Red Alert 1895

Chapter 362: Landing in Sumatra (Part 2)

Taiwan's troops landed in Sumatra, and they couldn't hide it from Western countries such as the United Kingdom. And this made many people feel tremors, because Taiwan has landed in Sumatra, will it come to occupy this Sumatra island next? Once the island of Sumatra is occupied by then, will the Strait of Malacca be blocked next time? Once the Strait of Malacca is blocked, the channel for Western troops to influence the East will be interrupted, and those countries with huge interests in the East will also start their activities and prepare to start negotiations with Taiwan. After all, the Strait of Malacca is the culprit of countless countries, which is related to the trade between the East and the West and the exploitation of the East by the West. So they have to pay attention, once something goes wrong, the loss will be huge.

At this time, the consortiums in Western countries can't sit still, because many consortiums rely on east-west trade for a living, and many places in this colonial system are also in the east, so they naturally have to care about it. . They started their activities and must force Taiwan away.

"Governor Wang, why did you land on Sumatra Island? Sumatra Island is our Dutch place!" asked the Dutch consul.

And Wang Guorui immediately replied: "Sir, have you forgotten? We are still in a state of war. We have not signed an armistice or a peace treaty, so we are still in a state of war. So, we landed on your Sumatra Island, then What can't be done?"

And the Netherlands feels nothing to say at zero time, because it is true that Taiwan and them are still in a state of war. It is also possible for Taiwan to land on Sumatra Island, after all, Sumatra Island is their colony. At present, Taiwan and the Netherlands have not signed any armistice agreement, and this is because the Dutch can't save their face to sign an armistice agreement and a peace treaty with Taiwan. After all, the current situation is very unfavorable to the Dutch, because once Taiwan signs the treaty, the Kalimantan Island and the Eastern region will inevitably be lost. This is what the Dutch are unwilling to do.

Therefore, the Dutch think that they should be able to rely on the British and people from other countries to put pressure together, and then peacefully retake Kalimantan Island, so that they will not lose face! After all, none of the Western countries has ever admitted defeat to the Eastern countries. They Dutch can't start this. Before, they thought they could gain benefits through the Spaniard's sneak attack, but now the sneak attack failed. Moreover, the command of the sea is still in the hands of Taiwan, so the Spaniards can't protect themselves. They even thought that the Taiwan army would not dare to land on Sumatra, but the reality is that the Taiwan army has already landed on Sumatra, and it has seriously touched the bottom line of Western countries. If Taiwan does not withdraw from Sumatra. I am afraid that in the future, all countries will join forces with civil and military forces, and do not rule out launching a joint war to conquer Taiwan.

"Governor Wang, if you want to occupy this Sumatra Island, then our British Empire will not agree. We have very important interests in the East. If you dare to occupy Sumatra Island casually and seriously affect the exchanges between the East and the West, then our countries will definitely To maintain exchanges between the East and the West at all costs," said the British consul.

A flash of anger flashed in Wang Guorui's eyes, this guy is really Hades' diary - full of nonsense. One bite at a time communicates with the East and the West, but in fact it is to maintain their exploitation of the East. And these are just treating the Eastern countries as colonies, and there is no idea of ​​​​equal exchanges at all. And then, Wang Guorui also felt angry. But it's not possible to turn around now. Once they turn their faces, I am afraid that all countries will cooperate to attack Taiwan, and the Strait of Malacca is definitely one of their sensitive points, and they will not let Wang Guorui touch it easily. Once Wang Guorui occupies Sumatra Island, then Wang Guorui only needs to set up a few giant cannons on Sumatra Island, so that when the ships of Western countries pass through the Strait of Malacca, they will also be shrouded in Taiwan's artillery fire. This is something that Western countries will not accepted. Now Wang Guorui has landed on Sumatra Island. Then if Sumatra is really occupied next, I am afraid that the coalition forces of Western countries will soon be dispatched.

"Who said we were going to occupy Sumatra?" Wang Guorui asked.

The British Consul immediately asked, "Governor Wang. What do you mean?"

"It's actually very simple. We are based on the idea of ​​friendly exchanges between the East and the West. We have no intention of occupying Sumatra. But I am just in this war with the Spanish and the Dutch. We are forced to go to Sumatra to annihilate Spain. And once we can end this war, we will withdraw from Sumatra. Moreover, even during the war between us and the Spaniards, we will not prevent ships from various countries from coming to Sumatra. After all, we All countries want to carry out business exchanges between the East and the West, so we must communicate well in matters of business and trade! We can't affect the exchanges between the East and the West just because of a war!" Wang Guorui said.

Hearing what Wang Guorui said, those Western devils were relieved a lot. Wang Guorui had no intention of occupying Sumatra Island, so that naturally made them feel at ease. The Strait of Malacca must not be controlled by the Orientals, otherwise the interests of the West in the East will be lost. So as long as this Sumatra Island can still belong to the Western countries, then everything will be fine. But since Wang Guorui promised to withdraw from Sumatra after the war, there was no problem.

When the consuls of various countries left, Kang Tongwei immediately asked Wang Guorui: "Husband, are you just giving up on Sumatra?"

"What else can we do? We don't have the strength to poke a hornet's nest yet!" Wang Guorui said.

If he really wanted to fight a war of attrition, then Wang Guorui couldn't compete with the strength of the entire Western cooperation. If a single country from the West came to fight, even the British Kingdom Rui would not be afraid. But what I am most afraid of is that the Western countries will unite and bomb together, and then attack with all their might. This is what Wang Guorui is most afraid of. After all, the Strait of Malacca is a very sensitive place, and it is not something he can seize at this time. Once seized, the consequences will be unimaginable, and Western countries will unite to attack. And at that time, it wasn't the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, and the Eighty-Nation Allied Forces were all possible.

"Then forget it? No benefit at all?" Kang Tongwei asked.

After all, Kang Tongwei can be regarded as close to the vermilion, the red is close to the black, so she also thinks that some benefits must be obtained, and she will not do things that are not beneficial. And she naturally wanted to remind Wang Guorui that he must get some benefits, otherwise he might face a very disadvantageous result.

Wang Guorui said affirmatively: "There must be some benefits, otherwise we won't come here in vain? Of course the benefits must be obtained, but we will slowly decide what benefits we want to obtain. In short, this This time we must cut off a piece of fat from the Dutch and the Spaniards, so that it can be regarded as enough fat for us to eat."

And soon, the consuls of various countries also reported Taiwan's decision, that is, the island of Sumatra will not be occupied, but will only be used as a battlefield. And this made all countries finally feel at ease. As long as Sumatra is not occupied by Taiwan, there is no need to take the risk of going to war with Taiwan. Because everyone expects to completely defeat Taiwan, it cannot be done without an army of millions. As for the millions of troops, it is not easy for this country to mobilize supplies. After all, the supplies and mobilization of millions of troops are very huge numbers, which makes people feel shuddering. And a million-strong army is enough to fight a battle that is rare in history, especially in the Western world, it is rare to hear of a battle with a million-strong army. Except for the First World War, there are almost no wars with millions of troops in the Western world. Even Napoleon back then did not have millions of This is too scary. If so much power is used to fight Taiwan, then people from all over the world will not be willing.

Because of Taiwan's strength, all countries have decided not to use force lightly. After all, any truly mature politician also knows that the use of force is the last resort. Generally speaking, ordinary political games are chosen to fight instead of the use of force. The use of force will only be used when the situation cannot be resolved through political means. Under normal circumstances, force will not be used. Therefore, Western countries are also taking restrictive measures against Taiwan. If Taiwan does not enter the mainland or occupy Sumatra Island, then this will not touch their bottom line for Western countries. If Taiwan wants to enter the mainland, or occupy Sumatra to control the Straits of Malacca, Western countries cannot tolerate this, so they chose to compromise temporarily.

Western countries dared to go to war against the Manchus, but they did not dare to go to war against Taiwan. Because although the Manchu Qing Dynasty looks huge, it has an ethnic minority as the ruling government, which makes them very weak to the outside world, and they will not choose to fight to the death for the benefit of this country. After all, they all picked up the country and did not regard it as their own, so naturally they would not cherish it too much. Taiwan, on the other hand, is a government formed by a group of truly patriotic people, who are truly willing to do whatever it takes for the interests of the country and the nation. This is what Western countries are afraid of. If the Chinese can fight to the death, no one in the West will be able to completely defeat China. (to be continued)

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