are mainly civil servants. This has also resulted in the fact that the ruling class is not solidified, and the situation in which the capable go up and the mediocre go down has been effectively brought into play. So in terms of governance means, China is actually more advanced. Western countries are only ahead in industry, and China is not blindly lagging behind.

"Old Cheng, you were already the chief of staff of the division. Now that you have been promoted to the division commander, it must be because you have more seniority. And Lao Cheng and I have just been promoted directly to the regiment commander, so it is better for you to be the commander-in-chief of the former enemy. The two are responsible for assisting you!" Bao Zhian, the commander of the 13th Division, immediately replied.

I have to say that wherever you go, you must pay attention to certain qualifications. It is impossible for the absolute capable to rise above the mediocre, but qualifications are definitely an advantage for people in the same position. Ma Junhui's qualifications are higher. He used to be the chief of staff of the division, so after being promoted to division commander this time, his qualifications are much higher than the other two who were promoted from regimental commander. So now he has more qualifications than the other two, so Ma Junhui can naturally have more status.

"Since this is the case, then I will do my part. However, I hope that Lao Baozhi can come to me as the chief of staff of the former enemy's general headquarters, and Lao Cheng, you will be the deputy commander in chief and be in charge of logistics!" Ma Junhui said.

According to the division of Taiwan's army, the deputy positions of the army, that is, positions such as deputy commander, deputy division commander, and deputy head of the regiment, are responsible for training and logistics in the army. But generally speaking, it is responsible for logistics during wars, and it is responsible for training during normal times. Now it is also responsible for logistics during wars. And this former deputy commander in chief of the enemy was in charge of the logistics temporarily, so Ma Junhui hoped that Cheng Chu would be in charge of the logistics.

And Ma Junhui's idea is to be able to integrate the troops of the three divisions, and then he can unify his command, so that the command authority will not cause serious confusion. And the integration of the three people together deprives the three of them of their military command power, so that they will not hold power in their hands and then fight against the higher-level leadership. After all, the three of them are all at the same level. If a higher-level command department is not established, it may be difficult for them to coordinate. And if a suitable higher-level command organization can be established, the coordination of command will also be increased a lot, so that there will be no impact of wrangling, and it will definitely be of great benefit to the next battle. And as long as they can perfectly carry out this combat mission against the Spaniards, then they have actual combat exploits and experience in commanding first-level combat troops, and then their future can be said to have a higher level possible.

Bao Zhi'an thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, let's take charge of commanding this army together, and then defeat these low-level Spaniards together, so that we can have a better future."

At the level of senior military officers like them, simple defense of the country is no longer valued by and they are more concerned about the development of their own future. After all, at their level, it is no longer what it used to be That simple soldier, they care about their own future development far more than they care about defending their home and country. So it is definitely good for them to form this three-person group now, and they can get great benefits from accumulating war experience in this way.

"Okay, let's work together to wipe out these Spanish foreign devils. We dare not offend the British, but we are sure to deal with some Spaniards! Besides, even the British don't dare to attack us easily But they are vying to be the vanguard, so there is no need for us to be polite to them." Ma Junhui said.

For Taiwan's military, at present they can only put a few big countries in their eyes, that is, Britain, Germany and France. As for the United States, they don't think much of it. After all, the United States has not had a real war for a long time, and its combat effectiveness is questionable. And Russia's weapons and equipment level is much worse than its own, so don't worry. The really powerful ones are Britain, Germany and France. Other countries such as Spain and the Netherlands are not taken seriously by the Taiwan army, so naturally they don't take them seriously. Now that they dare to come over, they should be beaten severely so that they can vent their anger!

In their eyes, these Spaniards are not enemies, but fat meat for military exploits, so they naturally rushed to accept them very bluntly. (to be continued)

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