Red Alert 1895

Chapter 581: God to God, Caesar to Caesar (Part 1)

In front of the Taiwan army and the various military forces are confronting each other, both sides are also accumulating strength and preparing for a battle. ⊥, At present, both sides feel a bit wary, because the coalition forces of various countries have insufficient troops. Compared with the firepower of the Taiwan army, they do not have absolute confidence in their own strength. Japan, in particular, is the defeat of Taiwan. They have a very serious fear of Taiwan. On the other hand, their main force has not yet arrived, so naturally they cannot get it as soon as possible.

"If we wait for Russia to attack from the Far East, this can effectively contain Taiwan's army. If Russia's hundreds of thousands of troops can attack along the Far East, then we can easily let Taiwan's army take care of one thing and lose another, and then let us attack from both sides. , the possibility of winning will be greatly increased. Unfortunately, Russia's cheating mobilization ability really leaves us speechless?" Seymour scolded.

Now the coalition forces of various countries hope that the Russian army can come over as soon as possible, so that their strength will have enough advantages. As long as there are enough troops, they can fight against them well in the future. However, Taiwan is also preparing, but what Taiwan reserves is not personnel but ammunition.

"Immediately order the navy to transform all transportation forces into ships that transport artillery, guns and ammunition, and then concentrate all transportation capabilities on this area to ensure that our transportation capacity is sufficient for transportation. If we cannot transport in time, then we are afraid We will face a very tragic result. At present, the Russian army has gradually arrived, so if we don’t have enough ammunition, then we may not be able to fight them.” Chief of the General Staff Hu Wei said.

Immediately, an adjutant asked: "Chief of Staff Hu, why don't you go and destroy the enemy in front of us as soon as possible?"

"Have you heard how Mr. Wang managed to clean up the hearts of the people in Taiwan when he was in Taiwan?" Hu Wei asked.

"I know! Back then, Mr. Wang used the pressure of the Japanese invaders to forcibly integrate the interior, and all those who opposed were unable to resist. In the face of national justice, anyone who opposed would be untenable. At that time, we can completely grind People are going to kill people, but no one dares to resist. Once the external pressure is reduced or gone, there will be no excuse for us to resort to violence. Once there is no external pressure, then our internal opposition forces will also rise. So, using external pressure to clean up the interior was one of Mr. Wang's methods at that time." The adjutant said immediately.

Hu Wei went on to say: "There is nothing wrong with what you said. You should know that the purpose of our coming to the mainland this time is not to fight foreigners desperately, understand? We don't have to completely defeat foreigners. I came to the mainland for the first time. The real purpose is to win the world, not to fight foreigners. As long as we promise not to fail in front of foreigners, that’s fine. We came here to win the world, not to fight foreigners, so we can understand what our main purpose is. We face foreigners, as long as we remain undefeated, that's fine, we don't have to win big. So, we might as well use the pressure of foreigners to turn it into the driving force for us to clean up our internal affairs. At this time, foreigners invade, under the righteousness of the nation, whoever dares to oppose Mr. Wang to fight against foreigners, that is the enemy, the scum of the nation , we can take the opportunity to deal with them severely. Our war, on the surface, is to fight foreigners, but in fact we are here to seize the country. The foreigners are only second, as long as we do not fail. The real drama. In Mr. Wang Over there, he has to face the opposition forces in our country, and this is the most important thing."

When Hu Wei discussed with his adjutant, Wang Guorui was also receiving domestic religious representatives in the capital. And these religious representatives are all temples in the capital. Representatives of Taoism and other religions, they came here to test Wang Guorui's thoughts on religion. Because Wang Guorui took care of that Christianity before and forced a large number of Christian believers to give up their identity as believers, but he didn't have much reaction to those Buddhism and Taoism. And this situation made those Buddhists and Taoists feel relieved, because they believed that Wang Guorui was Chinese after all. It spares no effort to fight against foreigners, and the religion of foreigners is no exception.

"Masters, let me reiterate one sentence here, that is, our Taiwan will form a new government in the near future. And by then, the new government will be established soon." Wang Guorui said.

"Amitabha, since the benefactor Wang is going to form a new court, we all want to be concerned about how this new court will arrange for us religious people? If the benefactor Wang can treat the Buddha head kindly, then the Buddha will definitely bless you. ' asked a master.

And another Taoist also said: "I think our Taoists can also hope that the new imperial court will treat us Taoists well. Moreover, I think our religion has a special status, and I hope that all Xiao Gui Cao will follow, and the king's benefactor It’s fine to be able to manage it the way it used to be.”

Wang Guorui sneered in his heart, these religious workers still want to manage according to the old method? You must know those methods in the past, but these religious personnel were treated very well. For example, the land owned by religious places such as temples, Taoist temples, nunneries, etc. is not taxed, and the properties they own are not taxed either. Even those monks and Taoists don't have to serve, and they almost get something for nothing. Even, they were able to get a lot of incense money from believers. As a result, the source and whereabouts of these incense money and the wealth donated by believers were all a mess. I'm afraid that even the Supreme Lord and the Buddha don't know where the money went. Many people made wishes, and they gave their wishes to the Buddha, but the monks ate up all the donations.

"Want to be so carefree? No way!" Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui knew that these religious elements never interfered with secular affairs. Since the era of the Five Husbands and Chaos China, various religious elements have also tried to interfere in secular affairs, and many religious elements even cooperated with the invaders for their own sectarian interests. Therefore, Wang Guorui has a bad impression of religion. However, Wang Guorui also knows that the existence of religion must have its reasons, so Wang Guorui knows that religion must exist, but it must also be restricted. If there is no religion that is not restricted, it is like those in the Western Middle Ages. The power of the Holy See rose greatly. And there are still some countries in the Middle East, what is the unity of politics and religion, and then all countries are weak countries. Judging from the experience of later generations, the stronger the religious power, the weaker the country's national power, and it is often a weak country. Although some religious ideas are good, no matter what kind of ideas they are, they are not suitable for governing a country. Any religious thought, once used to govern the country, is not acceptable.

"First, let me announce a very important point, that is, the freedom of religious belief in our country. Our new government will not reject any religion, nor will it ban any religion, as long as they are willing to abide by the regulations of our new government Laws and decrees can also be disseminated legally in China." Wang Guorui said.

"Then can those Western religions also come? Master Wang, haven't you expelled them?" A master asked.

Wang Guorui replied: "I will not prohibit any religion, and I will not prohibit foreign religions from coming, as long as they abide by the law. The reason why I drive those foreigners away is not because they are religious, but Because they are foreigners, and we are fighting against foreigners, so naturally we must ensure that the secrets will not be leaked, understand? This has nothing to do with religion, I hope you can figure it out."

And those masters and Taoist priests were also disappointed for a while, because they thought that the religion of these foreigners would be completely expelled, and then they could continue to enjoy the incense worship believed in the country. You must know that belief is like a cake. If one more person divides the cake, it means that you will eat one less bite. After all, this religion not only means that it is a religion, but also a huge political force, and it is also a force that can affect all aspects of the country. No one wants to give up their cake to others. But they originally thought that Wang Guorui would use his power to drive these foreigners away so that they could continue to monopolize. But Wang Guorui didn't listen to them, obviously he didn't do this, which made them Wang, how will the new government in the future position our religions? Also, Mr. Wang, do you believe in religion? Or, Mrs. Wang believes in religion, what religion does she believe in? " Immediately a Taoist priest asked.

"It's really crazy to want to borrow my tiger skin for advertising!" Wang Guorui said.

Of course, Wang Guorui himself could not believe in religion, let alone proclaim any religion as the state religion. And his cheap old mother is actually not religious, because none of them are religious. These bull-nosed and bald donkeys want to use him as an advertisement, which must have failed.

"Well, I don't believe in religion, I believe in science. I have only one request for you religious people." Wang Guorui said.

"What request?" Everyone immediately asked with concern. This was related to Wang Guorui's attitude towards them. Of course, they wanted to know Wang Guorui's attitude towards religion as soon as possible.

"It's actually very simple. In the final analysis, it is just one sentence, that is, 'God to God, Caesar to Caesar!'" Wang Guorui replied. (To be continued.)

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